Hunting Season (37 page)

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Authors: Mirta Ojito

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the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.

© 2013 by Mirta Ojito

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Ojito, Mirta A.

Hunting season : immigration and murder in an all-American town / Mirta Ojito.

  pages cm

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 978-0-8070-0181-3 (cloth) — ISBN 978-0-8070-0182-0 (ebook) 1. Murder—New York (State)—Patchogue—Case studies. 2. Latin Americans—New York (State)—Patchogue—Case studies. 3. Racism—New York (State)—Patchogue—Case studies. 4. Immigrants—New York (State)—Patchogue—Case studies. 5. Patchogue (N.Y.)—Ethnic relations—Case studies. 6. Patchogue (N.Y.)—Emigration and immigration—Social aspects—Case studies. I. Title.

HV6534.P38O35 2013



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