HuntressTakesAll (3 page)

Read HuntressTakesAll Online

Authors: Ali Atwood

Tags: #Erotic Romance, Paranormal, Sci-fi soft

BOOK: HuntressTakesAll
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At this point, he was more intrigued than annoyed, answering truthfully,
“I’ll say I’m sorry I took my dislike of politics out on you, if that will suffice?”

“That’ll do.” Reaching behind, she removed a holster and blaster from the small of her back, putting it down on a bench.

“Do you always carry a weapon?”

“I do. Are you still willing to go with my cover story and introduce me as a delegate?”

He tore his gaze away from her mouth. Why did she have to be so damn sexy? “Yes,” he said. “No problem.”

She nodded, tearing open the side panel of her black outerwear to reveal a blue crop top and black shorts.

Duncan inhaled sharply, his pulse jolting as he upgraded her breasts from good to fabulous. Her legs went on forever, showing the type of definition that went beyond what you could achieve in a normal exercise room, and all that amazing female muscle was covered by pale apricot skin.

Realizing he was getting a hard-on,
he moved quickly to pick up the weights again, starting bicep curls while his mind pictured her naked. His animal whispered she was the type of woman who’d
enjoy a hard ride in bed.

Do you want to do it tonight?”

He jerked his gaze to hers, nearly dropping the weighs. “What?”

“Introduce me as a delegate while we’re at the welcoming banquet. That way I can stay close.”

That was the last thing he needed. “Yes, fine.” His gaze followed her as she dropped down on the exercise mat, lifting her arms to stretch her muscles.

“You know, a fool-proof way for me to stay close to you would be for you to pretend an interest in me. With your rep as a princely playboy, no one will look twice if you’re seen to be hitting on a female envoy.”

He narrowed his gaze at the playboy tag, but it was no secret he enjoyed women
. “Very well, I’ll ask you to dance to get the ball rolling.” He set the weights down and picked up a towel,
his gaze resting on her thick braid as she moved
forward into a quad stretch.
When his wayward mind pictured himself unbraiding her mass of sable hair, the desire to sample her pushed the common-sense pendulum in the opposite direction. “What would you say if I were to hit on you for real?”

* * * *

Brig stilled as her pulse leaped. She turned her head slowly, looking into his searching gaze. “I’d say it’s a bad idea, and it’s my duty to think of you only as a client.”

His white teeth flashed. “
I won’t tell if you don’t. I’m just saying that since you’re planning to stay close to me anyway, which I’m assuming means twenty-four seven, why not enjoy some healthy sex at the same time?”

He made it sound practical and reasonable, but p
robabilities told her his interest had less to do with her appeal than the fact that
she was a novelty and he wanted to satisfy his curiosity.

Still, she couldn’t stop herself from d
arting a
quick glance at the inspiring bulge stretching his black shorts.
A few heated workouts with his deliciously ripped body
, her hormones pointed out,
and we can skip
the Pleasure Your Way resort altogether

Since she wasn’t a creature of impulse, she could hardly believe her recklessness when she came to her feet and accepted his proposition, “All right…why not. I’ll consider it a perk of the job.”

His vivid blue eyes lit with sensual amusement. “A perk of the job, eh?” He moved to stand in front of her, curving a hand around her arm and the other around her waist.

Brig’s breath lodged in her throat as he
pulled her closer. He smelled hot and sweaty and delicious. She
watched his mouth move closer
. W
hatever she’d imagined, the reality of his firm lips opening over hers, the taste of him as his mouth
moved fiercely back and forth on hers
made her shake with uncontrollable need. She molded her body to the hard contours of his, plunging her hands into his thick hair to grab handfuls
and give him back
the full force of her mouth and

When his hands moved possessively up the sides of her body to cup her breasts and thumb her hardening crests, her breath started to come in gusts
. She a
rched her hips into him while he slid his hands downward over the small of her back, his fingers closing over the curve of her bottom as he rubbed the jut of his cock provocatively between her legs.
e imagined him pushing deep within her
, causing her sex to clench and
release a surge of liquid warmth.

“God, Brig, let me have you now. Lie on the mat.” He maneuvered them in that direction, his hands curving further under her bottom to slip between the crevice, edging inward toward her pulsing center. Brig could barely breathe. Her sex clamoring with need as his fingers gently traced the outline of her swollen labia lips—

When a sharp buzz sounded behind them, they sprung apart as if someone had entered the room. Breathing hard and fast, Cameron glanced with annoyance at the droning com-link on the countertop.

“It’s my hot line. I have to answer it.”

Struggling to think through the dizzying lust still surging through her body, Brig watched him cross to have an urgent-sounding conversation with someone at the other end of the link.

Chapter Five

A few hours later, Brig left her room wearing what she called her formal mission uniform, a long black sheath that hid her air-boots and the small blaster strapped to her left leg. She’d washed her hair and left it natural, so it fell to her shoulders in loose curls. Her only jewelry was her timepiece and a pair of diamond and black pearl drop earrings her sister Kat had given her on her twenty-first birthday.

As she made her way down the red-carpeted double staircase, Brig acknowledged that she was jittery at the thought of meeting up with Cameron again. It bothered her more than a little that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. He’d left the gym saying he’d see her at the banquet. Unfortunately, what she hadn’t considered while her glands held sway was that the prince’s regular guards were bound to know if she slept in his bed. Considering Cameron’s high profile, if the paparazzi got wind that an undercover bodyguard was having a sexual fling with the prince the story could spread over the
galaxy media hubs in hours. That kind of fame she didn’t need.
It was difficult enough for a woman to gain respect in her chosen field. She blew out a breath. She’d have to tell him that she’d changed her mind and that was that.

Now, as she came to the foot of the staircase, she clicked into work mode and headed along the carpeted corridor toward the banquet room. When she reached the open double doors, she heard snatches of conversation and laughter coming from the small army of staff moving about beneath glittering chandeliers as they placed gilt cutlery and fine china on the starched white linen covering an enormous U-shaped table.

Brig swept a glance around the banquet area and spotted Alistair Hay at the far end of the room. She’d been introduced to the tall ruddy-faced security chief earlier in the day when she’d taken her tour of the palace with Crawford. Currently, Hay was speaking to a group of guards while he gestured toward the upper floors and exits, evidently assigning the sentries their areas of responsibly. Brig had given Hay the cover story she used when dealing with unfamiliar security teams, presenting herself as a psychic hired to spot threats before they occurred. No one but her family knew that in addition to her exceptional psychic powers, her sight, hearing and smell could match a large predator’s, and once she shifted into huntress space, she could move in short bursts at blurring speeds.

Now, as Brig approached Hay, he turned away from his group to face her. She watched his features settle into a stern expression. “You’re early, Miz Monroe. The guests were told to arrive at nineteen hundred hours.”

He was as good as telling her to piss-off, but Brig didn’t take offence, she was used to being underestimated, plus she’d scanned Hay earlier and judged him to be loyal to Cameron. She played her role, offering him a bright smile. “Yes, I am a little early. I like to get a feel for the surrounds before the guests arrive. It helps me to focus my psychic perception.”

“Uh-huh.” The flat look in his hazel eyes told her what he thought of individuals who claimed to be psychics. Many people refused to believe in paranormal abilities, despite the fact that scientific communities throughout the universe were researching all areas of the supernatural
through chronicles and conferences.
Since Brig would rather have Hay on her side, she took a soft stance, widening her eyes. “Be assured, Mr. Hay, I’m not here to interfere with your duties in any way. I’m simply another pair of eyes and ears watching out for the prince.”

Hay pursed his lips and studied her for a long moment before he nodded. “Very well, I don’t suppose there’s any harm in having another person in the loop. If you do spot anything unusual, report directly to me.” He pulled a small package out of his pocket. “You can wear this communicator.”

“Well, thank you, Mr. Hay. That’s very accommodating of you.” She sensed that behind the gruff exterior he was a softy who genuinely liked Cameron. She attached the tiny mic inside the neckline of her dress, but didn’t switch it on, preferring not to be overheard while she went about her job.

Once the guests started to arrive they were shown into the smaller reception room, adjoining the banquet area where champagne and hors d’ oeuvres were served.
stayed on the sidelines, nursing a glass of champagne while she tuned in to several conversations going on around her,
scanning the crowd and staff members for any sudden emotional shifts that might spell danger.

She knew the instant that
Cameron entered the room
, her senses spiking sharply in response
. He looked staggeringly handsome in hand-tailored black eveningwear, set off by a snowy white wingtip shirt. Instantaneously, he dominated the room, his deep melodious voice carrying over to Brig as he greeted and shook hands with the various individuals who hurried forward to make themselves known. Despite herself, Brig admitted that she could stare at him all day long

“Good evening, you’re Brig Monroe, correct?”

Jerking back, Brig spun on her heel to face a fair-complexioned man with red hair and pale blue eyes. He offered a quick open smile, and h
e seemed very sure of himself.
“I thought I’d better introduce myself. I’m Reid Cameron.”

Berating herself for letting lust skew her concentration, she centered her attention on the newcomer. She knew who he was from the dossier she’d read, but she pretended not to, in case he revealed something she didn’t know. “Good evening, nice to meet you, Mr. Cameron.” She wondered how much he knew about her.

“I’m Duncan’s cousin,” he said. “Our fathers were brothers, now both deceased.”

Brig nodded with a sympathetic expression. He wanted her to think he was a blood relative, but she knew he’d been adopted as a baby, and s
ince Duncan’s father was the hereditary ruler, the line of succession had passed to his son.

While some might consider Reid handsome, his fair coloring had the unfortunate effect of making him seem insipid compared to Duncan Cameron’s dark elemental looks.
Added to that, the fact that Duncan was essentially a self-made man had to get up Reid’s nose. To keep him talking, she asked, “Are you taking part in the trade talks?”

He shook his head. “No, not my area of expertise, I organize the social side of things.” He lowered his voice, leaning in. “I understand that you’re a security person posing as a delegate.”

“I am, yes.” She would have preferred that the prince had stuck to their cover story, even with his relatives.

“I’ve never met a security psychic before, how novel.”

Ah, so Cameron didn’t tell him everything
. The amusement in his gaze obviously meant he was writing her off as a clever con artist. For her part, she judged him to be a man of no substance. Doubtless, his life revolved around protecting his status quo. Applying her gift, she looked deeper to focus on his aura, which was muddy with very little color, indicating there was a dark side to his personality. However, she knew from experience that could simply mean he was extremely egocentric and self-serving. Not a good thing, but it didn’t necessarily make him a killer—

“Perhaps I can take you under my wing and assist you with your social skills this evening.” He smiled again. “It would help to make your undercover profile more convincing.”

Brig’s gaze flickered at his implication that she was an unsophisticated hayseed in need of his guidance. It was tempting to respond in kind. However, if he was involved in the plot against his cousin, it was wiser to keep him close and pump him. “Thanks, I’d appreciate that.”

At the same time, a male voice announced through the public address system, “Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is about to be served. Please make you way through to the main banquet room.”

“May I?” Reid offered his arm, and Brig smiled, placing a hand on his forearm as they trailed behind the chatting laughing crowd. “Can you actually read minds?”

Expecting the question, Brig gave him a form of the truth, “Literal mind reading is virtually impossible, due to the speed and variation of
thought patterns. My gift allows me to get the gist of what people are thinking.” In actuality, when she pushed her mind into huntress mode she could often pick up verbatim thoughts.

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