Hybrid: Project Vigil

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Authors: Samuel Bohovic

BOOK: Hybrid: Project Vigil
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Project Vigil


By Samuel Bohovic




























Text copyright
Samuel Bohovic 2014

All rights reserved




To my family for their love

and to my friends for their support.

Both kept me going.

And to J for showing me what I can do.



























Chapter 1: Awakening



John woke up on the cold floor of his cell. He couldn't see anything, bandage was wrapped around his head. That could mean he has new implants, maybe eyesight augmentation like others have. He tried to stand up, but sudden pain in his left arm nailed him to the bed. He examined his arm. It was broken but the bone was fixed and healing. His implants assisted healing process in his body.


Cell door opened. Perfectly trained phrase came out of his mouth: “Subject Beta, serial number 6554.” Quiet steps echoed out of darkness, he recognized them before female voice said: “It's me, not one of those military freaks. Stay still John, you're going to be okay.” Along with serial numbers and codenames Doctor Caroline Blackburn and her team of scientists gave all the subjects names. This was secret project called Vigil, the goal was to create human-robot hybrid and train it to be super soldier. John's heart started to beat faster: “Is Gillian okay?" Doctor injected something into his bloodstream: “She is unharmed but worried...about you. They could have killed you but Briggs called them off. Sanders did a good job on you, installed new stuff and fixed that arm.


John wanted to see again. Being blind frightened him. Like reading his thoughts Doctor whispered: “Just one reading from your implants and I'll take the bandages down.” She slowly pushed small needle under skin on his neck until she found spinal cord. Freezing sensation pulsed through him. Computer detected device and sent readings from John's implants. Another pulse went through his body when needle was pulled out of his neck. He lost consciousness for a brief moment.


When he came back to himself he was staring at the ceiling. New implants were interfacing with his system. He was curious about new abilities his eyes had. As all of his implants these were controlled by his thoughts. He zoomed on the ceiling then thermo vision, everything was green except red-orange figure of Dr. Blackburn. Doctor turned off the lights:

“Try night vision.”

World turned green and black, John saw himself in the mirror.

His eyes shined brightly: “I think everything works you can turn the light
s on.”

With the lights on he could see how he looks like. Bloody clothes, face,
he was covered with his own blood. “Doc?”

His voice echoed from concrete
walls: “Am I still human?”

A mixture of surprise and anger settled on her face: “Of course you are! How can you ask something like that?”

John looked at his hands, black and blue contact spots on his fingers and palms. They allowed him to interface with computers. He recalled his last fight with guards. Countless kicks and punches hitting his body again and again.

“I mean I don't feel like human.

Guards laughing: “You can't refer to human rights because you are not human!” The
memory rushed through his mind.

“I don't even know what it is
like to be normal."

He couldn't remember anything before this:
"I don't even know what's outside the Fence. I don't even know where the hell I am. Damn it! I don't even know who I am!”

At this point, rage
was boiling in him. He shouted like never before: “Who am I? John? 6554? Hybrid?"

Paint fell of
the wall after he punched it with full force. When he settled down Doctor was leaving: “You'll soon know all answers, now put on new clothes and clean yourself up. Dinner is in thirty minutes.“ And she left.


John showered not even bothering to take off his clothes. Cold water falling on his head, washing down dried blood. Again and again he recalled what guard said before he broke John's arm: “You can't refer to human rights because you are not human!”

led him to question who he is? He knew that he is never going to know the answer. He knew that he is going to die here or at least he believed that. And he knew that there isn't much time left for him. That's why year ago he started to hack systems of facility through wireless networks so he and others have a chance to escape, but he was far from success. But is it really good idea to release them and spread out? They are too smart, fast and strong. Their improvements could be problem, they were secret but all the tech in here could save many lives and improve people. Human without improvements is nothing compared to hybrid like him. One hybrid is not enough, like one bullet is not enough to kill an army but billion that is different. Twenty hybrids here, they can rule the world, they can kill everyone here with bare hands. This thought crossed his mind often. They have opportunities, every day. Every day guards let them out from their cells for about ten hours in total, that includes food, tests, combat training, and two hours of free time after dinner. Everything under nonstop surveillance of armed guards and cameras. It is hard to even talk without being watched or heard.


HUD in his eyes told him that he has ten minutes, time to dress up. He liked standing in the shower he could do that for hours. He could think without hearing guard patrolling up and down the corridor. It made him feel less like prisoner. Sometimes guards came to beat him down for using too much water and he enjoyed breaking their bones before they used stunner on him, usually he woke up in medical wing. He was sometimes just ruthless killer, he had no regrets. He still remembered his first kill. It was five years ago but he'll never forget it. It turned into bloodshed he killed ten guards before they took him down. After that he was reclassified for special training. Now he lost count of his victims. He would have tried to break out but Gillian always convinced him to wait. He would have been dead long ago without her and he knew it. Caroline always reminded him.


He put on his last clean clothes. Door buzzed and opened letting him out for a dinner with other subjects...and armed guards. “Well nothing here happens without the bad guys hanging around." He told for himself. When he entered mess hall few guards were waiting for him: “There he goes! Our problem kid. Your arm hurts? I'm really sorry for that. What are you going to do? Call your mom? Oh, I'm sorry you don't have mom.” John ignored him. He took his plate and started eating. At least food here was good. Rob sat next to him: “Man, are you okay? You looked pretty bad back there. How many, three on one?” John finished his soup and moved to steak: “Seven on one actually, but they went for Gillian not me.” Rob looked up on him: “John. You have to stop protecting her, you're just getting yourself killed.” He hated this everyday conversation they had: “She deserves better than this and I don't care if I'm going to die for it. Deal with it.”


After dinner they had two hours of free time. First thing John wanted to do was find Gillian. He knew where she is. They had a hidden spot in library without cameras, guards or microphones. She was there, sitting face turned to entrance, hugging her knees. Her long auburn hair covering left half of her face.

When he sat next to her she looked at him: “Good to see you are okay I was worried about you. I can't imagine what would th
ey done to me if you weren't there. I wanted to check on you in medical wing but Sanders told me to stay out. I thought you are dead or something.” She said it in a very cold tone, tears rolled down her face. John swept her hair from her face and wiped tears with his finger. Small spark of static jumped between them: “Hey, we are alright. I'm not letting them hurt you, I don't care if I die but they won't hurt you. I promise.”

Gillian wrapped her arms aro
und his neck. Her sweet smell filled his nose. These were the best moments of his life. Just sitting there in silence and darkness. Only way to survive this “Summer camp” as they called it. Finally after countless minutes Gillian said: “I heard you yelling. Was it because of what guard said about us not being humans?” She hated when someone shouted and John knew it: “Yeah. I'm sorry for that. I know how you hate it.” She pulled him closer: “You had a reason.”


They sat there in silence for almost an hour. Just the presence of one another worked as medicine to all wounds for both.

Gillian sto
od up: “We're having outdoor training tomorrow. Finally outside again. I think I need to sleep some more for it and I suggest you do too. We're a team and we need to be ready. Will you walk me back to my room?” John accompanied her to her door. There she looked in his gray eyes, she was four or five inches smaller than him so she needed to look up a bit: “Remember you don't have to take all hits for me I'm a big girl I can handle a few.” John smiled: “OK, good night big girl.” She smiled too when she closed the door. He walked to his cell still feeling her arms around him. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. It took him seconds to fall asleep. Instead of nightmares or blank dreams he dreamed about Gillian. How she might look in sunlight? He will see tomorrow.


















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