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Acute Care

Handbook for

Physical Therapists

Acute Care

Handbook for

Physical Therapists

Second Edition

Jaime C. Paz, M.S., P.T.

Assistant Clinical Specialist, Department of Physical

Therapy, Northeastern University, Boston; Adjunct

Faculty Member, Department of Physical Therapy,

Simmons College, Boston; Adjunct Physical Therapist,

Care Group Home Care, Belmont, Massachusetts

Michele P. West, M.S., P.T.

Physical Therapist, Inpatient Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Services, Lahey Clinic, Burlington, Massachusetts









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Library of Congress Cataloging-ill-Publication Data

Paz, Jaime C., 1966-

Acute care handbook for physical therapists I Jaime c. Paz, Michele P. West.-2nd ed.

p. ;cm.

Includes bibliographical references and mdex.

ISBN· 13, 978·0·7506·7300·6 ISBN· 10, 0·7506·7300·1

I. Medicine-Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Hospital care-Handbooks, manuals, ere.

I. West, Michele P., 1969-11. lide.

[DNLM: I . Acute Discase-rherapy-Handbooks. 2.1mensive Care-Handbooks.

WB 39 PJ48a 20021

RC55 .1'375 2001

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To Nay and Tay, words can't convey my love and gratitude

To my little "ieee, Alex, who has give" everyone a reason to smile

And to the delicate balance o( li(e, let's not (orgot what is tntly important

J. P.

With (OIId memories o( Nana and Cookie

To jim, thank you (or your love, patience, and encouraging smile ...

now we can go out and play!

M. P.W.

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