I Beleive Now (8 page)

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Authors: Hurri Cosmo

Tags: #gay contemporary suspense erotic romance

BOOK: I Beleive Now
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As much as Lucca hated the man, he also had to admire him. He had a sneaking suspicion that the things Max was capable of had truly yet to be challenged, because even this—a line of business Tyler himself refused to delve into—he could so easily navigate and manipulate. So it was vital the blue-eyed Max Tyler had to die. He was just glad it was Jackson who was the one taking care of that little detail. Not that he wouldn't savor the victory when he knew the deed was done—he'd be all over it—but to actually kill the bastard the way Jackson insisted it be done? No, thank you. Way too messy. He preferred a nice quiet poisoning or a drowning. Gun shots and explosives, knives and fists? Well…just too much blood, that's all. Oh, he could hold his own if necessary. Again, that was not an issue. But if he had his choice, blood and gore weren't high on the list. It was good to have a partner, at least for the moment, who didn't mind such things.

But, obviously, first things first. He had to make sure he could maintain the Japanese contact, even without Tyler. It was vital he had to make that kind of a deal. If he didn't, the whole thing was going to collapse and he had spent too much time, too much money, and too many sleepless nights, trying to put this thing back together and he had people he needed to answer to, as well. Meeting Jackson, teaming up with the Red Dragons—yes, he knew, basically a gang of kids—could be his last hope of making any of this happen.

Not to mention tasting sweet revenge against Max Tyler.

If he failed this time… Well, he just couldn't. But was this Jap guy open to the idea of Tyler not being around? Lucca had to tread softly until he could figure that out. He wasn't sure why the guy was calling him out of the blue, but he wasn't passing up this golden opportunity to make the connection happen right now. Lucca motioned for his man to bring him the phone. He'd first see what this contact had to say then take it from there.

"Lucca speaking."

"Hello, Lucca. My name is Takahashi Kyo. I understand you and I might have an opportunity to do a little business together."

"You are the Japanese contact Max Tyler told me about?"

"Actually, I
for the man Mr Tyler contacted."

Oh, Lucca started to see. "I'd really like a more secure way to actually talk. We need to meet." Lucca was a little surprised at how fluent in English this Takahashi Kyo was. He wasn't an expert, and there definitely was a heavy accent, but luckily for him the yakuza's ability with the language was very good. And for some reason, the name did sound familiar. Takahashi, Takahashi…where the fuck had he heard that name before?

"Well, that would be fine except you are in America and I am not. Don't worry about the line. It's secure—at least it is on my side."

"Look, as much as I want to trust you—"

"It doesn't matter whether or not you trust me. I'll get right to the point. I don't like Mr Tyler. Neither does my boss. Mr Tyler's a dangerous man so
the difficult one to trust."

He didn't like Tyler? "Wait just a minute here, if you don't trust Tyler then why are you contacting me? He's the one who gave you my name, isn't he?"

"No, he's not. He is just the one the information came from—that's all, and I trust
source. The way I see it, this deal could be sweet for all of us. If we can do this, we all stand to make not only a lot of money but also gain power over several groups who have tried to put a route like this together and failed. They will be forced to work with us. Do you understand? So you see, this could be the chance of a lifetime. But the main problem will be Mr Tyler because we will be stepping on his toes. That is never a healthy thing to do."

Yes, Lucca knew that too. "What are you suggesting?"

"I think you can figure it out. Mr Tyler may have been instrumental in setting this contact up but he will be a detriment in the near future."

"Again, what the hell are you suggesting?"

"Simply that we will have to work together to eliminate the threat."

Lucca smiled. Yes, that was exactly right. He knew Jackson had tried a couple of times now to
eliminate the threat
but had failed both times. Third time's the charm. "Of course."

"Another thing you need to understand is I don't need you. There are others lined up at my door wanting in on this, but your name came to me from a long-time friend who is close to Mr Tyler. You know that old saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Max is my enemy and I understand you have reason to count him as your enemy too. That is a huge plus in my book and frankly, the only reason I am giving you a chance. My preference is for the man to no longer exist, if you get my meaning. That's why I will agree to meet you personally. In other words, Mr Tyler can't know about this. I need to decide on my own if you are not only trustworthy but also brave enough do something about that particular thorn in so many people's sides." He sighed into the phone. "But suddenly I'm thinking you don't have it in you, so maybe this was a bad idea."

Lucca had indeed been daydreaming, but he also had been paying just enough attention. He couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. Was this really going to just fall into his lap? "No! Wait! Look, I just need to be able to trust you too—"

"Bullshit! I'm the one with everything to lose!"

"Okay, okay, I get it, but then tell me how you know Tyler. You already know the guy obviously isn't my friend either and I won't deny it. And maybe I should ask how it is you know that. But what I want to know is this. How could he have pissed you off so badly that you hate him like you say you do, and he's still alive?"

There was another sigh on the other side of the phone. "Mr Lucca, you ask too many questions. I don't like questions. I never have. But time is running short and I really need to make this deal with someone. Honestly, you really will be my choice if… Fine. Let's meet. I will come there." He hesitated yet again. "But, I feel like I could be walking right into a trap, so I want something in return—a token of your appreciation as proof you are not in bed with that
kuso yaro

In bed with the
? Lucca really could have laughed because it made him think about the kid in the next room. He had wondered what he was going to do with him when this was all over. If he actually swung that way, he'd think about using that sweet body for a while then just dispose of him. He had to admit the kid was beautiful and alluring, but Lucca did not have that kind of interest. He had thought about shipping him off with the first or second load of human cargo. Although a bit old, he'd certainly bring a good price. However, Mr Madden definitely knew too much, and even though Lucca was sure no one would listen to him, he just could not take the risk.

Now suddenly he had an answer to that little problem. Yes, that was what he'd do. Tyler was going to be dead anyway, but before that, in order to put this deal together, he thought to offer this Takahashi Kyo a very valuable prize. Funny how things had suddenly started coming together. The very fact he even had this prize to offer in the first place was absolutely perfect.

"Takahashi…Mr Kyo…" What the hell was he supposed to call the guy? He shook his head. It didn't matter. "I do have something I can give to you that is excellent proof I can be trusted. I have Max Tyler's lover. If you come all of the way here to meet with me personally, I will give him to you as a gift. Will that be enough?"

There was silence for just a moment. Lucca smiled even bigger. He knew what the silence meant. Takahashi had to be shocked that he had the great man's lover. It was quite the accomplishment. Lucca felt strongly the man was about to take the bait. He heard the yakuza sniff then mutter he would think about it. He hung up after saying he'd be in touch when he arrived in America.

After he put the phone down, Lucca shouted out his elation. Tyler having the route information or not no longer fucking mattered. At this point he had the man himself, Kyo or Takahaski—whatever his name was supposed to be—one of the Japanese yakuza coming personally to meet with him. So that information was going to come firsthand.

He had to hand it to Tyler, though. His influence was amazing. Obviously tarnished and in this case, totally broken. He was failing. Falling. Tyler worried about his pet, which in and of itself was an anomaly. And it looked like that very emotion was going to be his defeat. The big man finally showed his Achilles heel. He was finally going down.


* * * *


On the other end of the line Kyo, who had just hung up, looked at the man sitting behind the big desk and gave him a thumbs-up. The man smirked, took out a cigarette and swiveled his chair to look out his window. They were all so predictable. He closed his eyes for a moment and heaved a sigh of relief, being truly thankful they were and that Lucca was no different.


* * * *


Asher was moving again. How many days had it been? Too many. He figured they were moving him to a new location every other day, not that he really knew for sure, but it did seem to be on a regular basis. At the very least he made it regular in his mind. Time passing had become something he could no longer grasp. He knew he was guessing, his mind trying to find routine, trying to find some sort of normalcy. He did nothing except sit, sleep, eat, think; sit, sleep, eat, think; mostly in the dark behind the damn blindfold. The times the blindfold actually came off, he never saw a window so he had trouble knowing day from night. He tried to gauge time by when they fed him but everything ran together so he couldn't keep it straight.

Max! Where the fuck are you? Are you coming for me?

What if he didn't? What if it was too much trouble, too much effort…just too much…period? What if Max couldn't do what they were asking? Would they kill him?



He had been able to talk briefly to Max on the phone again but that seemed like ages ago already. He hadn't been able to say much. They didn't give him any time, but obviously Max was still working at freeing him. What could it be these bastards wanted Max to do that was taking so fucking long? He pretty much thought of Max as a god and there couldn't be much the man wasn't capable of, no matter how impossible. But whatever it was that was being required of him now… What if it was…impossible? What if it was even impossible for Max? Even Max was human.

He had to make a plan. If Max wasn't able to come for him, for whatever reason, he needed to provide for himself. He needed to think about escape.


He pushed away the thoughts that he had already considered all escape options. His captors were not allowing for much stability and it made him extremely uneasy. They kept him off balance.

But he really had thought about escape. First he'd have to untie his hands. How the fuck did he do that? They were tied so tightly and he was so sore. If he lived, he knew he there were going to be scars. Twice a day they'd untie him and let him go to the bathroom. Once a day they let him take a shower. It was in those times he saw the wounds the ropes had caused as he tried each time to wash off the dried blood without disturbing the scabs that somehow still seemed to be able to form. It had gotten to a point where he looked forward to the simple act of being able to take a shower. The fact they allowed it was probably more for their sake than his. They seemed obsessed with taking his picture all the fucking time, but he didn't care what the reason behind it was. He was grateful for those brief moments and he'd take as much time under the cascade of hot water as they would allow. At first they'd threaten him with coming in to pull him out when he ended up spending too much time. They told him it was a privilege to be able to take a shower at all, and it was easily revoked. He didn't want to lose it. He looked forward too much now to that time—the time of being untied, un-blindfolded—and they let him be in the bathroom by himself. So he'd usually hurry to comply.

Except that one time.

He thought he could escape. The requirements were for his hands to be free and to be without the blindfold and the only time that ever happened was when he was in the bathroom. That time there was a window in the bathroom. A window! Daylight! The window was totally frosted so he couldn't see anything out of it at all but it was a window and there hadn't been one in any of the other bathrooms. How could he not take advantage? The window was extremely small; still his body was small too and he truly thought he could fit through it once it was open. He fought with raising it, trying to make as little noise as possible; the sound of the running water covered most of it. If sheer willpower had physical strength, he would simply have ripped the whole thing out from the frigging wall. But unfortunately he had to rely on actual strength and pray the thing actually went up. Then suddenly…success! The damn thing was finally coming loose. It started to move. He pulled for all he was worth only.

But then…

There were fucking bars over the outside?
Are you fucking kidding me?

Then, as his bad luck continued, he could not close the fucking thing again. If they came in and found the window open, they'd know what he had been trying to do.
He had to hurry. Once again he pulled hard, this time in the opposite direction.
Close, you son of…
Suddenly, his hand slipped. He had been leaning so hard into it he pitched forward, nearly tumbling to the floor. Instead he fell against the sink with a loud
. Of course his captors heard it.
instantly knew what he'd been attempting to do. Asher prepared himself for them to come barging in but they didn't.

"What are you doing, Madden?" the voice said with a sigh sounding almost bored. "As you can see, you can't get out that way. If you are done, please put on your blindfold so we can come in."

It wasn't fair. It didn't help he was able to look out and see a maze of seemingly abandoned warehouses. If he'd been able to get out there, he could have easily lost any of the kidnappers in and among the buildings. He had done it countless times before with Max's men. He really could have gotten away.

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