I Hate Summer (29 page)

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Authors: HT Pantu

BOOK: I Hate Summer
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“So, twelve days is what I have to beat?” Trystan’s smug smile was not wavering.

“I’ll ask around, see if we can’t get a sweepstakes going, closest wins or something,” Patrick said as he pulled out his phone to text everyone else.

I gave Trystan the benefit of a condescending smile as I passed him to take my turn on the wall. Patrick was busy sending out texts. The distraction was a welcome one as I concentrated on getting my body to the top of the room. I enjoyed the strain on my muscles, the all-consuming concentration, and the flash of triumph as I reached my goal. The flicker of adrenaline in response to the split second of free fall before the auto belay engaged was familiar, and I kicked off back down to ground level.

“Nice work,” Trystan said as I got back to their side.

“Not as fast as ye,” I said as I glanced at the time with a weary shake of my head.

“I’m twice as strong as you, easily,” he said with a shrug, and though he was smiling, he didn’t look like he was rubbing it in.

“And I’ve done that run so many more times than ye,” I replied.

“Well, you had nice form on it, looked really tidy and in control.”

“Huh? Oh thanks, I guess.” I chuckled as I realized he’d actually just complimented me. “Ye weren’t too shabby yerself.”

, Suze says she’s feeling generous and is giving you two months,” Patrick said as he glanced up from his phone and saw what probably looked a lot like me and Trystan grinning inanely at each other. “I think she’s just playing the odds and figures no one else will risk going that long.”

Trystan laughed at that, and I pulled my far too cheesy grin into a weary look as I shook my head at him.

“Ye realize they’re betting on me leaving ye or cheating on ye, right? Why do ye look so pleased wi’ yerself?”

He just continued to smile with his lips split wide, his tongue darting over the clean white flash of his teeth as he met my gaze. He was completely unfazed.

“You were the one who told me to trust you, right?”

I blanched as I remembered our conversation this morning. Why the hell had I said that shit? More importantly, had he really believed me, just like that?

“So they can bet to their hearts’ content; I’m still going to win,” Trystan continued, his voice still low and perfectly confident.

“Jason’s going for fifteen days, reckons you’ll fail next weekend,” Patrick reported from his phone.

I collected my surprise that Trystan seemed to have taken my words to heart and let one of my eyebrows arch up my forehead. “Yer going to win against
two months
?” I didn’t bother to hide my skepticism.

“Ide, you’re such a head case,” he said at a normal volume and then leaned forward to whisper against my ear. “I just waited four months for you… you think I’m going to let you escape in anything less than that?”

I pressed my hand against his chest, easing him away from me, and my smirk was almost as dark as his.

“Well, I’m glad t’ see yer so confident. But if ye think I’m going four months without switching….” I let my voice trail off suggestively.

Trystan just gave a little chuckle as we readied ourselves for the next ascent.

“I’m still going to win,” he said softly.



off all right?” Trystan asked on Wednesday evening as he marched into my room like he still lived there and dropped himself onto my bed.

“I really thought ye might have learnt yer lesson about knocking by now?” I replied as I spun round in my desk chair to face him.

“Well, it’s not like you’d be up to anything I wouldn’t enjoy seeing.” His voice was suggestively low, and it rumbled straight through me and settled in my—frankly aching—hips.

“Not now we’ve finally got rid of Josh at least,” he finished in a more normal tone as he sat back up and undid the first few buttons of the shirt he’d worn to work.

“Something you like?” he asked.

I realized I’d been staring, watching his fingers work the buttons and the slow revealing of his flesh underneath.

Shitting hell, why did he have to be so fricking gorgeous?

“Perhaps.” I let my tongue slide out between my teeth as I pushed myself out of my chair and stalked across the room. I clambered onto the bed and mounted my knees on either side of him, holding his eyes in mine as I nudged his hands away so that I could release the next button myself. I drifted my fingers across the flesh I exposed, before I slipped my hand inside his shirt with a slow smile.

“Hmm.” He reached around, pressing his fingers into the muscle of my ass and tugging me firmly against him as he let his lips dust across my neck. “So I guess I beat the couple of days challenge?” He blew the words against my neck.

“Well, ye stepped up t’ the table; who knew ye were such a fast learner, eh?” I hummed as I let my hands slip down his spine and the memories of last night’s antics brought another wash of warmth rushing down my spine. I could feel my body reacting. My ass kind of ached because even before my break I wasn’t used to being fucked five nights in a row, and right then I really wished Trystan had been a bit less defensive about the whole switching thing. But he’d certainly been very imaginative in his willingness to keep me entertained, and it wasn’t like I couldn’t cope with a slither of pain here and there. I didn’t need to push it yet.

“Such a talented tongue,” I whispered as I pressed my mouth against his and let my own tongue plunge between his lips.

Trystan’s hands were underneath my shirt and we were both breathing heavily into the kiss when my phone buzzed on my bedside table.

I glanced over to see if it was ignorable, then stepped off Trystan with a faint sigh when I saw the caller ID.

I gave a little cough to clear my throat and straightened my sweatpants as I answered the call and settled on the bed next to Trystan.

“Hey, Mam.” I put a little emphasis on the last word as I batted Trystan’s hand away from my groin.

Idrys, love, how are ye?

“Good, thanks, just been trying to get an essay finished.” Beside me Trystan gave a faint chortle that I hoped didn’t carry.

Oh good. Did Josh get home safely? I can’t believe ye let him catch a stomach bug.

“He’s fine, Mam, and it wasn’t like I infected him on purpose or something.” Another chuckle from Trystan at that.

Of course Josh hadn’t been ill, although he’d been grumpy enough to seem ill when I took him to the train station this afternoon. Chris had taken him out on Monday; I think they’d gone for Nandos and to see a film. In my limited experience, it seemed like a good first date; however, Josh had come back looking thoroughly irritated. It didn’t take long for Trystan and me to work out why: Chris had refused to do more than kiss the boy. I had almost felt sorry for him, but my apparently blossoming responsible side admitted it was probably a good thing. Josh hadn’t tended to agree and had spent the last two days sulking.

And how’s Trystan? Are ye two fighting or friends at the moment?

“Trys is fine, Mam, he’s just got in from work and we’re getting on. But I’m coming home on Friday and I can tell ye all about the son ye wish ye’d had then.”

Oh well, that was why I were ringing really, Ide love. I was talking t’ Samantha this morning and we were saying how hard it is for her havin’ Trystan so far away so she can’t feed him up, and I suddenly realized it’s so silly for him not to come too. It’d be lovely t’ see him and yer sister gets on with him anyway and….
” She was still wittering reasons why Trystan coming back with me at the weekend was such a fabulous idea. I’d zoned out and I twisted round to fix my wide-eyed gaze on Trystan. He was smirking, as if he’d planned it, and I honestly wouldn’t have put it past him right then.

“I think he’s got plans actually, Mam.”

“Oh, no, nothing that can’t be changed,” Trystan said loud enough for his voice to carry.

Oh Idrys, yer such a one.
” Her tone was amused, and then she raised her voice so she was shouting down the phone, even though Trystan had clearly heard her perfectly well when she spoke at a regular volume.

Hello, Trystan love, we’d love to have ye come visit. Ye don’t let my rude, dastardly son keep ye away, ye hear? I promised yer mam I’d feed ye up.

I slapped my free hand over his mouth as he went to speak, and he grinned at me from the other side of my palm. Then he slid his tongue out, running circles against my flesh as he reached forward, taking advantage of my busy hands to slide his fingers into the waistband of my sweatpants. I glared at him in silence, and though I couldn’t see his mouth, I could see the smug smirk in his eyes as he slid his fingers against the flesh between my legs.

With a grimace I dropped my hand from his lips and tugged his hand out of my trousers.

“Thanks, Mrs. Bjornson, I’d love to come,” Trystan said as soon as his lips were free. The whole thing had taken less than five seconds and my mum hadn’t noticed a thing.

Oh, wonderful. Do ye have any food preferences?

I gave a weary sigh as I held the phone toward Trystan so he could speak to her. While they compromised on lasagna for Saturday evening, I lay back on my bed. When he was done he held the phone out to me. I took it, and I must have said something sensible and then good-bye to my mum, because she hung up with a brief “love you” and I was left staring at a grinning Trystan.

“Come on, Ide?” he whispered as he crawled over the bed, dropping a knee on each side of my hips and his hands on either side of my shoulders. I stared up into his smug, amused face that got closer and closer as he dropped his lips to rest against my neck. He sucked my flesh into his mouth, letting his teeth grate against me gently.

“What could you possibly have to worry about?” He pressed the words against my neck. “It can’t be not being able to keep your hands off me, because you’re going to be bored of me by then, remember?”

He ran his tongue up my neck and dropped his hips against mine, rolling lightly.

“Yer such a fricking pain in the ass, Trys.”

“Mmm, indeed, and I’m the only pain in yer ass at the moment, right?”

“Seriously?” I couldn’t help the faint chuckle at his words, but then his hands were drifting down my torso, sliding back to my waistband. His lips returned to my neck briefly before he dropped his mouth down to take my nipple in between his teeth through the cotton of my T-shirt.


“Hmm?” I asked absently as I arched into the double assault on my senses.

“I can practically see how bored you are already.” His voice was low as he relented in his attack on my nipple and raised his head back above mine.

“Has anyone ever told ye, ye talk too damn much, Trystan Jackson?” I growled as I pulled his lips down over mine.

“Only you; most girls love my sweet talking.”

“Ye still not got in yer head that I’m not a damn girl.” I wrapped my hand around his neck as I grasped his upper arm and rolled us both so that I was over him.

His tongue darted out between his teeth, but his smug smile remained.

“You just confuse me, see….” He pressed the gentle swelling of his groin up against mine as he drifted his hands over the slight curve of my hips and then up my body. “Gentle curves here, narrow waist here, sensitive nipples.” He grated his nails against the slight damp patch he had left against my T-shirt. “Sexy hole, perfect for my dick right here….” He continued to explore my edges, he left a faint trail of warmth as his touch skipped around my back and over my ass. “Just a shame about that stubble of yours, and your face of course, nothing sexy there. Not hot at all.” He ran the fingers of his other hand through my hair and urged my lips against his.

He rocked his hips against mine, slipping his hands between us and catching the waistband of my sweatpants. His kiss deepened as he reached past the globes of my ass, his fingers digging into my flesh as he bit and nibbled at my lips and drove his tongue into my mouth.

Then suddenly he wasn’t underneath me anymore. My chest was pressed against the duvet, my ass hanging over the edge of the bed, and Trystan was over my back, rolling his still clothed hips against my suddenly bare ass as his hands came around to palm my dick. His teeth were against my neck, sending shivers down my spine as he knelt down behind me, and then those teeth were against my backside.

“Ow, fucking hell, Trys.” I bucked against him as he used his free hand to hold me still as he bit down on my ass. He chuckled darkly as he ran his lips and tongue against the mark he’d no doubt left, and the juxtaposition was odd and soothing. His hand was still against my dick, and soon I forgot about the pain. Until he did it again.

This time I just moaned as the ache washed out through the muscle, the tension clashing against the pleasure of his hand against my dick.

“Such a flawless ass shouldn’t exist; it’s too fucking gorgeous.” His words whispered against a third mark, adding a shiver of cold to my rapidly heating ass.

“Nnn.” I garbled something incomprehensible as he bit down again, and as my hips bucked against the sting of his teeth, I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to press up into him or away from him. “Trys….” I was fully aware that my voice sounded pathetically pleading as he bit down yet again.

“What, Ide? Something I can do for you?” he whispered again as his hand continued on my cock and his teeth set my ass cheeks on fire.

“Ah, yer such a twat….” My senses were completely overwhelmed, and this time I definitely arched my hips into his teeth. “Just fuck me already,” I gasped as he went back over one of the marks he’d left and I felt the sting of pain all the way down through the soles of my feet.

He laughed darkly as he half lifted off me just enough to find lube and a condom, and then he was back. He kept up his intermittent assault with his teeth and tongue on my cheeks as he slid his fingers inside me just enough to lube me up, and then his heat was over my back. My ass was hot and stinging as his weight pressed down through it. My trousers were still only just pulled down past my cheeks, so were his by the feel of things, but I couldn’t twist round to see as I was pinned completely. He ran his lips up my neck, biting and sucking again, only slightly more carefully than he had against my backside. And his cock was nudging against my entrance that ached for him, but I couldn’t reach for him, I could only lie there trapped beneath him as he urged his way inside me.

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