I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (38 page)

BOOK: I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
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Dear Readers:
I want to thank you for the wonderful support of
The Turning Point
. It meant so much to me as did your concern about my vision. I'm doing well. As for your inquiries about Rafe and Kristen, if all goes well their book should be finished by the time you read this letter. We'll have to wait and see if Nicole will get her own story.
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
is a different kind of book, but one that I feel will touch your heart just as much. What would you give for fame and fortune? Many people think if they just had enough money, if they could just make it to the top, all their problems would be solved. Perhaps, but as Madison Reed learns, money and prestige can't bring happiness. In fact, they can be more binding than liberating.
I hope
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
made you think of the healing power of love, of how important family is, how you should never take people you care about for granted.
Tomorrow isn't promised and hugs are free
Have a wonderful, blessed life,
Francis Ray
[email protected]
P.O. Box 764423
Dallas, Texas 75376
1. A lot has been said and published about the disintegration of the family. What do you think are the most important elements in staying happily married? Sexual compatibility? Financial success? Education? What?
2. Madison and Wes both had busy, high-profile careers and were often apart. Can a marriage survive if the couple spends a great deal of time away from each other? How?
3. In researching I
Know Who Holds Tomorrow
, I interviewed a lot of women to ask if, given the same circumstances Madison faced, they would take Manda. The majority said yes. Some even related they'd grown up in a blended family. Others emphatically said no way. What is your opinion? Why?
4. Zachary helped Wes because he loved him, and because he was his half-brother. Are there occasions when family members ask too much? Was this one of those times? Initially what would you have done in Zachary's place?
5. How do you feel about older men/younger women, and younger men/older woman being in a relationship? Can it work? Do you immediately rule out a person because of age?
6. People often show the side of them that is most flattering. Do your friends really know the real “you” or do they only see what you want them to see?
7. Who holds your tomorrows? Why?
I KNOW WHO HOLDS TOMORROW. Copyright © 2002 by Francis Ray. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Design by Susan Walsh
eISBN 9781429908108
First eBook Edition : August 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ray, Francis.
I know who holds tomorrow / Francis Ray.—1st ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-312-30050-6
I. Women television personalities—Fiction. 2. Accident victims—Family relationships—Fiction. 3. Illegitimate children—Fiction. 4. Dallas (Tex.)—Fiction. 5. Adultery—Fiction. 6. Widows—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3568. A9214 113 2002

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