I Remember You (7 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Metal

BOOK: I Remember You
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She got up off the bed with a roll of her eyes. “As if!”


He leaned over and smacked her ass. God he loved her ass. “Shower. Now!”


She giggled and began walking to the bathroom. “Yes, Sir!”


He smiled and shook his head as he watched her walk into the bathroom. As she shut the door, she turned to give him a wink and he thought again about joining her. He was hungry too and he wanted both of them to keep their strength up. It was only about one AM and he had no intention on sleeping tonight.


He found some jeans in his suitcase and slipped them on, leaving them unbuttoned as he went over to the desk in the room and found the room service menu. He quickly ordered them some burgers, fries, and champagne, deciding tonight was definitely a night to celebrate.


After all these years apart, it was amazing they were so comfortable with each other right away, like they’d never been apart. It reaffirmed to him that she belonged to him and he belonged to her.


He was pretty sure she felt the same way, but what if she didn’t?



Chapter Seven


Samantha couldn’t help but smile as she started the water in the shower. Sex with Lance was hot and satisfying and her whole body was tingling all over. She kind of wished he’d joined her in the shower, but she also needed a few minutes alone to collect her thoughts.


He loved her. And she loved him. Now what were they going to do? She had a feeling it wasn’t going to be simple and she didn’t want to go home in a couple of days, going back to her old life as if none of this happened.


She stepped into the steamy shower. Could she be the girlfriend of a rock star? The thought sure was tempting, but could she handle all the time apart? Granted, as a writer, she could travel with him, but did she want to spend half of her life or more on the road? And what would happen when or if they had kids? As she let the water rinse the soap from her hair, she thought about the groupies. She wasn’t naturally a jealous or possessive person, but could she deal with all the women throwing themselves at him? And could he be faithful?


She shook her head. They hadn’t even talked about trying to make this whole thing work beyond the next few days, so why was she even worrying about all these things? As she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, she decided she was going to continue to enjoy this time with Lance and worry about all of that later.


She dried off and grabbed a lush robe provided by the hotel. She wrapped herself in its softness, eager to get back to Lance. As she opened the door, she caught him sitting at the desk, deep in thought. She leaned against the doorway and watched him. Who was she to interrupt an artist at work? He ran his hand through his hair and then scribbled something down on the piece of paper in front of him. A wave of desire suddenly washed through her, pooling between her thighs. The hunger in her belly was replaced by a different kind of hunger.


She padded across the room and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Am I interrupting anything?” She whispered into his ear.


He reached up and clasped her arm with his hand. “Not really. Just suddenly inspired.” He pulled her onto his lap. “Wonder why,” he said softly, tugging at the belt of the robe and sliding his hand inside. His hand cupped her breast, the pad of his thumb moving slowly over her nipple, teasing it until she was panting.


“Lance,” she murmured, about to beg him to fuck her when there was a knock at the door.


“Room service!”


He gave her a lazy smile. “We’ll have to finish this later.” She slid off his lap with a pout and he laughed as he got up off the chair to answer the door.


She went and sat on the bed, propping herself up on some pillows. Peeking over to make sure the room service guy couldn’t see her; she undid her robe and slipped out of it so she naked. She wanted Lance now and she didn’t want to wait.


She heard the door shut and he started to wheel the cart further into the room. “Baby, I got us some burgers, fries, and –.” He stopped suddenly when he saw her naked on the bed.


“Samantha,” he said, his voice was low, thick with desire.


“I want you Lance. Now.” She wasn’t normally so assertive in bed, but there was something about him. She couldn’t get enough of him.


He unzipped his jeans, sliding them down his hips and kicking out of them before attacking her on the bed. He pinned her down, holding her hands above her head. “You want me, Sam, you got me.” He bent down to kiss her, running his tongue along her lower lip before kissing her passionately.


They made love again, this time slower than before. He worshipped her body, kissing her from head to toe before sliding deep inside her. When they were done, she wrapped her body around him, holding him tight. Neither of them said anything and she thought he’d fallen asleep. Her stomach rumbled and he laughed. “You need to eat, huh?” He asked.


“Guess so.” She sat up and went over to the room service cart. She grabbed their plates and brought them over to the bed.


They didn’t speak at first, both of them eating and enjoying each other’s company. When they were done, he took their plates and set them on the table next to the bed. He took her hand. “Sam, I want to talk to you about something.”


She swallowed hard, not sure of what he was going to say. Was he going to say this was fun, but in a couple of days he had to get back on the road and maybe he’d see her again if he ever came back around? Her heart was pounding so hard she was sure he could hear it.


He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand and took a deep breath. “I don’t how else to say this, so I’m just gonna say it.” He looked up at her, his gray eyes dark. “I meant what I said before. I love you, Sam.”


“And I love you,” she replied softly, waiting for his ‘but’.


He ran his other hand through his hair nervously. “Remember Nicole?”


“How can I ever forget her?” She snorted, not liking where this conversation was going.


“Sam, after you left me, I lost it. I started drinking, heavily. I barely graduated. I was lost without you. I demanded Nicole do a paternity test as soon as it was possible.” He sucked in his breath. “The baby wasn’t mine.”


Samantha froze. “But, why didn’t you tell me?” Their lives could have been so different if she’d known back then.


He shook his head. “At that point, I figured you were so much better off without me. You know I always had issues with not being good enough for you. And I was a drunken mess. Jason finally helped me sober up and we started the band. By the time I got my shit together, I assumed you’d moved on with some dude that deserved you more than I did.”


Her eyes filled with tears as she reached out to touch him. “Lance…”


He held up a hand to stop her. “I know. I know better now. But back then I was so fucked up.”


A tear rolled down her cheek. “Things could have been so different.”


He nodded. “You’re right, but I also think this is how it was supposed to be for us. We both had to do some growing up. We had to experience life apart for a while. Did it suck? Yeah, majorly, at least for me, but now I’ve found you again. We’ve found each other. My mom said it was fate we ran into each other at that gas station. And I agree. I mean, what are the chances?”


She was sobbing now, not sad, but emotional, happy tears. He was right. They’d found each other again. And this time she didn’t intend to let him go. They would make this work no matter what. She was thrilled he felt the same.


He wiped the tears from her eyes. “Don’t cry, Sam.”


She shook her head. “They are good tears, I promise.”


He smiled and gathered her into his arms. “Good.” He used a finger to lift her chin up to look at him. “I lost my heart over ten years ago in your driveway, but tonight, I found it again. This time, I’m not going to let it go.”


They made love again, and then fell fast asleep tangled up in each other’s arms. It was hard to tell where each body ended and where the other began.


Lance’s phone rang around nine the next morning. Jason was calling to let him know they had rehearsal in two hours. He hung up the phone and groaned. “I don’t want to leave you, even for a little bit.”


She ran her hands across his chest and laughed softly. “It’s only for a few hours.”


“I know, but I’ll miss you.” He pulled her on top of him. “I finally found you again, I don’t want to let go – at all, even for just a few hours.”


She kissed his chest softly. “I don’t want to either, but I’ll see you soon.” She reached down and stroked his cock. “Let’s go shower,” she whispered.


He let out a low groan and a nod, hopping up from the bed and heading into the bathroom to start the water. She laughed at his eagerness, sliding out of bed to follow him. They certainly were doing a good job at making up for all the lost time.



Chapter Eight


“Dude, get your head out of your ass and pay attention,” Jason yelled at him as they stood on stage. Lance had missed his cue to start his solo at band practice that morning. It wasn’t the first thing he’d screwed up either. He’d been late to practice and wasn’t paying attention in general. All he could do was think about Samantha waiting back at the hotel for him. He’d fucked her in the shower and fingered her ass until he wrung a few screaming orgasms from her. He finally managed to tear himself away from her after telling her what naughty things he was going to do to her when he got back.


He gave Jason a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry, man. I can’t help it, my head’s not in it,” he said, taking off his guitar and putting it down. “But we just did this last night, like we do every night. Do we need to practice?”


Jason came out from behind his drum set and looked at the other band members before nodding. “Ok, go back and enjoy your piece of ass, but don’t be late tonight,” he said with a grin.


Lance reached out and hit his arm. “Don’t call her that! You know she’s more than that,” he protested.


Jason laughed and nodded. “I know she is. Seriously man, I’m happy for you.”


The two men walked off the stage, grabbing a bottle of water from one of their roadies. “What are you two going to do now though? Or is this only a few days of fun?” Jason asked.


Lance took a drink of water and shook his head. “I’m not sure. I know it’s not just fun for me and I’m pretty sure it’s not for her, but we haven’t exactly discussed what’s next.” He stopped walking and turned to Jason. He had an idea but would need Jason’s help to pull it off. “Jason, I actually want to ask her to marry me. I want to take her to Vegas after the show tonight and make her mine permanently. I want her to be my wife and be by my side forever.”


“Whoa…What do you think she’ll say about that?” Jason asked with a look of surprise.


He shrugged. “I don’t know. Of course I hope she’ll say yes. I feel like we lost so much time, I don’t want to waste any more messing around. I want us to move on with our future together.”


Jason nodded. “I say go for it man. I can attest to how miserable you were without her. I think it’s great.”


Lance’s face lit up. “I have an idea on how I can do it. Remember that song I wrote for her back when we were dating? You helped me with it, but I never could play it after we broke up?”


Jason nodded. “Do you even still have the music for it?”


“Yes. It’s in my guitar case. I couldn’t get rid of it. I have it buried in one of the pockets. I want to play that for her tonight. Think we could work on it? Then after the show I’ll ask her. I’d do it onstage, but I don’t think she’d like it. It’s sort of a private moment.”


“Right,” Jason said. “We could work on it, but I thought you were dying to get back to her?”


Lance ran his hand through his hair and pulled out his phone. “I am,” he said, “but this is too perfect and too important. I think it’ll be worth it.” He sent her a quick text, telling her he was going to send a driver to the hotel to take her to the show tonight and the band had stuff to take care of so he wouldn’t be able to get back to her before then.


“Ok, let’s go find it,” he said. “And thanks for helping me.”

Jason put a hand on his shoulder. “Anything to help you guys find your happiness. I know what she means to you.”


Lance nodded. “She means everything. She
my everything. She’s my forever.”




Samantha put her phone down on the nightstand and felt her heart sink. She’d received a text from Lance that he’d be unable to make it back that afternoon and he’d see her tonight at the show. She’d hoped they would have some more time together before his show tonight. She sighed. Such was the life of a rock star’s girlfriend.


. She felt a thrill go through her body at the thought of being Lance’s girlfriend again. She hadn’t been this happy in a long time and it was because of Lance. He still made her laugh and the sex with him was off the charts.


She got up off the bed and took her earlier purchases from their bag. Lance had left her with some money to get some clothes and stuff for tonight since she hadn’t planned on staying the previous night. She protested at first, telling him she could buy it herself, but he insisted, saying he wanted to do this for her. He also told her to make sure she looked sexy.


She laid the black halter dress out on the bed. It was definitely sexy. She decided she wasn’t going to wear a bra or underwear underneath it. The top was form fitting enough to go without a bra and she knew Lance was a fan of no underwear and who was she to deny him. Black killer heels would complete the look. She felt desire pulse between her legs when she thought about the look he’d give her when he saw her in the dress she picked out. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of her.

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