I Saw You (29 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: I Saw You
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“I’m sorry, Ashley.” While the apology aspects in my words were true, they also held a goodbye. Finality.

“Don’t do this.” Grasping at straws, she attempted to block our path. Hold off the inevitable.

“Fucking immature brat.” Tex, who’d been quiet until then, stepped in and with a roll of his eyes tossed a fuming Ashley over his shoulder. “I’ll take care of her…get out of here…both of you,” he grunted as her fists connected with his left side, a rapid succession of shots that made him grit his teeth before having enough and connecting his open palm against her ass. Loud, the thwack reverberated throughout the room, followed by more flashes of cameras.

Front page, here we all come.

Ash stilled, her arms falling to her side from the sting. Tex remained calm and chuckled, but the area around his eyes was pinched tight. Irritation at the situation was coming off him in waves—made the already uncomfortable moment sad.

I felt bad for him.

“Will you be okay?” I asked the guy, because there was no way that seeing the woman you love grovel for another didn’t hurt. Unwanted or not, I was his competition.

“Not your fault.” Was all he said before giving Slim a small, sad smile. “Neither of you.”  Then he turned around, walked away from the group with a silent Ashley still over his shoulder, past a shocked Rick and an amused Cris, and then paused. Spoke without looking back. “Sorry for all the trouble this one caused. I assure you it won’t happen again. My boy loves you.” The latter tacked on for Arianna’s benefit.

“Where are you going?” Rick snapped out of his stupor and asked the question we were all wondering. Touring kicked off again in a couple of weeks. “When will you be back?” What he was really asking was
will you be alone.

“Two weeks, and without baggage. I’ll be leaving that in Colorado at her parents’ home. They’re expecting us.” In other words, she wasn’t coming back with him. “Meet you guys in Virginia for the next leg of the tour.”

“You spoke to my mom?” That came from Ashley in a pained whisper. Being a good daughter, Ashley always strived to make them proud of her. More her mom than anyone else because of the close bond they shared. Her actions as of late would disappoint—embarrass them.

“Time to get your shit together, and the nice route doesn’t seem to work with you. Left me no choice, babe.” Then he walked off with her just hanging there, as if the fight in her disappeared. The thought of going home finally showed her just how serious of a situation this was.

“Time for us to bounce as well…” Cris rubbed the back of his neck “…you coming with?”

“No.” Hand still clasped in mine, I pulled Ari closer. Her warm, curvy body settled against my own as we watched my two brothers leave. Alone. Just the two of us stood while people walked around us, avoiding eye contact. Weird.

Looking up, I heard my name and saw Brian and Gabriel speaking with people. Controlling what they could of the situation.
When the fuck had he arrived?

Didn’t matter a lick to me; at the end of the day, people would make up stories and wrong conclusions. If what came out of tonight’s clusterfuck was that my girl was back in my arms and the truth cemented in people’s minds, then I won.

I’d rightfully wear the badge of an asshole to be with her.

Forty Four


“We need to talk.”

Patience slipping, I brought a hand up and swiped a finger over her lips. “After I fuck myself into your system, somewhere so deep you never forget.” Lower, I brought the digit down the soft skin of her neck and stopped at the top of her breasts. I skimmed my fingers across each, while sliding the tip beneath the edge of her halter dress. “Never try to escape the memory of my cock stretching your pussy, Slim. Of how good I felt and how hard you come while screaming my name.”

“Jesus,” she moaned, the sound going straight to my hardened length. Made the head leak. Not the best idea when we were surrounded by so many people.

“And his disciples aren’t here, baby.” Cocky or not, I needed her to realize that no one would want her as I did. Worship her. “Just me. A man who loves you more than anything in his world.”

“Office, now!” Impatience colored her tone. That and hunger; raw and desperate need.

“Walk.” A growl. A warning of how my lust for her was held at a precarious edge. Maddening, I yearned for her in a way that knew no bounds. No limit to the gluttony I couldn’t control.

Throbbing, I pulled her behind me and across the dance floor. I didn’t spare anyone around us a second glance while rushing us through the
Employees Only
door. Down a long corridor and to the right, I found the plaque that read

With our joined hands, I turned the knob and walked us inside. Like most offices, it held a large desk at the center littered with paperwork, a desktop computer monitor, and some knickknacks. Two small chairs, a desk chair, and a small couch across the wall of windows took care of the sitting in the rather large room.

The motherfucking possibilities.  

Arianna thought the same as her hand shook in mine. We trembled. It felt so fucking good to have her close after weeks of being apart. One of my hands caressed her back in soft strokes, and the area of shoulders exposed by the halter top of her dress. Up and down. Slow, until I reached the nape of her neck and fisted her hair. Entwined my fingers in the long locks and tipped her head back.

My hand released hers, and with the pad of my thumb I caressed from the apple of her cheek to chin. Memorized the feel of her warm skin while our eyes remained locked; made sure they were on mine before I finally lowered my mouth to hers. Ghosting over her plump lips once, twice, and pulled back enough to speak.

Breathed in her exhale.

Savored her taste on my tongue.

“Mine,” I groaned and she whimpered, her hands coming up to find purchase on my shirt. She stretched the material until a small rip was heard in the silence of the room, her breathing and mine labored while we both fought inevitable battles. This would never be the slow and soft reunion she deserved. “I’ll make it up to you,” I vowed while she panted, grinding her hips against my own. Tempting. Pushing. “Fuck, I need you.”

“Motherfucking take,” she begged, and that shit made me snap. Somewhere between the word having left her lips and my next breath, I had her body slammed against the closed door, both legs wrapped around my waist on the second inhale and her chest exposed. Her slinky dress bunched around her waist.

“Never beg for what’s yours, baby.” Hand embedded in her hair, I pulled back and exposed her neck. Licked her from neck to the very fucking top of her tits and bit down on the soft flesh there. Hard enough to mark, I left behind the token of teeth’s imprint on her body. “Never. I’m yours.” Sucked the skin between my teeth and lavished the mark with my tongue. Blood rushed to the surface of the abused area and quickly turned purple.

I admired the love bite with pride while she shook her head, giggling. “Having fun?”

“Reacquainting myself with the girls.” Wasn’t going to lie. Releasing her hair, I brought my fingers over the purple mark and traced lazy patterns over it. “Love seeing my mark on you.”

“I love you.” So much depth behind the three words, they shook me. Rocked my core and served as a reminder of what I almost lost: her.

“Fuck!” Suddenly, I couldn’t think straight as every emotion I’d felt in the last two months hit me at once. Jackhammering past the relief and making me face all the anger, hurt…fucking elation at having her here with me again. “Don’t ever walk away from me again, Slim. No more.”

“Look at me.” Her small hands shook while caging my face in. “Please.”

“Tell me, Ari. Fucking swear to me,” I growled a second before taking her lips in a quick and hard kiss that left her panting. I swallowed the loud moan that left her as my tongue intertwined—possessed hers. Her taste, addictive and sweet, caused my dick to jerk violently behind the confines of my zipper. Head swollen and leaking, it rubbed over the hardened material.

I needed her in the most violent of ways, savage and unforgiving in search of atonement.

“Swear to you that we will make this right. That I can do.” Moreover, for the moment that was enough, but after, when all the damage was said and done, it would be a whole other scenario.

Nodding, I pecked her lips once more and pulled us off the wall. Without a word, I walked us across the room and over to the large wooden desk. Stood behind it, her body wrapped around mine, chest to chest, and arms secured around my neck, studying the contents on it before pushing everything but the computer’s monitor aside.

Papers, office supplies, and an empty coffee mug all met their demise, tumbled to the ground while she tried to object the wave of destruction hitting the room. She had no idea the kind of fate this room would meet when we were through.

My hands clicked the computer on and waited. Between distracting nips of her neck and the whimpers that followed, I opened the search engine and found the article I was looking for. Left it open for her to read.

“Baby, I need more.” Impatient as ever, Ari hummed in the back of her throat while arching her back, offering her bare breasts. “So wet for you,” she whimpered and then squeezed her thighs around my waist. Her heat surrounded me, my cock bathed in her essence through the confines of my pants.

She wanted my cock? Then I’d give it to her and hard.

One flick to each tightened bud, and she pushed her hips against my own. A tug from my teeth, and those legs trembled. I could feel the contraction of her pussy, the thin material of her panties doing nothing to hide how much she wanted this. Me.

“Get down and turn around.”  Rough, my voice was almost unrecognizable and she shivered at the sound. It ran down her spine to the tip of her toes, and I felt the curl of them behind my back. “Bend over the table’s edge with your ass in the air.” Cheek in each hand, I squeezed the succulent flesh and pulled her down, fucking manipulated her body until she was as I asked: face down and ass up. “Just like that, Slim. Don’t move, and eyes closed.”

Behind her I unbuckled my pants and let them hang low. Low enough that my cock sprang out and smacked my abs, a drop of pre-come glistening over my happy trail. She tried to turn her head, but a quick smack had her lying still. Breathing heavily, as I wished for her to be.

At my mercy.

“Please.” When would she learn? Instead of answering her, I sank to my knees behind her and with my teeth teased the edge of her nude thong. I bit along its edge, from her crack down to the apex of her spread thighs. Scent heady and sweet, I sucked the flimsy fabric and tasted her juices.

Wasn’t the same, but a good enough tease to what would be my next meal.

Arianna gyrated her hips against the table’s edge, her ass nudging my face closer to where she wanted me.

“Tell me what you want, and it’s yours,” I hissed against her cloth-covered pussy, a bare lip peeking out and brushing against my mouth. Soft. Like silk and coated in her juices, it had me trembling. The need almost too much, but fuck, I needed to hear her say it. “Tell me.”

“Eat my pussy.”

“Hold onto the edge,” was the only warning I gave her before ripping the offending fabric—the sole barrier between my mouth and her cunt. Slim yelped, but like the good girl she was, she stayed in place. My nose nudged her lips apart from the bottom of her slit before Eskimo kissing her clit, soft little nudges that made my girl above me slam her hand down hard on the wooden surface of the desk.

A cup full of pens I’d left next to the monitor fell, followed by the small picture of Cuba that had been next to it.

“Shit,” she mewled and reached behind her with one arm, grasping my hair in her tiny fingers and pushing me closer. Pussy in my face, I attacked, as if I were a man having a midlife crisis at the all-you-can-eat buffet while watching strippers tease him for petty cash. With no remorse.

Glutton for her taste and wanting more, I stroked her clit with my tongue while inserting two fingers.

Pumped them in and out, rubbing the roughened patch on each upward stroke. Walls clenching, I slapped her right cheek and then soothed the sting with a quick swipe of my tongue over the red flesh.

“Head up, and look at the monitor.” Lost in the sensations I created, she ignored my instruction and I stood up with my fingers deep within her, pulled her onto the tip of her toes, and then spread those thighs further apart.

In and out, I stroked her walls while stretching her for my cock. Having gone so long without her, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. Or stop. Because fuck, I didn’t think that would be possible.

I wanted inside her in the worst of ways.

“Son of a….oh God!” she cried out as my thumb pressed against her puckered hole.

“Head up, and read what’s on the monitor.” Again, she failed to comply, and I helped her. Wound her hair tight around my fist and forced her head up. Directly in front of her was the article with my press release. “Fucking read.”

“Can’t concentrate when you…no!” Slim whined when I removed my fingers. Her pussy was dripping down onto her thighs, and as much as my mouth watered at the sight, my cock wanted in her more.

“Read.” Dick in hand, I stroked myself while watching for the reactions I knew would come. I’d reward her for each one. “Focus,” I demanded, my tone hard. “Read.”

“What’s so important?” Didn’t answer, instead, I brought a hand to the screen and tapped it twice. “Fine…” And then she gasped, finally seeing what I needed her to. Her first reaction earned her a swipe of my head through her slick folds.

“Continue,” I urged while slipping just inside her tight opening.

The next sentence came out as a long and drawn out moan.
“Front man single or not?”
For her compliance, I rewarded her by slipping the finger pressed against her ass deeper. To the first knuckle and then stopped.

“Keep going or else...” It was an empty threat; I just needed her to read one sentence in particular.

“Shit, okay….um, oh God that feels good.”
I pushed my thumb in and out of her ass—repeatedly—until it disappeared inside her. Then I stopped, just stood there and waited for her to continue.
“Ashley and I have been done for months.”

Cock head leaking, I rubbed it into the soft skin of her lips; spread our combined juices before pausing. “Read the last goddamned line.”

“I am in love, but not with her, and I refuse to hide it.”
Slim’s head turned in my direction and spoke low, as if anyone heard her, it wouldn’t be true. “You love me. You...” I slammed in to the hilt and stopped. “Shit.” Arianna stood on the very tip of her toes, the high-heeled booties encasing her feet barely touching the carpeted floor.

Pulling the shirt over my head, I tossed it somewhere behind me. Glass shattering followed the act, more than likely one of the few picture frames that had been hung up on the wall. Pressing my chest to her back then, I let her feel the way my heart pounded harshly inside my chest.




Each beat from the barbaric fucker was for her.

“I love you. Only ever you.” Each word whispered into her skin was a complete contradiction to the punishing strokes I gave her pussy. Deep. Hard. Rough.

Arianna brought a hand back and grasped onto my hair, pulling me down toward her neck, the long strands of my Mohawk intertwining in her fingers. She moaned at the feel of my lips pressed against the sensitive skin beneath her ear.

At the touch she shivered, her ass bucking against my hips. “I need you to own me. Fuck me raw.

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