I Want You to Want Me (29 page)

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Authors: Kathy Love

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ilean,” she somehow managed to squeak out. “Goodmorn to you.”

“And to you, Shalin. You look awfully beautiful today.”

The fact he could say that and sound like he meant it was probably why so many females fell under his spell. Yet, Shalin couldn’t be fooled. She had mirrors, did she not?

“Thank you. So why are you—”

“Och!” he cut in as he always did. The dragon rarely took a breath, it seemed. “You won’t believe my morning, Shalin. You truly won’t. Mind if I sit?”


“Good. Thanks.” He dropped down beside her. All that dragon as naked human male. It took every ounce of her strength not to reach out and touch him. Like that solid thigh brushing against her robe-covered leg, to see how it felt under her human hands. She’d never been with a male as human. She’d heard it could be…entertaining.

“So there I am, taking a bath, as she said I could, when suddenly her father comes in.”

“Oh, that must have been—”

“Horrible, right. Because she told me that we were alone in that house. But apparently not. I think she wanted me to claim her or marry her or whatever they call it.”

“Even though you’re—”

“A dragon, right. She doesn’t know that bit, you see. Best to keep her in the dark about that, don’t you think?”


“Especially for just a night of entertainment. Why she’d want me as a mate, I have no idea. So what are you reading?”

It took her a moment to realize he’d asked her a question he expected her to answer.
“Alchemic Formulas from the Nolwenn Witches of Alsandair.

“Is it interesting?”


“I don’t know how you can read so many books. I get bored after a few pages.”

“So,” Shalin found the courage to ask, “you’ve never read the books about yourself?”

Ailean groaned, rested his elbows on his raised knees, and dropped his head in his hands. “Tell me you haven’t read those.”

Read them? She’d devoured them.


“Because I didn’t authorize those to be written.”

The books had begun to show up among humans and dragons nearly ten years before. She’d only just finished reading volume three the previous night and word of volume four being available soon had her nearly breathless. Each volume had two editions. One for humans and one for dragons written in the ancient language of their people. A language the humans of this world could never hope to learn with their much weaker minds, ensuring the fact that dragons roamed among them freely remained a well-kept secret.

“The books aren’t true, then?”

Based on his wince, she knew they were as true as they could be.

“I never said those things didn’t happen. I just said I never authorized them being written about.” He turned his head and looked at her, those silver eyes hot on her face. “I don’t want you to think I run around telling tales about my relationships, Shalin. I can keep a secret quite well.”

And how tempted she was to take him up on his unspoken offer, but that would be cutting her own throat. She’d officially be an enemy of Adienna then, and she simply wouldn’t risk her life for any male.


“Perhaps I could tempt you away from your interesting book with the promise of a delicious meal at one of the nearby taverns?”

Shocked, Shalin gripped the book in her lap tightly. He wanted to take her out? In public?

What should she say?
I’d love to? How about dinner in my room? Forget that, let’s go for it right here, right now?

Instead what she heard herself stuttering was, “I…I can’t.”

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Both.” She shot to her feet, the book still in her hands. “I have to go.”

He stood and towered over her as no human could. “Don’t go, Shalin. Spend the night with me.”

She should be insulted. He’d just left another female’s bed and now, still naked and wet from the woman’s bath, he’d asked Shalin to warm his bed. But this was Ailean the Whore. He wasn’t doing anything out of character. She actually felt kind of proud he’d asked her at all. Although she knew that to be pathetic. And she’d never admit it out loud.

Shalin focused on the book in her hands. “That’s very kind of you, but…but I—”

Big fingers lightly gripped her chin and tilted her face up to his.

“Gods, Shalin. You do so tempt me.”

She nearly melted at his words. Melted right into a big puddle at his feet.

“Ailean, I—”

Shalin stopped talking when she realized guards stood behind him.

“There you are,” one of them said, slapping his hand down on Ailean’s shoulder.

Ailean gave a short snort. “And such a good job finding me, since I’ve been standing here for the last twenty minutes.”

With a snarl, the guard motioned to the others and large steel manacles were locked onto Ailean’s wrists.

“Don’t look so, Shalin.” Ailean grinned. “I have every intention of coming back for you.”

Shalin opened her mouth to say something, but no words would come out. He’d rendered her completely speechless. But since he really didn’t let her get a word in edgewise, this wasn’t exactly an incredible feat. Holding the book close to her chest and pulling the hood of her acolyte robe down over her face, she nodded, turned, and fled.


And keep an eye out for

Katherine Garbera’s latest,


coming next month from Brava…


ustine arched an eyebrow at him. “Are you making fun of me?”

“Never. I was trying…trying to tease a smile back on your lips.


“I like your smile.”

“You do?”



Nigel shook his head this time. “You mustn’t get many compliments.”

She shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t trust them.”

“Why not?”

“What’s with you and all the questions?”

“I’m a CEO. I thrive on information.”

“So do bodyguards,” she said.

The teasing note was back in her voice and he felt a little thrill of victory at having done that. “Why are you a bodyguard?”

“Well, to be honest, I’m usually more of a weapons expert and marksman. For most assignments we take on, Charity functions as the bodyguard.”

“Why is that?”

“She’s tall and gorgeous, just the sort of person that makes most assailants think they don’t have a thing to worry about.”

“And you’re not.”

She gestured to her short frame. “Height is one thing I’ve never needed.”


“No,” she said. “I learned early on that if I don’t quit, I can take anyone.”

“Can you take me?”

“Easily,” she said.

He took two steps toward her. The plane rocked and bucked and all the playfullness that she’d had a second ago disappeared as she used her body to take him down to the floor and braced both of their bodies.

When the plane leveled itself she knew it had to be turbulence and not an engine out or any other danger. But her heart was racing and it had nothing at all to do with the security of Nigel Carter of his daughter.

Justine closed her eyes but that just made everything…better. All of her other senses came to life. The feel of his hard body under hers, the scent of his spicy aftershave, the sound of each exhalation of his minty breath against her cheek.

She opened her eyes as Nigel’s hands settled low on her waist. This time it wasn’t different. His hand was in the exact same spot that had worried her when they’d been standing toe-to-toe. But now it didn’t bother her.

BRAVA BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.
850 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Copyright © 2008 Kathy Love

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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ISBN: 0-7582-3578-X

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