I Won't Give Up on You (10 page)

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Authors: F. L. Jacob

BOOK: I Won't Give Up on You
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James and I stare at each other, neither one flinching. My jaw is tense. Finally, he looks away.

“Caston, I helped Rose disappear. I’ve also been in contact with her all these years.”

“WHAT?” I threw my glass behind him, smashing it to a thousand pieces making him jump. His head flies around to catch my gaze.

Eyes wide he says, “Now, please, don’t. Let’s just calm down.”

Seriously, he is trying to calm me after he tells me he has been keeping my mother from me for twenty-two years. Lunging toward him I drag my own father up by the neck of his shirt and bring him within inches of my face.

“Don’t you fucking dare tell me to calm down. You are nothing to me anymore, James. NOTHING!” I finish through gritted teeth.

I see him flinch when I say that. It’s true. He has lied to me all these years, kept me away from my mother, and kept me in the hands of that bitch this whole time. He obviously has no respect for me, no love. I shove him back down onto the couch.

“Listen, when I finally came to my senses Rose was gone again! After she was gone for a few years Beverly filed the paperwork to get Rose legally declared dead. I was devastated thinking I’d never see her again. Then one day out of the blue I got a call from a hospital halfway across the country. They explained that there was a Jane Doe that was badly hurt and was repeating my name and number. I didn’t understand what was happening. Immediately getting a feeling that it was Rose, I left for what everyone thought was a business trip. I was taken aback when I walked in that room and it was her. She was beaten, cut, broken—mentally and physically. I feared for Rose’s safety now that I’d found her again, I couldn’t just leave her. She was the one. You must understand now that you have found Sabrina.”

I stand staring at him dumbfounded.

Pacing the room I can’t even listen to him. “Do you actually think I believe all this? You are so full of shit.”

Not missing a beat he continued, “Once Rose was well enough to make sense, she told me Beverly and some men came to her apartment a few days after I took you. She said Beverly told the men to ‘take care of her’. They covered her head and beat her, then they sold her to someone. Her ‘master’ held her hostage in a concrete cell off of a basement. How she actually got to the hospital we still don’t know to this day. No one in the ER knew other than she’d been brought in by a Good Samaritan, and Rose didn’t remember anything. I got her set up in a private hospital when she was well enough physically to be transferred. They worked with her try to make her who she was years ago. She was scared of everything. She was just a shell of a woman. It was horrible watching her mentally breaking down.”

Running my hands through my hair, I contemplate how this crazy story has to be true. He hasn’t stopped, and my questions haven’t thrown him. I lean on the bar again and cross my arms over my chest to continue listening.

“Working with a private lawyer, so Beverly wouldn’t know, I got Rose set up with a new name and life. It took many years at that hospital for her to get back to somewhat normal. I would take regular trips to see her. We spent many years talking about you and what you’ve been up too. I took her pictures and videos of important events.”

Seething through gritted teeth, “You knew for years that that Beverly was fucking with me. You left me with her. In her claws to do with as she pleased while you ran off.”

“Caston, I wasn’t aware of all the fucked up things Beverly was doing to you. I lived with rose colored glasses on. I wanted to believe she loved you, like she loved Jon. That the sacrifices Rose and I made weren’t in vain. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. Please, believe me.”

We are silent for quite some time. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. How could I ever forgive him? I thought I already had, but he was still lying to me then. Now that I know the real story…

“Were you ever going to tell me?” I whisper under my breath as I scrub my hands over my face.

“Marie and I… I mean Rose and I have talked it over many times, but we could never find a way to do it to ensure her safety from Beverly. Understand that since Beverly had Rose declared deceased through unlawful means if anyone found out Rose was alive, there would be legal consequences for everyone involved for defrauding the government. Not to mention, Beverly would most definitely make sure Rose was ‘taken care of’ this time. And Rose knew Beverly would include you, as well, this time. Her fear for your safety was the biggest factor. She wouldn’t risk you. When Beverly had Rose taken the last thing she told Rose was ‘I’ll have your son. He will love me as his mother, and James will love me for that. They will both forget you.’ We both thought that Beverly was satisfied by taking you away from Rose.

“Anytime I broached the subject Mar—Rose would have a panic attack. Sometimes the attacks were so severe she would end up back in the hospital. She’s virtually a recluse; rarely going any further than her back yard. She has a live-in-companion to help take care of her. Rose is still merely a shell of the vibrant woman you remember, Cass, but she’s come so far from where she was. It’s killed both of us keeping this secret from you. I hoped the older you became she would be able to see you were safe, and she could be a part of your life. But her fear is deeply engrained. She hasn’t ever confided in me what happened to her, but she did allow her doctors to tell me some of her recollections. Cass, no one should ever have to be subjected to the things she was. Those memories were always in her mind. She could never consider something like that being done to you. There are worse fates than death.

“I don’t know how she’s going to handle all of this. I’m actually not sure how anyone found out that she was still alive. We thought we had everything covered up. But, please, Cass, try to understand where she is coming from. Wouldn’t you do anything to protect Sabrina?” He must see the fear flash in my eyes, because he continues, “Now imagine if that was your child.”

I feel the bile rising in my throat. I swallow hard to keep from losing it. How could they have thought I would be safe in Beverly’s clutches?

My heart is racing, and my breathing becomes shallow. I’m on the verge of a panic attack. I have to get out of here.

“Don’t fucking leave. Don’t you even think about it.” I storm out of the room and walk out onto the patio. I lean forward, rest my hands on knees, and take a deep cleansing breath. Terrance appears quickly behind me.

“Terrance, don’t let him leave, even if it means you have to restrain him.”

“Yes, sir.”

I walk further down the yard to the lake. Staring out over the water I watch the thunder heads roll in. I hear the rumbling in the distance and see the lightning snake through the clouds. My mood reflects the incumbent weather. As if Sabrina knew I needed her, my phone chimes that a text from her has come through.

My heart aches with love for her. I can’t wait to make her my wife and start a new life together. An uncomplicated, perfect life. I laugh at the thought. Uncomplicated, what the fuck is that?

I’ve never run from my problems. My life has been one fucked up event after another. How am I supposed to bring Sabrina into my life and make everything perfect for her?

I bend down and pick up a stone, turning it over and over in my hand. Letting out a loud yell, I fling the smooth stone, sending it skipping along the relatively calm water. I fall to my knees as lightning strikes and large rain drops start to fall. I run both hands through my hair, grabbing it roughly.

I feel lost. Unsure. I’m not sure how long I’ve been kneeling by the lake, it’s dark and still raining. I’m soaked to the bone, and my legs fell asleep a long time ago. I take a deep breath, trying to cleanse my thoughts.

I feel her presence before she wraps her arms around me, pulling me into her lap, the warmth of her arms around me, providing the solace I desperately need. I turn my face into her chest, inhaling another deep breath. We sit on the sand, letting the rain continue to soak us to the bone. She tightens her embrace and strokes my back, lightly kissing my temple.

“Cass,” she whispers lightly, “baby, I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere.”

She tightens her embrace, and I look up into her hazel eyes. She leans forward and kisses me gently.

“I love you, Sabrina.”

“I love you too, Caston.” Her eyes twinkle and she smiles. She looks a little pale.

I capture her mouth in mine, sweeping my tongue along her bottom lip, nibbling lightly. We start to deepen the kiss as another large lightning bolt strikes. Sabrina jumps back out of our embrace, clutching her chest. I chuckle as she gives me a look that makes me smirk.

“This storm is getting bad, Cass. Let’s go back to the house.”

“Little bit longer, okay? I just can’t go back in there yet.”

She nods as she let me wrap her in my arms this time. Sabrina strokes the hair on the back of my neck, allowing me time to regain my composure.

I feel her breathing increase as I lightly nibble on her neck. A shiver runs through her, and I pull her head back to look up at me. “Bre, I need you.”

Her pale skin flushes as she looks around. “Here, now?”

I nod. “No one can see us.”

“But, your dad—”

I cut her off as I press my mouth to hers. My tongue searches, seeking hers. Shifting her slightly, I reach for the hem of her top and pull it over her head. Unhooking her bra, I pull it down and secure her hands behind her. Her breath catches and a small groan comes from her. My dick is throbbing, begging to be released. The rain falling over her breasts makes them look even more delicious than they already were. I lean forward, licking the drops. Her nipples call to me. I take one of the buds in my mouth and tug. Grabbing it between my teeth, I pull, grazing it as I pop the nipple free.

“God, Caston. Please.”

“What do you need, baby?”

She looks at me, her eyes twinkling. “You.”

Lust clouds my vision. I release her hands and remove my shirt. She takes advantage by pushing me down slowly to the beach behind me and rising above me. She’s beautiful. Her small hands slowly undo my pants. She starts to pull them down, but stops and kisses me below my belt line. I slide my hands into her hair and pull her up to me.

Our kisses are hungry and hurried. Reaching down, I bunch her skirt up around her waist and reach for her pussy. Moving the thong to the side, I let my fingers sink into her.

“Fuck, Bre, you’re so wet.”

Her hands slide along my legs, pushing my pants down around my thighs. My cock springs free. I apply a little pressure on her clit, and she whimpers. Her hands grasp my hard shaft, and she leans forward to take me into her mouth. She lets my cock hit the back of her throat. The rumble of her moan makes me thrust harder into her mouth.

I withdraw quickly and pull her up to my mouth again.

“Bre, if I don’t fuck you right now, I’m going to lose it.”

The rain is still falling over us, but neither of us care.

“Caston, I need you too.”

I pull her on top of me, shifting her so we don’t irritate her leg. My cock is posed at her entrance. I hesitate just a moment to take in the angel poised above me.

“Cass, what’s wrong?”

Before she can second guess me or herself, I plunge into her, making her scream. I take her hard and fast. She’s so wet for me. Her velvet folds caress my cock. Holding on to her hips to keep her still, I continue my assault. “Fuck yes.” A growl goes through me. I can’t hold on much longer. Sabrina places her hands over mine, and I lace our fingers together.

“God, Caston, I’m coming,” Sabrina yells as her head falls back, and her pussy milks my cock.

My balls tighten against my body, and I still my thrusting as I spill into her. She falls over my body, and I wrap my arms around her. The rain continues to fall on us. The relaxing sound of the droplets hitting the water in the lake calms me. I lightly stroke her back as we both come down from our high. Still connected I feel her pussy grip me when it spasms again from her orgasm.

“Bre, I could lay with you like this forever.”

She turns her head into the crook of my neck and kisses lightly. Her lips travel up my neck to my ear. She nibbles on my earlobe, and my cock begins to harden again.



Turning off on to a side street, I decide I’ll catch up to them later. I know they couldn’t see me, but I figured once they started driving erratically something was up. I didn’t want to risk her calling in her lover and his posse. I was able to install a tracking device on her soon to be sister-in-law’s car a few weeks ago, so I’ll keep track of them from my phone, instead of tailing them.

I turn into a parking lot and pull out my phone. Bringing up the app the tracking device is linked to, I login and immediately a red dot comes up on the screen. Smiling because I know exactly where they are. Beth, poor unsuspecting Beth, guess I’ll make a pit stop at her house to bug her shit too, even though I have some help on the inside, you can never have too much information.

I roll down my windows and takeout a new pack of cigarettes. Damn, I love warm fall days. Hitting them on my knee, I look around and see a redhead walking down the street. I rub my teeth along my bottom lip as I watch her ass sway back and forth in a short skirt. What I wouldn’t love to do to her. My cock starts to strain in my pants, and I decide to do something about it.

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