Ice Runner (6 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Ice Runner
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“Mom. What the hell?”

Kema smirked. “Baby names. That’s right. I am picking them.”

Lorvik scowled. “I may not like the system that spawned me, but I do have family heritage to consider.”

“They will wear your last name. Kescu will retain the name Washley, and Eera and I will have unlimited visits and a home in the nearest glacier or mountain range for comfort.” Kema smiled.

Kescu stared at her mother in horror. “Where is the whole
my daughter is not yours to command

Lorvik smiled, “We covered that in the first hour. You shouldn’t have had a nap.” Kema grinned. “It is true, Kes. I did grill him most thoroughly as to why he was qualified to be your husband. His answer was pretty good.” Kes crossed her arms. “What was the answer?” Lorvik chuckled. “Who else would be brave enough to take you on?”

Shock ripped through her, and then, she gave a rueful smile. “That has a distinctly unflattering ring of truth to it.”

Kema Washley showed her the contract that they had worked out. It covered every salient part of her life and several things she hadn’t considered. Her skin turned bright pink when she got to the mating part of the contract, but it only promised that Kescu would not obstruct any attempt to produce an heir. It didn’t say that she had to bear one, only that she wouldn’t stop nature from taking its course.

Lorvik called the concierge into the suite and had him witness the signatures. Once the contract was signed, they had a light lunch and Lorvik got on the com, arranging for a group of couriers to be stationed on Wanlio 6, as per the contract.

Kescu smiled. There was no doubt that Kema knew her daughter. Kes would not be able to leave until there was someone to do the job that had integrated itself into Wanlio 6 life in a few short years.

Lorvik paused between calls to the Citadel and Sector Guard. “You had better keep to Kema’s portion of the contract.”

Curious, Kes flicked to the point where a trousseau was to be supplied. “Seriously? I have to go shopping?”

He shrugged and nodded.

Kema sighed. “I did agree to it.” An evil twinkle came into Kescu’s eyes, she could feel it. “Can I get Eera out of school?” Kema grimaced. “Of course. I will call them and tell them you are on the way.” Grinning, Kescu waved farewell with a promise to return after Eera had finished telling her that she was a pretty princess.

Lorvik commented, “A queen.”

Snickering, she left the suite and went to Eera’s primary school to get her an afternoon off.

Chapter Nine

t took two weeks, countless fittings and three tantrums by Eera, but finally, Kescu was ready to leave, and Lorvik had handed off his research area to another botanist.

Kescu stood next to the lift to the surface with her bags packed and sitting next to her. Eera was holding onto Kes’s waist, and Kes was talking with her mother. “The ship will be here for you in two months when Eera is out of class for the summer. You will come to Shivi, right?” Kema cupped her jaw. “Of course I will, Kes. I look forward to seeing you as you were meant to be. If my extrapolations are correct, you will revert to your original colouration when you are finally able to use your talents to the limit. A warmer environment should be just the thing. Call me if anything happens.”

Kes shifted awkwardly and hugged her mother.

“I will call you every chance I get.”

“You had better. Tell me how Lyrica is doing after you meet her. She should call me if she can.” Kema hugged back.

“I will tell her.” Kescu looked down, and Kema backed off to let her daughters talk. “Eera.”

“Don’t go.”

“I have to go.” She knelt so she was face to face with Eera. “I will see you soon. I mean, I may be a different colour when you do, but I will be closer to blue than I am now.”

“I am used to you being all pink and warm.” Eera sniffled. “Why can’t you stay here and make Lorvik stay too?”

She sighed. “You know how when I am running hot and you hug me, it hurts?” Eera nodded.

“That is the kind of hurt I feel more and more with every trip I make across the ice. I need a change, love. I am your sister, and nothing is going to change that. In a few months, you and Mom will come to Shivi, and you will start school there.”

Eera frowned. “What if they don’t like me?”

“Everybody likes you, Eera, but if they don’t, you and Mom can come back here to Wanlio 6, and I will stay on Shivi and come to visit when I can.”

“Can’t you come back with us?”

“No. I will be married to Lorvik by then, and I don’t think that he will like it if I am not with him. He might, but I am not sure.” In Eera’s huge eyes, she could see Lorvik standing behind her. He slowly shook his head, and Eera’s little shoulders slumped.

Kes stroked her hair and smiled at her. “Life is meetings and partings. We part now, but we will meet again. Do your homework and listen to Mom. I will send you as many messages as I can, and if anything fun happens, you will know about it.”

Eera smiled hopefully. “Even important stuff?”

“Even important stuff. Now, wish me well and give me a hug. I love you, and you are going to be with me every step of the way.” Eera hugged her, and her voice whispered, “I love you. Call me when you get there.” When she let her little sister go, Kes got to her feet and grabbed blindly for her bags. Lorvik helped steer her into the lift, and she pressed her face into his shoulder as she left the only home she had ever known.

He didn’t try to calm her, merely held her the entire time they were in the lift and during the loading of the shuttle.

She held his hand as the shuttle rumbled to life.

The moment that they left the surface of her home, she let the tears fall in scalding waves.


Two days and buckets of tears later, they were on the landing approach to the Hanushivi palace.

“Are you sure that this is the right dress?” Kes fidgeted with the folds of the gown that cost more than what she was used to spending in a year.

Lorvik smiled. “You look lovely. Every inch is appropriate. Of course, I don’t expect it to remain untouched. You have the soul of a woman of action.”

Kes gave him a tiny smile. “Is it always this warm?”

He tilted his head ruefully. “It is actually rather cool in the shuttle. We will be walking into full summer. Can you embrace heat as well as deflect cold?”

The shuttle settled on the tarmac, and she straightened her shoulders. “I guess we are going to find out.”

“That’s my girl.”

“Not yet.”

Lor stood and held his hand out to her. “Just give me time.”

She fought her nerves and got to her feet. “Let me get through today first.”

They walked together to the back of the shuttle, and the door opened with a hiss. A wave of heat rushed out and wrapped around her. Her internal heat wanted to rush out in response, but she held it back and kept her hand on Lorvik’s arm as they walked across the tarmac to the gathering of people in formal clothing. Suddenly, the fitted bodice and flowing skirt seemed to be a far better fit than she thought.

A man in a long silver robe with a staff in one hand came forward. “Your Majesty. You sent a report that you were bringing your bride to Shivi. Where is she?”

Lor smiled. “Thank you for the reminder. This is Kescu Washley, born Lyrian Aduran, to Lyrica and Jerrin Aduran. She is my intended bride and the betrothed of my childhood.” The other man cleared his throat. “Your Majesty, this woman is not Hanushivi. She cannot be the woman you are describing.” Kescu felt irritation rippling through her, and heat came after it in waves. She released Lor’s arm when she saw the fabric smoking slightly.

An older woman in an elegant gown with blue-black hair that had silvered with age stuck her nose in the air. “Your Majesty. If you want a whore, you are welcome to have one, just don’t try and dress her up as a lady. It is insulting.” Kescu took a small step back to one side and clenched her fists in an effort to control the rage that coursed through her, bringing flame in its wake.

“Lady Gornil, you will apologize to my lady.”

“I am not going to do anything of the sort, Your Majesty. Your little slut will just have to listen to the truth. I am sure that I am only the first to tell her that she is nothing more than a jumped up little freak from the outer worlds.” Kescu listened to the woman spew her hate with the brittle emotions of her own upheaval. She staggered a few feet away and turned to face Lorvik. “I am sorry. I think I am going to wreck this dress.”

Flame licked along her skin and burst from her eyes. She gasped and stood with her arms away from her sides, feet apart and her face looked toward the bright sky.

A roaring tower of flame ripped through her, destroying her gown and sending the nobles scuttling for cover.

Once the fire was loose, Kes felt relieved. She let the fire recede and stood with the breeze blowing her loose hair around her. A lightness took over her spirit as she looked over at Lorvik.

He smiled and came forward with his jacket extended.

She slipped her arms into the sleeves and smiled up at him. “Why do you look like that?”

“It seems your transformation didn’t require as much work as I had anticipated.” He pulled the sleeve of the jacket up and showed her her hand.

Gold skin with only a tiny hint of green met her gaze as she wiggled her fingers. She opened the jacket a little, and the colour change had taken place all over her body. “So, fire was what was needed to spur the reversal.” He laughed. “That or you needed to be exceptionally angry. Come with me.” He took her hand and led her to the woman who had insulted the hell out of her. “Lady Gornil, I would like to introduce you to your granddaughter. Kescu Washley, the next queen of the Hanushivi. Kes, this is Lyrica’s mother and, therefore, your grandmother. Lady Lyro Gornil.” The dark eyes and dark hair were familiar. Kes saw them in the mirror every day. “Lady Gornil. Pleased to meet you.”

“You are really the child that my daughter sent away. I mean, you couldn’t bring fire, but you were so hot that it was only a matter of time before it happened. You are really little Lyrian?” Kes sighed. “I may have been, but I was raised as Kescu. It is a good, solid Wanlio name.”

“You were raised on the cold worlds?” Lady Gornil was slowly getting closer.

“Can you think of a better place to hide a fire talent?” Kes gave her a small smile. “Now, as for your assertions that I am Lorvik’s whore… ”

“I am so sorry. I didn’t know, didn’t think you could possibly be… you.”

“I was simply going to say that a whore gets paid, and I am with him simply because I like him. What insult can you scavenge up for that?” She raised her eyebrows and challenged the woman.

Apparently, she was still irritated.

Lor was laughing, and he introduced her to Lord Henrin, the man with the sceptre and the chamberlain of the Hanushivi court when Lorvik was absent.

“Pleased to meet you, Lord Henrin. I usually wear more clothing than this.” He smiled kindly. “I will have the seamstress look into flame-retardant fabrics.”

“Thank you.”

Lorvik showed her to the others, and she inclined her head for each introduction. The ladies curtseyed to her and the lords bowed. By the time they began the walk to the palace, Kes was feeling the urge to get out of the breeze. One outer blast of heat and she felt completely at home in the weather, but the unfortunate thing was that she was cool for the first time in her life.

Lorvik held her to his side, and she huddled close. “You know, we could go back to the shuttle, and I could get some clothing.”

“This makes a statement, Kescu. Embrace it.” She laughed and kept walking, thankful that the paving was clean and easy to walk on.

The palace loomed, and with one thing off her personal checklist behind her, she was looking forward to tackling the items that were left.

Chapter Ten

n the dead of night, Kes got to her feet and crept over to the com unit. It was dawn on Wanlio 6, and if the call went through, she should be talking to her mother and sister before their day began.

When the screen flared and Kema and Eera were framed in the unit, Kes swallowed her tears.

“Hiya! Well, I made it safely here and guess what?”

Eera was looking at her with wide eyes. “You are green!”

“More golden than green, but yes. I changed colour, and Mom, you were right. A warm environment was all I needed. Whoosh. It burned my clothing off, but there was a package here from the Sector Guard with some flame-resistant clothing. A sort of welcome present.” Kema smiled. “I look forward to seeing the complete you when we come. There has always been more to you than you were able to express here.”

“I have to say, not everyone is happy to see me. My grandmother on Lyrica’s side is a complete bitch.”

Eera stared wide-eyed, and Kema calmly put her hands over Eera’s ears. “How so?”

“She called me a whore, a slut and probably thought some other nasty things about me. It was effective. I lit up like a torch.” Kescu smiled.

“Did she know who you were?”

“Nope. She knows now.”

Kema frowned. “I wish I could have been there, I would have ripped her hair out.”

“I think Eera is wondering what we are talking about. You might want to uncover her ears.” Kema sighed and took her hands off Eera’s head. “Sorry, love.”

“It’s okay. I would have kicked the lady in the knees and then slapped her face.” Her small face was screwed up in anger.

Kescu shook her head. “I see your lip reading is coming along.”

Kema groaned. “Fine, Eera, now get ready for school.”

Kes squinted at the screen, “And brush your teeth. I can see green bits from here.” Eera kissed the camera and then scampered away.

Kema looked over and leaned forward. “Now, how are you, really?”

“Nervous, unsettled and unsure. Everything I hate.” She smiled ruefully.

“You can do this, Kes. I am sure of it. Now, get back to bed.” Kema smiled and winked.

Kes shut off the screen and looked toward the adjoining door. Lor was in the king’s quarters and Kes was in the queen’s. She got to her feet with her robe wrapped around her and walked to his door.

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