Icing (3 page)

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Authors: Ashley Stanton

BOOK: Icing
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Kyle arrived on the UMass Campus at about 4pm.  He and his Dad had time to unload the car before they would grab some dinner in Amherst.  It was Sunday and classes did not officially begin until Thursday.  Monday-Wednesday
was set aside for business like buying books and finalizing scheduling issues.  He would use the time to find his way around the expansive campus.  His head was spinning.  It was exciting but scary.

Kyle and Mr. Caldwell had Chinese food followed up by ice cream.  They had the best ice cream in town – high in butter fat with add-ins like cookies and even gummy bears. He would always remember Mom’s ice cream floats back home, maybe they had them here. Father and son walked around town.  The traffic was crazy with students arriving with their lives packed in slow moving vehicles.   Every car with an interesting story to tell.  He was intrigued by the newness of it all.

He said goodnight to his dad who was staying at a nearby motel and he was off to meet the roommate – Truman.  He had filled out the housing form with his preferences earlier in the summer hoping to be matched with a guy he could at least tolerate.  A non-smoker was preferred.  They didn’t even allow it in the dorms but he could smell the lingering stench anywhere.  Religion and politics were not an issue.  He had not been exposed to either much and held no strong convictions. He claimed to be tidy and athletic, both mostly true. He definitely wanted a freshman.  At least they would have that in common.

Room #2012 in the JFK tower was home now.  Kyle walked in with boxes stacked. Both his and his new buddy Truman’s.

“You must be Kyle.  Who else would you be? I’m Truman Cohen.  Just call be Tru.”

He stood before Kyle with his hand out stretched. 

Kyle offered his in return.  Truman’s grip was firm and his hands a little calloused.  His smile was wide and ebullient. They were perhaps little clues to his personality.  Some have called Kyle paranoid, but he was just perceptive.  He used his instincts to size up Truman.  This stranger got the green light.  It was not yet known, but Kyle Caldwell had just met his best and life-long friend – even though he still thought the name was a little off.

“How we gonna maneuver this junk?” Truman laughed at the mess.

“I guess we need to at least clear off the beds so we can sleep.  Why don’t we bunk ‘em. Top or bottom doesn’t matter to me.  I filled out the housing form.  Thought they were setting me up with a neat sort of guy.”

“Well, they got that wrong.  At least we both like hockey – we have enough equipment here to out-fit an entire team.”

“Yeah.  I was recruited.  Not a full ride or anything but I plan to play.”

“Well, I’m not so lucky.  I’ll probably play some intramural stuff or find a club team.  I was a forward in high school in Needham but not good enough to play division I.  I’m a huge fan though.  If you play I’ll watch.  A bunch of hockey guys in this dorm.  We have to get some fantasy league going.  I’m going to end up behind a desk somewhere.  I’m studying business.  When I’m not out sampling the ladies.  I know tons of chicks here from Needham and that area. Some are hotties.  I’ll hook you up.”

“You guys sure do throw around town names here.  I have no idea where Needham is.  Sounds cool though.  I’m studying business to – you can be my calc tutor.”

“Let’s figure out where the class takes place first.  I have a map but I want to find out first so I don’t look like a fool walking around with a map. It’s a dead giveaway that I’m a freshman.  The library should be easy enough to figure out.  It’s the tallest building here.”

“They have a bunch of libraries, but we should go to the tall one.  We won’t get lost.”

“Do you sleep late?  I love my naps.  I do have to be up early tomorrow. Breakfast with my Dad.  You’ll like him.  Hey why don’t you come along?”

“No man.  You enjoy your time with your Dad.  We’ll hook up later.”

“Tru, really come.  Free meals are going to be rare from here on out.”

“Free…..you got me.  As long as your Dad is cool with it.”

The beds got cleared off and Kyle ended up with the top bunk.  He was getting used to sleeping in his room alone since his brother left for college and he thought sleeping so close to another guy would be weird.  He had a deep and peaceful sleep.  This roommate thing was working out.  He got up alerted by the chime he had set up on his phone.  He appeared to be the first one in the all-male shower stalls.  It was a clean vestibule with grey tiles up the walls.  He was provided a little privacy with a gaunt white curtain.  It was sanitary and the water pressure was fierce – good enough.  He walked back into 2012 to a dozy Truman.  His pal skipped the shower and threw on a grungy t-shirt.  Indeed housing had missed the tidy thing.  He was happy with his dirty new pal.  His Dad could return to Buffalo with news that his roommate was a stand-up guy.

“Hi Kyle.  I see you found your bed beneath the mess.  You guys have a lot of work left to do.  Hello, you must be Truman.  I’m Sam Caldwell.”

Kyle was taken aback.  His Dad was always just Mr. Caldwell, Sam was a new one.  Only adults called him Sam.  This was new territory.  He was himself now an adult. 

“Hi, Sam. Unless you prefer Mr. Caldwell?” Truman responded.

“Yes – fine and I’ll call you Tru.”

They hopped in the blue sedan and took off to the main highway.  They avoided town as it was too crowded with the arrivals.  They would hit a diner and load up there.  Eggs, bacon and a bagel would hit the spot.  He loved bagels – they were comforting.  They reminded him of Dad’s Sunday morning tradition of bringing home breakfast.  Either bagels or maple bars.  His stomach growled.


“Josh, you grab all of the heavy stuff.  Put your phone down and start helping.  Leave the damn thing in the car.  Whatever it is can wait.”

The Wright family made the drive west from Cambridge in about 90 minutes.  Taryn had the wheel in the wagon with her brother.  Mr. Wright and his wife followed in the beige sedan.  Both cars were packed full and Dad lost track of Taryn as she drove like a devil.  It was stressful getting out of the house.  Taryn was quick to leave, her Mom was eager to make things perfect, Dad was easy going and Josh was unhappy to be along for the ride.  They made it in one piece.

Taryn did not know her roommate well.  Like Kyle she put into the hands of housing.  Kendra was a sophomore from Worcester and she was an English major.  She had so many friends who were also going to UMass so she was not looking for a best friend, just someone to bunk with. She was in a dorm that was ½ female only.  She was on the co-ed side.  It was located on a hill which guaranteed some daily exercise.  It was in a quiet part of campus far away from the towering dorms.  The other side of campus was city like.  The jocks and people from New Jersey lived on the other side.  She preferred the casual lifestyle of her dorm – it was a lot like home with a lot of trees.  There was a pond in the center of campus.  She had chosen to live and one side and they chose theirs.  I guess they would all come together at the library – smack dab in the center.

“I’m Kendra.  I’ve unpacked.  I chose this side of the room.  The other side is yours to decorate your own way and that will be you closet and desk.  I’m a sophomore and my boyfriend is friend is Fred.  He’s a short Jewish guy.  He lives on the third floor.  You will see him a lot and he is welcome in here at all hours.”

Taryn felt like she had taken a wrong turn and had ended up in the military academy.  The rules kept on coming.

“I want to get a rug.  It’s going to be purple.  I’m very busy and I like to study in
room.  I don’t eat in the dining common here in Central (the campus neighborhood) a lot I go across campus where a lot of my friends live.  I go home about two weekends a month”

“Hi Kendra.  It’s nice to be here. I’ll try to remember all of that.  This is my family. This is— “   

Taryn’s introductions were obviously not on the schedule.

“I’m running up to Fred’s.  We’ll talk later.”

Taryn’s family prepared to leave.  She really wanted to cry and have them stay and make everything better.  She said her goodbyes and closed the door, opened a box and pulled out her stuffed cat.  She laid on the bed and cried – long and hard.  Bubbly confident Taryn felt lost and scared.  She was an all-star athlete, gifted vocalist, beloved daughter and sister, popular and smart.  Now she was just Taryn another,  beautiful, girl.  She had to start over again and the brief introduction to Kendra was not a good start.

“Knock knock…..Can I come in? The door wasn’t locked so I just thought I would say hi.  I can come back later.  I didn’t mean to intrude.”

Taryn brushed away the tears to find a man with a smile that changed the mood immediately.  He had a calming tone, but at the same time it seemed like he was about to start laughing. 

“Hi…..I’m Tim your R.A., resident assistant.  Oh, fuck.  Were you crying?  I don’t know what I’m doing.  I’m just supposed to be introducing myself around and make sure everyone is cool.  You are definitely not.  I went through an orientation to learn what to say but I forgot it all.  You must be Taryn.  I already met Kendra, What the fuck?”


“Yes I’m Taryn.  You like to say fuck and you don’t know what you’re doing.”

They burst out in laughter.  He was a sophomore from New Jersey and he liked the sound of the R.A. position because housing was discounted and you received a single room.  He was actually born for the position.  He would transform a group of strangers into a strong alliance.  I think from that day forward, all of the women at least, would believe they were Tim’s favorite.  Taryn felt hopeful for the first time since Kendra opened her mouth.  She felt like Tim was the big brother she had always wanted. 

“I’m going down the hill to eat at five and I’m rounding up a bunch of the new residents.  Oh, that is how I’m supposed address you guys - residents or men & women.  See, I remember something.”

“Why do I have the feeling that Chick will be coming out of your mouth before long?  Sure, I’ll join in.”

“Should we invite Kendra? Just Kidding.”

“Tim really we should be nice.  She might turn out to be a great girl – um, I mean woman.”



The first semester was chaotic for roommates Kyle and Truman.  They were both taking 15 credits and with the addition of hockey, 24 hours in a day just wasn’t sufficient.  Social life was a part of it also.  Neither was dating anyone seriously but they dated often and kegs were a Friday night standard.  Kyle had considered rushing a fraternity but decided he could get that sense of belonging from the hockey team. 

Diane and Rosemary had become fun girls to hang out with.  They were fiends of Truman from Needham.  Both attractive they were smart and lively.  Kyle relied on them to help with calculus and edit his history papers.  They filled the “sister” role Kyle needed in the absence of Bree and Juliet back home.  Rosemary in particular was an excellent baker.  She went home to Needham on the weekends and would bring back a batch of her Frisbee sized confections. Both girls were good natured and filled him in on the mysteries of the female mind. They were determined to find Kyle the perfect woman.  A nice lady he could bring home and introduce to the Caldwell’s.

Taryn was just as busy on her side of campus.  She too considered Greek life.  She passed although entrance to a sorority would be hers if she wanted it. It was too exclusive and she was a member of a great group of friends already thanks to Tim.  Followed around like a mother duck, Tim was an outstanding R.A.  Taryn was joined by Todd, Jimmy, Chris, Lisa, Kim and Maryann.  They experienced their informative years.  When one fell another was there to pick them up and help brush off the angst.

There was one night in particular that Taryn wished did not happen.  She drank too many cocktails at a fraternity party.  She was accustomed to having a beer or two drank from the ever-present red plastic cup, but yummy lemon flavored drinks were a new thing. They tasted great and had a heck of a kick.  To her knowledge nothing out of the ordinary happened that evening.  She woke up in bed – alone, so how bad could it have been?

“Hi Taryn” Tim was on the line. It was about noon. ”We all have those nights and everyone will forget. Are you O.K.? Breakfast is closed but I’ll cruise into town with you and pick up a bagel if you want.”

“Tim I have no idea what happened last night.  I never drink too much.  Oh shit, I don’t even remember walking up the hill.  Did I kiss anyone?  Come get me and we will walk into town.”

Tim came by with Maryann and they walked into Amherst on Triangle Street.  They were vague with the details and only said she was cute and it took them about an hour to get her up the hill home.  Taryn lacked information to fill in the gaps and the topic just faded away.  She developed a distaste for lemon flavored drinks.  They whooped it up and ate their bagels outside in the crispy autumn air.  It was a day to relax before they hit the library that evening as was the custom on Sunday nights.

Kyle and Truman had spent that Saturday night at an off-Campus party.  Kyle took it easy because he had endured a tough dry land practice from 8am-2pm.  The first ice time practice was Monday and the pre-season for Hockey East started in only weeks.  He would see little ice time.  He was smaller than the other forwards on the team and as a freshman he was happy to be wearing the UMass jersey.  He couldn’t wait to set his skates on the ice and work on his stick handling.

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