Identity (18 page)

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Authors: K. J. Cazel

BOOK: Identity
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Not hearing from Rizzo, Tom knew that he had some leisure
time in Rome.  Before leaving the hotel he stopped at the concierge’s desk to get some guidelines on shopping the tourist spots close to his hotel.  He preferred to walk since the March weather in Rome this years was boasting in the 21.1° C.  Tom wasn’t quite sure of the conversion, but it felt like a nice Chicago spring day in the 70’s. He checked the map the concierge gave him and followed the directions to the Piazza de Spagna.  He could tell by the tourists in the area that he was at the mother lode of a shopper’s paradise. 

Tom entered a men’s haberdashery on the Strada Via Del Corso.  It had been several years since he treated himself to a good pair of Italian leather shoes. This bottega didn’t disappoint him.  In less than an hour he chose a pair Martinisi black dress shoes.  The fit was perfect.  He gave the clerk his hotel address that assured him that his shoes would be delivered there today. 

Tom was pleased that his shopping was over.  Shopping wasn’t his favorite activity.  When he needed some type of gift, he relied on his sister, Jenny, to take on the responsibility.  Tom blurted out a soft “damn” when he thought of Jenny.  He should get some small item for her.  The thought escaped him again and he knew that Jenny would forgive him for not remembering her.

It was noon and the church bells were ringing around Rome.  Tom stopped at one of the outside café’s that lined the street.  As he ate, he watched and identified several pickpockets trying to practice their trade.  They knew how to watch for the local police who would arrest them without hesitation.

When Tom finished, he walked over to the Basilica San Carlo al Corso.  At the vestibule of the basilica was a pamphlet describing the history of San Carlo al Corco.  Tom took it and entered the sanctuary sitting in a back pew.  He shook his head in disbelief when he discovered in his reading that on the left side is the Chapel of St. Olav of Norway. Many Norwegian expatriate celebrate Christmas in Norwegian at the Chapel.  Tom could see how one could spend a lifetime in each basilica and finding strange facts.  Time was Tom’s enemy now.  He decided his tourist jaunts needed to come to an end. 

As Tom turned the corner to start back to his hotel, he could see a small woman’s shop, with the name of several Italian fashion houses listed on the window.  When Tom entered, a distinguished fiftyish something Italian woman who was eagerly ready to assist this American immediately approached him.  He debated with himself if he should buy a gift for Sarah also, but that thought was put aside with the realization that Sarah was still an emotionally fragile woman. He did not wish to push her into something she could not handle.  After reviewing all his options, Tom decided that a Hermes Denim Pointus scarf was his best choice.  He was sure his sister, Jenny, would be delighted that Tom remembered her. 

At last Tom arrived at his hotel.  He checked with the front desk.  There were two messages for him.  He opened the first; it was from Rizzo inviting him for breakfast tomorrow morning.  His limousine would pick him up at 7:00 a.m. in front of the hotel. The second message was from Steve asking him to call back.  The clerk then reached behind the desk and handed him a box containing his new shoes. Tom thanked him, smiling as he entered the elevator.  Things were looking up.

Once in his room he sat down to call Steve. 

“Hi, do you have something for me?”

“Yes, I talked to Vice.  It seems that that the Apollo Escort Service has been in Chicago for the past ten years.  However, they have a very private clientele, many of whom are well connected.  There doesn’t seem to be any complaints about their services.  Vice suspect that the two murders of their ladies was a message to the others.   If they wish to leave the organization, this was the only way out.”

“Maybe I should ask Rizzo about it when I have breakfast with him tomorrow.”

“You’re having breakfast with him?”

“That’s the message I received today.  His limo is picking me up.”

“Tom, hate to be a worry wart, but you don’t have your gun with you.  This could be trouble for you.”

“I was thinking the same thing.  But, I’ll give Inspector Marino a call to let him know where I’ll be tomorrow.”

“And, exactly where will that be?”

“Ah, your guess is as good as mine.”





















At 7:00 a.m. a stretch limo pulled to the front entrance of the hotel.  The chauffeur got out and opened the back passenger door.

“Mr. Cassell, please.  We must be on our way.  Signore Rizzo does not like tardiness and we must get through Rome before the morning traffic.”

Tom entered the back seat of the limo. When the chauffeur got back into the vehicle he turned to Tom.

“There is coffee in the thermos.  I believe it is as you like it.  Sit back and enjoy the view.  The drive will take at least an hour.”

“Can you tell me where we are going?”

“Yes, we are going to Mr. Rizzo’s home.”  He then closed the glass window between the passenger and the driver.

The scenery was quite beautiful and Tom could see that they were headed up the coast.  He tried to watch for road signs to give him an idea where Rizzo was currently living, but it was like every highway sign had been removed.  Around 7:30 a.m. Tom could see that the vehicle was now climbing into one of the hills that surrounded Rome. 

At 7:57 a.m. the limo pulled up the front gate of an estate.  The chauffeur pushed buttons on the keypad and the gate slowly opened.  The limo pulled up to the front door.  A butler automatically appeared at the passenger door to let Tom out.

“Welcome, Detective Cassell.  Signore Rizzo is waiting for you in the solarium.  Please follow me.”

Like a little duckling, Tom followed the butler in the house, through several exquisitely decorated rooms.  When they reached the solarium, the butler stepped back and allowed Tom to enter the solarium.

Rizzo sat at the white wrought iron and glass table reading a newspaper. He folded the paper and stood up to greet Tom.

Detective, welcome to my home.  Please join me.”

Tom took the seat opposite Rizzo.  The butler entered the solarium with a silver pot and poured each man a cup of cappuccino, placing the silver pot on the table.  He then exited the solarium as a maid entered the solarium carrying two dishes.  As the guest, she placed down Tom’s meal first.  Tom watched as she placed Rizzo’s dish down.  It was quite obvious that his meal was different.  Tom’s meal consisted of an omelet with sausage.  Rizzo’s was a croissant with a small pastry on the side.

“I hope you are pleased with your meal.  We Italians do not eat such a hearty breakfast, but I know that your would appreciate your favorite breakfast meal.”

“My favorite meal?”

“Detective Cassell, I know many things about you.  It is in my best interest to know everything about my enemies.   I know that you met with Inspector Marino upon your arrival.  I know that you bought a Hermes scarf and an Arbiter pair of shoes.  Both excellent choices I might add.  Most of all, I know what you would like to ask me.”

“I’m impressed.”

“But, before you ask any questions, I’d like to tell you a story.”

“I’m not interested in any story.  I want to know your involvement with human trafficking and the disappearance of my sister, Ginny.”

“As I said, l will tell you a story.  You are a guest in my home and I am sure you will find it quite interesting.”

As if on cue, a tall striking beautiful blond entered the room.  She was well dressed in slacks and sweater.  With her height she didn’t need to be wearing high heels.

“Detective Cassell let me introduce you to my wife, Marina.”

As Tom stood up and extended his hand to Marina, he noticed that on the underside of her right wrist was a familiar tattoo.  Rizzo was quite aware that Tom noticed the tattoo.

“Marina would you see if our daughter is awake.”

Tom could see that his wife recognized her dismissal from her husband.  Tom returned to his chair.

“Yes, you are correct in your suspicions Detective Cassell.  My wife was once an employee of mine.  But, then that is another story.

“Let me now tell you my story.  I was the oldest of three boys brought up in the low-rent district of Rome.  Our home was like many in the district. It was a small one-bedroom with too many people living in a small space.  My father, I did not know well.  He died of the drink several years after my youngest brother was born.  My mother was a housekeeper for a downtown hotel.  There were many hours when she was not home and it was my responsibility to watch over my brothers.

“When my mother died of pneumonia, I had to find a way to support my brothers. It was easy to enter the drug trade. Although I did not take drugs myself, I knew it was a self-destructive habit.  It would be necessary to find an alternate business to provided my brothers and me a reasonable living.  I had a girlfriend who would do anything for me.  I took advantage of her talents.   I knew then what one could do when you could control your customers and, ultimately, their wallets.  I believe that gives you a general background of business activities.

“My younger brother, Michael, had his issues.  Although he was only eighteen years old, it was quite obvious that he would not survive in a country that does not recognize his sexual preference.  I arranged for him to go to the United States where he could get a good education.  He was never involved in my business, but because of my business I met Rodney Williams, which ultimately resulted in Michael’s death.

“Sergio is my youngest brother.  He was twelve years my junior.  I tried to get him interested in going to the university.  He rebelled.  He wanted to be part of my business.  I was opening up new offices throughout the United States and my business in New York was growing steadily so I sent him there to work under my agent.  After two years, he requested his own operation.  Chicago was on my list of possible locations, so I decided to open an operation there.  Sergio has a bad fault.  He always believes he is better than anyone else…even me.  He decided to strike out on his own.  He knew my history and he decided to mimic it.  I believe that may be where your sister may have entered his life.

“Now, I am unaware of where Sergio is.  I have many associates throughout Europe but my contacts in the United States are limited.  I do know he left Chicago and went to Las Vegas.  Since that time I have not had any contact with my brother.  I have no knowledge where your sister may be.

“Have I helped you?”


“Do you have any other questions?”

“Could you tell why some of your Chicago employees are turning up dead?”

“Detective Cassell, it is purely a business issue.  I don’t believe I have to give you any answers to your questions.  Now, if you will excuse me, I believe my chauffeur is ready to bring you back to Rome.














It was early Sunday morning when Tom arrived at the International Terminal at O’Hare. Even at this early hour, passengers were arriving from all over the globe and going through customs.  Tom could tell that besides being tired, many were anxious that a purchase they hadn’t declared would be found in their baggage.

Although Tom had slept on the plane, he still had a feeling of exhaustion.  He went to the car park and drove the Kennedy Expressway back to the city


When Tom arrived at the precinct, Steve was already there.  Steve’s greeting was overpowering as he embraced him like a long lost friend. 

“Hey, I wasn’t gone that long.”

“No, but this means I don’t have to partner with Sloan.”

“Yea, I am sorry about that.  Anything new from vice?”

“I’ll tell me yours, if you tell me yours first.”

“There isn’t much more to tell.  Rizzo, I am sure knows where his brother, Sergio, is.  I‘m pretty sure Ginny is with him.  Rizzo wasn’t going to tell a Chicago detective that information.  When Sergio left Chicago, Rizzo indicated that he went to Vegas.  That will be my next designation.”

“Don’t tell me your leaving again?”

“No.  This is going to take some time.  I’ll contact the authorities there first to see if they have any arrest records for either Sergio or Ginny. If I’m lucky one of the detective there can also search the hospital records and see if Ginny was ever admitted.  That beating she took from Williams was bad.  If not, it is going to be feet on the ground.”

“And, exactly when do you plan on doing that?”

“I’ll work it in between shift changes. Believe me, the less time I spend in Vegas the better.  Now what do you have to tell me?”

“Vice is familiar with ‘Apollo.’  Although they know of its existence, they don’t have any definitive information about its organization.  They’re sure their client list is well-connected; and we would be surprised who uses their services — both men and women.” 

“I have to speak to the Captain to tell him what I found out in Italy.  Too bad we couldn’t get the extradition of Naldo Rizzo.”

A short time later, Tom came back to the squad room after meeting with the Captain.  Steve could see the frustrated look in Tom’s eyes. 

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really.  The short of it is that we’re going to let the two dead women’s case go cold.  Vice is right…someone is very well connected.”


Both men continued working at their desk.  Steve was going over the cases that he and Sloan worked on.  Tom was making several calls to the Las Vegas police department to see if someone there could do some advance work before his visit. 

At 3:45 Steve’s phone rang.  Tom looked up to see if he should be concerned as their shift was almost over.  He picked up the responses Steve made to the caller and identified that Carole was relaying some message regarding Sarah.  As soon as Steve hung up, Tom questioned Steve.

“So what’s up?”

“Another body.”

“It seems that the people who bought Sarah’s property decided to clear the small forest at the property line.  They thought it would be a good place for a tennis court.  When the contractors started removing the trees they discovered a body.  What’s left of the remains have been transported to the Lake County Coroner’s office.  Sarah has been contacted.  She thinks it could be her missing housekeeper.”


























After receiving Sarah’s call, Carole grabbed a cab and met Sarah at her office.  When she arrived, it was past 5:00 and the building was empty except for the security guard and a few hanger-ons. 

A short elevator ride to the tenth floor brought Carole to Sarah’s office door.  She stood for a few seconds and watched, as it appeared that Sarah was going over some paperwork.  From Sarah’s action, Carole could tell that it was more of a shuffling of paperwork than something Sarah was actively involved with. 

“Hi girlfriend.”

“Oh, Carole, I am so glad you could come.  I just can’t seem to get my head wrapped around the news.”

“Let’s grab a cab. You’re staying at my place tonight.  I am sure the press are going to be outside Trump Tower as soon as they get a whiff of your relationship to the victim.”

“I don’t know.  Maybe I should go home.”

“It’s best that you be with friends. Steve and Tom will meet us there.  Steve is bringing Chinese.  We can all sit down like old time.”

“I should stop at my apartment and get some things.”

“Let’s hurry.  We have to get in and out before the press get there.”


As Sarah and Carole were leaving Trump Tower, they could see the various news vans maneuvering through the rush hour traffic down Wabash Avenue.  It would be just a few minutes before the pulled in front of Trump Tower.


Steve and Tom arrived shortly after 6:00 p.m.   When then entered, Steve gave Carole as kiss on the cheek.  Both men then automatically took off their jackets and hung them on the peg coat rack by the door.  Tom entered the living room first.  He could see Sarah curled up in the big armchair.  It reminded him of the first time he saw Sarah outside the hospital environment. 

Carole called everyone to the dining room. “Come on in and let’s eat, I’m starved.”

Steve, being familiar with Carole’s house, went to the kitchen to get some wine from the refrigerator.  Carole had already set the table for dinner.

Everyone took their seats and without comment started opening the different containers containing the Chinese meal.  At last, the conversation started.

“Sarah, what did the Lake County Sheriff’s Department say when they contacted you?” Tom asked.

“They wanted to know if I had any idea who the victim was.  The only person I could think of was Helena.  I hadn’t heard from her and that didn’t seem right.  I gave them Dr. Lombardi’s name since he was Helena’s dentist too.”

“Did they say when they would get back to you?”  Tom asked.

“Not really.  But I hope it’s soon.  If it is Helena, I’ll take care of the funeral arrangements.”

Carole interrupted Sarah, “Have the new owners of the property contacted you?”

“No, but I am sure they will.  If not them, their lawyer.”

“Why would their lawyer contact you?”

“I might be guessing, but they may feel I perpetrated fraud of some type.”

Carole questioned back, “If that happens, what then?”

“I gave it some thought after the initial call from the police.  I believe if there is a problem, I’ll just offer to buy the property back and turn into some type of park.”

The four returned to their meal, contemplating what Sarah had said. Carole wishing to keep the conversation going asked Tom, “Steve said you took a trip to Rome last week.  Did you find what you were looking for?”

With a questioning look, Sarah eyes turned to Tom.

“Well, I thought I would question Naldo Rizzo while he still was in custody.  To my surprise, he had been released.”

“Released?” Sarah asked.

“Apparently, the evidence they had about his human trafficking wasn’t substantial for an Italian court.”

“But, what about the murders?  I mean the woman he had impersonate me for Rodney?”

“There are a lot of unanswered questions about Mr. Rizzo, but I’m afraid we aren’t going to get any answers in connection with him murdering Rodney. The extradition is costly.  If he isn’t in custody in Italy, that would even make it harder.”

“So he gets off free?” Sarah asked.

“Unless he comes to the states and turns himself in.”

Carole kept questioning Tom.  “Did you find out anything about your sister, Ginny?”

“I did meet Rizzo in a palatial home.  He told me that she probably left Chicago to go to Vegas with his brother, Sergio.  He said he didn’t know where they are now.”

“Now what?” Carole asked.

“I’ve contacted the Vegas police to see if they have something on Sergio or Ginny.  Haven’t heard anything back yet.  I plan to be out there next Friday afternoon to see what I can find.”

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