If the Ring Fits (2 page)

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Authors: Cindy Kirk

BOOK: If the Ring Fits
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Travis shut off his BMW Roadster and opened the door. He still couldn’t believe he and Mary Karen had been so reckless. The sex he could understand. There’d always been a strong physical attraction between them. But even way back when she was in college and he was in residency, they’d acknowledged that they weren’t right for each other. He was live-for-the-moment. She was home-and-hearth.

She was also his best female friend and the one he’d thought of most when he’d been in Cameroon.

Kate stepped out of the front door of her building. He acknowledged her wave with a smile. Though she wasn’t as pretty as Mary Karen, Kate was easy on the eyes. Her hair hung to her shoulders in a sleek bob, jet-black and silky. Long dark lashes framed hazel eyes.
Tall and lean, she had a fashion sense that made her look more like a model than an up-and-coming pediatrician.

While she didn’t make his insides go all crazy like Mary Karen did, Kate was a nice person. There was no reason he should be feeling guilty for giving her a ride. No reason at all. After all, he and M.K. were really married only on paper. The annulment should be as quick as the wedding ceremony.

Travis started up the walk and met Kate halfway. Her summer dress accentuated her willowy figure and full breasts. When he drew close, she opened her arms to him. “I’m so happy you’re back.”

Obligingly he stepped in and pulled her near, appreciating the clean fresh scent of her. In Cameroon, such common staples like deodorant and toothpaste had been in short supply. Kate was a sweet reminder that he was home. While training other doctors to better help their patients had been a powerful experience, he was very happy to be back.

Kate lifted her face and he realized she expected a kiss. They’d kissed once before he left but this was different. He hadn’t been married then. And even if that marriage would be over the second he and Mary Karen had a chance to sign the appropriate forms and let the lawyers do the rest, to participate in even such simple intimacy with another woman felt wrong.

Travis took a step back.

A momentary look of confusion crossed Kate’s face. “Is something wrong?”

He smiled and pretended to misunderstand. “Don’t want to be late.”

Kate started down the sidewalk, and he fell into step beside her. “Will there be people I know at this party?”

“Probably. It will be an eclectic mix. David has in
vited everyone from colleagues at the hospital to my ski buddy Joel Dennes.”

“Joel Dennes?” she asked in a tone that seemed a bit too casual. “The contractor?”

Travis slanted a sideways glance as they reached the car. “You’ve met?”

“No,” she said quickly. “Why would you think that?”

“He has a daughter.” Travis shrugged. “I thought she might be one of your patients.”

“She may be. I haven’t met all the patients in my new practice yet.” Her eyes remained focused ahead, her tone noncommittal. “I did meet someone who knows you at the hospital last week.”

He opened the passenger side door and helped her into the car. “Who was that?”

“Mary Karen Vaughn,” Kate said. “Did you know David Wahl is her brother? I wonder if she’ll be at the barbecue.”

Somehow Travis managed a smile as he shut her door. “Undoubtedly.”

Chapter Two

ary Karen’s brother, David, and his wife, July, had been blessed with a perfect night for their backyard barbecue. The sun shone bright in the blue Wyoming sky. Blooming patches of wildflowers rimmed the large yard. The linen-clad tables had each been adorned with bouquets of sunflowers. For an outdoor event, it felt surprisingly elegant.

“I thought everyone would be dressed a little more casual.” Mary Karen glanced down at her blue chambray skirt and scoop-necked lace top, and then back at her friends.

Her sister-in-law, July Wahl, wore a darling tropical-print dress while her friend Lexi Delacorte’s cherry-red one-shoulder maternity dress managed to look stylish and comfortable at the same time.

“You look so cute,” July said. “I love what you did with your hair.”

Mary Karen smiled wryly. “You mean…wash it?”

“Shut up.” July gave her a little shove. “I’m talking about pulling it back from your face in those cute little clips.”

“I love the look, too,” Lexi said. “And, just so you know, we’re super jealous of your flat stomach.”

“It’s hard to be sexy with your belly out in front.” July glanced down. “Thankfully, David seems to still find me attractive.”

“Nick tells me every day how beautiful I am. And he’s determined to be involved in every aspect of my pregnancy.” Lexi’s face took on a beautiful glow. “Every morning before he heads into his office, he places a hand on my belly and talks to our son. He read somewhere that listening to the voices of both parents helps the baby feel loved and secure even before he’s born.”

The vivid image Lexi painted brought a lump to Mary Karen’s throat. How different the experience was from her pregnancies. When she was expecting the twins Steve had called her a whale and refused to touch her. Halfway through her pregnancy with Logan, he’d left. Now she’d have to do this alone again. Tears filled her eyes.

She took a sip of iced tea and quickly blinked the moisture back, but apparently not fast enough.

July placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

“Tell us what has you upset.” Concern filled Lexi’s amber eyes. “Was it something I said?”

“I’m just tired.” Mary Karen forced a smile, knowing at least this was the truth. No matter how much sleep she got at night, it wasn’t enough. “The thunderstorms woke Logan. Then the twins heard him, and they were up, too.”

She saw no reason to add to the story. When she’d slipped into bed, she’d started thinking what her life was going to be like as a mother of four, and then sleep became impossible.

“I don’t know how you do it,” July said. “You have three little boys who are bundles of energy. You work—”

“Only part-time,” Mary Karen protested, uncomfortable with the admiration she heard in her sister-in-law’s tone. She knew many single mothers who had it much worse. At least her ex had a good job and paid his child support on time every month.

Lexi sucked in a breath. “He brought a date.”

Mary Karen didn’t need to ask who. She’d always had a sixth sense where Travis was concerned. Her heart picked up speed. She lifted her lips in a smile.

But wait. What had Lexi said? A date? Travis had brought…a date?

Her smile wobbled. Bewildered, Mary Karen turned. Her heart gave a leap at the sight of her…husband in khaki pants and a tan-and-blue camp shirt. With his sandy hair bleached a shade lighter than usual and his skin a honey-brown, he looked Tommy Bahama casual and the picture of health. Still, Mary Karen knew him. Perhaps better than he knew himself. She saw beyond the smile on his lips and realized the past four weeks had been tough on him.

Just then a woman’s laugh rang out and Mary Karen’s gaze darted to Travis’s companion. Standing way too close to him, with her fingers resting on his arm in a proprietary gesture, was Kate McNeal. The woman’s salmon-and-white jersey dress was a perfect foil for her dark hair and creamy complexion.

While she watched, Kate rose on her tiptoes and kissed Travis’s cheek. Mary Karen tightened her fin
gers around the stem of her glass. Intellectually she understood that she and Travis weren’t really a couple. Still, seeing him with Kate was like a knife to her heart. They hadn’t even signed the annulment papers and yet it appeared he’d already taken up with a career woman who’d probably never had baby spit-up in her hair.

Lexi took a sip of her club soda and studied the female doctor over the top of her glass. “She’s attractive.”

“I didn’t realize he was seeing anyone.” Mary Karen’s voice seemed to come from far away. Though only a few minutes earlier she’d felt almost too warm, a chill now settled over her.

July tilted her head, and her gaze turned thoughtful. “David mentioned they’d gone out a couple times before Travis left for Cameroon.”

“He must have called her as soon as he got back,” Lexi mused.

Mary Karen thought about last night, how she’d kept her phone close, not wanting to miss his call. Thought about how she’d worried for his safety while he’d been in Africa. Thought about…

Anger bubbled in her veins but she tamped it down, sternly reminding herself that Travis was under no obligation to call her the second he got into town. And it wasn’t any of her business if he’d brought a date.

“I swear he’s looking for you,” July whispered.

“Which is odd considering he’s with another woman,” Lexi said.

Mary Karen forced her gaze back to the couple and realized her friends were right. When Travis’s gaze landed on her, his face brightened.

Ignoring the warmth that rushed through her veins, Mary Karen lifted her hand in welcome, wiggling her fingers.

Obviously taking the gesture as an invitation, he crossed the lawn in several long strides while the statuesque brunette beside him struggled to keep up.

“Welcome back.” Mary Karen widened her smile to include the female doctor. “Hello, Kate.”

Kate returned the greeting, shifting from one foot to another, looking suddenly as uncomfortable as Mary Karen felt.

“It’s good to be home,” Travis said, his gaze caressing Mary Karen’s face.

Though July and Lexi were standing beside her and Kate lingered behind him, his eyes remained fixed on her alone.

Those hazel eyes were so familiar, so dear, that for a second nothing mattered except that he was home. And safe. And here with her. Until Mary Karen remembered he hadn’t called. And that he was standing in front of her with another woman while she was carrying his child.

The emotional roller coaster she’d been riding since Las Vegas crested the hill. Sudden tears clogged her throat, making speech impossible. Thankfully July and Lexi jumped feetfirst into the conversation, welcoming Kate, asking Travis about his experiences in Cameroon, laughing when he teased them about their huge bellies.

Mary Karen kept her gaze focused on her friends and pretended not to notice Travis’s questioning glances. When July and Lexi left to replenish the buffet table, she started to go with them. But they waved her back, assuring her they had the situation under control.

Reluctantly, she plastered a smile on her face and turned back to Travis and Kate.

“Quite a party.” Travis gestured with a can of beer in his hand to the backyard filled with people. “I never knew so many people cared.”

“They don’t,” Mary Karen drawled. “They’re here for the free food. And the beer.”

Verbally sparring with him was as natural to her as breathing. Their friends knew it, expected it even. But Kate wasn’t part of their tight-knit circle of friends.

Kate’s eyes widened.

Travis, on the other hand, roared with laughter. “Trust you to put me in my place.”

Mary Karen took a sip of tea, her lips curving in a half smile. “Someone has to keep you humble.”

“Let me guess.” Kate put a finger to her lips, her gaze shifting from Travis to Mary Karen. “Sworn enemies?”

“Close.” Travis looped an arm around Mary Karen’s shoulders. “Old friends.”

His gaze met hers, daring her to disagree.

She couldn’t. The woodsy scent she’d come to associate with him teased her senses and her traitorous body responded to his touch. Seconds later an ache filled her heart at the realization that the easy relationship they’d enjoyed over the years would soon be ending. The rolling in her stomach began in earnest.

“E-excuse me,” she stuttered, stepping back from his arms. “I need to…check on something.”

Travis called her name but she pretended not to hear. Without a backward glance Mary Karen zigzagged through the crowd. By the time she reached the house, she was running. The bathroom door had barely closed behind her when the crackers she’d eaten this afternoon came up.

It took every ounce of strength she possessed not to break down and bawl. But she’d been here before. She knew the challenges she faced. Being alone and pregnant wasn’t for the faint of heart.

She waited for several seconds then slowly straight
ened. Still, her body continued to tremble. Mary Karen couldn’t help remembering how solicitous her brother had been when July had experienced morning sickness early in her pregnancy. What would it be like to have Travis on the other side of the door waiting, worrying about her?

Stop it.

Mary Karen gave herself a mental shake and rinsed her mouth with unnecessary vigor. After gargling with mouthwash confiscated from below the sink, she squared her shoulders and headed outside to search for her friends.

On the patio, Mary Karen saw her sister-in-law talking to a tall, broad-shouldered man she didn’t recognize. July waved her over, then introduced the mystery man as Joel Dennes, a general contractor in the Jackson Hole area. They talked about the rise in home prices before July excused herself.

After chatting with Joel for several minutes longer Mary Karen noticed people had started pairing up and taking seats for dinner. For the past couple years she’d sat beside Travis at these types of events.

She glanced around the yard and saw Lexi and Nick chatting with him and Kate. Staring at the back of his head, she willed him to turn around and look her way. But his attention remained focused on the lady doctor. Mary Karen’s heart gave a ping.

“Food looks good.” Joel shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels.

Mary Karen refocused her attention on the sumptuous spread. Normally she’d taste a little of everything. Tonight, nothing appealed to her. Still, she knew she had to keep up her strength. If not for herself, for the life growing inside her.

“My friend Lexi did the catering and she’s a fabulous cook,” she said absently.

By now almost everyone had seated themselves. Kate still stood beside Travis waving her hands, telling some story. A funny one, if their laughter was any indication. Mary Karen turned her gaze back to Joel. “If you’re not sitting with anyone, I’d love some company for dinner.”

She wasn’t sure what made her offer. Maybe it was because he looked as out of place as she suddenly felt. Though she knew everyone here, most of them had someone special with them. Like her, Joel appeared to be flying solo this evening.

He flashed a smile and gestured for her to precede him to the buffet table.

“Amazing.” Joel’s eyes widened at the variety of food artfully displayed against the brightly covered table linen. “And to think I expected burgers and brats.”

“I can vouch for the cucumber gazpacho soup.” Mary Karen pointed to an Art Deco–inspired tureen. “It’s one of Lexi’s specialties.”

Joel’s gaze dropped to the reddish soup with brightly colored bits of vegetables and several cucumber curls on top. His easy smile faltered. Instead of reaching for the ladle, he shifted his attention back to her. “Do you have a special dish you like to make?”

“You bet she does,” a deep voice responded from behind her. “M.K.’s spaghetti rivals Chef Boyardee.”

Mary Karen whirled. “Travis.”

Her hope that he’d come to join her for dinner faded when she saw Kate at his side.

Joel grinned and clapped a hand on Travis’s shoulder. “Hey, buddy. Welcome back.”

“It’s good to be home.” Travis may have spoken to
Joel but his gaze remained firmly fixed on Mary Karen. “I see you’ve met M.K.”

“M.K.? Oh, you mean Mary Karen.” Joel slanted a glance in her direction and winked. “We’re getting acquainted.”

A muscle in Travis’s jaw jumped but his smile was easy.

“Would you like to join us?” Joel asked.

“Thanks for the offer but we’re already settled in.” Kate slipped one arm through Travis’s and gestured with the other toward a large table. “The table is already full or we’d ask you to join us.”

“Us?” Mary Karen choked out the word.

“Travis and me.” Kate spoke slowly as if making a very important point. Or perhaps she thought Mary Karen slow on the uptake. But Mary Karen saw everything all too clearly.

“Of course.” Mary Karen could have cheered when her voice came out cool and even, giving no indication of her inner turmoil.

Travis’s brows pulled together and his lips pursed. “Actually—”

“That’s okay,” Mary Karen interrupted. “Joel and I have our eye on that little table by the arbor.”

An awkward silence descended.

“You look familiar,” Joel said to Kate. “Have we met before?”

“I don’t think so.” Kate’s cheeks pinked. “In fact, I’m almost positive we haven’t.”

“It’s your eyes,” Joel continued, for some reason unwilling to let the subject drop. “I know I’ve seen them.”

“I’m going to see if our hostess needs any help.” Kate smiled brightly. “I’ll see you back at the table, Travis.”

With those words, she disappeared into the house.

“I never forget a face.” Joel followed her with his eyes. “I just can’t place from where.”

Not at all interested in talking for even one more second about Kate, Mary Karen smiled and changed the subject. “Do you like lamb, Joel? These burgers with mint and cilantro are very tasty.”

favorite,” Travis said before Joel could respond.

“Then you should take one.” Mary Karen kept her tone light. “But do it quickly. I have a feeling your girlfriend won’t like to be kept waiting.”

Even the word tasted bitter on her tongue.

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