If This Is a Woman: Inside Ravensbruck: Hitler's Concentration Camp for Women (134 page)

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A plan of Ravensbrück by the French artist France Audoul, who was one of the ‘
vingt-sept mille
’ – the largest group of French prisoners, who arrived at the camp on 3 February 1944.

The plan shows the main compound on the edge of the lake with the gate, the shower and kitchen building, and the
. The gas chamber (‘
’) and crematorium are also visible. Against the south wall is the SS garden; just beyond it are the Siemenslager and the warehouses where goods stolen from prisoners (‘
marchandises volées
’) were sorted and stored. The ‘Camp d’Extermination’ at Uckermark is also clearly marked, as are the machine-gun posts to the north. On the shore of the lake are the remains of a small fort (‘
’) and the ‘
’ – the sandy shore.

Ravensbrück: 150,000 femmes en enfer. 32 croquis et portraits faits au camp 1944–1945, 22 compositions et textes manuscrits de France Audoul

La bagne nazi de Ravensbrück

Plan subtilisé à la Gestapo

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