Illusions Complete Series (62 page)

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Authors: Annie Jocoby

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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I looked at Dalilah, and wondered if he would feel the same about me once he found out what I had done.

Then I heard Nat crying.

I picked up Dalilah in her car seat, and Madison in her carrier, and prepared to find a way to leave the scene. I didn’t have car keys anymore, so taking my Volvo wouldn’t be possible. Anyways, it would be like stealing. I started to dial a cab, thinking that I didn’t need to be in the middle of that drama, and I would come back at a later time.

However, right when I was about to call a cab, the door opened, and I was face to face with a shocked and startled Nat.


Chapter Forty-Eight

“Iris?” she said. “What are you doing here?” She looked shocked and more than a little befuddled. Her beautiful blue eyes were puffy and her face was streaked with tears, but she still would look right on the cover of a magazine.

“What?” I heard Ryan inside. “Nat, who are you talking to?” Then he was immediately behind Natalie at the front door.

I felt sheepish as I said “surprise!”

Ryan looked even more shocked than Nat. He looked different than the last time I saw him. His hair was back to normal and he no longer had a beard and moustache, but he still looked pale, thin, and tired. Like Nick said, he was taking on a junkie appearance. This was no doubt how he looked in college.

He still took my breath away.

Then he looked at Dalilah. Then back at me. In those beautiful green eyes I saw befuddlement, anger, and pure love. He never could hide the love in his eyes, no matter how irritated he was with me.

He stood there with his mouth open, and Nat stood there looking at me with an increasingly pissed-off expression. Her pissed-off expression became even moreso as she eyed the child that was so obviously Ryan’s. In her arms was apparently Christopher in his carrier. I looked at the child, and I saw what everybody else saw. Dark curly hair, blue eyes, dimpled chin. Mini Nate. Beautiful child, but I didn’t see Ryan in him at all.

I tried to make light of the situation. “Well, is anybody gonna invite me in?”

“You can’t be here,” Nat told me. “You don’t live here anymore.”

“I know that. Hence my asking for an invitation as opposed to just barging on in.”

Ryan pushed Natalie aside a little bit, then put his hand on my shoulder. “Come on in, Iris,” he said, giving Nat a look. “Of course, you’re welcome anytime.”

I flinched at his calling me by my name instead of calling me “beautiful,” and his invitation also seemed just a bit cold. But what did I expect, showing up here with his four-month-old child after having gone off the grid for eight months? Not to mention the fact that I divorced him.

I didn’t blame him for not rolling out the red carpet.

I entered the spacious home which, just like Nick had said, had not a stick of real furniture in it. There were orange crates in a circle, but, other than that, there wasn’t anything in this home. Natalie came in as well, even though she was apparently leaving before. I immediately opened the carrier, and Madison dashed out and ran into another room.

Ryan was in the kitchen. “Well, this is quite a surprise. I’m embarrassed that I don’t have a place for you to sit. I probably should make you something to eat, but there really isn’t much here.”

“I haven’t gone to the store this week,” Nat said. “And Ryan never goes to the store.”

“Don’t start,” Ryan said.

“Well, it’s true. You never go to the store. You never cook. I don’t understand that at all, because you were always an amazing cook in college.”

I was a little taken aback by that. Ryan always had a full fridge of everything you could think of, and he loved going to the store. And one of the many things that made me fall head over heels for the guy was his cooking ability.

Ryan looked sheepish as he brought out some cheese, crackers and hard salami. “I’m so sorry, Iris. Short notice.”

“No, no. I’m sorry, I should’ve given you notice.”

Nat said, “Allright, since nobody else is, I’m going to address the 800 lb gorilla. Who is that?” she said, pointing to Dalilah.

“This is Dalilah,” I said, looking at Ryan. He now had his full attention turned on her, and I saw his eyes go from angry and befuddled, to love and adoration. “Dalilah is my daughter.”

Ryan looked at me quizzically. “You’re daughter?”

I looked back at him. “Our daughter. I wasn’t sure until she was born, but, as you can see, she’s definitely yours.”

Nat now had a look on her face that clearly said “Oh, crap.”

Ryan motioned to her. “Can I hold her?”

“Of course,” I said. I watched him as he picked her up gently, then looked at her with wonder. It was like he was a cartoon figure who started out with a white face, then gradually took on more and more color. His cheeks were becoming more flushed, and his eyes were becoming brighter.

He was coming back to life before my eyes.

He just held her without saying a word. He put his finger on her nose, and gently rubbed her bald head. He brought her close to his face, and I saw him inhale a little bit, then close his eyes. For her part, she reached for him and put her hand on his nose as she gurgled and cooed.

Meanwhile, Nat was standing aside, glaring at me with an expression that clearly said
you bitch.

“That’s enough of that,” Nat snapped. “Iris just said that she’s not sure that this kid is yours. So, you better not get too attached.”

Ryan just laughed. “Look at her, Nat. She looks just like Mia. No, Nat, I’ve no doubt who she belongs to. Now Christopher is another story.”

“Well, even so,” Nat said, “I’m quite sure that Iris isn’t welcome here in this house anymore. Aren’t you even going to ask her what the hell happened to her? Aren’t you even going to confront her on where she has been, and why she hid that child from you?”

Then Ryan looked at me. And the hurt in his eyes was renewed. “Good point, Nat. Iris, what did happen to you?”

Oh, where to begin?


Chapter Forty-Nine

“Where do I begin?” I said to Ryan.

“You can start by telling me how you have a baby here, when you clearly said when you divorced me that you were not pregnant.”

“I was pregnant, of course, at the time.”

“Did you know it at the time?”

“Yes,” I said, quietly.

“So, you committed fraud.”

“Yes,” I said, glancing at Nat. She was looking happier and happier by the second.


“I wasn’t in my right mind. That’s all I could figure. I was afraid that the baby wasn’t yours.”

It was then that Nat got into the act. “What? You mean, you were cheating on Ryan? Ryan, are you just going to sit there and take that?”

Ryan shot Nat a look that said
drop it.
Then he turned to me. “I understand.”

“Ryan, what do you mean you understand?” Natalie whined. “You dropped Alexis like a bad habit for cheating, why-“

“Nat, if you don’t be quiet, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Then he turned to me. “Go on.”

“I thought that the baby wasn’t yours, and I was scared. And betrayed. So betrayed. You ripped out my soul, Ryan, you and Nat. Absolutely ripped it out. I mean, I was attacked by Rochelle, then raped, then was on drugs, then found out about Nat in such a short period of time. I plead temporary insanity.”

I looked at Nat, who now had a look of understanding on her face. “Raped? Oh, Iris, I’m so sorry.” She was, once again, sweet Nat.

“Yes, Nat, I was raped.”

“By the bodyguard that I forced her to have,” Ryan said quietly to Nat.

She just looked at me with a bit of shocked look on her face, then looked at Ryan. “Why did you force her to get a bodyguard?”

“Because I thought that Rochelle was going to be coming after her. I was going to be gone in Tokyo, and I wanted to be sure that she was safe.”

“Ironic, huh?” I said to Nat.

Ryan turned to me. “Go on with your story beaut, uh, Iris,” he said. 

“What is there to tell? I didn’t tell you about the baby, then ended up living in San Francisco with a lesbian I met while working at Whole Foods. That wasn’t a long-term plan, I know, but it was all I could come up with at the moment.”

Nat was incredulous. “You’re a lawyer. Why would you be working at Whole Foods?”

“I wanted something low pressure and kinda fun. Law work is the diametrical opposite of those two qualities. Anyhow, I had trouble making ends meet, but I managed.”

“I know that you haven’t touched the money I gave you,” Ryan said.


“So, what brought you back?” Ryan asked.

I hesitated for a moment, then said “Nick. He ran into me at Starbucks. I was in there before work. It’s in our neighborhood, so I was taking Dalilah here out for a walk, and stopped in there to get a cup of coffee. Then he comes through the door, as big as you please. He informed me, in no uncertain terms, that I had to come home,” I said, seeing Ryan’s face become pale once more. He no doubt surmised that I was only here because I was forced, not because I wanted to come home. At least, that was what his face was telling me. “So, I felt bad about leaving Lena high and dry. I gave her $10,000 to tide her over until she could find another place and good day care.”

Nat’s face was showing relief and happiness at my words. She no doubt recognized the subtext of what I was saying – I was only home because Nick forced me, and I had no intention of returning to a marriage with Ryan.

“Ok, so, Iris, you’re here to let Ryan know about Dalilah, and fix your divorce, right? I mean, Ryan is entitled to joint custody, of course, and I don’t mind helping him raise little Dalilah. She’s the same age as little Christopher. You know what they say, it’s just as easy to raise two as one,” Natalie said in a rambling fashion.

Ryan was staring at me with those penetrating eyes. The depths in them were scary. I could read them so very well. They were saying that he wanted me back, and that he hoped that I didn’t just come home because Nick forced me to make good on what I had done with our child.

I started to waver. Then I took a deep breath and said “No, Nat, actually I wanted to come home to see if there was any way possible for Ryan and I to find our way back to one another.” Then I looked at Ryan, whose color was, once again, flooding back to his face. Addressing him, I said “I hope that there isn’t too much damage here. You’re the love of my life.”

At that he smiled, big. Nat gave me the look of death. “Iris, you can’t do this. You can’t just come in here after all this time and just snap your fingers and expect everything to be ok. You fucked him over, or did you forget that? Ryan is with me now, we have a child together, and you can’t do this. And what were you going to do if Nick didn’t drag you back here? You still would be out there, living your life, hiding Ryan’s child from him…”

Natalie was droning on and on, but I tuned her out. Ryan did, too, apparently. Neither of us bothered to even engage her in conversation at all. We both just stared at each other.

Then he took my hands, and kissed them tenderly. He kissed my forehead, and put his hand in my hair, inhaling deeply. I put my head on his chest, hearing his heart pounding. Dalilah, for her part, laid in her crib, gurgling and cooing.

Ryan looked at Nat. “I’m sorry, Nat. We both know that Christopher isn’t mine. I haven’t had the energy to do anything about it until now. But I’m calling Sheldon the first thing tomorrow morning, and I’m going to get a court order for a DNA test. Then you need to return to your husband.”

“No,” Nat said. “You can’t get rid of me that easily. I know that this baby looks like Nate, but he also looks like me. And you, for that matter. The dark curly hair is all you. Blue eyes run in your family – look at Sarah and your father, and I have blue eyes as well. This baby is yours, I’m telling you.”

“Ok, if he’s mine, we’ll deal with it. I won’t leave him high and dry. I’m more responsible than that. Either way, though, I want you to patch things up with Nate. He loves you. I don’t.”

“I can’t just go to Nate and ask him to raise your child. Your child belongs with you.”

“I admit, it will put a crimp in my relationship with him, even more than it has already been damaged. But, we’ll all get past this, I promise you.” Then, he looked at me. “Iris, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you want to come home. I’m not going to say that it’s going to be easy for us – both of us have done something major to the other that is going to make it hard to trust. We’re going to have to do some work on this relationship so that you can forgive me for Nat, and I can forgive you for hiding Dalilah from me. And don’t think that I have forgotten that Nick had to force you to come back.” He shook his head. “Nat does have a point, come to think of it. What would you have done if Nick hadn’t been there at that coffee shop to force you to come back?”

“I admit, I wasn’t ready,” I said. “Not because I didn’t want to come home. I did. I missed you terribly, every single minute of every single day. I used to pray to God to take care of you. I wanted you to be happy, even if it wasn’t with me. I somehow thought that you could be happy with Nat and your child with her. Nick let me know that wasn’t the case.”

“So, if Nick didn’t run into you…” Ryan said.

“I’m not sure, to be honest with you. I didn’t want to face you and Nat together, and I knew that seeing you with her and your child would absolutely rip out my soul. And there was a part of me that thought that if you could find happiness with Nat and the baby than that would be enough for me. I would never be happy without you, but I could find some peace if I knew that you were happy.”

“I’m not happy, Iris. I could never be happy without you, either. I hope that you’re serious about coming home.”

“I’m not going to jerk you around again, Ryan. I don’t think that I could live without having you in my life in some sort of way.”

Nat was standing there, watching this unfold, a pissed-off expression on her beautiful face. Christopher started screaming, but she just ignored him. It was like she was in some kind of trance.

“Nat, aren’t you gonna attend to your child?” Ryan asked.

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