Imperial Guard (26 page)

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Authors: Joseph O'Day

Tags: #Religion, #Christian Life, #General

BOOK: Imperial Guard
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A flash of light blinded him instead. Josh Mogul had been shot dead by one of the duel monitors stationed along the perimeter of the Field of Blood. Brogan felt no remorse.


Brogan rubbed his chest. His superficial knife wound hurt. But the rest of his body was so sore, he was not sure which was worse. He grinned at Adriel through the pain, and she smiled back. He put his arm around her shoulder, allowing her to help him along.

“I’m sure going to miss you,” he said with feeling. The emotional agony of her departure seemed only to worsen his physical pain. But at the same time, he felt strangely elated and hopeful, more alive than he had felt in years.

Adriel held him tighter in response.

“I could use a good nurse for the next couple of weeks. I feel like I’ve been trampled by a herd of horses.”

“I’m just glad it’s over,” Adriel whispered. “I thought you were done for.”

“I know. I saw it in your face.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about that knife trick?”

“I didn’t tell anybody. It was between me and the tech man. That was the best way to keep it secret.”

“Well, I’m real proud of you for not killing him, Timothy.” She looked up at him with eyes full of love and admiration. “I guess I always knew you were a man of honor. That’s another thing I love about you.”

Brogan smiled. “You just keep those thoughts of love fresh for me. I want everything to be the same between us when I come to Cirrus.”

“Oh, Timothy! How long? When will you be able to come?”

Brogan stopped walking, and Adriel swung around to face him. “I don’t know, Adriel. Maybe a year. Maybe two. Maybe longer. I just don’t know. It depends on the Emperor and on how well my job goes. But I’ll send a scan every week.”

“I’ll send one every day!” She stood on tiptoes and kissed him for a long moment.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep!” Brogan teased.

“Well, here’s one promise I can keep. I’ll wait for you, Timothy Brogan, no matter how long it takes, as long as you and I both draw breath.”

Brogan gave her a one-armed hug, then they continued on toward the shuttle. As they neared their destination a big man who had been leaning against a wall, pushed himself erect and started walking toward them. He was accompanied by a female Imperial Guard.

“Willum?” Adriel shrieked. She jerked free from Brogan and ran to embrace him. Brogan laughed.

“What are you doing here, Willum?”

“This is where I have to be if I’m going with you to Cirrus.”

Adriel swung around and looked at Brogan questioningly. Again Brogan laughed.

This time Adriel ran to Brogan and threw her arms around him. “Thank you, Timothy! Thank you! You don’t know how much this means to me!”

“Oh, I think I have an inkling. I didn’t want you to be too lonely on your trip home. But don’t have such a good time that you stop thinking about me.”

It was Adriel’s turn to laugh, and it sounded good to Brogan. But it made him wish he could hear that laughter every day.

“Willum, why don’t you and the private go ahead and board? Adriel will be along in a minute.”

“Sure thing,” he said with a wink. He took the arm of the bodyguard and walked up the ramp.

Brogan turned to Adriel. “Well, this is it.”

She looked down. “At least the next time I see you, you’ll be able to give me a two-armed hug.” She looked up and a tear dripped from her eyelash. She buried her face in Brogan’s chest, and he held her until he felt as though she had become a part of him.

When she released him, he put his hand under her chin and raised her face. They gazed into each other’s eyes for a long moment, and then they kissed for the last time.



Daniel Mizpala voice-activated Brogan’s number. Within seconds his face appeared in the view screen. Mizpala felt relief that his friend’s face was still able to stare back at him, when only a few hours ago Josh Mogul’s blade could have drained the life from it.

“Good morning, Minister Mizpala.”

“Morning, Colonel Brogan. Please come to my quarters immediately, and bring your IAD unit with you. I’ll expect you in fifteen minutes.”

“Yes, sir.”

The First Minister noticed the question that formed on Brogan’s face—a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Nevertheless, Mizpala promptly hit the disconnect button and turned in his swivel chair. He put his elbows on the arm rests, made a tent with his fingers, and tapped them against his pursed mouth. He was not normally that curt with subordinates, but the significance of his discovery left no allowance for amenities.

Mizpala was subdued and exultant at the same time
—subdued over the enormity of the moment and elated over the prospect that his decades-long battle with Kepec Mogul might soon be over. He closed his eyes in quiet gratitude. Then he pushed himself up and began pacing.

Ten minutes earlier he had received a top-secret report. The two Imperial Guardsmen who had survived the attack on Manazes’s detachment had recently recovered enough to receive truth scans. Their disclosures had confirmed Mizpala’s belief that Kepec, Carl, and Josh Mogul had conspired to assassinate Timothy Brogan. Now Mizpala had the evidence he needed to obtain an Imperial order for the arrest of the two surviving Moguls.

Kepec never learned that any of his men had survived the assault. He tried to find out a time or two without appearing unduly interested, but Mizpala stonewalled him. Not knowing whether there actually were any survivors, or where Mizpala may have been hiding them if there were, he put some of his men on the job of finding out. But after a few days they had come up empty as well. Mizpala’s wall of secrecy was impenetrable.

Mizpala smiled. All his hard work was finally going to pay off. He was going to take Kepec down, and there would be one less evil influence in the Empire. At least, that is what he hoped would happen.

Over the years Mizpala had become pessimistic in this regard because of his repeated failures to put an end to the Mogul influence. But since Brogan had come, his attitude started becoming more positive. And now, in the space of one day, his primary lifelong goal might be completely realized. But Mizpala could not suppress the nervousness betrayed by his ceaseless pacing.

Presently Brogan arrived, and he was ushered immediately into Mizpala’s presence. Mizpala returned to his seat. “Where are your men, Colonel?”

“They’re waiting outside, sir.” Brogan cleared his throat. “What’s going down, sir? From the terseness of your message, I gather that something big has happened.”

“Your intuition serves you well, Colonel. Yes, we have gotten our big break.” Mizpala allowed himself to smile. “The two surviving Imperial Guardsmen have been administered truth scans, and they have implicated Carl and Kepec Mogul in the assassination plots against you.”

“That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time!”

“And that’s not all. Now that we have
incontrovertible evidence against them, it will be possible to reveal
testimony regarding the assassination plot against the Emperor. Before it was just your word against Kepec’s. Now we have a pattern of conspiracy emerging that will lend credence to your story as well.”

“Sir, I’ll do whatever it takes to end the influence of the Mogul clan.”

Mizpala noted the sincere fire in Brogan’s eyes. “For now, I want you to prepare your men to take the Moguls into custody. According to my latest information, they are cloistered in Kepec’s palace residence. Take your men to the café near his palace and keep it under clandestine surveillance. I will join you there as soon as I have obtained an arrest order from the Emperor.”


Carl Mogul peered at his father through squinted lids. At this moment he felt more disgust and revulsion for him than ever before. He watched as Kepec paced the room, arms gesticulating in the air, shrill voice cursing Brogan and Mizpala and anyone else he could think of, half-crazed eyes bulging from their sockets.

Now I know why Josh was his favorite,
Carl told himself.
Josh inherited his emotional instability.
His mouth curled up in distaste, as if he had just sucked a lemon.

Kepec was distraught over the death of his favorite son. In fact, it had mentally unhinged him. Carl, on the other hand, would have been happy no matter who had emerged the victor. To his way of thinking, Brogan’s death may have been slightly more advantageous. But as it turned out, he was delighted to finally be rid of his pest of a younger brother.

Now we can get rid of Brogan at our leisure and not have things complicated by Josh.
He frowned.
But only if I can talk some sense into the old man.
He heaved a sigh, walked over to block his father’s path, and grabbed hold of his arms.

“Father! Get hold of yourself! You have got to put Josh’s death behind you! You can’t let this jeopardize all our plans!”

Kepec ripped his arms out of his son’s grasp and jabbed his finger at his face. “You always were jealous of Josh. You couldn’t stand him. I bet you’re happy he’s dead!”

“Father . . .”

“Yes, just as I thought. Well, I’m not happy! I’m boiling mad! People are going to pay! Brogan I’m going to kill real slow. Yeah, no quick and easy death for him this time! But first I’m going after Mizpala.” Kepec called his lifelong nemesis a few choice names. “He’s the one behind Brogan. Well, he’s interfered with me and my family for the last time!” he shouted as he slapped his fist into his palm.

Suddenly the light of madness in Kepec’s eyes seemed to brighten. “But why stop there?” Kepec asked himself. “This family has suffered enough. Carl, we’ll kill Henry, too. Mizpala and Henry in one blow . . . and maybe we’ll get lucky and eliminate Brogan at the same time.”

The words tumbled out almost incoherently. “I’ve waited long enough. We’ll strike now and make an end of it. Then
be Emperor of All Known Worlds!” He shook his fist in the air in crazed delight. “I’ll finally achieve the greatness that was meant to be mine. It’s my destiny! Nothing—and no one—will be able to stand in my way!”

“No, Father,” Carl tried to reason. “We cannot do anything right now. Now, right after Josh’s death, is when they’ll be expecting something. We have to let things settle down for awhile, bide our time, wait for the right moment, when they least expect it.”

“You wait if you want to. But not me! I’ve waited far too many years for this moment. The throne is rightfully mine! I deserve it! Whose side are you on anyway?” Kepec shouted.

Carl ran his hand through his hair. He was getting desperate. It was beginning to look like he was not going to be able to talk his father out of this insane and foolish course of action. In a flash of insight it suddenly occurred to Carl that in his worked-up emotional state, Kepec had come to believe that he was invulnerable
—destined to win. Kepec’s plan to openly and rashly kill Brogan, Mizpala, and Henry clearly demonstrated to Carl that his father had completely lost touch with reality and now posed a very real threat to him.

Without warning his patience snapped. “I’m on
side, you old fool! Just like anybody with any sense! And I can’t allow you to go off half-cocked and destroy everything I’ve worked so long and hard for.”

“Oh, you can’t, can you? And what do you mean
‘worked so long and hard for’? You haven’t worked half as long and hard as I have. The throne is
goal, and we’ll do things

Carl took a deep breath and let it out slowly through clenched teeth. “No, you won’t,” he said quietly with a deep chill in his voice.

“And how are you going to stop me, you traitor?”

“Like this.” Carl pulled out his laser pistol and pointed it at his father’s midsection.

Kepec stared, stunned and disbelieving. Pointing a trembling finger at the gun, he asked in a subdued voice, “What are you doing, Carl?”

“I’m stopping you from making a mistake that will ruin both of us. I’ve tried to make you listen to reason, but you’ve gone over the edge. You’re going to get us both killed unless I stop you. And I can’t think of any other way to stop you than this. I can’t trust you anymore.”

“What are you talking about, son?” he pleaded with both hands extended, palms up. “We’re in this together. This is the time. Now is our destiny. Don’t be a fool. Don’t take the dream of a lifetime away from us now. Do it for Josh.”

“For Josh?” Carl scoffed. “Why would I want to do
for Josh? He was nothing but a liability since he was old enough to get into trouble. We are far better off without him . . .
better off,” Carl corrected himself. “Now it will be I who am better off without him

“Carl, you don’t know what you’re saying. He was your brother. I’m your father.”

“Sorry, Father. You leave me no choice.”

“Carl! No!” Kepec screamed as Carl pulled the trigger.


Brogan heard the scream just as he arrived at the door. Without hesitation, he blasted the lock with his laser and watched as one of his men broke in the door. Brogan, Mizpala, and the rest of the IAD team followed him in.

Carl was standing over the prostrate form of Kepec Mogul, and his gaze met Brogan’s as he stumbled into the chamber. Brogan’s blood turned cold as he saw the emptiness in Carl Mogul’s eyes. He stiffened as Carl turned toward him and raised his laser.

“Drop it, Carl!” yelled Brogan, pointing his pistol at him.

Carl looked at the half-dozen guns pointed at him and decided to comply. He tossed his weapon onto the lifeless body of his father. Brogan motioned two of his men to take him into custody, then went over to examine the inert form of Kepec Mogul.

“What do you want?” Carl demanded imperiously. “What right do you have to break into a nobleman’s private residence?”

“After what’s happened here just now, we don’t need a reason,” Mizpala interjected. “But we have one nonetheless—an Imperial order for your arrest.”

“On what charge?” Carl asked icily.

“The charges are treason and conspiracy to commit murder. But those charges seem now to be outdated. We have to add patricide to your list of crimes as well.” Mizpala turned to look at the body Brogan was kneeling beside. Carl Mogul followed his gaze.

Brogan stood up, satisfied that Kepec was indeed dead. He turned and quietly said to another of his men, “Get a med team up here.”

Then Brogan looked at Kepec’s impassive son and sighed. “Why’d you do it, Carl?”

“What do you care?” Carl asked coldly. “You’re probably as glad he’s dead as I am.” The two men finished securing Carl’s hands behind him as he spoke.

Brogan shook his head sadly. “I’m glad he can’t harm anyone anymore. But no one’s death delights me, not your brother’s and not your father’s.”

“Well, well. How sanctimonious! The great colonel loved my father and brother more than I did. How noble and saintly of him!”

Brogan could not believe his ears. He was astonished that even Carl Mogul could be this cold and dispassionate. He did not know how to respond, but he mumbled something off the top of his head. “I wanted them to pay for their crimes, sure, but I’m no murderer.”

Carl made a pejorative comment. Then he said, “You’re just like me, Brogan. Admit it. You want the power just like I do.”

“No, I don’t.” He fumbled for words. “I didn’t commit crimes to get where I am today. I didn’t even
to climb the ladder.” He shrugged. “I just did my job the best I could. And maybe a higher purpose put me where I am today.”

“A higher purpose?” Carl shouted. “A higher purpose? Still the hotshot kid with all the hokey answers, huh? I should’ve taken care of you a long time ago!”

Brogan tried to ignore Carl’s vitriolic comments. “Carl, your father and your brother were evil men. They didn’t have a chance to change before they died. You do.”

Carl swore. His face turned red and spittle dripped down his chin. “You little punk. You’ve ruined my life, and now you expect me to listen to this nonsense?”

Brogan shook his head in resignation. He did not know what to say, so he remained silent.

Carl moved toward him in a threatening manner until his guards restrained him. “I won’t forget,” he said through clenched teeth, straining against their grasps. Brogan felt a chill run down his spine, but Carl was not finished.

“Because of you, my father and my brother are dead. Because of you, I’ve lost everything. Keep looking over your shoulder, Brogan, ’cause one day I’m going to get you. One day you’re going to be mine!”

Mizpala had had enough. He stepped forward. “Get him out of here . . . now!”

Brogan stared in stunned silence as the guards led Carl Mogul, struggling and cursing, out the door.

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