In a Heartbeat (Heartbeat #1) (24 page)

BOOK: In a Heartbeat (Heartbeat #1)
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Max was getting seriously angry and this whole thing was turning into a mess. Their non-existent relationship wasn’t the point of that meeting. Stella felt guilty, because Lisa knew why she had to push Max away, and he didn’t. Her cousin’s reasons for not wanting them involved in anything but friendship were valid. Max was attacking her because he didn’t know a lot of stuff about Stella, and thought Lisa’s blessing would solve all his problems.

“Max, back off,” said Stella, quietly but firmly. She wouldn’t allow her cousin to take all the blame. “This is not why we’re here.” He swore again and, raising his hands in front of him in defeat, went to the counter and leaned back against it, crossing his feet.

“Lis,” Stella said, sitting down next to her. “What happened last night?”

“What d’you mean?” Lisa’s eyes took on a hard edge. This was not going to be easy.

“You got hammered. On your own. You were gone all day and didn’t pick up your phone. I was worried about you.” Stella decided a calmer, more rational approach might soften Lisa and she’d confess what was bothering her.

“To quote your boyfriend over there, I can do whatever the fuck I want, end quote.” She stood up as if ready to leave. In one swift movement Max was in front of her, blocking her way out.

“You’re not leaving here until you tell us what’s going on with you, Lisa.” Max tried to control his voice, but it was apparent he was angry and irritated with her.

“I don’t have to explain anything. To quote again, I’m an adult.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“Yeah? Well, getting drunk on tequila shots, licking salt from random guys’ abs and dancing in a way that’d make a veteran stripper blush until you pass out, is not adult behaviour. So you’d better start talking.”

God, Stella had no idea the situation last night had been so out of control. This was bigger than she’d anticipated. Lisa stood silently in front of Max, her eyes hard and her stance defensive. If he continued to go all ‘bad cop’ on her, she’d never talk.

“Lis,” Stella said, touching her shoulder and making her turn towards her. “Max didn’t spend the night here. He came half an hour before you woke up and brought coffee.” She pointed at the cups on the table as proof. Lisa’s demeanour immediately changed and her arms sagged by her sides. Stella used that to her advantage. “Please talk to us. We love you and we’re very worried about you. You haven’t been yourself lately and it’s obvious something’s on your mind.”

Defeat flooded Lisa’s eyes as she sat back down in her chair.

“There’s this guy in my art class. I really like him, but he’s sending me mixed signals. He’s either focused on me entirely, or else doesn’t even notice I exist. We kissed about a week ago and he’s been very sweet since, but last night he came to the gallery with a girl draped over his arm. He didn’t know I worked there and would see them. And what was the real shocker: she had an engagement ring that she showed everyone. They were shopping for art for their new home.”

Wow, Stella hadn’t expected that.

“So that was why I got drunk last night. It was a terrible idea and my headache can testify to that. I’m sorry I got you both worried.” She reached for Stella’s hand over the table and squeezed it, even forcing a small smile. Then she turned to Max. “Thank you for bringing me home. I appreciate it.” He nodded, but his frown didn’t ease. “I’m going to go back to bed.”

She left the kitchen, brushing past Max. He came to the table and sat down, but didn’t speak until he heard her door close.

“I don’t buy that for a fucking second,” he said.

“Really?” Stella was confused. Lisa’s story had seemed perfectly plausible.

“She’s lying and we have to find out why. Something’s definitely going on, and you can bet there’s a guy involved, but it’s not what she just told us.”

“If she’s going out of her way to hide it, then it’s something big, Max.”

Stella was getting really worried. Lisa was not a person who lied. She was the most honest, honourable, genuinely good person Stella knew and if she had just lied to them without batting an eyelid, then what she was hiding must be very important to her.

“I know.”

A clap of thunder cracked above them and startled them both, because the weather had been perfectly good less than half an hour ago. Just then, the first big drops of rain started hitting the windows.

“Great. Now it’s raining. So I’m stuck here with Lisa nursing a hangover and nothing to do,” Stella complained, as she leaned back in her chair.

“I can stay,” Max said and shrugged as she eyed him cautiously. “If you want. I don’t have to be at the bar until seven, and we can hang out until then. Keep an eye on Lisa. Play some video games; whatever you want.”

Of course she had to agree.

They ended up having a lovely day together. Max sensed that it wouldn’t be a good idea to bring up what had happened the previous night or to push Stella’s buttons by teasing her. Eventually they both relaxed and had a wonderful time. Max taught her how to play Wii sports and after she’d thrown the remote at the wall several times, he made her wear the wristband all the time. At some point they got tired and hungry and Max cooked some seafood pasta, which was beyond delicious. They checked up on Lisa a couple of times, and both times she’d been asleep.

After eating the pasta, Stella didn’t feel like playing video games anymore, as it required a lot more effort than she was willing to put in on a full stomach. They settled for watching a film, but Lisa didn’t have any DVDs. Stella had several movies on her laptop and they moved to her bedroom, deciding to watch ‘Snatch’ since it was a mutual favourite. They lay on the bed, the laptop on Max’s legs, and Stella snuggled beside him.

Soon, without her even realising, her eyelids grew heavy and she fell asleep.


Max didn’t dare breathe. He held Stella in his arms as she slept and prayed to every deity known to man that she wouldn’t wake up soon. The feeling of having her snuggled into him was wonderful. It was worth everything he’d have to do from now on to convince her to let go of all the reasons that were holding her back, and be his.


When Stella woke up she was alone in the bed. Looking around she saw her laptop shut down on her nightstand. What she didn’t see was Max. Reaching for her phone, she saw it was 6.30 p.m. and so he’d probably left to go to work.

She felt exhausted, despite all the sleep she’d had. Forcing herself to get off the bed, Stella went to the bathroom to refresh herself and then decided to go and check up on Lisa. Just as she was leaving her room, her cousin opened her own bedroom door.

“Hi. You’re alive,” she said and made Lisa smile. She looked much better.

“Yeah, I am.” She was wearing a pair of sweats and a loose T-shirt, which meant she wasn’t planning on going out.

“Wanna eat something?”

“No, I’m not hungry. I was just headed for the studio,” she said and looked at Stella apologetically. “I’m sorry, Stella. I know I haven’t been a very good friend lately and haven’t been there for you ...”

“Hey, stop that. It’s OK. You have a lot to deal with.”

“Still ... I feel bad.”

“It’s OK, Lis – really. Go and paint something.”

Lisa nodded and headed to her studio. Stella went to the kitchen, made herself a sandwich and went back to her room. Switching on her laptop, she weighed the options of what to do all evening in her head. She could watch a movie, or see if her mum wanted to talk, or browse aimlessly on the internet, or read a book until she succumbed to the boredom and fell asleep.

Her pillow still smelled of Max. Stella lay back into it and relaxed, closing her eyes. His scent was all around her, hugging her, comforting her.

As if on cue her phone beeped with a text.

Max: You up?

Stella: Yeah. You should have woken me up before you left. I feel like such a bad hostess.

Max: Are you crazy? That was the best afternoon of my life. I could watch you sleep for months.

Wow. OK. How do I reply to that?

She didn’t have much time to dwell on that because she got another text.

Max: How’s Lisa? When I left she was still sleeping.

Stella: She woke up just now and locked herself in her studio.

Max: Hmmm. She left you alone again. Wanna come here?

Stella: It’s OK. I’ll finish watching the movie I fell asleep halfway through and then maybe read. I’m fine, Max. Don’t worry about me.

Max: OK. You know where to find me if you change your mind.

Stella did exactly that – finished watching ‘Snatch’, read for a while and, enveloped in Max’s scent still lingering on her pillow, fell asleep.

Chapter Nineteen

Two days later, on Friday afternoon, in the middle of watching a movie in the living room, Lisa grew restless. She wouldn’t stop tapping her foot and fidgeting with her hair. Stella didn't say anything, because she wasn’t feeling particularly keen on opening that can of worms again. The previous day Lisa had seemed almost back to normal – they had hung out at the beach while Max was working there and it had been fun. In the evening Max had to work again and Lisa didn’t feel like going out, so they stayed in, cooked and when Niki came back from work, had dinner together. Perfectly normal.

So what’s with the foot tapping right now?

“Stella, I just remembered I have to do something.”

Surprise, surprise.

“Will you be OK here for a while? It shouldn’t take long.”

Stella eyed her curiously, wondering whether she should dig her heels in and demand the truth – or if not the entire truth, at least some kind of explanation. Judging by Lisa’s nervous behaviour, that would not go down well. She’d come up with another lie to get Stella off her back, and would still go out and do whatever she was really doing.

“It’s OK, Lis; you don’t have to ask for my permission. If you have something to do, go and do it.”

Lisa sprang to her feet and, grabbing her bag from the chair next to the coffee table, ran out.

Stella wished she had a car so that she could follow her.



Had she really thought that? Driving a car was something Stella would never do. But then, why did she just wish for it?

Ignoring the thought, she grabbed her phone and texted Max.

Stella: Lisa ran out again. I bet she’s going to the same place she went before.

Max: Shit. I’m stuck at work till four. I’ll come over right after I finish here.

Stella: I have a feeling she won’t be back until then. She’s working this evening.

Max: I’ll take my chances. Besides, I want to see you.

Stella: OK. See you later then.

Stella spent the next couple of hours unable to focus on anything, wondering what the hell could get her level-headed cousin to act this way.

Max came a little after four.

He was wearing blue jeans and a black T-shirt, his hair still wet, and he smelled as if he’d just taken a shower.

“Is she back?” he asked as he made his way to the sofa.

“No. I tried calling her, but it goes to voicemail.”

“Do you mind if I stay for a while?”

“Of course not. What d’you wanna do?”

“Kick your ass at baseball,” he said and grinned, because Stella had really sucked at that game the last time they played.

“You’re on.”

They played for a while and at one point Stella managed to swing so hard that she swayed on her feet, lost her balance and fell onto the sofa, flinging the remote right at the wall in the process. It landed on the floor with a thud, its batteries springing out and rolling off. Max laughed so hard he had to kneel on the floor to steady himself, while Stella scolded him with a nasty look.

She hated losing.

“Uh-oh, I broke the remote,” she said, with pretend regret. “Too bad we won’t be able to play that stupid game anymore.” She stalked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. Max followed her, still laughing. “Stop laughing, or you’ll be the next broken thing.”

“Oh, I’m so scared. You can do some serious damage with those small hands of yours.” His grin never left his face and his eyes sparkled with happiness. Stella loved to see him like this and absolutely delighted in the idea that she was the reason he was so happy right now.

His phone rang and he reached in his back pocket to get it.

“Yeah. What? No, man. I’m at Stella’s. We were playing baseball and she purposely flung the remote towards the wall and broke it. Because she sucks at baseball. I know.” More laughter. Stella was glaring at him and he found it even funnier. “Oh, come on. Tonight? No, I don’t have plans. I just thought I’d hang out here. Fine, just stop talking and I’ll come. No, I’ll wait for you here. Bye.”

He put the phone back in his pocket and exhaled loudly.

“I was hoping I could stay here and wait for Lisa, but Beppe wants me to go out with him.”

“No worries; she probably won’t be back till late anyway.” Stella tried to play it off as no big deal, but on the inside she was fuming.

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