In It to Win It (21 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kearns

BOOK: In It to Win It
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Page after page Jane saw herself as an outsider looking in.

This isn’t technically my handiwork.”

Your mom?”

Yeah, she always thought we were perfect for each other. She sent me copies of everything in this book. No matter where I was or what I was doing in my life, Mom made sure that you were always in my thoughts. Not that I minded,” he added with a grin. He turned the page, revealing a publicity photo from KHB. “So, I know exactly who you are, Janie. You are the woman I love with everything that I am.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Yet, she couldn’t
believe it. It all made sense. Knowing Maude Pierce and her determined attitude when it came to her son, Jane had no doubt that everything Grayson told her was the absolute truth.

Now I have a question for you,” he said, his fingers playing with her ponytail.

Really? It seems you know everything about me.” She dropped her eyes to look at the book showcasing her life as evidence.

He smiled. “Yes, except the most important thing. I want to know what’s in here.” He placed his large palm flat against her chest, directly over her heart.

She gulped, her throat constricted. Her fingers wrapped around his hand, holding it to her heart. Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth and launched the truth into the air.

I am crazy about you. Head-over-heels, can’t-sleep-at-night-without-dreaming-of-you, honest-to-goodness in love with you.”

He yanked her to him, hugging her so forcefully that the air flew from her lungs. And so relentlessly that she couldn’t breathe. “Then I have one more question.” He released her just enough to be able to look at her eye to eye. “Will you marry me?”


A deflated expression crossed his features before he schooled them. “Can I ask why?”

She put her hands on his cheeks, cradling his face. She leaned down and kissed him ever so gently. “Grayson, I love you.” She laughed. “Wow! You’re right; it does feel good to say it out loud.” She kissed him again. “I love you so much, but I love the guy I knew way back when. I need to know who you are now. I need to know that who you are is really who you are.”

He looked at her, completely perplexed.

Ya know, the whole time I’ve known you—the adult you—I’ve gotten this whole back and forth insanity—”

That wasn’t me.”

I know.” She kissed him. “Really, I do know that deep down in my heart, but my head is going to take a little longer to convince.”

But you love me?”


Then sit back and enjoy the ride because I can’t wait to show you the man I really am.”

She laughed as his lips met hers. “One more thing.”


I don’t want anyone to say that I’m using you—or our relationship—to further my career.”

Nobody will—” He stopped himself, knowing that even as she opened her mouth to protest that her contradiction would be the truth. He held up a hand. “Fair enough. We’ll take it slow. We’ll introduce our love to the world slowly, so no one can make accusations that will have any merit. Deal?” He stuck out his hand.

She brushed it aside and said “deal” just before sealing their deal with a passionate kiss.

He scooped her into his arms and all but sprinted up the stairs. His bedroom was next to hers—the one he’d given her, she corrected. Her bedroom had a more feminine feel. This one was wholly masculine; from the enormous lodge-pole, king-sized bed and matching dresser to the dark browns and forest greens and the bear rug on the floor.

With a sensual movement of his hand, he removed the band from her hair. He kissed down her neck before coming back to meet her lips with ferocity. The insecure little girl buried deep inside her wanted to pull away. But she
that little girl anymore. Jane was now in the arms of the man she loved, the man who loved her and she wasn’t going to deny herself anything anymore.

I know I said we’d go slow…” he said between kisses.

Don’t you dare!” And she kissed him, bruising his lips for even suggesting such a thing.

Giving herself to Grayson with no reservations, they made love until dawn colored the horizon.








RAYSON AWOKE TO THE SOFT WHISPERS OF breath blowing over his chest … and was content for the first time in years. He’d slept so deeply that he hadn’t even dreamt.

Dreams? HA! His thoughts laughed at that. He had no use for dreams anymore. Back in the day he’d had two dreams; play professional baseball and marry Jane Alexander.

Jane hadn’t agreed to marry him yet, but she would. After her eager lovemaking last night Grayson knew it was only a matter of time. The connection between them had been like nothing he’d ever experienced. Grayson hadn’t been a virgin when taking Jane to his bed last night, but he had to admit that his knowledge was limited to only a few encounters. And being with Jane had blown all those other experiences out of the water. Nothing could compare. Sex really was better when you loved the woman you were with.

She was lying with her head on his chest and one leg on his thigh. His arm drew her even tighter, using his hand on her bottom to fit them flush. She sighed, her breath blowing the wisps of hair that darkened the space between his pecs. Her arms snaked across his chest and she hugged him to her. There were few ways she could be any closer to him. He smiled, loving the feel of her against him. It was a feeling he was sure he would never tire of.

Even as he held her, feeling content, fear and worry crept into his thoughts, clawing through the bliss. The dread could be summed up in one word: Derek.

Grayson closed his eyes and refused to let his evil alter-ego into this moment. He bent to kiss the top of her head and let his fingers toy with the ends of her hair. He really was a lucky bastard. The smile on his lips widened as he thought of just how lucky he was. He was ready to take his name off the ‘eligible bachelor’ list. Jane wasn’t ready to announce that they were together to the world.

When he did the interview with her, he would say he was off the market. Let her do what she would with the information. Maybe the declaration would end up on the editing room floor, but he would throw it out and see how Jane handled it.

As for today, as soon as Jane woke he would make love to her. They would shower—and maybe make love there, too—and then they would take a trip to visit the 5 and Dime. He grinned. His mother was going to freak. Her greatest desire for her son was that he be happy and she didn’t believe he could do that without Jane in his life.

Now that he’d had a taste of what life would be like with Jane in it, Grayson had to admit that his mother was absolutely right. He just wasn’t sure if he would admit that to her.


JANE COULD DEFINITELY GET USED TO THIS. She smiled, savoring the scents and sensations of waking up in Grayson’s arms. He smelled like masculinity epitomized, so good that she flicked out her tongue to taste his skin.

He flinched and she giggled. “Are you ticklish?”


She kissed him on his side, near his ribs and he chuckled softly, his muscles tensing.

Are you sure about that?” she asked.

Okay, maybe a little.” He took hold of her hand and moved it lower. “If you’re hell-bent on tickling me, I’ve got a much better place for you to tickle.”

You’re incorrigible.”

He chuckled softly. Quick as lightning, he flipped her on her back and hovered over her, the muscles of his arms flexed with the effort of holding himself up. His eyes flashed with mis-chief. His brow rose in suggestion. His lips lifted for a moment before that smirk met her lips. He pulled back and his eyes smoldered, the playful Grayson gone. Heated, intense, passionate Grayson taking his place.

I may be incorrigible, but you’re beautiful. And you’re mine. And I have a lot of time to make up for. Get ready, baby doll, I have a busy morning planned.”

She smiled and leading his lips to hers murmured, “You’d better get to work then.”


MAUDE PIERCE HAD BEEN WORKING AT THE 5 and Dime for nearly thirty years. She worked the early shift, opening the store at nine and working until noon. She didn’t really
to work at all. The three hours a day was her way of visiting with her friends and catching up on the gossip. She knew that Grayson had a woman at his ranch.

She tried not to be irritated by the fact that he hadn’t bothered to tell her or to bring the girl by so that Maude could meet her. He
a grown man after all. But she was his mother. The least he could do was give her a heads-up so she didn’t have to hear the rumors through the gossip of the town.

While straightening the shelves near the rear of the store the tiny bell attached to the door signaled that someone had entered. She glanced up out of habit but couldn’t see because of the height of the shelves. They weren’t all that tall but they were just enough taller than she was to hinder her seeing the door.

I’ll be right there,” she called.

It’s me,” came the reply.

Grayson!” she yelled. She couldn’t help the smile that formed on her lips. Grayson’s presence did that. He was such a good boy, taking care of his mother. She rushed around the shelves and stopped short. He wasn’t alone. Instead of feeling let down, her heart soared. “Jane.”

Jane Alexander had been Maude’s pick for Grayson from the time the girl hit puberty. Maude had known that she would be a beauty. Maude loved being right. Unlike the girls who had the world by the tail in high school, Jane used the challenges that came in high school to develop a strong perseverance that would be a compliment to Grayson’s drive.

Maude had watched while Jane was teased and tormented. Maude heard the whispers from Grayson’s friends, and Maude smiled when Grayson defended the sweet girl in the braces with frizzy hair.

Hello, Mrs. Pierce,” Jane said, stepping forward to meet the hug Maude was prepared to give her. “It’s so good to see you.”

It’s been too long, sweet girl.” Maude patted Jane on the back and sighed. Whatever the reason for Jane coming home Maude didn’t care. She was back where she belonged, and judging by the smile of Grayson’s face and the adoration in his eyes, things were good between them. Giddiness rushed through Maude, nearly causing a hot flash. She giggled and smothered it with her fingers when Grayson shot a look at her.

So Jane, what brings you to Salina?”

Color flushed her cheeks and Grayson chuckled softly. He eased next to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. Jane melted into his side and looked up at him. Was that love in her eyes? Did Maude dare hope?

Your son made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Jane laughed lightly and playfully jabbed an elbow into Grayson’s side.

Maude raised a brow. “Oh? What kind of offer?” she asked, purposely dropping her gaze to Jane’s bare ring finger.

It was Grayson’s turn to flush. Jane shook her head and stuffed her left hand into her pocket. “I’m a sportscaster now and—”

I know, dear. At KHB. I just love that Kate Spencer. Is she as pretty in person as she is on television?”

Jane smiled. “Even prettier. Kate is a very sweet person.”

That made Maude happy. So many times people weren’t who they appeared to be. Take Grayson for example. She hated how the media portrayed him. She guessed she understood his reasoning for hiring that Derek idiot. Maude hated the idea, but would much rather have some other man being an ass—She inwardly sighed at the curse word, but it was the only appropriate word when considering Derek’s antics.—than her son doing the acts himself.

Maude shook her head to clear it and asked her question again, “What kind of offer did Grayson make you?”

An exclusive.” Jane once again glanced up at Grayson and smiled.

Maude wondered if Grayson would tell Jane about Derek. As far as she knew the only people who knew were Grayson, his agent, his coach and his mother.

Grayson leaned down to brush his lips on Jane’s forehead and Maude nearly sighed out loud. Jane’s eyes drifted closed and her sigh was audible. Maude waited, unwilling to interrupt their sweet moment, until Grayson lifted his gaze back to her. She smiled approvingly, knowing that Grayson would know exactly what she was thinking.
Well done, son.

His smile answered,
I’m glad you approve.

Maude realized that Jane was looking from Grayson to Maude and back again. Maude asked her son, “Tell me … you’re giving her an exclusive. What is she giving you?”

A week,” they said in unison. They laughed and Grayson pulled her into a hug. Maude wanted to do a happy dance, seeing the love that was so obvious between them.

Jane was still laughing when her feet met the floor. She met Maude’s questioning glance and said, “He said if I would come spend a week with him—without my computer and phone,” she added with a glare at Grayson, to which he grinned. “At the end of the week he would grant me an all access interview.”

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