In the Grey (50 page)

Read In the Grey Online

Authors: Claudia Hall Christian

Tags: #military, #action thriller, #mind control, #strong female character, #alex the fey

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Must have been programmed
herself,” Eoin nodded.

She keeps asking for
Jack,” Tom said. “She has no idea where he is. I have to tell
you . . .”

Tom winced, and they
walked in silence for a while.

You think she’s faking,”
Cian said.

I think she’s faking,”
Tom said. “I can’t shake the feeling that she set all of this up
and wants us to believe she was programmed. But I don’t know how
to . . .”

We do,” Cian said. “Leave
it to us. We’ll get it sorted.”

How?” Tom

We have special skills,”
Cian smiled.

Not you’d list on a CV,
but . . .”

Ever notice how few MI-6
infiltrated the Irish Republican Army,” Cian said.

A few did,” Tom

They only thought they
did,” Cian said.

Well, I could use the
help,” Tom said. “You won’t kill her, will you?”

No,” Cian said. “We won’t
hurt her physically in any way.”

But we will get the
truth,” Eoin said.

Then I’d welcome your
help,” Tom said.

They walked back to FBI
headquarters. Tom signed Eoin out from custody. They were in Tom’s
car driving into town when Tom turned to Cian.

I heard you own a
bakery,” Tom said.

We own a very successful
bakery,” Cian said.

We pay our taxes and have
employees,” Eoin said. “Colin Hargreaves is our proper and legal

We’ve been in the
newspaper four times,” Cian said.

And won lots of awards,”
Eoin said.

I was just wondering if
we could get something to eat,” Tom said. “Everything is closed
because of Thanksgiving. I’m starving.”

Sure,” Cian said. “Turn




Thursday night

November 25 – 11:42 p.m.

Denver Health, Denver,


Alex opened her

She knew by the quality of
the blue light and the sounds that she was in the hospital. She
tried to move her right arm, but it was immobile. She shifted her
left hand and she felt fingers holding on.


Her entire body felt like
it had been run over by a truck. Her mind went through her body.
Besides the pain and immobility in her right side, everything
seemed fine. She saw Jesse floating near her bed and smiled. Her
head rolled to the right.

John was sound asleep in a
chair by her bed.

She heard a familiar noise
and knew that Trece had just cleared his throat. She had so much to
tell him; and wanted to hear everything he had to say. She was
about to get Trece’s attention when John opened his

Hi,” John

She smiled at

How do you feel?” he

I hope I did some damage
to the truck that hit me,” Alex said.

He got up and went to her

Do you remember
anything?” John asked.

Some,” Alex

Everyone wants to talk to
you – MPs, military intelligence, the spies, your parents, your
sisters, Colin, the police,” John said. “But I’d rather you

Max?” Alex

He had something like a
heart attack,” John said. “They went in and replaced that leaking
valve. We won’t know if his heart is damaged until tomorrow. He
finally received a pacemaker, as well.”

Alex nodded.

He is healing,” John
said. “We were more worried about you.”


Heparin,” John

On the knife?” Alex

John nodded.

How is Steve?” Alex

Let me put it this way,”
John said. “He’s better off than you.”

Alex smiled.

The swelling is subsiding
in Raz’s brain,” John said. “The vesticulostomy was enough. They
didn’t have to do a decompressive cranioectomy.”

Sounds awful,” Alex
furrowed her brow. Her eyes filled with tears. “Is he going to be
all right?”

We think so,” John said.
“He’s healthy and, as I said, the swelling is already

How did that

Sami hit him,” John

Things were going so
well,” Alex said.

Troy was drugged,” John
said. “Went into anaphylaxis about five minutes after he woke

Wow,” Alex said.

Everyone who was home,”
John said. “Eoin saved the day.”

Not sure what he meant,
but too tired to ask, Alex smiled. He gave her a tissue to wipe her

Glad you’re here,” Alex
smiled. “How are you?”

Grateful,” John

It was close this time,”
Alex said.

John nodded.

I . . . ,” she started. She was too tired
to finish.

You should rest,” John
said. “You’re not out of the woods.”

In the
meadow . . . ,” Alex drifted off.

John watched her for a
moment before kissing her forehead.

You can get some rest,”
Trece said. “I’ll watch her.”

John looked up at

I’ve spent the last
couple of weeks sleeping,” Trece said. “Seriously, I’ll get you the
moment something changes.”

I’ll be in the doctor’s
lounge,” John said.

Trece nodded. John smiled
at him. He leaned over and kissed Alex’s cheek. He looked at Max.
He went and kissed Max’s forehead. For good measure, he kissed
Raz’s forehead and Troy’s. He stood looking at Steve for a few
minutes before kissing his forehead too. He looked up to see White
Boy watching him.

For luck,” John

Good thinking,” White Boy

John pulled on his tie and
stumbled back to the doctor’s lounge. When he was on call, he hated
the lounge. If he wasn’t conducting a surgery or meeting with
patients and their families, he wanted to be at home. Tonight, he
merely lay down on a cot and fell sound asleep.

John?” His surgical nurse
Trish shook his shoulder. “Dr. Drayson?”

Alex!” John woke with a

Time for rounds,” Trish

Alex? Max? Raz? Troy?
Steve?” John asked.

They’re awake and
wondering if you’ll order pizza,” Trish said. “They are arguing
with those big guys over what toppings to put on their

John grinned.

Their vitals show that
they are very weak,” Trish said.

They put on a good show,”
John said.

Trish smiled.

You have time to shower
and shave,” Trish said. “I’ll meet you outside.”

Groggy from his hard
sleep, he stared at the door. She reappeared.

If you don’t get going
NOW,” Trish said. “You’re going to bitch at me about it all

John jumped into



November 26 – 1:27 p.m.
EST (11:27 a.m. MST)

Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA), Arlington, VA


Is Cam here?” Patrick

He is.” The secretary had
looked up when they came in, but now refused to make eye

Patrick, Eoin, Cian, and
Ben were standing in a small 1950s-era waiting room in an outdated
research building. The walls were stark white against the worn
wide-plank wood floors. Peeling vinyl chairs lined the walls, and
ancient magazines lay stacked on the end table. The room smelled
like the inside of a moldy old book.

Would you like me to
announce you, General?” the secretary asked.

She looked up for the
first time and smiled at Patrick. At least seventy, her slight
flush and fluster indicated that she and Patrick had been close.
Patrick touched her shoulder in a kind, “I remember you” way. She
gave him a genuine smile. She glanced at Ben, and he nodded to

Don’t bother,” Patrick
said. “I know the way.”

Patrick opened the heavy
wooden office door.


Patrick walked into the
small office. Cian looked at Eoin and they followed. Bookcases
lined the walls and sun-bleached Asian rugs covered the wood
floors. A radiant heater tapped in the corner. Despite the
warm-looking setting, there was something cold and severe about the
office. Cian shivered.

Dr. Cameron Singer pushed
his reading glasses onto his forehead and stood from his wide oak
desk. He had thinning white hair, a round face, and a slim body. He
held a fountain-tip pen in his hand, and there was an open journal
on his desk. He wore a white lab coat over wool pants, a blue dress
shirt, and a matching tie.

True to his spy nature,
Ben was the last in the room. Ben closed the door, but only moved
an inch or so away from it. Cian and Eoin stopped walking when they
hit the Asian rug under Dr. Singer’s desk.

Dr. Singer’s mouth opened
and closed a few times before he settled on a broad smile. He
dropped the fountain-tip pen in his right lab coat

Patrick!” Dr. Singer came
around the desk to shake Patrick’s hand. “Can it be?”

Dr. Singer turned to

Eoin Mac Kinney! As
I live and breathe,” Dr. Singer wagged his index finger at Eoin.
“You, young man, have destroyed my best work.”

Yes, sir,” Eoin

And you must be Cian
Kelly,” Dr. Singer said. “Should I have security check my

No sir,” Cian said. “I’m
a baker now.”

Yes, I’ve heard,” Dr.
Singer said.

When Dr. Singer turned to
Ben, Cian shifted closer to Eoin. The Irish volunteers eyed the
exits for a fast retreat. Instinctively, they edged back into a
more protected corner of the room near the bookcases. Dr. Singer
nodded to Ben. Ben gave him a kind of bow.

What can I do for you?”
Dr. Singer asked as he turned back to Patrick.

Patrick grabbed the doctor
by the throat and lifted him off the ground. Surprised, Eoin
stepped back and bumped into Cian.

They are
Sami. How dare

Patrick’s voice was low,
and his demeanor deadly calm. His face held the rage of a father
and the power of an experienced soldier. Holding the doctor by the
throat, Patrick brought the man’s face within an inch of his

You have no idea what
you’re dealing with,” Dr. Singer whispered.

You think you can try to
kill my children and get away with it?
don’t know who you’re dealing
with,” Patrick said. “
would you do it?”

Then she’s not dead,” Dr.
Singer said. “That’s not good.”

For who you stupid fuck?”
Patrick asked. Patrick shook the man. “Tell me.”

Dr. Singer smiled.
Furious, Patrick squeezed his throat.

Tell me!” Patrick

Paddie look out!” Cian

Dr. Singer jammed the nib
of his fountain tip pen into his own neck. Blood sprayed from the
wound. Patrick squeezed down on the man’s carotid artery in an
attempt to slow the bleeding. Ben jumped forward and pressed his
handkerchief into the oozing puncture would. The two men held Dr.
Singer in the air.

I always wondered if that
would work,” Dr. Singer said.

Why?” Patrick said. “Tell
me why or I’ll let go.”

Dr. Singer’s eyes held
Patrick’s for a long moment before he wrenched his body out of
Patrick’s hold.

No!” Eoin

I guess the joke’s
on . . . you.” Dr. Singer said as he fell to the
floor. Eoin and Cian jumped back. Blood sprayed across the white

The doctor glanced at Eoin
for a moment, before he died.

What was that?” Ben
towered over Eoin.

Get off him,” Cian pushed
Ben away from Eoin.

Men,” Patrick said. “We
have a minute or less.”

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