In the Palace of Lazar (3 page)

Read In the Palace of Lazar Online

Authors: Alta Hensley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Bdsm, #Science Fiction

BOOK: In the Palace of Lazar
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Chapter Five


Briar stood staring out the window, the sheer-white curtain dancing around her body in the breeze. She had been up for over an hour waiting for Donte's return. Breakfast had already been brought to her, and now she had nothing to do but anxiously await. She decided to remain nude since that was how he wanted her yesterday.

Looking through the glass, it amazed her how it was impossible to see any signs of desert from where she stood. The groundskeepers did an impeccable job of creating a lush and green landscape. Most communes were lucky for a few trees, let alone manicured grass. An array of birds chirping fascinated her. Some were low in pitch, others called out in a rapid staccato—songs of love, whistles that beckoned one mate to the other. How many varieties existed here? From just listening, it sounded like hundreds. Birds were merely a food source in all the communes of her past. They were not signs of beauty as they were in the Palace of Lazar. What an extraordinary and delightful sound.

A firm knock, followed by Donte entering the room, snapped Briar out of her thoughts. She turned, greeting him with a welcoming smile.

"Good morning. I trust you slept well," he said as he walked to where she stood.

"I did. I'll forever be grateful for your hospitality." Surprised that she had no embarrassment standing nude before him, she stiffened her spine a little more in pride.

"I apologize for being late. I had some security issues I had to address." He stood beside her and looked out the window. He remained there a moment, silent, as he stared out. "Do you have any questions now that you have had a night's rest and time to think?"

"When will I meet the brothers?"

Donte merely glanced over his shoulder. "When you are ready. When they invite you. There are many women in the harem that have yet to meet them. In the meantime, you will be trained and prepared so if they call for you, you will be ready."

Donte seemed different than yesterday. His thoughts seemed far off. As he stared out the window, it appeared as if worry washed over his face.

After a long moment of silence, Briar whispered, "Donte? Is everything all right?"

He snapped out of his lost thoughts instantly. "Yes." He blinked clarity back into his eyes and asked, "Did you eat all of your breakfast?"

Briar nodded. "Yes, sir."

Donte glanced over her shoulder to the unfinished plate of food. "How is that? I still see half of your meal on the plate." His distant glare, soon replaced with authority.

Briar followed his gaze to the breakfast dish and clarified. "I meant that I was finished eating breakfast. I guess I'm not used to the large amount of food."

Donte gave a quick nod. "I understand that. But when I told you to eat all your meals, I was not asking. I was telling." He walked over to the table and pulled out the chair and sat.

Briar wrung her hands in front of her nude body. "I'm sorry. I'll make sure not to waste again."

Donte gave another quick nod. "Yes, you will." He patted his lap. "Come over here and lay across my knee."

Briar almost gasped. Her heart beat so hard it actually hurt. She didn't hesitate, but every step seemed as if she were walking through quicksand. She had a pretty good idea what he intended to do. A spanking? Was he actually going to spank her?

She stood before him and did as he asked without being told again. She would never question Donte, for he held her future in his hands. The cotton of his pants, the firmness of his thigh, the short distance from her nose to the ground, all reminded her of the precarious position she was in.

"Once again, you surprise me, Briar. You did not resist my order. Because of that, I will not spank you for as long, or as hard, as I was intending to."

Before she could reply, a stinging swat to her behind took her by surprise. She couldn't help but gasp. Another swat, then another, and another.

"We are strict with the harem, or they will rule us instead of us ruling them. When I tell you to do something, whether it is a command or a request, you are to do exactly as I say."

Her whole body jumped when his palm cracked across her bottom. She could feel the breadth of his palm, the stretch of his fingers—his hand was so large it nearly covered both her cheeks entirely and imparted such a sting that try though she did to hold herself obedient and still, there was just no way.

"You traveled a great distance to get here."

His spanking as ruthless as his scolding, he slapped her bottom again and her legs kicked, an involuntary jerk that snapped her feet up off the floor and sent shockwaves radiating through her flanks.

"You almost died."

As the spanking continued, heat bloomed under her skin, inflaming everywhere his hard and capable hand met her flesh. "I do not want you spending your first few days in the infirmary. It is important that you take your health seriously."

He continued to pepper her backside rapidly. Briar did her best to squeeze her eyes shut, clench her teeth, and take the punishment like a good girl. But after the tenth spank, she couldn't help but yelp and wiggle with each continued slap. Her backside reminded her of the hot sands of the desert.

Just as she thought she couldn't take it any longer, and was about to scream for mercy, he stopped the spanking.

"Stand up. The punishment is done."

She quickly stood, feeling a little dizzy at first. She wanted to rub her bottom, but thought better of it. Donte's expression made it clear he meant business.

He stood up and gently placed a fingertip between the folds of her pussy. Removing his moist finger, he smiled in satisfaction. "Your arousal pleases me."

The heat burning Briar's face almost matched the heat on her ass. She couldn't resist looking down at her feet. She could hear him walk over to one of the ornately carved dressers. She glanced up in curiosity. He pulled out a long piece of silk fabric the color of the sunset.

"Go ahead and put this sarong on. At times you will be expected to be nude, and at times you will not. For now, you may get dressed."

Briar reached for the fabric, unsure what to do with it. There were no holes or buttons. Feeling Donte's stare, she quickly decided to wrap it around her like a bath towel and tucked it in at the top.

Donte chuckled. "Here, let me help you." He twisted the material a few times, and expertly draped it around her body. "The girls of the harem will help you with the different ways you can wear this, but for now, I think this will do."

She turned so she was looking in the mirror. Donte had somehow made her look like she was wearing an exceptionally sewn gown. "I can't believe you did this. It's so beautiful."

He placed his hand on her lower back, as he had yesterday, and ushered her toward the door. "It is time we introduce you to the harem."


Chapter Six


Dressed in lovely shades of silks and satins, the women of the harem stood as Briar and Donte walked into the room. Intricate hanging lanterns casting prisms of light in all directions were scattered along the twelve-foot-arched ceilings. Crystals hung between each, creating an illusion of enchantment and mysticism. Colors, beauty, grandeur, and luxury were only a few ways Briar could think to describe this room. Lush pillows scattered about the floor. Tapestries meshed with the woven rugs that blanketed the white marble flooring. Gold glitter danced in the air, resting on the delicate skin of the women. A metal chime near the open window tinkled a captivating melody.

"Ladies, I would like to introduce our newest member of the harem, Briar Hope. I have no doubt that you will welcome her and make her feel at home." The end of Donte's statement came out as a warning rather than a statement.

Briar wanted to hide behind Donte. She didn't want to be stared at by everyone. What would they think? Would they welcome her? She scanned the beautiful women and noticed that all seemed interested. A young woman, with beautiful blond hair, stared at Briar with huge blue eyes. She smiled and nodded the minute Briar made eye contact. The reassurance wasn't something Briar thought she needed until now.

"Perfect timing, we were just about to begin today's anal training," Mistress Krin stated flatly. Briar watched the pretty blond wince at the statement, and wondered if she herself should be concerned. All she could remember was how Mistress Krin issued her first orgasm. The idea of anal training sounded exciting if it meant having another one.

"Then I will leave you be," Donte said. Briar glanced over her shoulder and met Donte's steely gaze. "It is expected that you follow every command any of the Mistresses give you."

Briar nodded. "Yes, sir." She went and stood beside the pretty blond when Donte motioned for her to do so.

"You're really pretty," the blond girl whispered. "My name's Elbi."

From behind, Mistress Krin's issued a warning with a steady, quiet tone. "Silence, Elbi."

"Sorry, Mistress Krin," the girl stammered.

"Perhaps I should show Briar what happens when rules are broken," Mistress Krin suggested.

"That won't be—" Briar began, but Donte's hand touched her lower back with a firm warning. There was something about Elbi that made Briar want to stand up for her.

"I expect you to behave, Briar. I hope I am not called to address any behavior issues." He pressed her lower back a little firmer and turned to walk out of the room. He paused and looked over his shoulder. "Briar is not familiar with the rules of the harem. I expect you ladies to offer your advice and guidance. For the first week she is here, if she gets in trouble, you all get in trouble." Closing the door behind him, Briar felt the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"Elbi," Mistress Krin continued, "I think we can start the training off with you. The rest of you ladies can introduce yourselves to Briar."

Visibly bashful, Elbi's round cheeks blushed. She followed Mistress Krin to a long, slender, cherry-wood table. Without being asked, she lifted her pink-tinted silks, exposing her nude bottom, and bent over the table.

"I'm Maysa," another pretty girl said, snapping Briar's attention from watching Elbi wait for her training. Maysa smiled warmly. "Don't worry, by the end of the week you'll feel right at home. It takes a few days, but you'll love it."

The next few moments were a blur of introductions. Briar did her best to memorize all the names, but the flurry of female attention overwhelmed her. The hushed chatter of women buzzed in her ears.

She leaned in and whispered to Maysa, "What is anal training?"

She shrugged. "It's different for each person. But basically, it's getting your bottom hole ready for a cock."

Briar's mouth dropped in shock. She wasn't sure if it was hearing a woman say the word 'cock' or if it was the thought of it.

"Don't look so shocked." Maysa giggled. You better get over being inhibited real quick here. There's no privacy and no secrets in this harem. Even if you tried."

The rest of the women went back to their business and conversations as if Briar was already ancient news. Maysa remained sitting beside her.

A loud slap, followed by a squeal, pulled Briar's attention back to Elbi bent over the table. Mistress Krin was spanking her with a wooden paddle.

"Is that part of the anal training? A spanking?" Briar asked, trepidation causing her voice to crack.

Maysa glanced over her shoulder with little concern. Apparently seeing another woman get paddled was of no surprise to her. "Oh, Elbi's been cheating. She doesn't like wearing her plug and has been sneaking it out. Her Daddy noticed her bottom hole isn't ready for him. So now she is getting punished."

"Her Daddy?" Briar had no idea what Maysa was speaking of.

"Elbi is being trained to be Little Elbi. Her Daddy has certain expectations, and she better comply or her ass will be on fire."

Briar watched as the paddle cracked against Elbi's red behind over and over. The pretty woman cried out as she wiggled her bottom to avoid each blow. Briar didn't want to ask any more questions about Little Elbi in fear of how naïve it would make her sound.

Briar took a deep breath, attempting to extinguish the electricity buzzing in her veins. "Does Mistress Krin do all the training?" She glanced over her shoulder and watched as Mistress Krin continued to spank Elbi. Watching the act made her stomach flip and her sex pulse.

"I wish. She's the easiest. There is one more, Mistress Tula," Maysa replied.

"What about Donte?" Just saying his name caused Briar to miss his presence.

Maysa shook her head. "You do
want Donte to punish you. Trust me."


Maysa smiled. "You'll see for yourself. But I'd much rather have the sting of anyone's hand but his."

Briar almost shared that she had already been spanked by him, but decided to keep the information to herself. From the sound of it, Donte must have been pretty easy on her.

Mistress Krin requested another woman of the harem to come join her as Elbi made her way back to where Briar and Maysa sat. She eased her way down slowly, struggling to find a comfortable way to place her spanked and plugged bottom on the pillows. She winced as she sat.

Maysa shook her head. "You did this to yourself."

"Quiet. I wasn't asking for your opinion," Elbi said as she stuck her tongue out.

Maysa chuckled.

"So not fair!" Elbi whispered. "The plug is two sizes larger than the one I wore yesterday."

Briar looked at Maysa for explanation. Plug?

Maysa smiled. "You'll see what a plug is in a few moments." She looked at Elbi. "Well, try not to take this one out. You make it harder on yourself."

"I hate the plug. It bothers me," she pouted. "I'd rather get a spanking."

Briar found Elbi's honesty refreshing, if not endearing. "Do we have to wear a plug every day?" Briar asked.

"No," Maysa said. "There isn't a strong routine here. We just do as we're told. Some days there is training. Some days there are punishments. Some days there are rewards."

Elbi crossed her arms against her chest, continuing her pout. "I want a reward." She adjusted her body again, grimacing as she did so. "This plug is too big. I hate it," she whined.

Mistress Krin called out another name, and then another. Each lady of the harem rose with poise and refinement and made her way to the table. Briar sat anxiously waiting for her name to be called. When it finally did, Briar's heart stopped.

She took slow steps toward Mistress Krin, each one being used to build her courage. Fear mixed with curiosity almost numbed her senses. As a woman of the harem, her turn had come. She lifted the smooth material of her wrap, and at the same time, lowered herself across the table as she had watched all the women before her do. Feeling the cool air against her upturned bottom sent shivers across her skin.

"Spread your legs." The command wasn't harsh, just simple.

Briar did as ordered.

"Since you are new, we will start with a small one." Mistress Krin reached around, with the plug in her hand so Briar could see what it looked like. It was metal, and a small purple stone sat at the base. Briar found it odd that something so beautiful would be planted in her backside.

Briar could hear Mistress Krin put on a pair of latex gloves. Mere seconds later, a moist finger inserted its way past her tight opening. No warning was given, just a finger smearing a form of lubrication all around. Before Briar could come to terms with the finger in her hole, it was followed by the tip of the metal plug.

"Relax," was all she heard as the plug pushed past her rosebud.

A gasp, a clench at the edge of the table, were the only things Briar could focus on. A biting pain, mixed with erotic fascination had her pussy beckoning for more. It hurt at first. Hurt more than Briar had expected, but with every breath she took, the pain turned to a heated pulse in her core. The throbbing teased her need for more. The sting strummed at her lust.

With a slight pat on her bottom, Mistress Krin broke the sexual spell. "You are finished. Go ahead and join the other ladies."

Briar sat up and lowered her clothing to cover her invaded bottom. With every step toward Maysa and Elbi, Briar could feel the weight of the plug. Her sexual desire growing with every move she made, Briar wondered if the women could read her ravenous thoughts.

When she sat down next to Maysa, she understood why it took Elbi a few moments to get comfortable. Applying pressure to the base of the plug only made the intrusion more obvious. Briar actually considered standing, but didn't want to single herself out as different.

"Wait until you get to the size they put in me," Elbi whispered. "You'll want to sneak it out, too."

Briar smiled. She liked the devious sparkle in Elbi's eye.

Anal training had begun. Briar now stood as a lady of the harem.


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