In the Roar (4 page)

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Authors: Milly Taiden

BOOK: In the Roar
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He lifted her breast to his mouth, licking and biting her nipple before sucking it deeply between his lips.

“Ah!” she moaned, her belly quivering and pussy releasing more moisture.

He massaged her other breast, thumbing her nipple and tugging lightly. The pricks of pain were enough to shoot fire to her clit. Her nipples were sensitive. She was ready to come from his biting and pinching.

He pulled back, his gaze meeting hers. “You have such beautiful tits. I can suck on your nipples for hours. That sexy cinnamon color makes me so fucking hard.”

She blinked and swallowed against the dryness in her throat. “Let me touch you.”

He shook his head, still fondling her breasts. “I get to taste and touch. You get to enjoy.”


“You are wet. So wet,” he rumbled, leaving a damp trail from her nipple to her belly. She leaned back on the bed, grabbing two pillows and shoving them under her head. What a view.

In the past, she’d worried that her body getting turned on and sleek was a turn off for men. Not so at that moment. He sounded like he was praising her for being so eager. Her pussy ached with need.

His gaze enslaved her, hands roaming to her pussy. “You might not realize this yet,” he told her, “but you’re mine.” He spread her folds and rubbed his thumb on her clit. “Fuck, baby. Look at your tight little hole clenching and searching for my cock.”

She yelped and moaned, her muscles tensed as he flicked his thumb over her clit again. “Oh, dear god!”

Lust raged in her blood. She needed relief and needed it soon. With a loud moan, she tweaked and tugged her nipples.

“You want me to ease the ache, don’t you?” His voice was rougher than before, almost impossible to understand. “Want me to lick that delicious heat coming out of your pussy and fill you with cock. My cock. Right?”

She nodded, her chest rising and falling with short bursts of air. He coated two fingers with her and brought them to his lips. She watched, wide-eyed, as he inserted both into his mouth and
’d as he sucked.

Goddamn that was all kinds of dirty and sexy.

He flared his nostrils and clenched his jaw. “Tasting you from my fingers isn’t all I want. I want your sweetness right from the source.”

Her eyes widened as his head moved between her legs. He circled her entrance, licking and swirling his tongue up to her clit. Buzzing sounds reached her. Suddenly, he was gliding the toy between her folds, coating the plastic with her juices.

“K-Karel,” she moaned.

“That’s it. Moan for me,” he grunted. “I’m going to make you come hard, my love.”

She tried to ignore that he called her his love, but the word made her belly heat and her heart trip. He pressed the vibe into her; the head rotated around her clenched pussy and rubbed against her walls.

She’d never had a man use toys on her. She gasped and pushed her hips. The need for it to go deeper controlled her movements.

“Your pussy’s so pretty.” He licked her clit, pressing his tongue on the little pleasure center. “So pink and swollen. So fucking wet. You’re mine. I want your scent all over my face. All over my cock.” He rubbed his mouth and chin on her pussy, his tongue curling and dancing over her hard button. The vibrator went deeper. The head spun in her sheath, massaging her inner muscles.

Her nipples stiffened under her pulls and tugs. He rubbed a finger over her asshole. Then he pressed the bunny side of the vibe over the rim of her ass. She gave a loud groan. With every thrust of the toy into her pussy, the bunny side hit the entrance to her ass. The deeper the toy went, the more the bunny pushed into her hole.

“Oh, my god,” she cried, her pussy grasping the vibrator so hard, he had to pull to get it out.

“Come, Liv. Trust your body and come on this toy and let me suck until I have your sweetness on my tongue.”

She was on the edge, muscles tight with tension and legs shaking. Her pussy clenched, and a loud, hoarse cry sounded from her as her release rode through her in an angry, forceful wave. It was so good. Too good. She hurt from how hard she came. Her pussy leaked around the toy. One minute it was there and the next it was out, replaced by Karel’s tongue.

He lapped at her climax, his tongue darting in and drawing every drop of her heat.

Shudder after shudder rocked her body. She breathed hard, her pussy felt empty. She wanted him, and he’d heighten her desire tenfold. She sat up, not trusting her legs for a second. He met her gaze, his mouth dewy from her climax.

He slid a finger ever so slowly between her folds, pushing into her and groaning when her pelvic muscles sucked him in. “Even with all that, you want me to fuck you.” He licked his lips and glanced at her sweat-laden torso. “You want my cum inside you, coating your pussy and filling you with my seed. Don’t deny it. I know what you want.”

Shame should have hit her. He was right. She wanted every word he said, but she didn’t feel embarrassed about it. It was the opposite. She was more turned on.

“Not tonight, beautiful,” he said and pressed his mouth to hers, making her forget everything but the taste of her pussy on his lips and how his tongue demanded hers to submit. It lasted only seconds before he pulled back.

“Karel.” She winced at how throaty and needy her voice sounded.

He shook his head, the feral desire in his gaze all but making her beg. “Tonight was just for you. You needed to relax. I sensed it. When you’re ready to give yourself to me, then I will fuck you, sweet Liv.”

He cupped her cheek and stood, his erection pressing hard at his pants. There was a moist spot at the center from his own needs. “I’ll take you,” he said roughly. “All of you. No matter what you say to yourself, you’re mine. From the top of your head to your cute feet, every inch of you belongs to me and I will claim you. No one else gets to touch you but me, beautiful.”

His words should worry her. He sounded so possessive. But instead, she rubbed her cheek on his hand. “Stay with me.”

The whole world had gone to hell. How could she go on a date with some other shifter when this one rocked her world to the point of seeing double?

He nodded. She shoved the blankets back and got into bed, waiting for him. He got on the bed beside her, his big, muscled body a hard contrast against her curvier softer one. She curled her naked body into his, loving how perfectly they fit together.

“Why did you come to my rescue at the bar?” she asked. She’d been eternally grateful he had shown up. Gerard’s much bigger frame made it hard for her to get away.

“I saw him slip something into your drink. You didn’t drink it, did you?”

She growled. “That rat bastard. No, I didn’t. I learned a long time ago not to drink anything left sitting with anyone you don’t know and trust.”

“I’m glad you knew better. I was ready to kill him for trying to take advantage of you.”

She pressed her body into his. God, he was warm. He was a human heat pump. He caressed her back, sending tingles down her spine.                                         

“Sleep, beautiful. I’m here to take care of you.”

She grinned. She didn’t normally have anyone offer to care of her, but he sounded so serious. She felt bad telling him she could take care of herself. She had all her life.





Karel paced the living area of Liv’s apartment. Something was wrong. He felt it in the depth of his bones. His animal pushed for a shift, wanting loose.

The buzz of his communicator had him reaching into his pocket. Even though a smaller version of what Gerri used, this one still showed a hologram of the person calling.

“Alyx,” he said, watching his best friend’s image appear in the darkened living room.

“Karel,” Alyx’s features were set in grim lines, “I have bad news.”

“How long do I have?”

Alyx met his gaze. “Not long.”

A very pregnant Bella came into view, curling her arm around Alyx. “I’m sorry, Karel. We heard from your people that your mother really wants to see you.”

He nodded. His chest ached. Sorrow roped his heart, squeezing so painfully, he could barely get air into his lungs. The Yaghar didn’t live in prides. They were one of the smallest tribes in Aurora. Mothers protected their cubs fiercely against anyone, including their fathers. That’s what happened with Karel. His mother had to kill his father the first time he tried to kill Karel because he was a male.

He swallowed hard and glanced at the hallway where his mate slept. Human. He was supposed to give her time to adjust to him. He had no time.

“I’ll be there soon.”

“We’ll be here, keeping things under control,” Bella said, her lips turning down in sadness.

He shut off the communication and pressed the button that connected him with his contact on earth. He gave the man a brief rundown of his problem and told him he’d be ready to leave shortly. Someone would pick him up to rush him to the portal.

He marched to Liv’s room and watched her sleep. He hated to do this. He sat on her side of the bed.

“Liv,” he said, pushing the hair from her face and caressing her cheek.

She fluttered her lids opened and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“I have to go, right now. But I can’t leave you.”

She sat up slowly, her eyes wide with concern. “Where are you going?”

“My mother. She’s dying. She’s far away and I have to see her.”

“Oh no!” She licked her lips and nodded, a deep frown covering her brow. “I’m really sorry.”

He grasped her hand, his heart pumping hard and unsure. “Come with me.”

She blinked. She didn’t say anything, but he saw the wheels turning behind her eyes. “How long until you return?”

He shook his head, glancing down at their linked hands. “I don’t know.”

She glanced around the room. “I don’t know. I mean, we just met and things are going a million miles an hour.”

He should have known Gerri was right. Humans didn’t understand being mates. She was his. He didn’t want to go anywhere without her. “Do you feel it?”

Her tiny perfect teeth nibbled on her lower lip. “I do. I know there’s something here,” she admitted with a soft sigh. “I just…I don’t know if it’s enough for me to go with you wherever you need me to go. What if this is a fluke? What if I’m imagining the connection I feel?”

He brought her hands to his chest, letting her feel his beating heart. “This isn’t a mistake. It’s real. I don’t want to leave you, but I have to go. Come with me,” he said. “Please.”

He watched indecision play over her features. She stared at his chest for a moment, silence hanging between them. “I’m probably going to regret this, but I’m due a vacation anyway.” She met his gaze and nodded. “Okay. I’ll come with you.”

He hauled her into his arms, hugging her tightly and kissing her lips. She opened her mouth in an invitation. He’d get a chance to show his mate to his mother before she left.





Liv dressed in a rush. She shoved clothes in a bag, half asleep and unsure what she was doing was sane. She didn’t follow men. That wasn’t her thing. She’d heard of women who left everything for a man, and she’d shaken her head and wondered what got into them. Yet here she was, doing it too.

Karel left to get his own belongings, saying there would be a car coming to get them in a few minutes. She should be worried. She just met him. What if it was some kind of ploy to kidnap her and sell her on the black market? Was there a market for big girls in the sex trade?

She picked up her cell phone and sent Gerri an email letting her know she was leaving with Karel to visit his mother and be back in a few days.  She wasn’t sure how far his mother lived. He’d been evasive about it, just saying it was far.

It was the concern in his voice and fear in his eyes when he mentioned his mother that got her. Maybe she was a softie, but meeting a man this close to his mother was unusual for her. Not a man who was clearly alpha with a commanding presence. He was no mama’s boy, but he clearly loved his mom.

Liv didn’t get a chance to be with her parents as a kid. Her mother and stepfather, along with her baby sister, died in a car crash when she’d been small. Her sperm-donor father didn’t want to be in her life, so she ended up depending on her grandmother.

Life could be brutal. She’d been saved from the crash because she’d been spending the day with her grandmother. But living didn’t mean she got love. She’d always longed for a warmer family. Her grandmother was not a nurturing person. She’d always made Liv call her by her name instead of grandmother. All she’d wanted in her life was that perfect family some of her friends spoke of. Even Monica’s mother seemed nicer, but she’d only met Monica a few years back, and at thirty-six, a lifetime had happened before they were introduced.

* * *

Karel and Liv followed a man after going down the world’s longest elevator. She sensed Karel’s worries, but the fact he held her fingers entwined with his reassured her that he was happy she was with him.

Surveying the strange environment, she started to think they were going to an underground train, until they reached a giant, brightly lit hallway with a bunch of doors. They stopped at the one with G. Wilder etched into the wood.

She glanced at Karel with confusion. “Why does the door have Gerri’s name, and what’s behind it?”

The man guiding them opened the door and motioned them inside. Karel met her gaze and cleared his throat. “I come from really far away.”

Yeah, no kidding. He was huge and his eyes had a distinct hazel color she’d never seen. This wasn’t far from where she lived though. So how were they getting to his mother?

“How do you propose we get there.” She laughed nervously. “Teleport?”

He gave a quick nod. “Yes.”

“Wait, what? We can’t teleport. We don’t have that kind of technology, and quite frankly, the fact you believe we can worries me.” She tried to tug out of his hold, but he held firm.

He pulled a ball out of his pocket. The sphere levitated in front of them, then moved several feet away before expanding into a giant window. She saw an odd forest on the other side.

“Are those purple trees?” She frowned, interest overtaking her fear. “What kind of magic is that?”

“Come with me,” he said again, pulling her toward the open window. “Let me show you how beautiful my home is.”

“I’ve lost my mind. I must have.” She took steps forward and felt the pull of the window. “What is that on the other side?”

“Nova Aurora,” he replied, readying to go through the opening. “You’ll love it there.”

She’d never heard of that city. It sounded Europe-ish. She didn’t believe they were teleporting anywhere. No way. Then again, what if he worked for the government? She hadn’t asked what he did for a living. He had that military feel with the big square shoulders and continuously serious face. What if he did know something she didn’t?

Curiosity grew inside her. She took a step into the window and felt as if oxygen was being pulled from her until she swore she was dying. She could hear Karel ordering her to breathe. She wanted to snap at him that she was trying to, but something kept sucking out the air. She didn’t get a chance because darkness took hold, taking Karel away, and sending fear crashing through her.

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