Indecent Encounter: The Silverhaus Affair (17 page)

BOOK: Indecent Encounter: The Silverhaus Affair
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I licked and bit my way down her neck, knowing I was leaving marks on her soft skin and not caring. I was so close to the edge and I needed her to be there with me. I rolled my hips and felt her body tighten.

“With me, sweetheart,” I murmured.

I took her mouth again, devouring her even as the first ripples of orgasm rolled over us both. When the wave finally broke, and we rode each other to completion, I knew there was much more between us than a simple complication.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

he scorching heat
of Alex’s lips still burned across mine the next morning when I woke. The bright morning sunlight of my small attic room did nothing to expel the leftover memories of the previous night. I reveled in the blaze of tingles racing across my skin, not wanting the sensation to end. When he'd pressed into me, it'd felt like coming home.

I licked my lips. I was wet again, wanting Alex, and when the phone rang I hoped it'd be him. A quick flash of fantasy had him taking the attic stairs two at a time to find me there in bed aching and ready for him.

I rolled to my side and grabbed the phone. I was met by April’s icy voice grating in my ear.

“You’re still in your room.” Her voice was edged with the usual disapproval. “I tried the house, but no one was around. I need you to come to the guest cottage as soon as possible.”

I sighed, mumbled an apology I didn't really mean, and hung up the phone. The joy of last night still throbbed through me, and all I wanted to do was lie back and explore the memory again. April would have to wait one more minute.

My fingers trailed down my stomach to the waistband of my panties. I closed my eyes, remembering the strength of his arms, holding me, guiding me to where he wanted me. And even before he'd lifted me onto the counter, when I'd gone down on him,
oh my
, just the memory of it gave me shivers. I'd loved the way he’d grabbed my hair. I’d never had a man do that before, be so confident and commanding, in control yet giving me everything for my pleasure as much as for his. It had been a delicate balance of control and vulnerability that had awakened a feral reaction from deep inside of me that I'd never even known existed. He touched parts of me no other man had reached, a man compared to the boys I’d been with in college.

A few light strokes of my fingers, and I was panting again, wishing his hard body was right here on top of me. One last thought of his hungry mouth on mine, devouring me, thrusting his tongue deeper as he fucked me deeper with his cock was enough to cause a shuddering orgasm to course through me.

I fell back in my bed and enjoyed the hot blush on my skin. I blew out a breath and smiled. I’d have to tell Alex what just the thought of him had done to me and see how his body reacted to my confession. I indulged myself a moment longer and imagined his hardening erection, but then stopped before it could get out of hand. Slick with another wave of arousal, I shook my head and forced myself out of bed. I had work to do.

It wasn’t so bad to head up to the guest cottage one last time, knowing that April was leaving. I even managed a smile when she yanked open the door and pulled a disgusted face.

“You’re late,” she said, stalking inside.

“How can I help?” I asked.

April bit her lip and looked around. The guest cottage was spotless, she’d already started the coffee pot, and it appeared all her bags were packed.

“I suppose you could put away all these candles,” April said, indicating the hearth of the fireplace. “Alex gave me quite the surprise last night with a romantic massage, the full pampering package.”

“I’m sure it was very relaxing,” I said. I doubted it'd been quite as relaxing as my own night, but I kept that thought to myself.

April smirked, “I always find pampering very invigorating. I kept the masseuse here late, and we burned out almost all of the candles.”

I said nothing as I gathered up the candle stubs and tossed them in a garbage bag. April was trying to make me jealous of her night and it was all I could do not to think of mine. The thought of what she’d do if she knew about Alex and me was enough to turn my face to stone. April still believed Alex was her conquest despite his protests, and she’d retaliate in a heartbeat if she thought I was getting what she wanted. April was unpredictable with one exception: she would destroy anyone who got in the way of what she wanted.

The fact that I was the maid just made it worse. I rolled the knowledge over in my mind as I thought about my decision. I’d been rehashing it for the last two days. I could’ve stopped working for Alex when he asked, and then instead of cleaning up the guest cottage under April’s spiteful eyes, I would've been curled up in bed with Alex, safe in his strong arms.

My mind started to drift and I jumped again when April cleared her throat.

“I need you to…um…check all the drawers in the bedroom and make sure I haven’t forgotten to pack anything.”

I shot her a look and watched as her cat-eye lined lashes batted around nervously. What in the world was wrong with her? I didn't say anything though, only nodded and went upstairs.

Everything was packed and the dresser drawers had been left open. The only personal item in the room was her jewelry box. I shook my head as I looked inside at the oversized baubles and flashy earrings. There was a gaudy gold star necklace heavy with sparkles on the pendant. It appeared April’s taste was just as questionable as her acting skills.

Just as I was reaching out to see if she really had a cubic zirconium pin in the shape of a cougar, she appeared in the door. I jumped back and scowled at her catty smile.

“I was just coming to grab my rings,” April said. “I suppose you can’t wear rings in your line of work, scrubbing toilets and all.”

“Do you need me to clean the bathroom again?” I asked.

“No, no, I’m sure you have a schedule to keep.” She looked down her nose at me. “If I haven’t left anything in the drawers you can just head back down to the big house.”

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck bristle. April was up to something, and I knew from experience I needed a witness and quick. I moved toward the door, but when April refused to move I had to awkwardly squeeze past her, protruding breasts and all. Being so close to her I caught a whiff of her sickeningly sweet perfume.

I trotted down the stairs and continued along the driveway at a brisk pace. This wasn’t the way I wanted to greet Alex this morning, but it seemed April had one more scheme for causing trouble, whatever that would be, and he needed to know right away.

From the curve of the steep driveway I could see the rear view of the main house. The glint of sunlight on water pulled my attention and there was Alex swimming laps in the pool. I stopped and caught my breath in awe at the sight of him. Pulled out of my worries for a moment, I remembered the first time I'd seen him swimming.

Even from the hill I could see the sheen of the water on his skin as he stopped at the end of a lap and looked around. My heart leapt at the thought that he was looking for me. If only I'd made the other choice, I would’ve been in the water with him. I dropped my chin to my chest and stared at the dirt on my work shoes. Instead of being with Alex, I was getting dusty in my rush to get away from April and her latest jealous scheme.

I reminded myself that this wasn't about me. I had Karl to think of. He was my responsibility and I couldn't risk his future, not even for something I wanted so badly.

I started down the driveway again, devising a plan in my head. Once April was gone, I’d talk to Alex and tell him why I'd made the choice I had. I’d simply explain that I needed the money and I wanted to work for it, but I also wanted him. I didn’t expect that we'd still be able to make it work, but I hoped knowing the truth would be enough for him. Maybe then after the summer, after Karl was set up at Rainbow Roads, maybe he could visit…

Too many maybes, I thought and shook my head. Last night was enough, more than enough, for me. It had to be. I couldn't expect anything else.

Suddenly, I heard sirens. The sirens were so different than American squad cars that it didn’t really register that they were police at first. It was like watching a movie scene. They sped up the main drive and skidded to a stop in the circular driveway. Four police officers headed up the steps just as Jamison walked out the door.

I ran the rest of the distance, worried about whatever had prompted the invasion. When I trotted onto the gravel of the circular drive, I saw Jamison look up and I stopped. He waved me away with the slightest nod of his head. I frowned. Unsure of what to do, I slipped into the side garden. I headed straight for the pool, but April had beaten me to it. Still not knowing what was going on, I hung back near the climbing roses. Alex had already wrapped a towel around his waist and was comforting April who was crying carefully choreographed tears.

“I just never thought someone would hate me that much. My father gave it to me. Who would do that?”

“The police are here. Let’s go talk to them,” Alex said. “I’ll just run upstairs and get dressed.”

“No! Send Jamison, don’t leave me.” April burst into fresh tears.

Alex frowned, but nodded as he led April toward the house. I peeked out from behind the trellis. Neither one seemed to notice me as they passed. From the expression on his face, he looked perturbed, and every once in a while he’d flinch, but he didn't push her away. April was dramatically sniffling and he was struggling to keep his towel up as she clung to him in her desperate performance.

At a loss for what to do, I went into the kitchen and filled a carafe with coffee. I took my time, preparing a tray with cups, cream, and sugar, hoping Jamison would come through the kitchen. I was dying to know why the police were here.

When I heard someone coming down the back stairs, I stepped closer to the doorway. It was Jamison carrying a pair of jeans for Alex. I was about to step into the hallway to ask Jamison what on earth was going on when Alex darted into the hallway. I ducked back into the kitchen and leaned against the wall, with my ear turned to the open doorway so I could listen. Hopefully, I'd figure out what happened and how I could help.

“She’s saying it was stolen.” Alex's voice was even, not betraying what he was thinking.

Jamison responded with a sigh of exasperation. “She’s overreacting, as usual. I’ll call the set. It’s probably there.”

“She says she never wore it to set, that it’s too precious to her. But the police asked for the number for her make-up artist anyway, the one that handles all her jewelry,” Alex said.

“Do you think it was the make-up girl?”

“Doubt it. They’ve worked together forever, remember? April made me fire that other poor girl and hire her instead,” Alex said.

Jamison pitched his voice low when he spoke again, “You know what she’s trying to do, don’t you?”

“I do. What the fuck, man? Why is she so goddamn…so fucking wicked all the time?”

I could hear the anger this time and I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed the tray and stepped into the hallway. Alex looked like he was about ready to punch the wall.

Our eyes locked and his gaze drilled into me. I wasn’t sure what to make of the look he was giving me. A tumble of confused thoughts and feelings assailed me as the same sweep of nerves I’d felt earlier in the guest cottage assaulted me again. Before I could say a word, he turned and headed back into the front parlor where April was sobbing to the police.

I felt like an idiot standing there holding a stupid tray of coffee. I turned to Jamison and in a weak voice said, “I made coffee.”

Jamison gave me a sympathetic look and gestured with a sweep of his hand for me to precede him down the hallway. I wanted to riddle him with questions as I squeezed past with the tray, but I had the sinking feeling I knew the answers. April had found a way to cause trouble, and it centered on me.

“Coffee?” I asked as I entered the parlor. I tried to keep my voice cheerful. All four officers turned toward me, and I could tell by the expressions on their faces that this wasn't going to go well.

“Are you Ms. Carerra? Chelsea Carerra?” the officer with a notepad asked.

“Yes,” I gulped, unable to help being intimidated by their four stern faces.

April shot a self-righteous look to the officer standing next to her.

“And have you worked for Mr. Silverhaus for long?” the first officer continued.

“Um…just this summer,” I stammered, my mouth going dry. I reminded myself that I hadn't done anything wrong.

“Is this your first job as a live-in maid?”

“Yes,” I said.

“So you don’t have many references? Any previous employers who can vouch for you?” the officer asked.

April quickly cut in, “References aren’t what people are interested in on

The officer scribbling in his notepad shot a knowing glance to his partner and then at Alex. Apparently the officers were familiar with the reputation of the site where Alex had found me.

Under their accusing stares, Alex shifted his weight and cleared his throat sharply. “Chelsea has no criminal record, and her work has been excellent.”

“Jealousy can be a strong motivation,” the larger officer near the door said.

“What’s going on?” I asked, wishing my voice was more than a squeak.

Alex looked at me. “April’s tennis bracelet is missing.” He shifted his jaw as if he were grinding his teeth. “Instead of doing a thorough search for it, she called the police.”

“It was stolen!” April cried. “I was wearing it last night. In fact, you can ask the masseuse you hired, or the manicurist. She commented on how elegant it was.”

April’s face crumpled in practiced despair again, and the police officer standing next to her patted her awkwardly on the back.

“So you had it last night?” the taller officer asked.

“Yes,” April snuffled.

“If the manicurist commented on it, then it’s possible she took it,” Alex said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“But I had it on when she left,” April insisted. “I wore it to bed. I remember, because when I woke up it was imprinted in my skin.”

She rubbed her arm and gave the taller officer a forlorn look. He furrowed his brows and asked, “Did you remove it at all this morning?”

“When I showered,” April said.

“And was anyone else up to the guest cottage this morning?” he asked.

“Yes, Chelsea,” April said.


Suddenly all eyes were on me when the taller officer asked, “Is that true?”

“Uh…” I bit my lip, my heart pounding. “Yes.”

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