Independent Study (17 page)

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Authors: Joelle Charbonneau

BOOK: Independent Study
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“Brilliant. Of course, the only way to use the anchor on the other side is to be over there to attach the rope to the bridge.” Damone rolls his eyes. “Which would eliminate the need for building the bridge in the first place.”

He’s right. While building a bridge is something I’ve never done, I understand the basic physics involved. The supports that are already in place will be strong enough to hold up whatever we build if we could attach it properly, but there is no way we can do that. And while I don’t think the University officials intend to watch us plunge to our deaths, I doubt they will lift a finger to prevent it. There has to be another solution.

“Why don’t we break into teams of two?” I suggest. “One group can go north. The other south. Maybe we’ll find a better place for us to get across.” I doubt it, but the possibility needs to be explored.

Will and Damone take the south. Enzo and I go north. We start out at a fast clip, certain we will find a way to cross the twenty-foot chasm of brown and gray rock and dirt that is between us and our destination. The crack begins to narrow, and Enzo and I smile at each other as we hurry ahead. That’s when we see it. Another rent in the earth that juts off from this fissure toward the west. Even if the fissure we are standing next to narrows enough for safe passage, we would still be forced to cross another gaping barrier. Crossing here will not be possible. We can only hope Damone and Will have had better luck on their scouting mission and have remembered I hold all the markers. If they have found a way across and have not waited for Enzo and me to go with them, they will still fail.

One look at their dejected faces tells the story. More barriers lie to the south. If we want to get to the finish line, we will have to cross here. And night is falling fast.

My three teammates study the building supplies and tools as I once again examine the supports and machinery. I shake my head. My skill is with machines. If the bridge’s controls were on this side, I’m certain I could make it rise. But they aren’t. And even if I could make the gears fire, I’m not sure I should try. Without our fully understanding how the mechanism works or how the two pieces of the bridge lock into place, attempting to cross the ravine could be akin to suicide. I’ve survived too much to allow University officials to push me into doing something stupid. And crossing on a contraption created with the tools and supplies provided would be even crazier. We could do calculations for days and still not be positive that the forces created by our weight and that of the bridge will balance with the upward force and properly absorb torque. A few more years studying with the professors here, and we might be able to pull this off. But now? How can anyone expect any of us to succeed at this task? They must realize it is impossible. Is that what Professor Holt and the others are waiting for? For us to fail? Why? What purpose would teaching us defeat serve? They want us to be leaders. Leaders are required to find solutions no matter what.

Or are they?

Bombs were dropped. Millions of people killed. A world destroyed because the leaders of our country and those around the globe were not willing to declare failure. They could not admit that the path they had embarked on was doomed. Instead, they forged ahead. More bombs. More destruction. More need to prove that they were right. That others were wrong.

I think about the Induction thus far. It has required us to carefully think through answers before putting them into action. To trust when trust is not only hard, but potentially deadly. To speak as an equal with the head of our government. All skills essential for government leaders. As is learning when to say enough is enough.

Turning my back on those who watch, I walk over to where a tree stands thirty feet away and sit. After leaning back against the tree, I open the green team bag and take out my bottle of water.

“What are you doing?” Damone yells as he notices me seated on the grass. “You should be helping us figure out how we’re going to get to the other side.”

“He’s right, Cia.” Enzo frowns. “The only way we’re going to beat this task is if we work together.”

“We’re not going to beat it.” I nod at the cluster of observers across the way. “They don’t expect us to, so there’s no point in giving them the satisfaction of seeing us try and come up short.”

“They wouldn’t have given us this task if there wasn’t a way to pass it.” Damone throws a plank to the ground and grabs a hammer. He takes three steps toward me, eyes bright with anger. The hammer wielded like a weapon. “I am not going to fail this test because some girl from the colonies doesn’t want to make the effort to win. Get the hell up or you’ll be sorry that Will and Enzo were too soft to leave you trapped in that box where you belonged.”

Damone lashes out with the hammer, and I scramble back out of its path. “Are you crazy?” I yell.

He starts to swing again and is brought up short by a hand grabbing his wrist and yanking the hammer free.

Will’s jaw is clenched and his eyes glitter with violence. This is the Will from The Testing. “Move away from her now, or you’re going to be sorry.”

“Let go of me.” Damone tries to yank his arm free. “My father is going to hear about this. Do you remember who my father is?”

Will holds fast. “I don’t care who your father is, but he might care that his son is so weak he had to be saved by a colony girl. She saved your life. She’s smarter than you. Than all of us put together. And you can’t stand it.” He releases his grip on Damone’s wrist, but keeps the hammer tight in his fist.

Damone rubs his arm where Will’s fingers dug into his flesh and scowls.

“Now, if you’re done demonstrating your lack of control to our viewing audience, Cia will explain why she thinks we can’t get across. I know I’m dying to hear it. I mean, while I’d love to impress the professors, I don’t plan on risking my life in order to do it.” His mouth curves into a half smile. “But I would be happy to risk yours, Damone, if you want.”

The smile. The hammer held confidently in Will’s hand. Both scare the crap out of me. Damone, however, doesn’t look scared. He appears on the verge of rage. But Will, as is typical, has said the right thing. Damone shifts his eyes to the people across the way watching our every move. His jaw clenches. His breathing is fast and uneven as he fights for control. Something he probably hasn’t had to do very often. And he wins that battle—for now.

“Okay.” He blows out air. “I’m not saying Cia is right, but I’ll listen.” Damone looks back at the wide stretch of emptiness behind him. “Prove to me that the final years don’t intend for us to be able to get across this on our own.”

I have lots of reasons, but proof? “I can’t.”

Damone’s nasty grin makes me want to scream. So I turn away from him and focus on reasoning with the rest of my team. “I think this Induction process has been about teaching us lessons. Teamwork. Trust. Government procedure.”

“And failure.” Enzo completes my thought. “No matter how smart our leaders are, there are problems they cannot solve. This is one of them.”

Will walks to the edge of the ravine and studies the drop. After several long moments, he shifts his attention across the divide to the people on the other side. His fists clench. Something intense flickers in his deep green eyes before he turns back to us and smiles. “So what should we do while we wait for them to realize we’ve given up?’

Damone whirls. “No one is giving up. We’re going to do exactly what the note says and get to the other side. I’m not losing my chance to win this Induction competition and throwing away my future just because some stupid girl from nowhere says she thinks we should give up. I’m not giving up. None of you are giving up.”

Will steps away from the edge, shoves his hands in his pockets, and saunters over to stand next to me. Enzo flanks me on the other side. Damone’s face colors as he realizes his words have had no effect. Right or wrong, Enzo and Will have chosen to stand with me.

Damone’s eyes meet mine. Glittering in their depths are anger and hate. My muscles clench as I brace for the attack that is sure to come. Damone might have been smart enough to pass the Tosu City application exams, but he has demonstrated all day that he has no control over his emotions. Perhaps he has gotten this far based on people confusing bullying for strength of personality. Whatever the reason, he is unprepared for others to take charge. I am certain he plans on taking back control by any means necessary.

“Hey, look,” Enzo says as a whirring sound fills the air.

Damone stops his advance and turns as the east side of the bridge slowly begins to rise. The support shifts backward. Across the ravine, Ian stands next to the support. He pushes a button, and our side of the bridge begins to move. After several minutes, the beams shift and lock together with a resounding clang.

Ian crosses to the center of the bridge and smiles. “Welcome back. You are the first team to arrive.”

Will and Enzo slap hands and let out celebratory shouts before they race across the bridge. Damone glares at me before crossing behind them. Us finishing our Induction will not make him forget that I was right. That the others sided with me. That he wanted to be a leader and was pushed to the side. Vowing to do my best to stay out of Damone’s way in the future, I follow.

As I pass Ian, his lips barely move as he whispers, “Meet me in Lab Two at midnight.”

I want to ask why, but I curve my lips into a smile for Professor Holt, who watches from under a tree fifty feet away. The students standing outside the residence converge on me and my team. People slap my back and yell congratulations. Behind me, I hear the whir of machinery and know the bridge is once again being retracted to challenge the next group who arrives.

“Cia. Enzo. Will. Damone,” Ian calls, and the voices around us go quiet. The four of us walk to where Ian stands next to Professor Holt. “Congratulations on returning with your entire team intact. Do you have the markers?”

I dig into the green bag and hand the markers from the first three challenges to Ian. “We don’t have a marker for this task.”

“There wasn’t a marker for the final test. This task was designed to be insurmountable.” Professor Holt takes the markers and gives me a small smile. “Ian was told to engage the bridge when we deduced that you had figured out that solution.”

My heartbeat measures the silence until Professor Holt says, “It takes a lot of courage to choose to do nothing when you aren’t certain of the outcome. We believe this is an important lesson to impart to all University students and one many students find almost impossible to accept. I’m happy to learn that most on this team are more . . . open-minded.”

I see Damone flush.

Professor Holt hands the markers back to Ian with a small nod. Ian turns and gives us a wide smile. “Congratulations, Cia, Enzo, Will, and Damone. Since you arrived first with all of your markers, we are happy to declare you the winners. Once the other three teams arrive, we will hold a formal Induction ceremony where you will be officially welcomed into the Government Studies program. Until then, I suggest you get lots of rest. I’ve seen your class schedules. Trust me, you’re going to need it.”

The students standing behind Ian laugh. As my teammates celebrate, I notice that Professor Holt isn’t the only one watching me. In the distance, next to the willow tree where just yesterday I stood with Enzo, is Dr. Barnes.

“You should all be very proud of yourselves,” Professor Holt announces. “These Induction tasks have taught us a great deal about you and the way you approach problem solving. But more important, this process not only gave you a glimpse of the revitalization work that still needs to be done, but also allowed you to learn about your fellow Government Studies students. All of you will be competing for the top grades, but I hope these challenges have taught you also that success comes only if we trust and work well with those around us.”

To my left, I see Damone nod, but I know the only thing he learned was to despise me.

After more applause, Professor Holt adds, “I have been told the next team will not arrive until tomorrow at the earliest.” The teams must not have gotten to the Central Government Building until after the debates ended for the day. Briefly, I pull my coat tight around me as the wind kicks up and wonder if those teams will be forced to spend the night outside or if they will seek shelter with their families. An option none of us had during The Testing.

Professor Holt continues, “Our official Induction will not begin until all teams have arrived and their performances have been evaluated. Until that time, I recommend you take Ian’s suggestion and get some rest. And you might want to know that dinner will be served in an hour.”

Perhaps I am paranoid, but I search my rooms for signs of cameras or microphones that might have been added since the scavenger Induction challenge began. I examine every piece of furniture, every inch of wall, and each light fixture. Tension drains from my body when I finish. For the moment, there are no signs of my being watched. I am alone and safe.

Stripping off my clothes, I step into the shower. The sweat, grime, and anxiety of the day wash away. My legs tremble as fatigue sets in. While I am hungry, I am not interested in facing Damone again so soon. Instead, I stretch out on the bed and close my eyes. I picture Tomas and feel a tug of loneliness as I wonder how he is doing. Is he facing his own Induction now? Praying Tomas is safe, I allow myself to slip into sleep.

The room is dark when I wake. I find myself starting to panic before I realize the darkness is not part of another Induction. The sky outside my window is black. I have slept longer than intended and night has fallen. Eleven o’clock. I haven’t missed the meeting with Ian.

My stomach growls even as it fills with dread. I have no idea what Ian has to tell me, but the way he requested the private meeting makes me believe it can’t be good. Repacking my University bag, I head out of the room and carefully lock the door behind me. While I doubt the lock will keep out those in authority, it might discourage people like Damone from going inside.

Despite the late hour, lights blaze in the common spaces of the residence. Most, if not all, of the students are still awake. The hangout room is filled with people laughing and talking with friends. I spot Will flirting with a girl I don’t recognize. Damone and Enzo are nowhere to be seen.

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