Inferno Anthology (106 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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A lone wolf howls from somewhere deep in the forest, and a chill runs up my spine.

“Doesn’t sound like we’re alone.” Bryson gives a dark laugh, low and sexy, but despite my passive reaction I’m scared to freaking death.

Screw it. “God, we’re going to get eaten alive.” I bounce over and practically land in his lap. “Sorry,” I say, sliding off his knee. “I’m not a fan of rabid beasts with sharpened canines.” Unless, of course, he were the rabid beast with sharpened canines in question. I have a few delicate places I wouldn’t mind him taking a bite out of. The imagery alone makes me whimper, and my vagina is back on its knees begging to make this happen.

“Don’t be sorry. Come here.” He wraps his arms around my waist and gently slides me over until I’m sitting square between his legs. “I’ll keep you safe.”

My entire body goes rigid.

“It’s okay,” he whispers, pulling my shoulders into his chest until I slowly melt into him. His hand grazes my thigh, and a quick pulse of spasms go off deep inside me.

Oh God. I let out a tiny yelp as I break out in a rash of what can only be explained as spontaneous orgasms.

Crap, crap, crap! Stupid,

“I hope you don’t mind me holding you.” He offers a dimpled grin, and my girl parts give a squeeze of approval. “Plus, I can see you better this way.” He rubs his cheek over the top of my head, and I twist in his arms to look up at him.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re about to morph into the big bad wolf?” I lower my lashes as the words struggle from my throat. I’m far too close to him to be speaking, let alone breathing, and, God forbid, having multiple O’s between his kneecaps. This is everything I’ve wanted, and, strangely, I’m more than afraid.

“I promise you I’m nothing like the big bad wolf.” He rubs my back with his hand, and I gasp. “Hey, you’re shaking.” Bryson warms me with his oven-heated palms and creates enough friction to spark a thousand mini earthquakes between my legs. “I’ll keep you toasty.”

I give a shy smile. I don’t dare confess that I’m not that cold—that I’m gloriously terrified as to where the night might lead—that my girl parts are just begging to extend an invitation for him to create friction elsewhere and

And, if the night leads in the right direction—he will.

“Back at the restaurant I asked you what you were afraid of.” I let it hang there because he happened to follow that up with “me,” and I’d like for him to expand on the concept. “Tell me what you’re afraid, Bryson.” I snuggle into his chest and look up at him as the moonbeams shine right through his prism-like eyes. I like it like this with Bryson. For the first time, it feels like we’re a couple.

“It’s nothing.” He runs his tongue slowly over his bottom lip while staring off ahead at the steaming hot spring. “I guess at the end of the day I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“Hurt anyone?” I pull back to examine him for a second. “You don’t strike me as a monster.”

“Yeah, well, the jury is still out on that one.”

“I don’t believe it for a second.” I tweak his ribs, and he bucks into me with his lips curled.

“Whoa.” Bryson tightens his fingers around my waist as a devilish grin takes over. “You just started a war, princess. You sure you want to go there?”

“Don’t you dare!” My elbows crowd over my sides as I try to push his hands away. “I’m deathly ticklish, and I’ll scream my head off if you even
about doing that.”

“All right.” A dull laugh brews in his chest. “I’ll let you slide just this once. Be warned, you tickle me again, and it’s on.”

“You know what that sounds like?” I cock my head at him, teasing him as my hips nestle over his crotch.

“Like the threat is was?” He gives that cocky smile I’ve come to know and love.

“No, it sounded an awful lot like a dare. Like a double
dare.” I pinch his waist, and he jumps before running his fingers over my ribs then riding up just beneath my arms.

” I scream through laughter. “You win!” I fall back onto the boulder, and he rolls on top of me, refining his torment technique.

“Say uncle.” His head moves over mine as the heavens spray out behind him, and I always want to remember him this way—happy, with a crown of stars over his head.


“Say Bryson’s the best.” He slows his movements while I try to catch my breath.

“Bryson is the best.” It gurgles from my throat with a screaming laugh. “You’re great—I’m not.” My hands track down low on his waist, and he catches me by the wrists.

“I think you’re pretty great, Baya,” he whispers just over my lips. His heated breath rakes over me like the blast from an oven, and I take his weight as he presses his body to mine. Our eyes lock with a magnetic pull. I pluck my hand free and touch the back of his neck, encouraging him to meet my lips.

“Baya,” he whispers, closing his eyes momentarily. “Don’t fall for me. I’m not worth it.” A tragedy plays out over his features that I wish I could understand.

“I think you’re more than worth it.” I pant. “Do you think I’m worth it?” If he says no then I’ll let this go, but there’s something special between us, and if I can’t deny it how can he?

“You’re worth everything,” he whispers, gently brushing the hair from my eyes. “It’s me—I’m not worth the risk.”

“Sometimes when you take a risk, great things happen—mountains move, and you see exactly what you’ve been waiting for, right there, in front of you.” Hell, yes, I’m laying it on thick. “I think you’re worth the risk, Bryson.”

His breathing picks up. His heart thunders over my chest as if he were about to leap off a very tall building.

“I want you, Baya. I just don’t know how we’re going to do this.”

My body convulses. Crap. This is a lousy time for my G spot to applaud his efforts.

“Let’s start here.” I pull him in, and Bryson crashes his lips to mine. His soft mouth tugs over me in an achingly slow manner. A moan gets caught in my throat, and a tingle rides between my thighs, exhilarating me all the way up to my belly button. My body quivers in a series of explosive waves, and I don’t fight it. I’m not sure if it’s possible to have an orgasm from simply being in his presence or if my hormones have chosen a heck of a bad time to short circuit, hell, I’m not sure I’ve ever had a proper orgasm due to the fact every other one was self-induced, but this feels otherworldly, magical in a damn illegal kind of way. Electrical currents are going off, neurons and synapsis are misfiring. An entire Fourth of July spectacular is happening in my body, and my girl parts are jumping up and down with elation—all because Bryson Edwards’ hot mouth is over mine.

I give another groan and push him into me harder until he caves and blesses my mouth with his tongue in long, strong, lingering sweeps. Bryson moves his hands slowly up my arms until he’s cradling my face in his hands, loving me with deep-throated kisses that I never want to end.

I run my hand up his shirt, and my fingers move over his rippling abs, nothing but skin over granite. I touch each of his grooves as his skin blisters over the pads of my fingers.

“Baya,” he whispers, swiping his lips over mine. “We should talk about this—talk about us.”

His eyes glow an eerie paper white as he lingers above me.

In the distance, the hot spring gurgles and hisses. It expels into the night with its slow dancing fog, curling its vapor-like fingers as it calls us over.

“You’re right. I think we should talk about us.” I glance to the hazy pool of water. “In there.”









The moon shines down over Baya with its white-hot spotlight. Her long hair shines like smoked glass, her face illuminates like an angel straight from the throne of God.

“You are so fucking beautiful.” I outline her cheek with my finger.

I’m in. Screw Cole and his big brother shadow. Baya is going to have someone in her life one day, and I’d move heaven and earth for that someone to be me.

“Do you always throw a vulgarity in with your compliments?” She cinches her lips to the side, and I want to dive over her mouth again and never come out.

“Only when I can’t control myself, and I am definitely having a hard time controlling myself around you.” My chest rattles with a dull laugh because, holy shit, I’ve just fallen into Baya Brighton headfirst. I’m sunk, and I really don’t care. What I’m feeling is real in every sense of the word. Love is on the horizon, and I don’t really care who knows it at this point.

“Yeah?” She runs her finger up my chest and scratches at me lightly with her nails. For a second I imagine her running them over my back while she groans into my ear and makes all those sweet sounds I can’t wait to hear from her. “I think you’re cleverly trying to change the subject.” She sits up and pulls off her sweater. “Last one in is a rotten egg!” She bounces to her feet and wriggles out of her signature cutoffs, but I’m enjoying the show too damn much to try and beat her.

What the hell. I tear off my shirt and kick off my shoes and socks, dropping my Levis as I bolt in front of her. I take her by the hand and help her down the embankment.

Baya laughs all the way over to the hot spring and dips her foot in.

She lets out a throaty groan while pulling her neck back, her eyes flutter with ecstasy, and, for a moment, I imagine me on top of her, exhibiting that exact same response.

“This feels amazing!” Her eyes roll back into her head, and I have to look away before my boner springs to life.

We sit down on the edge. I slip into the scalding water and hold out my hands to catch her. Baya’s pale skin glows beneath her black lace bra, and it takes everything in me not to run my hands over her.

“Come in. I’ll catch you.”

Baya jumps into me without hesitating and locks her arms around my neck. She takes in a sharp breath as the water hugs her body. Her svelte hips land against my stomach, and I bite my lip in lieu of a groan.

“This feels like heaven.” Her body relaxes over mine and her tits fall against my chest, heavy and weighted. The only thing that feels like heaven around here is Baya. “It’s like God dropped a hot tub right here in the middle of nowhere,” she muses.

“Really?” I pull her in toward the middle until her legs are no longer touching the sides. “Because I was just thinking it’s like God dropped an angel off right here in the middle of nowhere, and I’m the lucky fool that caught her in my arms.”

“Very funny.” She averts her eyes at my cheesy pick up line.

“I meant every word.”

Baya illuminates the night with her hundred-watt smile. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I lock off a groan in my throat as her flesh seals over mine.

“Angels, princesses…” She glances toward the top of the evergreens. “All references you might give your little sister.” She leans in and takes a soft bite out of my lower lip.

I take in a smooth breath through my teeth.

“Trust me, Baya, the thoughts I’m having toward you are anything but brotherly. And you’ll get to meet my little sister next weekend. She’s no angel.” The truth is, Annie is every bit a saint. “Okay, maybe she is, but that’s beside the point.” I sink us a little lower. “I think you’re sexy as hell, Baya.”

“That’s better.” She presses a kiss over my lips, and I can feel her fingers twitching behind her back. She plucks her bra off, tossing it onto the rocks while staring into me with the look of anticipation in her eyes.

“Baya.” I ride my gaze, slowly down her features, her neck until I see her in all her God-given glory. “Damn, girl,” I whisper, pulling her under just enough to cover her tits. “You’re going to take me to the brink tonight.”

“They missed you.” She presses her bare chest into mine, and my hard-on rockets to life.

“I missed them, too.” It takes everything in me to control my breathing.

“So are we all done talking?” She rides her hand up my thigh until she hits pay dirt, and I catch her. My dick and I are on the rails of temptation, and the train just lost its breaks.

“Not by a long shot.” I slip my hands under her knees and hoist her high on my waist, safely away from my point of interest. “But I think we should do this”—I land a kiss over the nape of her neck and feel her sigh beneath me—“a lot.”

Baya relaxes her head back as I graze my teeth over her flesh. I run my tongue up all the way to her ear and give a solid attempt to swallow her earlobe.

“Bryson,” she gravels it out low, and my body electrifies in a series of pulsating waves. I’ve never felt this good, this alive with any other girl. Baya has the power to help me forget the past, erase it all together. This is strong, powerful, and I want to drink her down like an elixir, right here—right fucking now.

Her brother blinks through my mind, and I straighten. “Cole is going to blow my head off when he finds out.” I pull back just enough to take in her beautiful face.

“Cole doesn’t have to know—not at first anyway.” Baya traces out an S over my chest, and I groan into her. “Besides, I like the thought of having you all to myself for a while.” Her hand rides over my boxers, and this time I don’t stop her. “I like the idea of having a delicious secret that only you and I know about.”

I pull her hand up from over my balls and kiss it. “I’m falling for you, Baya.” It feels safe like this to confess it with a midnight moon the only thing around to witness the event. I swore I’d never fall in love again, and here I am, hook, line, and sinker. Baya has me in ways she doesn’t even know. “I want everything you’re willing to give me.”

Her eyes penetrate mine, serious, seductive like two emerald stones. “I’ve already fallen for you, Bryson—and I plan on giving you anything you want, anytime you want it.” She dips her hands into the back of my boxers and gives my bare ass a squeeze. “I want to share every part of me with you.” She runs her teeth over her bottom lip. “In the worst way.”

“I want that, too.” I firm my hands over her waist in an effort to keep them from wandering. “But I want to take it slow. I want your first time to be special.” I press a warm kiss over her lips, and a branding iron of heat shoots through my body.

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