Inferno Anthology (126 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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Finally she looks my way and our eyes immediately connect, and at this moment I’m perfectly still. I can’t break the intensity I feel in this first interaction between us. Her blue eyes are surrounded by creamy skin and framed with her long, black hair. She is a fucking masterpiece. An artist’s beauty.

The next thing I see on her lovely face is a knowing smile. She doesn’t appear to be mocking me, at least that's my hope. And I decide right then that I need to know who this mystery woman is and where she came from.

I have an unspoken rule of never introducing myself at these shitty functions, but this woman I've got to meet. Now. I walk toward her, blocking her path to the bar and making it impossible for her to ignore me. She places her hands on her hips and looks up at me expectantly.

Feeling a bit on edge, I revert back to full-on business mode. What is it about this woman’s beauty and expressions that make me feel uneasy? I stretch out my hand to her, but her hands remain solidly on her hips.

Well damn, this is interesting. There isn’t a single wrinkle or line on her face, but the way she looks at me is intriguing, a confidence only acquired with time and experience. Everything about her fascinates me, and her sudden appearance on the social scene bewilders me. But most importantly right now, her body has totally aroused mine. This combination almost never happens with the women I meet at these things, so I start to speak.

“I’d like to introduce myself, I'm Adam Kings—”

She laughs before I can finish my name.

“Oh, I know who you are, pretty billionaire boy. Everyone in the room knows your name. Likely even the bartender I was on my way to visit knows you.” She holds up an empty wine glass. “Do you know who I am, though?”

“I'm afraid you have me at a loss.” Smirking, I draw my hand to my chest to feign feeling hurt and rejected. “And calling me ‘pretty’ and 'boy.' That stings.”

“Please don't be offended. They’re really meant as terms of endearment.”

She moves closer to me, so close I see the full swell of her breasts as they disappear beneath the silk of her dark green dress. My cock responds to my perfect vantage point as I watch her mostly exposed chest move slowly and evenly. This intriguing yet nameless woman is an enticing tease, and I have to say I’m thoroughly enjoying myself for the first time tonight.

“Let me introduce myself. In polite company I go by Kathryn.” I watch as she winks and runs her little tongue across her bottom lip. I swallow, hard.

“We have a name. That’s a start.” I find myself smiling at her. A full-blown grin, which contradicts my usual behavior. “And what do you do, Kathryn?”

“You want to know what I do?” She keeps her eyes trained on mine, and I swear I see a mischievous twinkle in them. “In my case that’s a loaded question.”

“Loaded question or not, I would still like to know,” I say, hoping she’ll reveal more of herself to me. “I’ve seen you before at other functions. It’s like you just appeared out of thin air.”

“Not quite thin air, but close. And it’s funny; I’ve noticed you, as well.” She moves even closer, and now we are nearly touching one another. “I wondered if we’d ever meet. You know I’ve been warned about you.”

“Warned?” My question sounds hollow, unconvincing: I know what she’s likely been told. Adam Kingsley is a player. A skirt-chaser. And I can’t deny it, either.

“Yes, warned to keep my distance.” I see a touch of amusement in her eyes, and now I’m sure she’s mocking me. “I know we’ve just met, but I’m curious about something. Can I ask you a really personal question, Mr. Kingsley?”

“Sure, but you have to call me Adam.” Honestly, I just want to hear her say my name. Watch her full lips mouth the sound.

“Let’s stick to formalities, Mr. Kingsley. My question is actually a semi-professional one.”

“A professional one?” I’m still left in the dark about her occupation, even her last name, yet she wants to ask me personal questions. Who is this ballsy woman?

“Yes, professional. I have a doctorate in psychology and coach couples in the intimacy department.” The intimacy department? What the fuck does that mean?

“Well, Dr. Kathryn, I’m not sure how I can help with that subject. But okay, shoot away.” I have a feeling I’m going to regret this.

“When I look around this room, I see women watching you and our exchange. Some looking sad, others looking envious. I’m curious to know how many of them you’ve slept with?” She stares at me with a serious look on her face. She doesn’t blink or look away. It’s then I realize she really wants me to answer her. Throw out a number. Fuck. I’m not sure how to respond or even count up the tally, so I decide to try a little humor.

“Somewhere between one and all of them?” She rolls her eyes to the side, not satisfied with my answer, but I’m not finished yet either.

“Honestly, I’d like to say you, just you.” My voice is barely above a whisper. “That you’re the only one I’ve fucked in this room.” Kathryn appears a little surprised by my answer but then laughs, and I join her. I think she realizes I’m teasing her. But what I said might be partially true because no other woman in this room appeals to me like she does.

“They were right to warn me.” Her mood shifts. Gone are her smiles. “Men like you will never understand what a woman really needs.”

“Is that right? So you’re an expert on me now. My judge and jury.” I cross my arms over my chest as my temper starts to rise.

“Oh dear. I think I’ve touched a nerve,” she says while throwing her head back and laughing at me. Quite frankly, I’m not amused. “Yes, Mr. Kingsley, I’m an expert of sorts.”

“Care to explain?” My tone’s short with her as I’m still a bit pissed.

“It would be my pleasure.” She winks at me and I’m feeling conflicted. Do I really want to know what she’s an expert at? Who am I kidding? Of course I do.

“I'm a specialist at taking boys like yourself and turning them into real men. I've never failed. Not once. At least that’s what their wives and girlfriends say.”

“So, what have you never failed at, in more specific terms?” I’m hoping she takes the bait and gives me the details of her exploits, as this woman confounds and frustrates me.

She brings her free hand up to my chest and runs her delicate fingers under the lapel of my Armani tux. My arms fall to my side as I feel her grasping my jacket and gently pulling my upper body down toward her, bringing our faces cheek to cheek. Her soft lips brush lightly against my ear.

“I take cocky, rich boys like you and teach them how to make love to women until they're barely able to mutter a word. Completely and utterly blissed. That's really what separates the men from the boys, Mr. Kingsley. Sex as an art form versus fucking for a release.”

I find myself unable to respond, completely tongue-tied. Something I’m not used to experiencing. I always have a slick comeback. Always. I see fire in her eyes and notice her lips starting to move again, and good God, I realize she’s not done with me yet.

“You see, Mr. Kingsley, when I said you were a pretty billionaire boy I meant every damn word. You’re very pretty indeed, striking really, but still just a boy.”


Chapter 2



Staring at Kathryn intensely, I can’t miss the spark in her eyes as they challenge me. I have no words as my mind processes her declared opinion of me. It’s a slight meant to sting and wound me, and I’m not sure why she feels the need to be so sharp and cutting.

But I’m silent and allow the silence to linger in hopes of staying in control. One thing I’ve learned in business: The first person to speak during an intense confrontation usually loses the deal. Capitulates. And I’d like to win at whatever game she’s playing with me. So my silence plays into my hand, as she finally breaks it.

“Cat got your tongue?” The words she finally purrs at me are smooth and seductive. I twirl the melting ice around in my glass and eye the dripping condensation. I try to appear disinterested but I’ve never wanted to engage with a woman like I do with her. Oh what I’d love to do with my tongue. I sweep my eyes across her barely concealed breasts. They’re full and real, which is quite to my liking.

Kathryn clears her throat, catching me appreciating her breasts, and I look up from her chest. Collecting myself, I respond. “Actually, I'm very selective about which pussy,” I pause, “…cat gets my tongue.” I watch her reaction and notice a wicked twinkle in her eye. She thinks I'm stepping into her trap, in reach of her claws. She is very mistaken.

“Rumors say otherwise. I think the worn leather in the backseat of your vehicle can attest to that.” A smug look of satisfaction flashes across her face. A face remarkable in its beauty. I fight the urge to allow my fingers to pass along her cheekbones, feel her skin and touch her.

“You seem to know a lot about what happens in my backseat. Yes, there might be some mileage, but I’ve never had a complaint.” I raise the watered scotch to my lips, tilt my head, and down the rest of the drink, swallowing my medicine. Leaning back against the bar, I sit the empty glass down with a thud, eye the bartender, and nod for another.

“No complaints?” She licks her cherry-stained lips. The color contrasts starkly against her flawless, pale skin. The combination stirs something deep within me. Dark. Licentious. I imagine her kneeling in front of me. Lips enclosed and sucking on my cock, but my thoughts are regretfully cut short.

“I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm acquainted with one of your backseat warmers. Her views of your sexual exploits are not flattering.” I wonder who the hell she’s been talking to, because I’ve never had a single complaint. Just the opposite, in fact.

“Were they looking for, what did you call it, an 'art form' type of fucking?” As I speak I wonder if she truly knows one of my conquests, or if it’s another attempt at catching me off guard. “I possess many forms of art. They sit on a shelf for display or hang unceremoniously on a wall. Illusions of beauty created by artists. Fucking is raw, animalistic, and sweat inducing. There is no beauty. Just selfish needs seeking to be met.”

My words have a surprising effect on her. Instead of making her recoil, she draws closer to me, sneaking her hand up my arm. She brushes slowly, lingers slightly, until she guides her hand up my shoulder. Her feather-like touch contains an odd but powerful energy as my skin tingles beneath the layers of my clothes.

I feel the softness of her fingers caress the skin above my collar. I look down at her as she threads her fingers through the hair at my nape and brings my head toward her. Kathryn traces her lips across my jaw as she pulls me even closer.

“I wonder,” she whispers in my ear, “Mr. Kingsley. Do the women you frolic with have a release? Do you make them come so hard they forget their name? Or did you leave them with nothing? Not even a parting gift or their dignity as you shuffle them out of your limo onto the sidewalk.”

I draw back and stare into her eyes. She’s pegged me like she’s seen every one of my indiscretions, and she knows it.

Kathryn looks from my eyes to my lips and then leans again toward my ear. “The truth is all the money you possess can't make you a man.” She brushes her lips against my ear and pulls away, gauging my reaction.

Deflecting the conversation away from her obviously incorrect observations, I say, “But it does make me irresistible.” Teasing her and making light of her pointed questions is the only response I can think of. But my attempt doesn’t ease the sting I feel from her unflattering accusations. “But not as irresistible as you. There isn’t a man here who doesn’t want to be with you. Single or attached. And I happen to be the lucky one who has your attention.”

“Oh, you’re very smooth, Mr. Kingsley.” Kathryn doesn’t address my comments any more than I addressed hers. We are dancing around each other in a circle of our words. A game of verbal foreplay.

“I imagine resisting you is impossible for many women here. They probably fall into your gravitational pull without even knowing it. Completely succumbing to your charms. However, I’ve been rightly warned about you. I do wish you luck here tonight, though. Surely, there’s some pretty young thing who is willing to serve you.” She removes her hand from me, and surprisingly I miss the feel of her touch.

Wondering who warned her about me, I tap my chin and look her up and down. There is no way I’m going to let her see how affected I am by her remarks, and how they compound upon my already hellish day. It’s exhausting, and I feel like a boxer who needs to go to his corner and tend to his wounds.

So I decide to play into her idea of my shallowness. I scan the room and spot a pleasant-looking brunette glancing my way. I return her gaze, smile, and nod. Kathryn watches the exchange, and I hear her laughter.

“Good luck, little boy.” Her remark is laced with disdain, and she turns to the bar, placing her palms flat against the polished wood. She flags down the bartender and orders a new glass of white wine. She picks up the glass and starts to walk away without even a sideways glance back at me. Somehow her avoidance stings more than her sharp debate about my perversity.

“Wait a second, Kathryn. I endured being grilled on a rather intimate subject, surely you can tell me your last name.”

I try to sound cool even though I feel a little desperate to know more about her. A fact I’m not happy with at all. However, my request isn’t completely ignored as I watch her stop and look over her shoulder at me.

“My last name is Delcour.” She replies in a very dismissive and cool tone. I don’t like it one bit, but I can’t for the life of me let her keep walking away.

“So you’re French, then?” I ask, trying to keep the conversation alive.

“My late husband was. Good evening, Mr. Kingsley.”

She turns away, and I’m surprised by her comment. She’s left me speechless once again. Her late husband? It’s just a little peek into who she is, possibly where she’s from, but in the end it explains so little about her. And I want to know more. I need to know more.

I’m tempted to pull her back to me at the bar and resume our banter, but I refrain. Instead I watch her every movement as she leaves me. 

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