Inferno Anthology (181 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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Hudson’s father cocked his head and stroked his goatee, a gesture that seemed so natural I imagined he frequently employed it. “I’m judging by the look on your face that you already know who I am.”

“Yes. You’re Jonathan Pierce.”

“And you…hmm…don’t tell me…” He looked me over in such a way that I knew he appreciated what he saw, yet I didn’t feel ogled. “You’re a little old for Chandler, and Mira doesn’t ever pick friends who are prettier than her. That leaves Hudson. I’d heard a rumor he was dating someone, but I never imagined it was true.”

His tone was charming and easy, a hint of a drawl revealing his Texas roots. His manner relaxed me even though I’d been caught in an embarrassing situation. “I’m Hudson’s girlfriend, Alayna Withers.” I held my hand out to him. “But please call me Laynie, Mr. Pierce.”

He took my hand with both of his and held it as he spoke. “My friends call me Jack, and I have a feeling we’re going to be great friends.” He patted my hand, the action managing to stay just on the right side of the okay/creepy line. When he let go, he nodded his head toward the kitchen. “Who’s in there anyway?”

A guilty smile lined my lips. “Hudson and your wife.”

Jack rolled his head dramatically. “Please refrain from reminding me I’m married to that woman.” His eye twinkled mischievously. “We obviously don’t want to go in there. Have you been given a tour of Mabel Shores?”

“Mabel Shores?”

“If Hudson hasn’t told you the name of this house, he’s certainly not given you a tour. How lucky that I’m available to do the honor.” He offered me his arm. “Shall we?”

I hesitated only a second, Jack’s charismatic demeanor impossible to turn down. Besides, Hudson had said our sham was meant to convince both his parents. Spending time with his father could only be beneficial to the cause. And the truth was, though I knew Hudson expected me, postponing my next face-to-face with Sophia sounded like an excellent idea.

Jack leisurely led me through the house, providing historical and architectural trivia spattered with the occasional humorous anecdote. The main floor featured a spacious living room, library, gym, and a media room as well as two guestrooms. The décor remained traditional throughout, but very up-to-date and stylish.

He ignored showing me the upstairs, stating that there wasn’t much to see besides the bedrooms. We also avoided the dining room and kitchen, slipping out the French doors in the office on the opposite side of the house to explore the grounds instead.

We talked easily throughout the tour, Jack’s charm never faltering. Though he was more than twice my age and the father of my lover, I adored him and his shameless flirting. He was harmless and fun and much more pleasant than I’d ever imagined a renowned businessman could be. I began to piece together the Pierce family, understanding Mira’s welcoming personality now that I’d met Jack. I could even spot what Hudson had inherited, recognizing his magnetism and sexual prowess came from his father. And the playfulness that Hudson occasionally adopted—that was his dad.

When we’d circled most of the east gardens and were headed back toward the house, Jack grew somewhat serious. “So you and Hudson…that’s a pleasant surprise.”

“I’m not sure that I want to know what’s surprising about us.”

“Nothing bad. Hudson doesn’t date much. I’m glad to see that the girl he finally brought home is someone as delightful as you. I hope it sticks.”

I smiled. “Thank you.” I savored my next words as I said them, relishing the sweetness of their honesty. “I’m quite stuck on the man. I’ve fallen for him pretty hard.”

Jack stared at me, reading my face. “Yes, I believe you have. That’s wonderful. Truly.”

His sincerity was touching, and a rush of emotion surged in my chest. It felt good to have someone rooting for our fake relationship. It validated my growing belief in the possibility of more.

My confidence was short-lived, however, Jack’s next words reminding me of the barriers lying between Hudson and myself. “What was Sophia saying about you? I’ve been dying to ask.”

“When? Oh.” I turned away, pretending to admire the purple grapelike flowers lining the cobblestone path.

He pushed gently, understanding lacing his words. “It had to be not very nice. You were ashen when I found you.”

I sighed, thinking how best to sum up what I’d overheard and how it made me feel. “She doesn’t like me.”

Jack shrugged. “Sophia doesn’t like anyone.” He didn’t bother to hide his own disdain for the woman, and I wondered how he had ended up with her in the first place. “But I imagine she especially doesn’t like you. Which is why it’s so delicious that I do.”

Shaking my head, I ignored his teasing. “Is it because of me or because of Hudson?”

“The reasons I like you have absolutely nothing to do with Hudson.”

I leveled a stern look in Jack’s direction. “I was talking about Sophia—your wife. Why does she especially not like me?”

Jack stroked his goatee and resumed walking toward the house. “It isn’t you.”

Bartender whore.
I followed him, Sophia’s earlier remarks resounding again in my head. “Really? I bet she’d welcome Celia into Hudson’s arms.”

“Because she adores Celia. Always has.”

We’d reached the veranda at the back of the house where Jack gestured to sit. I sank into a cushy loveseat and curled my feet up underneath me. “Doesn’t she want Hudson to be happy?”

Jack took the chair across from me, a small wooden table separating us. It was his turn to sigh. “She doesn’t want anyone to be happy. Particularly Hudson. They’ve had many battles in a lifelong war, and she’s not a forgiving woman.”

Again I thought of my relationship with Brian. As much of a pain in the ass that he’d been lately, I couldn’t say I didn’t understand why. He and I had suffered our own battles and the wounds ran deep. And I wasn’t Brian’s child. I imagined the dynamic between us would be so much worse if I were. Also, though my brother could be domineering, neither he nor I could compare to the battle of wills demonstrated by Hudson and Sophia.

I rested my head back against the loveseat and stared at the rough textured concrete ceiling. “Then there’s no way to win her over?”

“No.” His answer was firm, final.

If that were true, then the job I’d been paid to do was doomed to fail from the start. “Your son seems to think there is.”

Jack shook his head sadly, taking a long moment before responding. “That’s too bad. I thought he was long past caring.” His expression was raw, and I could see that though he hid it well, he’d been deeply affected by the bad blood between his wife and son.

Then the mask went back up, the pain on his face replaced with his earlier easy-going character. “Now, I on the other hand, am very easy to win over. I can give you some ideas if you need them.” He winked.

I laughed, letting go of the serious thoughts and emotions weighing on me. “I’ve already won you over.”

He feigned disappointment. “Damn. I’ve never had a good poker face.”

“But I bet you still win plenty of hands.”

“Shall we play later and find out?” He leaned toward me, his eyebrows raised suggestively. “Alone? In the guest house? Strip?”

I laughed again. “I’ll play in the main house, you dirty old man. With others present and all our clothing on.”

“You just killed all the fun.”

We were both laughing when Hudson appeared in the doorway of the house, his features appearing anxious at the sight of his father. “There you are.” He came behind me, and laid a firm hand on my shoulder. “I was worried and now I see I should have been.”

“I’m fine.” I placed my hand over his and craned my neck up to meet his eyes. “Jack’s been showing me around Mabel Shores. I’ve had an amazing time.”

Hudson’s tone was skeptical. “Then he hasn’t tried to come on to you?”

“No, he has.” I smiled over at Jack. “But we’re all good.”

Hudson moved around to sit next to me on the loveseat, resting his hand possessively on my knee.

As if challenged by his son’s marking of his territory, Jack said, “I’m telling you, Laynie, with age comes experience. If you really want an amazing time…”

Hudson’s grip tensed. “I don’t like this.”

Jack laughed, confirming my suspicion that he enjoyed toying with his son. “Relax, Hudson. It’s all in fun.”

I uncurled my legs and leaned into Hudson’s side, secretly thrilled with Hudson’s jealous show. “We’re fine, H. He knows I’m hopelessly devoted to you. Don’t you, Jack?”

“I do.” He paused, eyeing Hudson. “I wonder if my son does.”

Hudson didn’t respond, not with words anyway. But he gazed at me for several long seconds, perhaps attempting to discern exactly what had transpired between Jack and me. Or maybe he sensed that his father knew something he didn’t—that my emotions were genuinely growing deeper. That my fondness for him was real.

Whatever he decided, he pulled me closer into him and nuzzled his cheek against my head. He’d promised his actions in public would all be for the benefit of our audience, but this one felt different. Almost like he wanted to believe our relationship was real, too.

Chapter Eighteen

“Lunch is ready. Should I serve it out here?”

I twisted in Hudson’s arms to see who had spoken and saw an older woman in the doorway of the house. Her hair was completely gray, and her face had more wrinkles than Jack or Sophia, but I suspected she was near their age. She wiped her hands on the white apron she wore over her plain navy dress.

“Millie, you’re an angel,” Jack said. “Out here is a terrific idea.”

“I’ll let Adam and Chandler know they should join you.” It wasn’t quite a question, but I understood her statement gave the Pierce men a chance to object, which they didn’t.

A short time later, Adam and Chandler sat with us on the veranda enjoying a lunch of cold meat sandwiches, fruit salad, and lemonade. Even though it was simple, it was one of the best lunches I’d had in ages.

I waited until my curiosity couldn’t be contained any longer to ask why Sophia and Mira weren’t eating with us. Not that I wanted Sophia’s company, but I would have loved to spend time with Hudson’s sister.

“They’re out shopping for baby stuff,” Adam said in between bites of ham sandwich. He took a swallow of his lemonade. “Mira wanted to invite you. She looked for you before she left, but she couldn’t find you.”

“Darn. That must have been when we were touring the grounds. Sorry, Laynie.” Jack didn’t look at all remorseful.

My own response to the idea fell out unfiltered. “Fuck that. Like I’d go anywhere with Sophia, let alone shopping.” I covered my mouth with my hand. “Sorry!”

Chandler was the first to burst into laughter, joined a moment later by Jack and Adam. Even Hudson let out a chuckle.

“I’m totally with you there,” Adam said when he could speak.

“I think Mom feels the same way about you,” Chandler said, putting his feet up on the edge of the table. “She seemed to be glad when Mira couldn’t find you.”

“Chandler.” Hudson’s tone was a warning.

“It’s okay, H.” I put a hand on his thigh, careful not to let everyone see how much I enjoyed feeling his tight muscles through the material of his slacks. “Your mother and I are a long way from friendly. It’s not a secret.”

Hudson nodded, but his brow furrowed. Did he really care that much about his mother’s opinion? Jack was right—that was too bad.

After lunch, Adam and Chandler corralled me into playing X-Box 360 with them in the media room. Hudson spread out on the couch near us, his thick reports and folders taking up most of the sofa while he worked on his laptop. Eventually Jack brought out a deck of cards and we played poker using pistachios for chips. As I’d suspected, Jack won a great deal of the time, though Chandler also had a surprising knack for the game.

After losing all of my pistachios in a bluff that Chandler called me on, I stretched and looked over at Hudson. Even though he hadn’t participated in our games, I never forgot he was near, his presence invading every part of my body like a constant electric pulse. Occasionally when I glanced over at him, which happened often, I saw he was already staring. It was our own game of secret foreplay—looking at each other, undressing each other with our eyes. Later, I knew, he’d make good on the promises in his sexy stare.

This time, his eyes were glued to his screen, his glasses resting low on his nose while his fingers moved on the keyboard at a pace that suggested he was thinking as he typed. I crossed behind him and leaned down to rest my chin in the crook of his neck, wrapping my arms around him.

At my touch, Hudson lifted a hand from his computer and patted my arm. “Game over?”

“For me.” I pulled to a standing position and rubbed my hands along his shoulders. “Wow, H. You’re tense.” He sighed as I massaged my fingers into the knots of his back. “What’s getting you stressed out?” I hoped it wasn’t our girlfriend/boyfriend show, though his tight muscles could have been attributed to the activities of the night before. The man had performed some moves that had to have required a great deal of strength.

“This situation with Plexis.” He paused and I knew he was deciding whether to say more or not. It wasn’t in his nature to share, but I’d thought I convinced him that he could talk business with me. I continued working his back as I waited, giving him a chance to continue.

My patience was rewarded. “The board is moving to sell. I need to come up with an attractive proposal to convince them it’s more profitable to keep the company.”

Even though he couldn’t see me, I nodded. I studied the screen over his head, enjoying the quiet moans that escaped from his throat as I massaged his tension away. “You’re redistributing production?” I asked. But I didn’t need his answer. I could see from what he’d entered that he was. “You’d make a whole lot more if you moved those North America lines to your Indonesia plant. You’re far from capacity there.”

“Oh, you’re one of those types who resort to taking jobs away from American people to cut costs.”

“Not usually,” I said, balling my hand into a fist to push into the rock under Hudson’s shoulder blade. “But you’re going to lose all your USA jobs if you don’t do something, right? Losing a few is better than losing them all.”

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