Infinity's Shore (106 page)

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Authors: David Brin

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Oakka—a planet containing the regional headquarters of the Institute of Navigation, where
barely escaped entrapment and betrayal.

Parrot ticks—a peculiar Buyur-engineered insect that can memorize and recite short phrases. The first humans on Jijo doubted their sanity when they kept “hearing voices.”

Passen—Jijo's smallest moon.

Path of Redemption—goal of orthodox religious factions of Jijo, who believe the sooner races should devolve to presapience. Only thus can they escape punishment for colonizing a fallow world, offering a second chance at uplift. Glavers have already trod the Path.

Patron—a Galactic race that has uplifted at least one animal species to full sapience.

Phuvnthus—six-legged wood-eating vermin on Jijo.

Pidura—six-to-the-seventh-power duras, or approximately four days.

Jophur battleship that landed on Jijo in search of the

Poria Outpost—the Danik headquarters, where a small human population serves Rothen lords.

Primal Delphin—semilanguage used by natural, nonuplifted dolphins on Earth.

Progenitors—legendary first spacefaring race, who began the cycle of uplift two billion years ago.

Rewq—quasi-fungal symbionts that help the Six Races “read” each other's emotions and body language.

Rift—a branch of the Midden located at the southern end of the Slope.

Rimmers—a mountain range marking the eastern boundary of the Slope.

Sacred Scrolls—texts of enigmatic origin, the only written matter on Jijo between the departure of the Buyur and human introduction of paper books. The scrolls taught the g'Kek and later colonists about the need for concealment, planetary care, and “redemption.”

Sept—a race or sapient clan of Jijo, e.g., the g'Kek, glavers, hoons, urs, traeki, qheuen, and humans.

Sooners—outlaws who attempt to colonize worlds designated fallow by the Galactic Institute of Migration. On Jijo, the term means those who try to make new illegal settlements, beyond the confines of the Slope.

Spectral Flow—a forbidding desert region in the southcentral area of the Slope, thought to be uninhabitable. Covered with sheets of luridly colored, psi-active volcanic stone and outcrops of photoactive crystal.

neo-dolphin-crewed Terran starship. The
's discoveries led to unprecedented pursuit by dozens of Galactic factions, each seeking advantage by possessing the dolphins' secrets.

Stress atavism—a condition found among newly uplifted species, when individuals lose their higher cognitive functions under stress.

—the sneakship that brought human sooners to Jijo more than 200 years ago.

Tarek Town—the largest town on the Slope, where the Roney and Bibur merge. Headquarters of the Explosers Guild.

Terragens Council—ruling body of humanity's interstellar government, in charge of matters affecting relations between Earthclan and Galactic society.

Toporgic—a pseudo-material substrate made of organically folded time.

Torgen—one of Jijo's moons.

Transfer point—an area of weak space-time that allows faster than light travel for vessels entering in precise ways.

Uplift—the process of turning a presapient animal species into a fully sapient race capable of joining Galactic society. Performed by patron race.

Urchachka—the urrish homeworld.

Urchachkin—urrish clan that gave refuge to human females and horses in the Spectral Flow.

Vlenning—a rare form of traeki reproduction, in which a small, complete stack is budded from an adult.

Wolfling—a derogatory Galactic term for a race that appears to have uplifted itself to spacefaring status without help from a patron.

Wuphon's Dream
—the bathyscaphe built by Pincer-Tip, with the help of Alvin, Huck, and Ur-ronn. Outfitted by Uriel the Smith.

Xi—a meadowland in the midst of the Spectral Flow, home of the Illias.

Year of Exile—the epoch that began when the first sooner race arrived on Jijo.

Zang—a hydrogen-breathing race resembling huge squid. They live in the atmospheres of gas giants. Jijo's entire galactic region has been ceded to hydrogen breathers by the Institute of Migration; oxygen-breathing sapients are supposed to stay out for a long fallow period. Zang patrol globes are a rare but feared visitor to Jijo.

Zhosh—the qheuens' patron race.

Zookir—servant animals bred by the g'Kek, able to memorize and recite messages, but not as bright as neo-chimpanzees.


The author would express thanks to Stefan Jones, Steinn Sigurdsson, Professor Steven Potts, Greg Smith, Matthew Johnson, Kevin Conod, Anita Gould, Paul Rothemund, Richard Mason, Gerrit Kirkwood, Ruben Krasnopolsky, Damien Sullivan, Will Smit, Grant Swenson, Roian Egnor, Joy Crisp, Jason M. Robertson, Micah Altman, Jeffrey Slostad, Joseph Miller, and Gregory Benford, for their comments and observations on early drafts of
Infinity's Shore.
Kevin Lenagh provided the map of Jijo. Robert Qualkinbush collated the glossary of terms. The novel profited from insight and helpful assistance from my agent, Ralph Vicinanza, and Tom Dupree of Bantam Books. As usual, this tale would have been a far poorer thing without the wise and very human input of my wife, Dr. Cheryl Brigham. Blame for any excess or extravagance rests on me alone.

DAVID BRIN is the author of eleven novels,
Sundiver, The Uplift War Startide Rising, The Practice Effect The Postman, Heart of the Comet
(with Gregory Benford),
Earth, Glory Season, Brightness Reef, Infinity's Shore
Heaven's Reach
, as well as
Contacting Aliens: An Illustrated Guide to the Uplift Universe
(with Kevin Lenagh) and the short-story collections
The River of Time
He has a doctorate in astrophysics and has been a NASA consultant and a physics professor. He lives in southern California, where he is at work on his next novel.

Turn the page for a preview of
Heaven's Reach
, the third and final book of David Brin's highly acclaimed Uplift Storm trilogy.


There is a word-glyph.

It names a locale where three states of matter coincide—two that are fluid, swirling past a third that is adamant as coral.

A kind of froth can form in such a place. Dangerous, deceptive foam, beaten to a head by fate-filled tides. No one enters such a turmoil voluntarily.

But sometimes a force called desperation drives prudent sailors to set course for ripping shoals.

A slender shape plummets through the outer fringes of a mammoth star. Caterpillar-ribbed, with rows of talonlike protrusions that bite into spacetime, the vessel claws its way urgently against a bitter gale.

Diffuse flames lick the scarared hull of ancient cerametal, adding new layers to a strange soot coating. Tendrils of plasma fire seek entry, thwarted (so far) by wavering fields.

In time, the heat will find its way through.

Midway along the vessels girth, a narrow wheel turns, like a wedding band that twists around a nervous finger.
Rows of windows pass by as the slim ring rotates. Unlit from within, most of the dim panes only reflect stellar fire.

Then, rolling into view, a single rectangle shines with artificial color.

A pane for viewing in two directions. A universe without, and within.

Contemplating the maelstrom, Sara mused aloud.

“My criminal ancestors took their sneakship through this same inferno on their way to Jijo … covering their tracks under the breath of Great Izmunuti.”

Pondering the forces at work just a hand's breadth away, she brushed her fingertips against the crystal surface that kept actinic heat from crossing the narrow gap. One part of her—book-weaned and tutored in mathematics—could grasp the physics of a star whose radius was bigger than her homeworld's yearly orbit. A red giant, in its turgid final stage, boiling a rich stew of nuclear-cooked atoms toward the black vacuum of space.

Abstract knowledge was fine. But Sara's spine also trembled with a superstitious shiver, spawned by her upbringing as a savage
on a barbarian world. This Earthship,
, might be hapless prey—desperately fleeing a titanic hunter many times its size—but the dolphin-crewed vessel still struck Sara as godlike and awesome, carrying more mass than all the wooden dwellings of the Slope. In her wildest dreams, dwelling in a treehouse next to a groaning water mill, she never imagined that destiny might take her on such a ride, swooping through the fringes of a hellish star.

Especially Izmunuti, whose very name was fearsome. To the Six Races, huddling in secret terror on Jijo, it stood for the downward path. A door that swung just one way, toward exile.

For two thousand years, emigrants had slinked past the giant star to find shelter on Jijo. First the wheeled g'Kek race, frantically evading genocide. Then came traekis—gentle stacks of waxy rings who were fleeing their own tyrannical relations—followed by qheuens, hoons, urs, and humans, all settling in a narrow realm between the Rimmer Mountains and a surf-stained shore. Each wave of new arrivals abandoned their starships, computers, and other
high-tech implements, sending every god-machine down to the sea, tumbling into Jijo's deep midden of forgetfulness. Breaking with their past, all six clans of former skylords settled down to rustic lives, renouncing the sky forever.

Until the Civilization of the Five Galaxies finally stumbled on the commonwealth of outcasts.

The day had to come, sooner or later; the Sacred Scrolls had said so. No band of trespassers could stay hidden perpetually. Not in a cosmos that had been catalogued for over a billion years, where planets such as Jijo were routinely declared fallow, set aside for rest and restoration. Still, the sages of the Commons of Jijo
hoped for more time.

Time for the exile races to prepare. To purify themselves. To seek redemption. To forget the galactic terrors that made them outcasts in the first place.

The Scrolls also foresaw that august magistrates from the Galactic Migration Institute would alight to judge the descendants of trespassers. But instead, the starcraft that pierced Jijo's veil this fateful year carried several types of
First gene raiders, then murderous opportunists, and finally a band of Earthling refugees even more ill-fated than Sara's hapless ancestors.

I used to dream of riding a starship
, she thought, pondering the plasma storm outside.
But no fantasy was ever like this—fleeing with dolphins through a fiery night, chased by a battleship full of angry Jophur.

Fishlike cousins of humans, pursued through space by egotistical cousins of traeki.

The coincidence beggared Sara's imagination.

Anglic words broke through her musing, in a voice Sara always found vexingly sardonic.

I have finished calculating the hyperspatial tensor, oh Sage.

It appears you were right in your earlier estimate. The mysterious beam that emanated from Jijo a while ago did more than cause disruptions in this giant star. It also triggered a state-change in a fossil dimensional-nexus, lying dormant just half a mictaar away

Sara mentally translated into terms she was used to, from the archaic texts that had schooled her.

Half a mictaar. In flat space, that would come to roughly a twientieth of a parsec.

Very close, indeed.

“So, the beam reactivated an old transfer point.” She nodded. “I knew it.”

Your foresight would be more impressive if I understood your methods. Humans are noted for making lucky guesses

Sara turned away from the fiery spectacle outside. The office they had given her seemed like a palace, roomier than the reception hall in a qheuen rookery, with lavish fixtures she had only seen described in books two centuries out of date. This suite once belonged to a man named Ignacio Metz—killed during one of
's previous dire encounters—an expert in the genetic-uplifting of dolphins. A true scientist, not a primitive with academic pretensions, like Sara.

From the desk-console, a twisted blue blob drifted closer—a languid, undulating shape she found as insolent as the voice it emitted.

Your so-called wolfling mathematics hardly seems up to the task of predicting such profound effects on the continuum. Why not just admit that you had a hunch?

Sara bit her lip. She would not give the Niss Machine the satisfaction of a hot response.

“Show me the tensor,” she ordered tersely. “And a chart … a
 … that includes alt three gravity wells.”

The billowing holographic creature managed to imply sarcasm with an obedient bow.

As you wish

A cubic display two meters on a side lit up before Sara, far more vivid than the illustrations she had grown up with—flat, unmoving diagrams printed on paper pages.

A glowing mass roiled in the center, representing Izmunuti, a fireball glowing the color of wrath. Tendrils of its engorged corona waved like medusan hair, reaching beyond the limits of any normal solar system. But those lacy filaments were fast being drowned under a new disturbance. During the last few miduras, something had stirred the star to an abnormal fit of rage. Abrupt cyclonic
storms began throwing up gouts of dense plasma, tornadolike funnels, rushing far into space.

And we're going to pass through some of the worst of it, she thought.

How strange that all this violent upheaval might have originated in a boulder of psi-active stone back home on primitive Jijo. Yet she felt sure it was all triggered somehow by the Holy Egg.

Already half-immersed in this commotion, a green pinpoint plunged toward Izmunuti at frantic speed, aimed at a glancing near-passage, its hyperbolic orbit marked by a line that bent sharply around the giant star. In one direction, that slim trace led all the way back to Jijo, where
's escape attempt had begun two exhausting days ago, breaking for liberty amid a crowd of ancient derelicts—reactivated from ocean bottom junk piles for one last, glorious, screaming run through space.

One by one, those decoys had failed, or dropped out, or were snared by the enemy's clever capture-boxes, until only
remained, plummeting for the brief shelter of stormy Izmunuti.

As for the
direction …

Instrument readings relayed by the bridge crew enabled the Niss Machine to calculate their likely heading. Apparently, Gillian Baskin had ordered a course change, taking advantage of a gravitational slingshot around the star to fling
toward galactic north and east.

Sara swallowed hard. The destination had originally been her idea. But as time passed, she grew less certain.

“The new T-point doesn't look very stable,” she commented, following the ship's planned trajectory to the top left corner of the holo unit, where a tight mesh of curling lines funneled through an empty-looking zone of interstellar space. Reacting to her close regard, the display monitor enhanced that section. Rows of symbols glowed, showing details of the local hyperspatial matrix.

She had predicted this wonder—the reawakening of something old. Something marvelous. For a brief while, it had seemed like just the miracle they needed. A gift from the Holy Egg. An escape route from a terrible trap.

But on examining the analytical profiles, Sara concluded that the cosmos was not being all that helpful, after all.

connection tubes opening up to other spacetime locales. But they seem rather … scanty.”

Well, what can you expect from a nexus that is only a few miduras old? One that was only recently yanked from slumber by a force neither of us can grasp?

After a pause, the Niss unit continued. “
Most of the transfer stigmata leading away from this nexus are still on the order of a Planck width. Some promising threads do appear to be coalescing, and may even be safely traversable by a starship, in a matter of weeks. Of course, that will be of little use to us

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