Information Received (2 page)

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Authors: E.R. Punshon

BOOK: Information Received
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‘A boy from the theatre,' Marsden explained, looking puzzled in his turn. ‘It's addressed to you, in our care, so we thought it was all right.'

‘I see it's my name,' grunted Sir Christopher, opening the envelope. ‘Two stalls for to-night, apparently, but there's no–'

He paused abruptly, and Marsden saw that he had become pale, that in his small, fierce eyes had crept what almost seemed a sudden terror. His hand shook that held the tickets, and all at once he looked a smaller, frailer man, as if in that one moment something had gone out of him, something that left him naked and afraid.

For the moment Marsden almost supposed that he was dreaming, for what could there be in two theatre tickets to throw into this sudden panic the strong, the successful, the prosperous wealthy man of business?

Sir Christopher got up suddenly and went to the window. He threw it open and leaned out, far out, as if he had great need of air, and for a moment Marsden played with the idea of creeping up behind and taking him by the legs and throwing him out.

A foolish, impracticable idea, of course. Besides, the Marsden, Carsley, and Marsden offices were on the first floor of the building and a fall would hardly have been fatal, not immediately fatal at any rate. Anyhow, the opportunity passed, for Sir Christopher turned back into the room and very slowly, very deliberately, tore envelope and tickets in half and threw them down on the floor.

‘Trying to frighten me,' he said between his teeth, more to himself than to Marsden, and Marsden wondered bewilderedly why a gift of two stalls for a successful Shakespeare revival should be supposed to be an attempt to frighten a man like Sir Christopher. It was said that the finest performance of
for two generations was to be seen just now at the Regency, and what was there about that to alarm any man? But Sir Christopher was looking straight in front of him as grimly as though he saw there some strange enemy, and though his great clenched fist on the table before him was steady enough, there was still that dark look of terror in his eyes – of terror mastered and held down no doubt, but of terror all the same. He said heavily: ‘It doesn't matter... it makes no difference... Marsden, I'll make a fresh will.'

‘Now, to-day?' stammered Marsden, more and more astonished.

‘Now, to-day,' repeated Sir Christopher, glaring at him as if daring him to say a word, and the door opened and young Peter Carsley came in rather quickly, carrying a sealed packet in his hands.

‘I'm so sorry I've been so long,' he said. ‘We couldn't get the safe open at first.'

Peter was a tall, fair, good-looking youngster, with grey eyes, prominent, well-shaped nose, a strong, even obstinate-looking mouth and chin, and a direct, rather blunt manner. That he had had some difficulty in passing his final examinations is a fact that must not be concealed, but at any rate he had got through in the end, even though the intensive effort required had quite likely cost him his chance of representing England against Wales at Twickenham – and whether the gain was worth the sacrifice he was in his secret heart not quite sure.

He greeted Sir Christopher now with a certain restraint and Sir Christopher's manner to him was far from cordial, indeed almost rude. Peter flushed a little, he had a trick of flushing, it was the secret shame of his inner life, and put down on the table the sealed packet he had brought with him.

‘This is the list of securities,' he said, producing a typewritten document. ‘It's not been checked yet.'

‘We'll do that now,' growled Sir Christopher. ‘Make sure they're all there for Belfort to see. He's coming to dinner to-night, and he can go through them afterwards to his heart's content.'

‘Shall you be keeping them all night?' Marsden asked, a little startled. ‘Isn't that a trifle – dangerous? £20,000, almost all in negotiable stuff.'

‘I've a good safe,' Sir Christopher retorted, ‘and I'm sorry for the burglar I lay hands on.' He held out his hand as he spoke and certainly it looked one of which the grip would be formidable enough. ‘Besides, I keep a loaded six-shooter in my bedroom,' he added.

‘But–' began Marsden hesitatingly.

‘But what?' grunted Sir Christopher. ‘I've had diamonds worth as much as that in the safe for three months now or longer – they've been all right.'

He had rather a grim look as he spoke, and indeed his square-set figure, his fierce, glittering eyes and great hooked nose all gave him the look of some huge bird of prey it would be best not to meddle with. One felt it would be a rash thief indeed who ventured within his reach.

Peter turned towards the door, and, as he did so, noticed the torn theatre tickets lying where Sir Christopher had thrown them down. He paused, surprised, and Sir Christopher said with an evident sneer:

‘Two stalls for a theatre. You can have them, if you like. I'm engaged.'

Looking still more surprised, Peter picked them up.

‘Oh, thank you,' he said, with the gratitude a gift of theatre tickets always evokes, and then with a certain disappointment: ‘Oh, Shakespeare.'

‘Prefer a musical show?' asked Sir Christopher.

‘Well, yes, I do,' confessed Peter. ‘They ram Shakespeare down your throat so at school, you do get fed up with him.'

‘Better go,' grunted Sir Christopher. ‘It'll improve your mind. They're for to-night.'

‘Oh, for to-night, sorry, I'm engaged to-night,' Peter answered, and put down the tickets on the corner of the table from which, with an angry gesture, Sir Christopher swept them to the floor as the door closed behind Peter.

‘Young puppy, infernal young puppy,' Sir Christopher snarled. ‘Did you hear that?– like his insolence. He meant he was engaged because he knows Jennie's going to the Amherst ball and he's going, too. Does the young fool think I'll ever let her marry him?'


Marsden judged it prudent to make no answer to this question, especially as it was evident that Sir Christopher did not expect one. That Peter had met Miss Jennie two or three times and had been duly smitten by her fresh young beauty, Marsden already knew. He had even heard that Miss Jennie seemed inclined to show his good-looking young partner rather more favour than as a rule she bestowed on the eager youths who dangled in her train. But obviously the idea of a marriage between the young solicitor, only just admitted to practise, and the daughter of a man of Sir Christopher's wealth and standing – and ambition – was not one to be taken seriously. Very certainly Sir Christopher entertained quite other views for the disposal of his daughter's hand. Indeed, Sir Christopher's frowning brows and angry eyes told plainly how he regarded this project that he evidently knew the young lawyer had been rash enough and foolish enough to entertain.

But without saying anything more he drew the Belfort Trust documents towards him. Marsden had everything in order, everything clear and simple, and Sir Christopher was soon satisfied. The list of securities was checked and given back to Marsden, and the securities themselves, and the other documents, Sir Christopher thrust into his dispatch case, all ready for the inspection of old Mr Belfort that evening.

‘Nothing Belfort can find to grumble at there,' he said. ‘If he wants to realize I shan't object and it could be done at once – everything realizable at short notice. Now get my will. I'll destroy it at once and I'll give you instructions for a new one.'

‘I'll go and get it myself,' Marsden said.

It was kept in the strong room in the basement and Marsden was absent a few minutes. When he returned, he was surprised to find Sir Christopher had picked up the torn pieces of the theatre tickets and had put them together on the table before him. With so strange an intensity was he staring at them, as though they concealed some secret his angry and determined eyes were resolute to discover, that at first he did not hear Marsden re-enter the room. But when Marsden spoke, once again with that same angry gesture he had used before, he swept the tickets to the floor, almost as though defying them to do their worst.

‘Got it?' he asked, holding out his hand for the will. ‘Humph, good many years since this was drawn up. Half to Jennie, half to Brenda.' He looked up in his fierce, abrupt way, as if expecting a challenge and eager to reply to it. ‘Brenda's nothing to complain of,' he declared, almost with defiance. ‘Not everyone would leave his money equally between his own daughter and a stepdaughter, eh?'

‘I must say I thought it very generous to Miss Laing,' agreed Marsden, who was far indeed from any intention of challenging anything whatever the firm's most important client chose to say.

‘Bound to provide for her, of course,' Sir Christopher went on. ‘But equal shares – that shows I meant to do the right thing. Different now she's getting married, though.'

‘Shall I take your instructions, Sir Christopher?' Marsden asked.

‘You know Brenda's engaged to Mark Lester?' continued Sir Christopher. ‘Clever young fellow, Mark, and has a very good post with Baily's; his mother's some relation of Mrs Baily. Excellent prospects. He writes poetry and plays and stuff, too, I'm told, and of course there's not much harm in that so long as he keeps it just as a hobby – might make some money too, perhaps, you never know. Very much in love with Brenda, apparently.'

‘I heard something about it,' Marsden answered cautiously, not quite sure yet how Sir Christopher viewed the engagement, but very certain that anyhow Miss Jennie would never have been permitted to engage herself to this young City clerk with literary tastes, however promising his prospects might be.

Rumour, indeed, said that Sir Christopher had done all in his power to bring their engagement about, so much so that it had been hinted he was anxious to be rid of his stepdaughter and for that reason was marrying her off to the first man he could find. But even if that were so, and he had rather imposed a husband upon Brenda than allowed her to choose for herself, at any rate she had seemed willing enough and no reasonable objection could be taken to Lester, who was a presentable young fellow with a career before him and good prospects. And then perhaps it was not altogether unnatural that Sir Christopher should wish to see his own daughter, now that she was of age, taking over the management of his house. Up to now, by virtue of her seven years' seniority, and also possibly by reason of her more forceful character, the household reins had been quite naturally in Brenda's hands, though that had never caused any disagreement or jealousy between the two girls. Jennie had never found anything to question in an arrangement that had always seemed to her the obvious one, and indeed, ever since her early childhood, when their mother had died, had been accustomed to look up to her big sister for help and sympathy, almost as to a second mother.

‘Everything to Jennie, this time,' Sir Christopher said in his gruff, abrupt way. ‘The same executors, the same legacies, otherwise everything to Jennie for her sole use and benefit.'

‘But – Miss Laing?' Marsden said, hesitatingly, not quite sure whether Sir Christopher had not forgotten her.

‘Just say,' directed Sir Christopher, ‘that I have already provided for her in another way. I told her this morning what I meant to do for her – some people would have thought it generous. Anyhow, she knows. We'll attend to that afterwards. At present, everything to Jennie – provided, provided,' repeated Sir Christopher slowly, * that at my death she is unmarried. Make that clear. Everything to her if she is unmarried. If she is married, then – then everything to the King Edward Hospital Fund. Have I got to say it again?' he barked suddenly, as Marsden sat and stared, very much astonished at so unexpected a conclusion.

‘No, no, I quite understand,' he said hurriedly now. ‘Everything to Miss Jennie, provided she is unmarried. If she is married, everything to the King Edward Hospital Fund. A clause to say Miss Laing is otherwise provided for. All smaller legacies and everything else to stand.'

‘That's right,' said Sir Christopher. ‘Now draw up a deed of gift or settlement or whatever you call it transferring to Brenda the whole of my holding in the three and a half per cent War Loan–'

‘The whole of it?' asked Marsden, more and more surprised at arrangements that seemed to him more and more eccentric.

‘Forty thousand, isn't it?' asked Sir Christopher.

‘A very large sum,' commented Marsden.

‘No one shall say I didn't do my duty by her,' declared Sir Christopher, getting to his feet.

‘The money is to be settled on her absolutely?' Marsden asked.

‘Absolutely, for her sole use and benefit,' Sir Christopher replied. ‘For her to play drakes and ducks with, if she wants to. I shall consider my responsibility to her fully discharged.'

‘Very generously discharged indeed,' murmured Marsden; and indeed was inclined to think it a generosity almost excessive.

‘No one shall be able to say she's anything to complain of,' Sir Christopher repeated.

He went across to the empty grate, and there, striking a match, put light to the old will and watched carefully to see that it was entirely destroyed. When the last little flame had flickered out, and the thing was utterly consumed, he collected hat, umbrella, gloves, nodded a good-bye to Marsden, and then, just as he was in the act of going out, he said:

‘Oh, by the way, let young Carsley help you draw up the new will. He may as well know about it.'

With that he went off and Marsden whistled softly to himself.

‘That's that,' he mused, ‘and that explains the will – puts a spoke in Mr Peter's wheel very effectively indeed. Anyone who marries Miss Jennie now marries a pauper, unless and until the old man makes another will, which of course is what he'll do as soon as he gets her safely off to someone he approves of. Meanwhile, checkmate to Mr Peter. But I wonder what's making him so generous to the other girl? Jolly queer, not like him a bit; not many people, anyhow, would make marriage settlements on such a scale for a stepdaughter. Forty thousand in the three and a half per cents is a jolly nice wedding present.'

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