Read Inherit the Sky (Lang Downs 1 ) Online

Authors: Ariel Tachna

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #General, #Romance, #Contemporary

Inherit the Sky (Lang Downs 1 ) (14 page)

BOOK: Inherit the Sky (Lang Downs 1 )
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He thought about getting up and setting the alarm for early again, but the room was cold, his bed was warm, and his entire body felt numb. He’d hope he woke up in time, and if he didn’t, he’d apologize for sleeping in by doing something for Macklin the following evening. He’d help Kami in the canteen and then make a special dinner for Macklin and himself.
Smiling as he imagined what that might lead to, he drifted into dreams of hot hands, hard lips, and an Aussie drawl.

Chapter Ten


ACKLIN and the others had already left by the time Caine stumbled bleary-eyed into the canteen the next morning. He got a cup of coffee, but he didn’t bother Kami for breakfast. Breakfast had been served hours ago. Instead he grabbed a bowl of cereal and some milk. It would hold him until lunch.

“Mr. Armstrong wouldn’t let you go out today either?” Jason asked, coming into the canteen and sitting down next to Caine.
“I forgot to ask him what time they were leaving this morning,” Caine admitted. “I still have a few things to learn, I guess. Why wouldn’t he let you go with them today?”
“He said it was supposed to storm and there would be ice up higher,” Jason replied. “He promised my mum he wouldn’t take me with them if it would be dangerous, and he seemed to think it could get nasty up there.”
Caine blanched. “Then it’s probably better I didn’t go because I’d be no help at all and probably a hindrance. So what are you going to do today?”
“Schoolwork,” Jason said with such a put-upon look on his face that Caine laughed.
“Do you think your mom would let you play hooky for a few hours and teach me some of the commands you use with Polly?” Caine asked. “I don’t have a dog of my own, but if I don’t even know the commands, I’ll never be useful with the sheep. It’ll help us both pass

the time until the jackaroos get back, and if she says yes, I’ll help you with your lessons later.”
“Let’s go ask her,” Jason said, his face brightening.
“Let me refill my coffee,” Caine said. “Even down here in the valley it’s cold and damp today.” He couldn’t imagine what it would be like at the higher elevations. He’d definitely have to find a way to warm Macklin up tonight. The thought made him smile.
“There are thermoses in the kitchen if you want one of those,” Jason suggested. “I can get one from Kami.”
“Don’t let him take your head off,” Caine said with a laugh.
“He won’t,” Jason said. “He likes me.”
True to his word, Jason returned a few moments later with a thermos. Caine filled it and pulled his drizabone tight around his shoulders and tugged his hat low on his head. “Let’s go see what you and Polly can teach me.”

Y THEtime Jason was satisfied with the work they’d done with Polly, Caine’s head was spinning with Away and Come, Stand and Look Back, and his feet were frozen solid. He wondered how the others were faring. It was nearing noon. If the day before was any guide, they’d be on their way back by now, the men and dogs driving the sheep before them in organized chaos. Macklin would be at the very rear of the procession, keeping an eagle eye on the entire proceedings, making sure everything went according to plan or that the jackaroos dealt with anything that didn’t go as they expected.

It was not an image designed to foster Caine’s peace of mind. They stopped for lunch and to warm up, then Caine followed

Jason home to help with his lessons as promised. Fortunately the math was basic algebra and the history was World War I, so even with the different perspective, Caine was able to help some. They finished by three and Caine started to get worried. They still had a couple of hours until sunset, but the day before, they had already been back to the station by this time. “Should we be worried about them?” Caine asked Jason.

Jason shrugged. “Not yet. They’ll be cold and miserable when they get here, the way it’s been drizzling all day, but if they were in trouble, Mr. Armstrong would have radioed in or sent someone riding back if the radios were out.”

“We should make sure there’s plenty of coffee and tea for them when they get back,” Caine said. “They’ll need to get warm. Macklin lectured me days ago on the dangers of staying cold and wet in the outback.”

“Kami will have it all ready for them,” Jason said. “He knows the drill.”
The sound of baaing echoed down the valley. Caine looked up and saw the first sheep beginning to pour over the crest of the hill. “Run tell Kami they’re here,” Caine said. “I’ll go see what I can do to speed up getting them inside where it’s warm.”
Jason ran off toward the canteen as Caine headed toward the barn to open the gate for the riders as they came in. The other jackaroos who hadn’t accompanied Macklin that morning joined Caine there as well. “Can you take care of the horses and the dogs so I can get the others inside and warmed up?” Caine asked the men who waited with him.
“No worries, mate,” Neil, one of the year-rounders who had gone out with Macklin the day before, said.
As the men came in, Neil and the others relieved them of their mounts, and Caine steered them toward the canteen. Macklin came in last, no surprise to Caine. “Leave your horse with Neil,” Caine said, coming to where Macklin was leading his horse into its stall. “He’ll take care of it while you get warm.”
“I’ll see to him,” Macklin insisted.
Caine rolled his eyes at the stubborn reply and followed Macklin into the stall. “Then let me help get him untacked and settled. You have to be frozen through.”
“I’m fine,” Macklin said, but Caine swore the foreman’s lips were blue. He grabbed Macklin’s saddle, setting it outside the stall for Neil or one of the others to pick up, and returned to help rub Macklin’s mount down.

BOOK: Inherit the Sky (Lang Downs 1 )
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