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Authors: Lauren Dane

BOOK: Insatiable
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Praise for
Laid Bare
“It’s impossible not to love this story. The sex is sizzling, the emotions are raw. Lauren Dane has done it again.
Laid Bare
, quite simply,
—Megan Hart, author of
No Greater Pleasure

will sweep you away.”
—Anya Bast, national bestselling author of
Witch Fury
“Exceptional . . . an intriguing alternative world.”
—Joey W. Hill, author of
Vampire Mistress
“Hot romance, detailed world-building and a plot focusing on righting injustice make
a page-turner. With passion and politics, Dane delivers again!”
—Megan Hart
“Spectacular . . . absolutely brilliantly written.”

Manic Readers
, 4 ½ stars
“Pulled in from page one, readers will enjoy the delicious sensuality.”

Romantic Times
, 4½ stars
“Emotionally charged, passionate and at times volatile,
once again proves that Ms. Dane is a first-class author who is fully capable of delivering exactly the sorts of story lines that readers crave.”

Romance Junkies
, 5 Blue Ribbons
“Filled with heat and erotic passion . . .
is a do-not-miss.”

Joyfully Reviewed
“This terrific science fiction erotic romance is fast-paced and filled with action in and out of the bedroom.”

Midwest Book Review
“Fiery, erotic and rich with plot, this book is definitely a keeper on my shelf.”

Night Owl Romance
“Delicious eroticism . . . a toe-curling erotic romance sure to keep you reading late into the night.”
—Anya Bast
“Sexy, pulse-pounding adventure . . . that’ll leave you weak in the knees. Dane delivers!”
—Jaci Burton, author of
Bound, Branded, & Brazen
“Exciting, emotional and arousing . . . a ride well worth taking.”
—Sasha White, author of
My Prerogative
“Fast-paced action, steamy romance.”
—Megan Hart
“A roller coaster of emotion, intrigue and sensual delights.”
—Vivi Anna, author of
Dark Lies
“Hot, sexy and action-packed . . . A fabulous read!”

Fresh Fiction
“Wow! This book rocks!”

Romance Junkies
“It’s one of those rare books that will stay with you for a long time.”

Love Romances & More

is a compelling and wild read.”

Manic Readers
Berkley Heat titles by Lauren Dane
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dane, Lauren.
Insatiable / Lauren Dane.—Heat trade pbk. ed. p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-45617-0
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PS3604.A5I67 2010

This one is for Renee, Mary and Fatin—
thank you for all you do
Thank you first and foremost to Leis Pederson, who took a chance on
and has enabled me to write these Federation novels at Berkley. Futuristics are a big love, so thank you for giving me a place to draw the world of the Known Universes.
Thank you always to my husband, Ray, who, despite his own stressful and busy job, always finds a way to give me the time I need to work and deals with the chaos of deadline house.
Laura Bradford, thank you for your unending support and for all the work you do on my behalf.
Frauke at Croco Designs, you have done so much for me, created so many beautiful ads, bookmarks and websites, and you always find a way to squeeze me into your busy schedule. Thank you so very much.
Once when I was in high school, they had this career day thing where all the juniors had to go through cards to pick what they wanted to be. They had no card for writer. Probably still don’t. This is something I dreamed of but figured would never happen. I want to thank my parents, who raised me to believe I could be whatever I wanted to be. Because here I am, with my unruly grammar, writing an acknowledgment in my novel. Dave and Linda, thank you for teaching me that everything worth having is worth working your butt off for. I love you.
Chapter 1
here was no sound other than heavy breathing and then an in-drawn breath gone liquid. Normally, the sound would have fallen on deaf ears as he simply did his job and walked away. Then again, normally, it would have been quicker, anonymous, so the target wouldn’t know what hit them, even as their life ended.
Today Daniel broke the rules and took a step closer to the ever-looming darkness. He wanted Saul Kerrigan to see his face, to know he was dying because Daniel made it so. To know he was dying because of what he’d done. Not just to the citizens of the Federation but to Daniel’s sister as well.
Saul Kerrigan was a traitor.
The knife did its work as it always did. Deadly sharp, it slid between the ribs, moving unerringly toward the target. It was then Daniel paused to pull his mask away from his face. Saul’s eyes widened with recognition and then fear.
, even if too late.
Daniel put fingers over Saul’s lips. “Shh. You don’t have much time left.” Those fear-filled eyes widened. “I know you’re surprised, Saul. You thought you could evade House Lyons forever? Consort with the Imperium and not get caught? Thought you could torture and abuse my sister without consequences?” Daniel’s voice was flat, emotionless, even as the rage painted his vision, the rage that this man had harmed the person he loved most in all the ’Verses.
He shook his head as Saul dropped to his knees, his life with the pulse of his slowing heart. His blood slid through his fingers, spilling on the hungry, dry ground at his feet.
Mockingly, Daniel sighed, squatting and resting on his heels. “Right now you’re asking how I found you. How I could be allowed to harm you. You’re outraged. After all, I’m unranked filth.” Daniel laughed without mirth. “Just like you!”
Daniel wanted to remind Kerrigan he’d pushed Roman too far and had been stripped of his Rank. Saul was even lower on the chain than Daniel, as Daniel was a commissioned officer in the military corps.
“How far you’ve fallen. Since it’s just you and me here, Saul, let me tell you a secret. It took me longer than my usual jobs do, but still not longer than a month standard. I knew you’d run. I told Roman that you’d never be satisfied with a simple life. I figured you’d have waited longer than this, though. Tsk. But find you I did. And now my job is done. The ’Verses will be cleaner for your stain having been removed.”
Daniel wiped the blade clean on Saul’s back. Saul squirmed ineffectively.
“Don’t struggle so. It just speeds the bleeding. You’re dying, Saul, you’d best really live these last moments. Back to what I was saying. I found you because one of your people betrayed you. Credits do a lot of work in my business. Ah yes,
my business
, Saul. I’m not that powerless kid who nearly went to lockup because I defended my sister from your compatriots as they raped her. I’m something you can’t imagine, even though you’re a cruel brute and a craven liar.
is my job, Saul Kerrigan. You and your family made me this way. My sister would say that this is a classic case of irony. But I think it’s fate. Here we are full circle. Not that it matters. You have less than one minute to live, so enjoy it while you can. I know I’ll cherish this moment for the rest of my days. Which are, I’m pleased to remind you, far longer than yours.”
He stood. He’d lured Saul out there to the middle of nowhere, deep into the deserts of the Edge, and here is where he’d be left. A sandstorm was due to kick up shortly, cleaning the body down to the bone.
It was over for that moment in time. There were more people like Saul. Men and women of Family and Rank who’d sold information to the Imperialists. That information had been used to kill their own people, innocent people at work or at play. Saul wasn’t the first, nor would he be the last. But Daniel had felt pleasure, a sense of well-being and accomplishment as he’d killed. Normally, he’d be alarmed. Killing wasn’t something he ever did for pleasure. This time it meant something personal. Yes, he’d done his job and made the Federation safer, but more than that, he’d erased a bad memory for Abbie, eradicated a threat to one of Daniel’s loved ones.

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