Insufferable Proximity 2 (15 page)

BOOK: Insufferable Proximity 2
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“I’m going to make you suck my cock for hours after I fuck you for days.” He grabbed her face and kissed her lips.  He broke the kiss, but his lips were still very close as he continued, “I’m going to be so deep inside of you that you won’t know where you end, and I begin.”


“Careful, you know how kisses affect you,” she whispered as she slid her tongue across his lips. “You might lose the bet, baby.”


“I won’t; I’m mastering the art of self-control,” he said even though his cock felt as if it were malfunctioning.


“Are you sure about that?” she purred as she slid her hand across his massive erection. “Because your cock is telling me something else. It’s telling me that you’re going to lose.”


Julian pulled back and grinned at her, “I always win.”


“Not this time, Mr. King. I think I
have the advantage.” To prove her point she slid the strap of her nightgown down, exposing the top of her breast.


“It’s not going to work,” he lied as his cock stiffened to a painful degree.


“You’ll give in; you can’t help yourself.” She let the material hang on the tip of her breast, then grabbed his hand and ran his fingers across the tip.


She loved watching his reaction, almost as much as she would enjoy winning this particular battle. It suddenly dawned on her that she would enjoy this battle as much as she’d enjoyed all their battles over the years. Although it
different, she still felt the same heightened sense of competition, but that was where the similarities ended. Before—she had been eager for battle due to her hatred; now she was eager for battle due to her lust. Just like before, she would do anything in her power to win. But, unlike before—she would still win even if she lost. It was strange how things turned out. She was more excited about winning this competition than she had been about winning the partnership.


“You’re cheating,” he muttered under his breath.


“No, I’m winning.” She shifted her shoulder and let the material fall, exposing her breast. She smiled in satisfaction as she watched his reaction. He couldn’t deny the lust spreading across his face; nor could he deny his erection tenting his pants.


He yanked his arm back as he growled low in his throat. She chuckled as she watched him turn around and all but run out of the room.


“See you soon, baby,” she called out, and giggled before the door shut.


Once outside of the room, Julian took a deep breath. This was one bet that he wasn’t positive he could win. She was right; she did have an unfair advantage. She had his cock wrapped around her finger, and it seemed to favor her more than its host.


He would fight hard; he wanted to win this. No, he
to win this.




Julian stormed back outside to where his cousins stood. He sat down on the stone seat with a brooding look on his face.


“What’s wrong?” Royce asked him.


“I can’t take it anymore,” he said in frustration.


His cousins stopped what they were doing and went over to see him. They knew that something was wrong. Julian never faltered; there was nothing that he couldn’t handle. He’d been a raging, full-throttle bull since birth. Royce sat next to him on the seat while Julius sprawled out on the ground.


“I need to hurry up and secure this house. I need to make sure she’s safe.” Julian’s mind was caught between confusion and fucking Heaven.


“You’re going as fast as humanly possible. This place is huge,” Royce reminded him.


“NY wasn’t built in a day,” Julius chimed in.


“We’ll be done in a few more days,” Royce added.


“It’d go a lot faster if you’d give in and let us hire some people to help,” Julius mentioned.


“No.” Julian frowned, unwilling to debate it. “I just need to work faster.”


“You can’t work any faster; you’re already working your fingers to the bone,” Royce warned him.


“I can,” Julian vowed.


“You’re running yourself thin, Julian. Look how grouchy you are,” Julius added.


He couldn’t tell his cousins that he felt as if he were losing it. He could never explain his desperate need to be inside of Heaven. They wouldn’t understand as they were both dedicated bachelors. Neither of them had ever been in love. They didn’t understand the dedication that love required.


Julian realized for the first time in his life that he had a very serious problem. He felt as if he were literally going insane with need. He was doing everything in his power not to think about sex, but doing so only made him think about it more. His mind was consumed with sex and Heaven. Where he was once addicted to sex—now he was addicted to Heaven. He was man enough to admit it.


Now, he needed to focus on keeping her safe. However, all he wanted to do was fuck her for as long as he could. He wanted to pass out while his member was inside of her and wake up to her moaning as his erection grew. He needed to get her off his mind and attempt to recollect his thoughts. His mind was swirling with irrational, fragmented sentences—and lust.




Although Julian called Heaven a dozen times throughout the day, he waited until she was asleep to go back to the bedroom. He was having a hard enough time without her tactics.  He crept into the room and snuck into bed. He lay there for hours, trying to get his erection to decrease. By three in the morning, he realized he would never get to sleep—his dick was too hard. He crept into the bathroom and did his nightly routine—a cold shower accompanied by a slew of disgustingly horrific thoughts. Anything that would make his dick go down.




Heaven awoke to find that Julian wasn’t in the bed with her. She grabbed the cell phone and called him.


“Where were you last night?’ she demanded.


“I was there, but you were asleep when I got to the room.”


“So you just leave early in the morning without bothering to wake me up?”


“You were asleep.”


“Is it because I was asleep or is it because you’re afraid to lose the bet?” she asked.


“You were asleep.”


“I’m warning you, Julian King, I had better see you today, or there will be hell to pay.”


“I’ll see you soon,” he finished.




By late afternoon, Heaven was livid. Julian had managed to avoid her all day, and she was at her wits’ end. She had visited with Alice, but even that couldn’t lift her spirits. Alice’s sarcasm fell on deaf ears.


Around dinnertime, the food was delivered without Julian. Heaven frowned; she knew what that meant. The phone rang seconds after the food arrived.


“I’m sorry, baby, I won’t be able to make it for dinner. We had some trouble in the backyard. A big portion of the wire on the fence wasn’t properly installed. I’ll be up as soon as I’m finished,” Julian explained.


“This isn’t going to work, Julian. You can’t avoid me forever. You might as well give up now. Resign yourself to the fact that you’re destined to serve me for seven days. You’ll be washing the windows, serving me tea, and giving me full body massages by the end of the week,” she said calmly before she hung up the phone.




Julian once again waited until Heaven was asleep. She was right; if he didn’t avoid her like the plague, he would lose. He could feel his self-control dissipating by the second. She wanted sex, and she was becoming aggressive; she was demanding, and she was slowly stripping his self-restraint.


Like he’d done before, he crept into the room and lay down next to her. As if she sensed he were near, she once again turned to him. She was wearing a tiny nightgown that showed half of her breast, and Julian winced as his cock reacted like a rabid dog. The sheet tented up as his dick made its presence known.


He lay there in turmoil, trying to convince himself that his cock wasn’t going to explode. At one point, he could have sworn he heard his member calling Heaven’s name.


You’re losing it man. You’ve got blue balls and a blue brain. You have successfully deprived yourself to the brink of insanity.
Even his own thoughts were turning against him.


He felt his sanity slipping away. The walls were closing in on him, and his cock was so hard that it felt as if it were slowly splitting open at the seam. Heaven’s breathing was like a soft whisper, begging him to fuck her. He swore he could hear her heart beating. He took a deep breath as the sweat beaded on his forehead as he felt his heart beating out of control.


He could see himself turning her over on her back, and yanking down the top of her nightgown. He wanted to run his fingers over her breasts. He could imagine himself ripping off her panties with his teeth before he sucked every inch of her pussy. He wanted to dip his tongue in that tight little hole—as deep as he could get it. He could feel himself sliding in and out of her warmth. He wanted to sink his fingers into her hips, his teeth into her nipples and his cock deep inside of her. He wanted to fuck her until his hips locked up. He wanted to stay deep inside of her until his heart stopped.


He needed ice.


Without another thought, he jumped up from the bed, grabbed the large cup of ice water he’d brought with him and walked into the bathroom. He braced himself as he pulled out his dick and submerged it in the ice.


“Fuck,” he cursed under his breath. His body was so overheated that it began to melt the ice. He held it for as long as he could. He knew the second he walked back in that room his erection would return.


At least you’re not on the verge of attacking her right now,
he thought.


He wiped himself off and took a deep breath before going back into the room. He tried to keep his eyes closed as he walked to the bed. He lay on top of the covers and kept to the opposite edge of the bed. He was thankful it was such a large one, because even one inch closer and he feared he would lose control.


He could smell her.



Wits’ End


Heaven woke up the next morning to find that Julian had once again snuck out while she was asleep. She shuffled through the morning, bored and irritated. All she could think about was Julian. She kept thinking about him in his work clothes. She could envision his muscles flexing as he worked on the house. She wanted to run her hands over his arms.


Heaven decided the best way to fix the situation was to take matters into her own hands. If Julian wouldn’t have sex, then she would have to force him to. Yes, she realized that raping a muscular, six-foot-one man reeked of desperation, but she was woman enough to admit that she was desperate.


This went
past Julian needing to relax his nerves with sex. She needed sex too. Julian had taught her things she never knew about. He had done things to her body that she hadn’t even known were possible. He took her to pleasures so intense and pure, she now craved it.


She had every right to fight for what she wanted—she always had. Why would she stop now?


She decided the best way to do it was through surprise. She put on her kinkiest outfit, a top so tiny it barely covered her breasts. She put on the tiniest thong she owned.


“Perfect.” She smiled as she grabbed her cell phone and called Julian. “Julian?”


“Hey, Princess.”


“Could you please come upstairs?” she used her most pathetic voice.


“What’s wrong?” he was immediately alarmed.


“I’m feeling a little dizzy, and my head is starting to hurt.”


“Oh fuck, I’ll be right there…don’t move!” He was obviously worried, and she felt a little guilty.


She hid behind the door and waited for him.


Julian stormed into the room and slammed the door closed. Heaven walked up behind him and grabbed his hand.


“Are you all right? What are you doing?” he asked when she slipped the cold metal around his wrist. He wasn’t the least bit suspicious until he heard the handcuff lock. He looked down to see that she had cuffed him to her. Under normal circumstances, he would love to be cuffed to Heaven, but he still had a little more work to finish.


“What’s it look like?” She couldn’t suppress the smug grin.


“Unlock it.”


“No, I
got you where I want you. There’s no way I’m letting you go.”


“Heaven, undo the cuff.”


“No! I’m not waiting any longer, and you’re not getting away this time,” she leaned in to whisper in his ear. “We can call off the bet; I don’t care about that anymore. But, if you don’t give
to me willingly, I will be forced to take it.”


“Give what to you?” he asked although he already knew.


“Your cock.” She winked as she ran her hand over his stiffening member.


“Stop.” He held her hand as he stepped back.


“You’re not going to get very far,” she smiled, holding up her cuffed hand. She stroked his cock with the other.


“I mean it—stop.” He tried to pull her hand off his increasing erection.


“No, you stop! Stop holding out on me.”


“I can’t do this right now, I have things to take care of.”


“No, you need to take care of me. Do you have any idea what I’m going through? You’re avoiding me, and you barely talk to me now. You won’t look at me, you won’t touch me, you won’t even stay in the same room with me for five minutes unless I’m asleep. I can’t take this anymore!” she ranted, her nerves frazzled.

BOOK: Insufferable Proximity 2
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