Intensity (13 page)

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Authors: S. Briones Lim

BOOK: Intensity
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Chapter 21



“Did you even start looking for dresses yet?” Celine’s sister, Melissa, demanded loudly.

Celine was hunched over the kitchen counter, placing freshly baked cookies onto a ceramic plate. She quickly pulled the phone away from her ear and took a bite into a warm chocolate chip cookie. Baking was her therapy and unfortunately stress-eating was as well. All the wedding planning was beginning to get to her, but not as badly as her sister was making her feel.

“Celine? Are you listening to me?” Melissa called out from the other line.

“Yes!” Celine answered with a mouth full of chocolate goo. “Yes, I am.”

“You’re eating, aren’t you?” Her tone was almost disapproving.

“So what if I am? I’m hungry!” Celine cried out defensively.

“That’s not going to help you find a dress any easier. It might even make it harder.” The sound of a baby’s cries interrupted Melissa. “Hold on,” she sighed.

Celine listened to her sister humming, attempting to lull her niece to sleep. Taking advantage of Melissa’s preoccupation, Celine explained, “I’m too stressed to gain weight, if that’s what you’re saying! Just this week alone Noah and I are signing the contracts for our wedding venue, finalizing the guest list, meeting the caterers—I’m sorry if my dress is the last thing on my mind!”

“Take a deep breath! Geez, you’re even worse than I was during my wedding,” Melissa snorted.

Celine shut her eyes and shook her head. Melissa was the biggest bridezilla in the history of bridezillas. There was no way she was even close to that level. Celine sighed. “I just have a lot of things on my plate.”

“Well, that’s what you get for agreeing to do that conference in New York. What were you thinking?” Melissa clucked.

“I was thinking that it would help my career, Melissa! I’m sorry I’m not a dentist like you. I’m a writer and this is my job,” Celine hissed.

“Fine, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Celine’s eyebrows rose. Her sister was never one to apologize. She felt a nagging urge to grab a calendar and circle the date. It was one that would go down in infamy.

“I’ll book your appointment with the Bridal Boutique. How does the twenty-fifth sound?” Melissa asked.

“That sounds…good, actually,” Celine replied in surprise. Why was her sister being so nice? Guess people could change after all. “I’ll let Ruthie know.”

“You sure she won’t be partying it up with celebrities?” Melissa grunted. She took a deep breath and in an almost condescending tone remarked, “You know how many people asked me about her? Her face is all over the tabloids! I can’t even go to Target without seeing her face in the check-out line.”

“Don’t remind me. Why else do you think I agreed to go to New York?” Celine quickly shut her mouth. She didn’t mean to admit it out loud.

“What?” Melissa breathed. “You mean to tell me that the only reason you agreed to go to New York was because of Ruthie?” Melissa let out a sarcastic laugh. “I’m sorry, Celine, but you are in way over your head to even take stupid trips like this while you’re planning a wedding. Why are you really going to New York? Is it to keep an eye out for Ruthie?”

“Yes,” Celine admitted, taking a huge bite out of her cookie.

“She’s a grown woman, Celine. She can watch out for herself. If she makes stupid mistakes that end up plastered all over national news outlets, then let her! Don’t get dragged down with it.”

“Fine.” Celine just wanted the whole conversation to end.

Melissa paused and added, “The twenty-fifth, then.”

Celine didn’t even wait for her to finish before she hung up the phone.




Celine pushed her oversized sunglasses to the top of her head. She jumped out of Noah’s sedan and headed over to the trunk. Just as she was about to reach for the latch, she paused. It had never occurred to her before, but Noah never opened doors for her. He never went out of his way to carry her luggage or walk her to the door. As Brian’s face flashed in her mind, she quickly pushed him away and reached out to open the trunk. Noah never did any of those things for her because he knew she was a strong, capable woman.

Just then Noah came from around the car and watched her as she lifted her small carry-on from the trunk. “Are you excited?” He smiled.

Celine shrugged. “Honestly, I’m nervous.”

“About what?” Noah asked, frowning slightly. “If you’re worried about speaking, don’t be. I’ve heard you talking on the phone before and your voice is loud enough to be considered public speaking!”

“Very funny,” Celine snapped, though she couldn’t help but smile. That was the great thing about Noah. He may never open doors for her, but he always knew how to make her feel better.

“What time does your flight land?” He rubbed the back of his head sadly. “I’m sorry I can’t come with you. There’s just so much to take care of before the restaurant opens next week.”

Forcing a smile, Celine replied, “It’s okay.” Truthfully, she was a bit bummed he couldn’t enjoy New York with her, but then again, they had their whole lives to take trips together. Noah turned to bring Celine in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around him and inhaled his sweet scent. “My flight lands around six,” she answered. “I should have a shuttle waiting to bring me back to the hotel. I’ll call you as soon as I’m checked in.”

Noah nodded. “Sounds good. What time does Ruthie land?”

“You know what? She never really gave me a straight up answer. She just told me she’d be arriving some time tonight and that she’d call me.” Celine shrugged. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say she wasn’t going anymore.”

“Maybe she’s not,” Noah remarked.

Celine shook her head. “No, she’d better! I’m not going to New York all by my lonesome. Besides, she’s been packed for days now! If she wasn’t going, I’m sure I would have heard about it already. In fact, we’d probably be sitting at home eating a pint of ice cream as we speak!”

Noah laughed. “Just be careful, okay? I hear New York horror stories all the time.”

“I’m just going to be in Manhattan,” Celine reminded him. “I’ll go to the conference, just do a little sight-seeing at night and be back by Sunday night. You don’t have to worry about me one bit.”

“Just make sure to call me, okay? I don’t mean to sound like an overbearing husband, but I can’t help but worry about you being in a strange place.”

“New York’s not strange!” Celine protested, though she couldn’t help but smile at the fact Noah called himself her husband.

Noah raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure that half naked cowboy is a good testament to that.”

“Okay, maybe a little strange,” Celine laughed. She squeezed him one last time before stepping away. “I promise I’ll call you as soon as I land. I’ll be back before you know it.”

“Okay,” Noah said warmly, planting a kiss on her lips. “Be safe.”









Chapter 22



Ruthie was slumped over her couch. She reached over and pulled a magazine from her makeshift rack, but quickly threw it to the side. No matter what she did that day, she wouldn’t be able to concentrate. She had finally heard from Cash two nights before. It was a short text, but it was a text nonetheless.


Be ready by 4 p.m. Friday


By 3:30 she was bursting at the seams. She had no idea how much more anticipation she’d be able to endure. Finally at 3:50 a knock came from the door. Her heart began to pound mercilessly as she attempted to stand. Even with her knees and legs feeling like Jell-O, she somehow managed to make it to the door. Taking a deep breath, she turned the knob and opened it.

“Hi, Beautiful,” Cash’s melodic voice crooned. “Surprised?”

Ruthie quietly nodded her head. She stepped aside and gestured for Cash to enter. He did so, glancing from left to right.

“You have a beautiful place,” he commented. His eyes skimmed the living room and stopped at the couch. A mischievous glint sparkled in his eye.

Ruthie gulped, following his gaze. “I didn’t expect you to pick me up.”

Cash sighed and bowed his head. “Yeah, I told Brian to set everything up for you. He somehow ‘forgot,’” he explained, using air quotations. He huffed and shook his head. “Regardless, I pulled some strings and here I am. Here to escort you on our private plane.”

“Wait—what?” Ruthie asked, flabbergasted.

Cash nodded nonchalantly. “Yeah, I’m here to escort you to the airport and then to our plane and then to New York City!” He plopped down on the couch and looked at her wickedly. “Last time I was near a couch with you…”

Her face immediately began to burn. Mumbling incoherent jumble, she turned and headed toward her room. She vaguely heard Cash rise from behind her. Nervously, she spun around. “I’m just grabbing my stuff,” she said quickly. It was already hard enough to contain herself with him in the living room. She was afraid of what she would do if he even got anywhere near her bedroom. Cash stepped back and raised an eyebrow. Without another word, he turned around and headed back to the couch, grabbing the magazine Ruthie so carelessly threw aside.

At least the guy could take a hint. Ruthie hurriedly grabbed her leopard print suitcase and practically sprinted back to the living room. She took a moment to stare at Cash, who looked completely out of place in her little apartment. Wearing what was probably a $200 shirt and dark jeans, he seemed the epitome of a GQ magazine cover. Figuring she should speak before he spotted her eyeing him like some sort of candy bar, she said, “Ready,” rather breathlessly.

Cash looked up from the magazine and winked. “Glad to know you’re an expert on the most pleasurable sex positions,” he said, pointing to the magazine cover. He laughed at the shocked expression on her face and rose from the couch. “Well, let’s go! The Big Apple is waiting.”




“Have you ever been on a plane before?” Cash settled onto the tan leather seat directly across from Ruthie. She brushed her hair aside and scanned the tiny cabin, admiring a sight she had only seen on MTV.

“Of course I have,” Ruthie responded. “Just not in a private jet, of course.”

Cash signaled for a flight-attendant, who happily scurried over to him. She looked about Ruthie’s age and was very pretty. Her smooth blonde mane was tied in a long braid that hung down her back. Even her bangs (a trouble area for Ruthie) were impeccably styled! Ruthie fidgeted insecurely and kicked herself for merely wearing yoga pants and a tank top. Originally wanting to travel in comfort, she realized she should have traveled in style. Apparently even the flight attendants were held to Intensity’s high standard.

“Marie, can you please get us some wine?” Cash glanced at the woman, whose eyes immediately narrowed in a sultry manner. She nodded her head and threw him a flirtatious smile. As she began to turn away, she glanced over at Ruthie and smirked. Cash must have noticed because he soon leaned forward and grabbed Ruthie’s hand. “I’m so glad you were able to join me this weekend. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble clearing your schedule.”

Ruthie bit back a laugh. The most she would have done that weekend was fight the crowd at the gym, eat and read—not necessarily in that order. “Oh, it was no trouble at all.” She waved him off.

“This is your captain speaking…”

“I can’t understand a thing he’s saying,” she complained.

Cash laughed and plucked his phone from his pocket, shutting it off. “He’s just saying that we’re getting ready to leave soon and to turn off our phones.”

“Oh!” Ruthie grabbed her phone and noticed that the dead battery had already taken care of that for her. Ruthie looked up just in time to see Marie sashaying her way towards them. Gingerly, she placed a glass of wine in front of Cash. She leaned over and whispered loud enough for Ruthie to hear, “The bathroom locks are fixed. I’ll make sure to watch where my hands go this time.”

Ruthie swallowed and squirmed in her seat. She pretended not to hear and merely gazed out the window. Though her heart dropped a bit, she knew she had no right to feel any form of jealousy. It wasn’t as if Cash was hers, right? Besides, she was Cash’s guest. Marie was nothing more than his employee. Fortunately, Cash didn’t respond and instead grabbed the extra wine glass from Marie’s grip. “Care for some wine, Beautiful?” He held out the glass in Ruthie’s direction.

Marie let out an audible huff and quickly turned away. Ruthie couldn’t help but throw a smug smile in the blonde’s direction. Nodding her thanks, Ruthie reached out to grab the stem only to be stopped midway. Cash gripped her wrist and caressed it softly. Peering up at her, he wagged his eyebrows slightly. The simple act alone woke up certain parts of her that she’d rather keep sleeping. She gulped and managed to say, “Thanks for bringing me along.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he cooed.

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