Intimate Enemies (33 page)

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Authors: Joan Swan

BOOK: Intimate Enemies
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“Excuse me.” Rio walked away from the cop taking his statement but didn’t intercept Fermin before he’d approached Cassie.


She jumped, dropped her hands, and stepped back. Missed the curb, stumbled. Fermin reached out for her, clasped on to her arm in what was most likely meant to be a helpful gesture, but one that had fear leaping in Cassie’s eyes.

As Rio approached, Cassie’s gaze darted between him and Fermin as if trying to decide whether to give herself to the mountain lion or the jackal.

“Chief.” Rio strode directly between them, forcing Fermin to release her.

“Rio. What brought you and Cassandra here?”

“Cassie had an appointment.” He glanced at her as she rubbed her arm and sidled away from them both. “As you can see, she’s still a little shaken up. I’ve already given a statement, but I think Cassie needs a rest before she’s ready to give hers.”

“No.” Cassie’s chin tilted in a familiar show of determination that made Rio clench his teeth. “No, I can give it right now.”

Rio sliced a warning gaze her way, but she didn’t look at him.

“Fine, Cassandra,” Fermin said and pulled a notebook from his pocket. “Now…”

He asked Cassie questions identical to the ones Rio had fielded, and she answered them just as he had. Only he delved deeper into why she’d been here and what services Santiago had been providing. Cassie kept her answers benign and simple, just as Rio would have instructed if she’d been open to taking his advice. Only Cassie went one step further. She lied and told Fermin she’d hired Santiago to create her own will and finalize some property transfers.

Rio had just started to relax when Fermin asked, “Do you know of anyone who would have motive to harm either Señor Santiago or his secretary?”

Rio’s shoulders tightened up again. He didn’t look at Cassie but stared down at the grass where they stood beneath the shade tree. His hands curled into fists where his arms were crossed over his chest.

When she hesitated, Rio wondered how fast he could get her to the border. Wondered if he’d have to fight Fermin and the other cops to get custody of her.

“No,” she said, finally. “I don’t.”


* * * * *


Cassie sat cross-legged in the middle of her bed, staring out at the ocean. She rested her head in her hand and didn’t even try to stop the tears from pouring. Tears of frustration, loss, futility, anger, fear. She’d pulled the box of tissues from her nightstand to her side and blotted her face and blew her nose as her mind turned and turned around problems and options. Pored over resources.

She couldn’t call Natalie to talk, because she would freak out and pressure Cassie to go home. And if she decided to leave, she’d do it on her own.

Cassie slumped the rest of the way to the bed. Her head hit the pillow as she reached for her cell on the nightstand and dialed her last hope.

“Hey, beautiful,” Mike answered, his voice as smooth as always but edged with worry. “You okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, Mike. I…” She cleared her throat. “I wanted to ask a favor. And if you can’t do it or if it’s in any way going to cause you problems, please just tell me no, because—”

“Cass,” he cut in. “What?”

She sniffled, wiped her nose, and clenched her teeth, hating herself for doing this. Hating Rio for making her do this. “I asked Natalie to check someone out—”

“Santana. She told me.”

Rio’s last name made her stomach tremble. In a complex but good way. “Yeah. Look, I think, I mean, from things you’ve told me in the past, stories and things, I think he may be, you know, a…um…cop of some kind. He’s American, not Mexican like I first thought, so—”

“Like what kind of things?”

“Like…” She sighed, covering her eyes on a splash of embarrassment at this crazy lifeline she’d grabbed for. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m imagining it, but the way he talks, the way he says things, the way he handles his weapon. Most of the time it’s nearly imperceptible, more a look or the way he walks or stands or the tone of his voice. He just…God, he sometimes reminds me…”

“Of what?” Mike prodded, his voice tight.

“Of you.”


Cassie winced. He surely thought she’d finally lost it. “Hey, I’m so sorry to bother you with this, it’s really stupid—”

“What’s his full name again?”

Cassie told him. “I’m sure it’s my overactive imagination, Mike. Just forget I—”

“How old is he?”

Heat slid over Cassie’s ribs. Mike’s direct, rapid-fire questions meant he was taking her seriously. Which meant she’d said something that spoke to Mike. He was way too busy, way too savvy to go digging and pulling in favors for anything less than credible. Did she dare hope?

“Um…thirty to thirty-two maybe,” she guessed.

“What else do you know about him?”

“Very little. I haven’t gotten any more real information about him since I talked to Natalie.”


Hot. Sexy
. She ground her teeth. Her stomach tightened. “Six-one, six-two, about two-hundred pounds, muscular. He’s Hispanic; at least I think he is. Black hair, green eyes, dark skinned. He speaks Spanish and English fluently. But I also heard him speaking something that sounded, I don’t know, Arabic or something. When I asked, he said he speaks four languages fluently and three passably. He claimed it was for his work for Saul, but that’s bullshit.”

“Scars? Marks? Tattoos?”

She swallowed, envisioning every amazing inch of his body and breathed, “No. None.”

Mike hesitated. “None that you can see…or…none?”

A strangled laugh bubbled out of Cassie’s throat, and she breathed, “None.”

“Shit. Cass…” He wanted to lecture her like the big brother he’d become in their friendship; she could hear it in his voice. But he fell silent again. Then sighed. “I’ll find out who he is.”

Cassie’s throat closed with a mix of gratitude, relief, and fear.

“Cass,” Mike said. “Until you hear from me again, don’t cause him trouble.”

“Hey,” she complained, trying for a playful response. “Who said I’m—”

“I know you.” He was not having her denial. “If he’s good and undercover, you’re both in danger. We don’t send guys down there for little shit. If he’s bad, you are in
danger. Until I figure out which, don’t get in his way and
stay out of trouble

Cassie disconnected and stared at her phone. Her heart told her Rio was one thing. Her mind told her he was another. But either way, it was far too late for Cassie to think about staying out of trouble.


* * * * *


Rio paced the surf, staring at his phone in one hand, gripping a handful of his hair in the other. Inside, he raged at the senseless deaths of Santiago and his secretary. He had no doubt Saul had sent Pedro to end whatever work the attorney had been doing on Cassie’s behalf, and had never wanted to empty his clip into someone so bad in his entire life. Considering the scum he’d spent most of the last decade associating with, that said a lot about the depth of his pure hatred for this man. But right now, Rio had to focus on the deal.

He had only a couple of days left to wait for the terrorists to dock. Once they’d been transferred, Saul would get what was coming, and Cassie would be safe. If only the next couple of days didn’t feel like such an eternity.

Since Cassie had bolted from the Jeep as soon as he’d stopped in the estate’s driveway like she couldn’t stand another second in his presence, he’d considered calling Tomás for a kick in the head so he could get his perspective back; he’d considered going straight to Kollman and calling the man himself, even though it was strictly against protocol. He’d even considered telling Cassie everything on their way to the border.

Since none of those would do shit to solve his problem, he checked his watch, calculated time zones, and dialed Ahmed. As the phone rang in Syria, Rio dropped his head back, and let the cool sea air whip around him. A critical turning point was imminent, he could feel it looming, but he had absolutely no control over any of the key players: Cassie, Saul, or Paco.

“Yes, yes.” Ahmed’s growl was both irritable and acquiescent.

“Update,” was all Rio had to say.

“They have encountered some weather.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means they will most likely come in ahead of schedule.”

An unexpected burn traveled across the back of Rio’s neck. “Early? Are you sure? How early?”

“The winds and currents are erratic. The captain couldn’t say for sure. He’s calling me every four hours with reports.”

“He must have an estimate.”

“Depends on how long the storm lasts. Could change the delivery time as little as twelve hours; could drop them as soon as tomorrow.”

Rio stared out at the water, but his vision glazed over as his mind churned in thought. “This could be perfect,” he murmured.

“Then you tell Flores this news,” Ahmed said, his voice becoming increasingly agitated. “He’s arrogant and condescending, and I don’t want to speak to that man again. That wasn’t part of the deal. I told you up front I work with one man in an organization and one man only. Fewer complications, fewer misunderstandings.”

Rio stopped pacing. Alarm burned his gut. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Flores. He’s called me directly twice in the last week. Is there something going on there I should know about? If I send these men into an uncontrolled situation and something happens to them, I’m a dead man, do you understand?”

Saul’s break in his fastidious rule of remaining unsullied by contact with the middle men sent up a neon-red flag.

“What did he want?” Rio asked.

“He wanted all the details of the transaction I already gave you.”

“And what did you tell him?”

“The same thing I told you.” Ahmed’s voice rose in frustration. “This isn’t what we agreed. I told you I want to work with one man, so there is no confusion. What is going on?”

“Everything on this end is handled, Ahmed. What you need to remember, above everything else, is that I am the only one who can authorize the payment transfer to your bank account. Not Flores.”

“Then why is he telling me he’s in charge? That you work for him?”

Rio was suddenly exhausted. He often forgot what Saul’s purpose was in this deal as well. He’d tried to develop Ahmed as a terrorist smuggling contact separate from his work with Saul with a plan of lying to Saul and developing a separate op for the terrorists. But Ahmed didn’t feel Rio was reliable enough as an individual and he’d been forced to do the deal under Saul.

But everything had become so convoluted over the last few months that he had to occasionally remind himself that there were many in Saul’s circle who would also have to be taken down. That this was both about the gangs and the terrorists and many relationships needed to be developed for law enforcement to reach deep within the gangs’ core structure. Saul was a conduit to those other, more important relationships.

“Because I
work for him,” Rio said. “Remember, we’re playing by your rules. You insisted on a proprietor with ties to the community, a long-standing successful smuggling history. You got that. You didn’t say anything about him being a nice guy.

“The drop is getting close, and he’s probably just double-checking the arrangements,” Rio reassured. “If Flores calls you again, just make sure you only give him the information you and I have agreed on. Because if you don’t, Ahmed, you will never see your money. Got it?”

“Yes, yes.”

Rio disconnected and stared out at the ocean. How many things could go wrong before they called it off? Before their safety was compromised beyond an acceptable limit and the integrity of the mission was shot to hell?

With stress wearing on him, Rio traversed the beach toward Cassie’s room and dialed Tomás.

“I don’t get it,” Tomás said after Rio snarled a hello at his partner. “You’ve never had this much trouble getting into a girl’s pants before.”

“What the fuck…?”

“You wouldn’t be this pissed if you were gettin’ some.”

Rio paused on Cassie’s patio. He could see her through the sliding glass doors, curled up in the middle of her huge bed, asleep. She looked so small, so defeated, it pulled at his heart.

Tomás couldn’t be further off base. He was pissed because he
gotten some. An amazing, unforgettable sample of Cassie’s pure passion. An unadulterated view of her intelligence, compassion, and humor. And now, nothing but owning the whole package would be enough.

For the first time in a decade, he saw beyond the next mission.

“I just talked to Ahmed,” he said. “Kollman needs to know that Flores has been contacting him behind my back. And someone had Santiago and his secretary killed today. I’m sure Saul sent Pedro to do it.”

“Christ, this is so out of control.”

“The good news is that Ahmed told me there’s a storm out at sea which looks like it’s going to push the tangos in as early as tomorrow. If we can get the tangos going first—”

“We’re only short one girl, and we’ll probably have her by tomorrow.”

“Stall. One is enough to hold off delivering. I’ll convince Saul to move the women
the tangos.”

“All right, yeah, good idea,” Tomás said. “There’s noise about Suarez getting tense. Talk about him heading back to Baja earlier than expected. I’ve had way too much interest in our business and way too many questions on this trip.”

“Sounds like it’s finally time to shut this baby down. You’ll be here for the party tonight, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss the riffraff and jiggle-and-sparkle for this lousy gig, partner.”

Rio disconnected and slid his phone into its holder. He pulled the lock pick from the pocket of his jeans but found the sliding door to Cassie’s room unlocked. He slipped in, leaving the door ajar so the soothing sound of the ocean trickled in, and sat in the lounge chair beside her bed.

There, he let go of the tension, let his body sink into the soft leather. A box of tissues sat on the bed near her, and she had a wad of it clutched in the hand tucked close under her chin.

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