[Invitation to Eden 20.0] The Island of Eden (11 page)

Read [Invitation to Eden 20.0] The Island of Eden Online

Authors: Lauren Hawkeye

Tags: #invitation to eden, #billionaire, #virgin, #dare to surrender, #beach reads, #alpha male, #illusion

BOOK: [Invitation to Eden 20.0] The Island of Eden
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I touch her shoulder to calm her down. “It’s all right.  I know about that.”

The relief is instant on her face. “I was so worried that something happened.”

“Something did happen, so I need to know if you’ve seen her since.”

“No, but you might want to check with Chad.  They were having quite a conversation earlier.”

“Thank you.  If you see her or hear from someone who’s seen her, please call me.”

My strides take me to the pool area to track down Chad, who is at his station. He grins at me as I approach. “Good evening Sir, may I get you a drink?  I just got in a bottle of Chivas.”

“No thank you, Chad.” I rub a hand over my eyes with agitation. “Has Noelle Davis been through here in the last half hour?”

“She has. Saw her rushing by here, mumbling something about going back to Miami.”  Chad gestures to one of the guests, who sits on a bar stool, his shorts and T-shirt sopping wet.  “Poor Frank here made the mistake of getting in her way. She pushed him into the pool.”

Frank shrugs and lifts up his drink glass. “I didn’t mind.  I wanted to go for a swim anyway.”

I fight back a grin, despite my current mood. It’s in bad taste for me to laugh at the expense of a guest. “Thanks.”

She’s headed to the dock. I’ll track her right into the water if I have to.

I take the secondary path down to the dock.  It’s only used by staff and is a lot faster.  The main path meanders through the jungle to best show off the beauty of the island. This one is a straight route without any distractions.

When I get to the dock, the plane’s engines are running. I see a pilot I don’t know—Joely’s substitute—getting ready to undo the tether.

“Stop right now.” I stride forcefully down the dock.

The large man in the tropical print shirt looks up, surprise written on his face. “You must be Mr.V. What’s up?”

If Joely hired him, I’m sure he’s trustworthy, but right now he’s just in my way. Pushing past him, I step up into the plane. Noelle is there nestled in one of the seats. Her skin is pale and her eyes widen when she looks at me. I can’t read them. I don’t know what she’s thinking and I hate it.

Is she scared of me now? Does she think I abuse women?  I’d hate it if that is true.

I’ve been waiting for this woman for ten years. Yes,
woman. Every bit of her.

I’ll be damned if I let her go without a fight.

“Don’t leave.” My throat thickens as I look at her. She seems so pale and vulnerable, lying there in the seat.

“Looks like you’ll have plenty to entertain you.” Her eyebrow arches, but she doesn’t tear up. She’s strong.

“I don’t.” I could give her reasons, excuses, stories. I won’t.

“You have a funny way of showing it.” She sits up straight in the seat. “First you pawn me off on Jenna, then you stand me up for dinner, then I go to your house and...and you’re...otherwise engaged.”

“I apologize for all of those things.” I want to drop to my knees, to tell her how longer I’ve waited for her. I know that will just drive her away, so instead I choose my words carefully. “I want you to stay.”

She chews on her bottom lip for a minute. I can see her shove her emotions down, replacing them with a smart-ass grin that doesn’t reach her eyes. “Fine. But I’m hungry.”

She unbuckles her seatbelt and stands, defiance in every line of her body.

Well... right now I’ll take what I can get.

“Deal.”  I offer my hand and she takes it.

I help her off the plane. Tropical shirt man looks at me, then her, then me again. “So, I guess I’m done for the night?”


He jumps into his plane and shuts off the engine, then shuts the hatch door. I think of Joely and how she refuses a cabin, preferring to do exactly this.

What is it with pilots sleeping in their damn planes?

“I promised you dinner.” She sniffs haughtily. “It had better be good.”

“Yes, you did.”

“Then dinner you shall have.” I can’t hold back my grin of sheer relief. She’s staying. For now, at least.

I have another chance.

Below my feet, I feel Eden tremble again. Clearly she’s warning me not to blow it this time.

“It better be
good.” Noelle looks at me from the corner of her eyes. “I heard Wolfgang Puck came here once.”

“Off the record.” My lips curve into a smile. “But that is true. He spent a few weeks here and taught my chefs everything he knows. So, I promise you it will be up to your expectations.”

Not that we will need the expertise of the chefs. I am Eden and Eden is me, and whatever I wish to provide for Noelle for dinner will be provided.

Yes, Eden gives me everything... except a way to make all of this right with Noelle. I’m out of control again, unsettled.

When I pull out the chair for Noelle to seat herself, and she looks into my eyes and I feel that little click in my heart, the world rights itself once again.

The walls that I built around my heart come crashing down.

“Would you care for some wine?” She nods, and I pour a delectable red for us both, then seat myself across the table from her. She watches me over the rim of her glass as she sips, and again I feel that calm as I look into their sky blue depths.

“You have questions?”


“Ask them. I will give you the truth.” I realize as I speak that this is the way to fix things... to give her the answers that she craves. No matter how painful it may be for me to tell them.

“About anything?” There is a twinkle in her eyes and it makes me smile a little, but I hide it behind my wine glass.

I nod, feeling open and vulnerable for the first time in a long time.

“Why Eden? Why this place?” She sips again, the wine staining her lips and making me wanting to sink my teeth into their deep red hue.

“I wanted to help people who were searching for a change in their lives.” I pause, considering. “I wanted to help... steer them in the right direction.”

“And what do you get out of it?” Her eyes narrow, and she pins me with a stare as she sets down her glass. “I heard you don’t even charge people to come here. You can’t be making any money.”

I nearly choke on my wine. The woman is definitely upfront. And resourceful.

But... I like that she is putting me on the spot.

“I get the satisfaction of knowing I’ve helped someone find love, or happiness, or trust, or whatever it is they are missing in their life before they come to Eden.” Helping others helps fill the hole in my own life... the one that I have been waiting for her to fill.

“And what are you missing?” She stares at me intently.

I lift my glass to my lips. “At the moment? Nothing.”

She flushes and looks away, and her reaction gives me pleasure. I think she understands what I mean.

By the time she looks up again, the food has appeared on the table. Her mouth opens, probably to ask where it came from, but she’s visibly distracted by the sight of smoked salmon pizza with caviar embellishments.

“Oh my God, it’s like you read my mind.”Seeming to forget that the pizza just appeared out of nowhere, she leans down and inhales the delicious aroma.

“You mentioned Wolfgang, so I took a chance that you knew of his signature meal.” At least, I’d pictured it in my mind. Eden had apparently agreed.

“It smells delicious.” She sinks her teeth into her lower lip, and my eyes track the small movement.

“I’m certain it tastes even better.” I’m not talking about the pizza.

She smirks, knowing, I’m sure, exactly where my mind has gone. Picking up a piece of the steaming pie, she sinks her teeth into it. I’m entertained when she makes a very sexual noise.  “If I lived here, I would be the fattest person on the island.”

“I highly doubt that.” She is a beautiful woman, lush, delectable. “There is nothing wrong in taking great pleasure in the things we love.”

“Well, I love food. Just so you know.” She winks at me then finishes the first piece, picking up a second.

I watch her eat, intently. Her appetite is enthusiastic, and I can’t keep from wondering if she’s just as ravenous in other areas.

I find it hard not to imagine here there, strapped to the horse, her full ass on display just for me. I wonder what sounds she would make if I spanked her hard with the paddle. How wet she would get when I trailed the edge of the whip over her flesh.

A shiver rushes up my spine. I disguise it by bringing my napkin up to my mouth and wipe away an imaginary substance.  he way Noelle looks at me, though, makes me wonder if she knows exactly what I’m thinking.

God, I hope not.

God, I hope so.

Chapter Eight


he rest of the dinner goes by quickly. Food appears whenever my back is turned—I have no idea where it’s coming from, but it’s too good for me to care much. The pizza was amazing, and dessert is a salted caramel chocolate tart. To die for. I eat mine and half of Theo’s.

He doesn’t seem to care at all.  In fact, he looks like he’s enjoying watching me eat. For a quick moment I think about Hansel and Gretel and getting fattened up before the slaughter. Is he planning on eating me?

God, I hope so.

I ask him more questions about Eden. He answers them with obvious fondness for the island and for the people who not only work for him but also all the guests that fly in.

I’m quickly coming to understand that he’s not the man I assumed he would be. He has a lot of power and money and control but he doesn’t wield them frivolously or with cruelty.

I desperately want to ask him about what I saw in the dungeon, but I’m embarrassed by my reaction to it. I don’t want him to see it in my face, the yearning in my eyes when I question him about it.

Although... I also kind of want him to know that it turned me on. That it didn’t revolt me in any way, the way he seems to think it did. That when I think about it now, I have to fight the urge to cross my legs tight so as to crush the ache between my thighs.

Instead I open them a little wider and lean forward on the table.

I’ve made up my mind. Opening my mouth, I gather my courage to tell him what it is I’m curious about.

I’m certain he’s able to read my intent in the lines of my body. Instead he sets his napkin on the table and stands. “Since we are done, I will walk you to your room.”

His words are abrupt. They sting, enough that I follow him wordlessly.

His hands fidget as he walks me up the stairs and to the guest room. I notice the closed door on the other guest room, and take note, pursing my lips.

He ushers me past that door and into my own, then nods curtly.

“Have a good sleep. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for a nightcap?” I point to the fully stocked bar in the corner of the room. I’m never desperate, but in that moment I want, want more than anything for him to stay.

“No, thank you. I have an important call with Japan in the morning so I have to be up early.” He gives me another nod, then leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

Slowly, I sink onto the bed. Boy, did I misread those signals. I thought for sure he was really into me. His eyes give away most of his emotions. He was definitely digging it when I was eating. I could see the hunger in his eyes and it wasn’t for the food I was stuffing into my face. It was for me.

Tired and a little bit sick from the rich food and wine, I fall back onto the bed with my arms flung out. Maybe I got the wrong idea. Maybe he just wanted me to stay on the island to tell his story. I mean, I’ve used people for a story before, so it wouldn’t be the worst transgression ever committed in the name of getting some print.

But... I had just been so sure.

Some thumping noises come from next door. I sit up. There is someone in the other guest room.

The woman. The one from the dungeon. It must be her.

why he didn’t want to get busy with me. He didn’t want to while the woman he’d just been playing with was in the next room.

I have so many questions, I can’t just sit here and do nothing about it... not to mention that restraint has never been my strong point. Standing, I open my door and end up staring at the closed door next to mine

I lift my hand to knock, and then lower it again.

This is weird. She’s going to think I’m crazy. But... I can’t stop myself.

I need answers.

“Hello?” I knock. There’s no reply, so I knock again.

This time I hear a faint
in return. Taking this as an invitation, I open the door and peek in.

The woman sits up in bed, red silk sheets pressed to her chest.

“Hi, I’m Noelle.” Indecision haunts me. I’m pretty sure she’s naked under those sheets. Probably I should go back to my room. So of course I do the opposite. “Is it okay if I come in?”

She nods warily, so I enter and come over and sit on the bed, realizing after I do that this is maybe a little forward. I’ve been told on several occasions that I have no boundaries. Noting the way the silk sheets fall, showing that she is indeed naked, and that I plan on interviewing her anyway...

This could be true.

“What’s your name?”

“Lexi.” She watches me with big eyes, but either she’s the most trusting woman on the planet, or the life she lives is weirder than this.

“I know this is weird, but I’d like to ask you a question or two. Is that okay?”

“Um, sure.” She sits up straighter. She’s so tiny and... well, perfect. Long chestnut hair, wide green eyes, smooth porcelain skin. She’s... delicate looking. Like I might break her if I look at her too hard.

I’m not prone to feeling unhappy with my body, but next to this tiny china doll, I can’t deny that I feel... big.

“So, I kind of walked in on you and the big guy earlier tonight.” I push away my insecurities. Everyone has them, and I refuse to swell.

“Okay.” She doesn’t seem surprised, though I’d noted she was wearing a blindfold. Why was that, I wondered? Theo had still been wearing his mask, so it hadn’t been to prevent her from seeing him.

I wonder if she’s seen his face. I wonder if anyone on the island has.

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