It Began with Babbage (63 page)

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Authors: Subrata Dasgupta

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Thomas J.
Watson, Sr
(1874–1956). American corporate executive and “captain of industry.” Led the emergence of IBM as the leader in punched-card data processing machines and its entry into automatic electronic computing.

(1894–1978). American mathematician and scientific administrator. Thinker on communication theory and machine translation of natural languages.

David J.
(1927–2004). British mathematician, computer programmer, and computer designer. Codeveloper of the EDSAC and other Cambridge computers. Inventor of assembly language programming and the closed subroutine concept.

Alfred North
(1861–1947). British logician and philosopher. Coauthor of
Principia Mathematica
, a treatise on the logical foundations of mathematics.

Benjamin Lee
(1897–1941). American linguist. Postulator of the thesis that language shapes thought.

(1894–1964). American mathematician. Inventor of the science of cybernetics.

Maurice V.
(1913–2010). British applied mathematician. Designer of the EDSAC, the world's first fully operational stored program electronic computer and its successor, the EDSAC II. Inventor of microprogramming. Coauthor of the first textbooks on computer programming and electronic computers. Organizer of the first British conference on computing.

Frederic C.
(1911–1977). British electronics engineer. Codesigner of the Manchester Mark I, the world's second fully operational stored program computer. Co-inventor of the Williams tube, an electrostatic computer memory.

(1934–). Swiss computer scientist. Designer of several Algol-like programming languages.

Charles E.
(1903–1979). British physicist and electronic scientific instrument designer. Inventor of the binary counter used in digital computers.

(1910–1995). German civil engineer. Designer of the Z series of mechanical and electromechanical computers, and designer of the Plankalkül programming language.


. The contributions attributed to the people listed in this cast of characters pertain only to the historical period ending in 1969. Many of them would continue to make other contributions, not mentioned here, to the evolution of computer science, post-1969.



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