It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways (41 page)

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We have so many reasons to be grateful, and so many people who deserve our thanks.

To Robb Wolf, our friend and mentor. Without you, there would be no book, and no Whole30 program. We can only hope to change half as many lives as you have. We are eternally grateful.

To Melissa Joulwan, the rock-star genius behind all our recipes and Meal Map creations. We are your biggest fans, and we love you dearly. Thank you for your sass, your motivational speeches, and most importantly, your food.

To Mathieu Lalonde, you radically improved our Science, taught us a lot in the process, and made this book more accurate and more credible. Thank you.

To J. Stanton, for helping us effectively communicate the psychological impact of our food choices, and for so graciously lending us your time, your expertise, and the genius phrase “food with no brakes.”

To Jamie Scott, our brilliant friend from the future. Your cheerful assistance, feedback, and encouragement meant more to us than you could ever know.

To Tom Denham and Vanessa Chang, our friends and editors. You made every chapter better, and we are so grateful for your time and your talents.

To Pedro Bastos, for your time, your generosity, and all the work you’ve done to lay the foundation for books like ours.

To Amy Kubal, Erin Handley, and Emily Deans, for always having just the right research available.

To Robin Strathdee, for all of your help organizing our lives, and the projects you completed for this book. You are appreciated.

To Dr. Luc Readinger, Dr. Chad Potteiger, Dr. Michele Blackwell, Dr. Matt Mechtenberg, Dr. Tim Gerstmar, Dr. Michael Hasz, and Dr. Rick Henriksen for your help, and your personal and professional support.

To Erich Krauss and the Victory Belt team. Thank you for believing in us and bringing this project to life!

To Kathleen Shannon, our amazing graphic designer. We were the worst clients ever, and you still managed to create the most beautiful package we could ever imagine. Thank you.

To Greg White, our illustrator. You made something as boring as the digestive system look sexy. Well done.

To Dave Humphreys, for the gorgeous food photography. Your talent and creativity have no bounds.

To Andy Deas, Badier Velji, Clif Harski, Dan Pardi, and Julie and Charles Mayfield, for your unending support, unwavering faith, motivational speeches, and most important, your snark. #gorgeous #literally

To Jenn Maloney, Melissa’s BFF and occasional butt-kicker. You never let me down.

To our parents, sisters, and brother. Thank you for believing in us, even after we quit the highest paying jobs we’ll ever have to start this business. We love you. (And we finally have health insurance.)

And finally, to the Whole9 community.
We do this for you
. Thank you, thank you, thank you for providing the inspiration and motivation for this book and for sharing so many of your stories with us.

We are blessed.



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