Alan and me soon after we started dating
I was cheerleader captain my senior year (1977-78)
Our Wedding-December 15, 1979
My flight-attendant days at Piedmont Airlines (1985)
#1 Party for “Here In The Real World” single (April 1990) Hope Powell Photography
My mother & daddy with Mattie on her first Easter (1991)
Alan and me at the White House with President George & Barbara Bush (1992)
My brother Ron and his wife Debby
Big sister Mattie proudly holds her new sister, Ali (Aug. 1993)
Mattie, Ali and me with their miniature Mercedes (Christmas Day, 1994)
Our family celebrating Dani's arrival at Baptist Hospital (Aug. 1997)
My infamous short haircut (1998)
Photography by Pamela Springstein
December 15, 1998-Renewing our wedding vows at First Presbyterian Church, Nashville. From left-Chip and Norma Jane Peay, Tom and Jane Smith, our family, Mary Miller, Bobbie and Robert Wolgemuth