It's. Nice. Outside.

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Authors: Jim Kokoris

BOOK: It's. Nice. Outside.
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I arrived at the hospital early and found a space in the garage near the elevator. Ethan was up, alert, and fussing. I heard him crying, a tiny muffled sound. Mary had wrapped him in blankets, and he was now angrily kicking free of them. When I picked him up and put him in the stroller, I dropped his pacifier and, not for the first time that morning, grew angry with Mary for not coming along.
I shouldn't have to do this alone,
I thought. But our babysitter had canceled, and Mary had to stay with the girls. She would wait at home for the results.

I walked slowly through the hospital, my shoes loud against the tile floor, trying not to look at the pictures on the wall: photographs of smiling children, laughing children, children running in fields, children flying kites. Normal children. In an hour I would walk back down this same hallway, knowing whether my nine-month-old son, my youngest child, was normal.

In the admitting room, I filled out forms, and then we were taken to an empty room where Ethan, who had fallen oddly quiet and wide-eyed, was medicated.

After the nurse left, I sat on the edge of the bed and watched my son fall asleep, forcing myself not to think.

*   *   *

The nurse was not particularly friendly. I thought, given the circumstances, she should be solicitous, nunlike, but she wasn't. She was short, squat, and all business as she wheeled Ethan into the room where the MRI was to be taken. I went in with him and sat in a chair against the wall while the nurse and a skinny young male technician picked Ethan up and placed him on another bed. Then there was a loud noise, and the bed slid into the mouth of a cavernous machine where pictures were taken of my son's brain. The whole process took less than ten minutes.

Afterward, the all-business nurse disappeared into an adjoining room marked
. When she emerged a few minutes later, she was transformed, her face worried, her eyes avoiding mine.

“Why don't we go back to the room and wait for the doctor,” she said. She touched me gently on the shoulder and led us away, back down the hall.





The garbage pickers came on Friday evenings in Wilton. At twilight they emerged from shadows, silently trolling the streets in rusting pickups, dented vans, and sagging station wagons, searching for remnants of other people's lives.

The pickers, mostly stoic Mexican men, worked quickly and with purpose. They loaded the backs of their trucks and wagons up high, tying down the things they had chosen with ropes, chains. The chipped barstool, the old mattress, the stained rug—this was all precious cargo to them.

I stood in the driveway and watched a white truck without hubcaps slow then stop in front of our house. A man with a backward baseball cap and a bright orange T-shirt stepped out and sheepishly nodded at me as he circled the large tricycle I had placed by the curb. It was Ethan's old bike.

I watched the man study it. He appeared confused, the knot of his brow tight.

“It's for adults,” I called out. “You can take it. There's something wrong with the handlebars, but you can probably fix them.”

He seemed hesitant, staring at the bike, his hands in his pockets.

“It's not heavy. You want help?”

He finally glanced up at me, smiled, and then bent down, and in one quick move he lifted the bike into the back of his truck, positioning it next to a green filing cabinet. He nodded in my direction again, climbed back inside the truck, and drove off, his red taillights fading quickly in the growing dark.

*   *   *

I finished packing the van a few minutes later, wedging one last large box with a sleeping bag, the teddy bears, and the photo album into the back. Hoping to maximize every inch, I had started the process with a solid plan, arranging each box and bag like it was a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. But after an hour I abandoned this methodical approach and began randomly cramming things in. It was getting late, and we had to get going.

With the final box in place, I assessed the van, our home for the next two weeks. A 2013 silver Honda Odyssey. Sat seven. Less than twenty thousand miles on it. Brand-new Michelins. Fully loaded, or almost fully loaded, because it didn't have GPS. The van was Mary's, and she didn't think we needed it because she said we never went anywhere. And she was right—we never went anywhere. Until now, of course. I stepped close and rested my hand on the hood and decided to give the van a pep talk. We needed to be on the same page here, work together. I whispered, “We're going to be spending a lot of time together, buddy. A lot of time. We're depending on you. Time to see what you're made of. This is your moment. Make everyone back in Japan proud.”

This completed, I turned to Ethan. He had been shooting baskets in the driveway for close to an hour, oblivious to my efforts, the significance of the trip, the moment—of everything.

I took a moment and watched my son: skinny white legs, even skinnier white arms, Illinois cap hiding an explosion of black curly hair, his mouth half open in concentration and wonder as he continued to sink shot after shot. He was good at this, amazing even, a savant. Considering the doctors said he would never walk, might not even sit up, it was more than amazing, really; it was a miracle, a nice-size bone God had decided to toss us after all.

After banking another midrange jumper, I intercepted the ball.

“Shoot!” he said.

“No more shooting.”


“No, we're not playing Illini tonight.”


“We can't.”


He made a move for the ball, but I held it up high, away from him. Ethan was short, no more than five-six, and I was close to a foot taller. “We have to go now. It's time to leave, dude-man. Long drive.”

After a few halfhearted jumps, he gave up on the ball. “Where? Mom. Be?”

“She's with Karen.”

“Where? Mindy. Be?”

“Mindy's not here. She's going to be with Karen and Mom. We'll see them all at Karen's wedding in a few days. Now get in, come on. Open the door, and get in. We have a long drive. Chicago to South Carolina. A lot of driving.”

“Where? Karen. Be?”

“Come on, buddy. If you don't get in, you'll have to sit in the back.”

“Where. Stinky Bear?”

“He's in the van.”


“He's sleeping.”

“Where? Red Bear?”

“Red Bear is with Stinky Bear. They're together in a box. They're very comfortable. It's a nice box.”

“Where? Grandpa Bear?”

“All in the box. The same box. They're all waiting for us. All of them. They want to get going. They want to get to South Carolina. They can't wait.”

“Where? Mom?”

I took a deep breath and gently took him by the hand and led him over to the van. “Do not pinch me, do you hear me, do not pinch me! Hands. To. Self. Get in now. That's it. Okay, now buckle up. Good, okay, good.” I leaned down and kissed him on the top of his head. Then I shut the door and walked slowly over to the driver's side, taking my time, soaking in the last few seconds of sweet, sweet silence. It wasn't until I was already behind the wheel, had already buckled my seat belt, had already adjusted the rearview mirror, had already turned the key, that I thought to ask him, way, way, way too late, if he had gone to the bathroom.


I looked at him. He looked away. “Are you sure?”


“You're not sure.”


“You have to go now?”

“Yes! No! Yes! Pee-pee. Pee-pee.

I closed my eyes and turned the van off.

*   *   *

Though he was quite capable of going pee-pee on his own, I was on a schedule, so I led him back inside the house and to the bathroom, pulled down his pants, and pointed at the middle of the toilet bowl.

“Okay, go.”

“Where? Stinky Bear?”

“Just go, Ethan, just go.”

“Where? Stinky Bear?”

“We're not doing this now, no Stinky Bear. Go.”


“I told you, he's in the van, okay?”

“What. Doing?”

“He's waiting for us. Everyone is waiting for us in Charleston, South Carolina. That's a long way. We're going to drive there. Isn't that fun? Isn't that crazy? Mom thinks I'm crazy for doing this. I'm starting to think I'm crazy for doing this, and we haven't even pulled out of the driveway. Isn't that crazy? Yes, sir, it sure is. Yes, sir.”

Ethan looked at me, penis in hand. Then, after an eternity, after I silently counted to thirty backward, after I heard the clock on the kitchen wall tick, after I heard a distant honk of a car on the street, after I started to feel terribly sorry for myself, he forced out a few casual drops of pee-pee.

When he was done, he looked at me without apology.

“All. Done,” he said.

“What do you mean, all done? That's all you got? That's it?”

“Yes. Ma'am!”

“You have no more pee-pee in you. None?”

“Yes. Ma'am!”

“So, you didn't really have to go after all, did you? This whole thing was a waste of time after all.” Every so often, for reasons I no longer understood, I would try to make a point with Ethan.

“Yes. Ma'am!”

We looked at each other. “Pull your pants up,” I said.

“Why? Mad?”

“I'm not mad. Just pull your pants up.”

Back outside, I paused in the driveway and glanced up at the moon, now rising full behind the Bakers' house, across the street. Ethan stopped to admire it too, his mouth once again open in wonder. I took his hand, and we stood together. For years I had dreamed about taking a trip like this, a long, open-ended journey, and here I was.

“A. Lot. Of. Moon.”

I didn't say anything. I just held on to my son's hand and kept looking up at the moon, blurry in the purple-and-pink summer sky, and wondered if I would remember this moment forever and fearing I would.

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