It's Only Make Believe (16 page)

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Authors: Roseanne Dowell

BOOK: It's Only Make Believe
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She had blotted out those memories. Maybe because they were too painful, maybe because she felt her mother should have spent time doing something fun with her, something where she didn’t have to share the attention. When, in fact, her mother had taught compassion and used her wealth for something better. Sure, she’d have enjoyed playing in a park with her mother, but now that she thought back, her mother actually taught her something more valuable. Too bad it took so long for her to realize. How could she have misjudged her all this time?

Michele wiped a tear. Sarah was right, she had rebelled. Rebelled against everything her mother had taught her. She pulled in the drive at the O’Neil’s with a promise to try to spend more time with her mother. Life was too short and her mother wouldn’t be here forever. For all her faults, Michele did love her. Heck she wasn’t perfect either.

Jane met her at the door before Michele even rang the bell. Her tearstained face streaked with mascara, her hair a tangled mess like she ran through a wind tunnel. She shredded the tissue in her hand into a million pieces.

“Jane, what is it? What’s wrong?” Michele couldn’t believe the woman’s disheveled appearance.

“They took the baby, my granddaughter.” Jane’s voice cracked and her legs trembled.

Michele put her arm around Jane, to steady her. So she knew. Mark must have called. Jane didn’t disapprove of Louise. She had a more down to earth attitude. Patrick on the other hand came from snobby stock. She hated to classify it that way, but that’s the way it was. On the other hand, maybe he just acted more suspicious and cautious. Being a lawyer he probably saw many marriages dissolve in divorce where one or the other spouse married for money. But Michele thought he’d show a little more class and give Louise the benefit of the doubt. After all the girl did work for him, he must have trusted her enough to hire her. Knowing Patrick, he probably thought Louise took the job as a plot to snag Mark.

“I’m sorry, please come in Michele. I know Louise works for you now, and I know you know about Mikayla. Mark told me how helpful you’ve been to Louise. I’m just beside myself. When Mark called and told me she’d been kidnapped, I... I just couldn’t believe it. My beautiful granddaughter.”

“Have you seen your granddaughter?” Michele couldn’t hide her curiosity, she hadn’t given a thought that Jane might have kept in touch with Louise.

“Yes, once a week. Louise, Mark and I meet for lunch. I was trying to change Patrick’s mind, but he’s so stubborn. I knew if he saw Mikayla he’d relent, but he won’t even look at her picture. He still thinks Louise is after Mark’s money. I can’t convince him otherwise.” Jane motioned for Michele to have a seat and sat down on the couch.

“When Mark told me Patrick sent a threatening letter offering Louise money I had a fit. I couldn’t believe he’d stoop so low. But I knew he wouldn’t carry through on his threat. Then Mark told me Louise was going to leave. She wasn’t going to take the money, but she didn’t want to lose her child. Mark said she was making plans to move with an Aunt in Florida. We tried to convince her not to do anything rash, that Patrick wouldn’t carry through on his threat. Now this.”

Michele listened to Jane without interrupting. The poor thing needed to vent, but at least she was on Louise’s side.

The door burst open and Patrick stormed in. “What the hell is going on? Mark called and said something about someone being kidnapped and blamed me. What’s he talking about, Jane?”

Jane stood, a defiant look on her face. Not someone Michele wanted to tangle with. The fury in Jane’s eyes made her cringe.

“Your granddaughter has been kidnapped, and it is your fault. If you hadn’t been against this marriage none of this would have happened. Look at the mess you created. You’re losing out on your grandchild, and you’re losing your son. I’ll tell you this right now, Patrick. When they find their baby there’s no way you’ll keep Mark from marrying Louise. They’d have been married by now if Mark has his way, but Louise wanted your blessing. She was afraid if Mark gave up everything he’d resent her later.”

“Sure, she wanted my blessing it came with my money.”

“You’re such a fool, Patrick. You can’t see your nose to spite your face. Louise doesn’t care about your money, and Mark is successful in his own right. He wanted your approval not your money. Don’t you care anything about your grandchild?”

“Kidnapped?”  The color drained from Patrick’s face, and he plopped down on the couch as if the realization just hit him. He rubbed his hand over his face. “Someone kidnapped Mikayla?”

So he knew the baby’s name, maybe he wasn’t as hard-hearted as everyone believed. Michele got up and made a hasty retreat. She didn’t need to hear this conversation. She hoped Patrick came to his senses. She opened the door and left before either of them realized she was gone. Not, she was sure, that they cared at this point. The house could wait. Jane and Patrick needed to iron this out, and hopefully Patrick would come around, but more importantly, she hoped they found Mikayla.







So now what? No appointment, nothing to do at the office and nothing to do at home. What a long boring day lay ahead. Maybe she’d go home and see if Louise heard from the kidnappers. Or maybe Brad left a message. These damn business trips stunk. But even when Brad was home, he wasn’t home much with the long hours he worked and Ruby calling day and night. She needed to find a plan to win her husband’s heart. First, she needed to find a way to make him stay home more and, most importantly, sleep in their bed. What kind of marriage could they have with him spending the nights in the guest room? Dare she tell him that? Let him know she wanted him in her bed. She’d work up a plan of action and figure a way to tell him about the baby, too. She wanted Brad in her life permanently, not because of the baby.

Michele parked the car and went into the house. The delicious aroma of something sweet and spicy came from the kitchen and her stomach rolled over. She raced to the bathroom. Funny until now she’d been fine even though she had skipped breakfast. She rinsed her mouth and washed her face, then went to check her answering machine. No message.

“Anna, something smells divine, but I’m not sure my stomach is going to handle all these spicy foods.”

The look on Anna’s face told Michele she guessed her secret. “It only smells spicy, Missy. Besides the Mister is coming home, I’ll make you something else if you want.”

Michele turned away. What did Anna say? Brad was coming home? “Did Brad call, Anna?”

“Yes, Missy, he call a few minutes ago, said he’s at the airport, is on his way home.”

Michele’s stomach did a quick flip flop. Brad was on his way home. How was she going to tell him? She went into the dining room. Anna had set the table with the good linen tablecloth and china. At least that’s how her mother referred to them, but Michele hated the gaudy dishes, next thing on her list to get rid of. The big red flowers trimmed in gold did nothing for her, let alone her appetite. Anna came in and put two candles on the table. She grinned at Michele.

“You tell the Mister tonight. He has a right to know.”

Michele’s cheeks grew hot and the blush crept down to her neck. “What? How...?” Words escaped her.

“Is hard not to know with the way you been acting, Missy. All the signs are there.”

Michele laughed and hugged Anna. “You know too much, my friend.”

Anna squeezed Michele and pushed her away. “Go get ready for the Mister.”

Michele hurried upstairs. She changed into a summery sun dress, ran a comb through her hair and freshened up her lipstick. She turned sideways in front of the mirror. Did her tummy already have a bulge to it? Nah, it must be her imagination. A car door slammed and she hurried downstairs to meet Brad.

The door opened as she started down the stairs. Ruby came in next to Brad.

Half way down the steps Michele paused, her foot midair. Ruby looked so sheik in a pastel green suit. She stood next to Brad with an air of possessiveness. Neither of them saw her.

“This is such a beautiful house. I love the marble floor and the white carpeting. I’d give just about anything to live in a house like this.” Ruby all but gushed.

The look on Ruby’s face spoke volumes. She wanted this house. Wanted Brad. Michele shivered. Her foot missed the next step, and she tumbled down the stairs. Brad ran to her side.

“Michele, are you all right? No don’t move, let’s make sure nothing’s broken.”

Heat rushed into her face. What a klutz. Brad’s eyes showed concern. He ran his hand along her ankle and up her leg causing a sensation Michele had only experienced once before, the morning after their wedding.

“I’m okay.” Michele tried to ease herself up. “Oh,” she groaned, “my ankle I think I sprained it.”

“Hold still, let’s make sure nothing else is wrong.”

Anna ran out from the kitchen. “Is Missy okay? What happened?”

“She fell down the steps.” Brad continued to move his hand along Michele’s body. She loved the feel of him. Too bad he was checking for injuries, she’d much rather he take her to bed.

“Ahem.” Ruby cleared her throat. “The contracts, we have to work on them, remember.”

Why had Brad brought Ruby home to work with him? In their house? Michele didn’t like the way Ruby stood next to him, her hand on his shoulder. Her sneering look sent shivers up Michele’s spine aside from the ones Brad caused. Such a taunting look.

Michele sat up. “I’m okay, Brad, I think I just sprained my ankle. Anna, bring me some ice. If you’ll just help me to the chair, I’ll put it up. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

Brad took the car keys from his pocket and shoved them at Ruby. “Obviously we can’t work tonight. Take my car. I’ll meet you in the office early in the morning. We’ll go over the contracts then.”

“But Brad, Edgehurst said...”

Brad held up his hand to silence Ruby’s protest. “The hell with Edgehurst, I have to take Michele to the hospital. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Anna can take her, we have work to do.”

The look on Ruby’s face told Michele she wasn’t going to give up that easy.

“I’m fine. I don’t need to go to the hospital.” Just what she didn’t need to do. If Brad took her to the hospital, she’d have to tell them she was pregnant. She didn’t want Brad to find out that way. She looked at Anna for some kind of help, reassurance, something, anything, she wasn’t sure what.

“I can’t take Missy to the hospital. I have appointment. I have to leave.” Anna untied her apron and hurried to the kitchen. But not before Michele caught the grin that told her no way was she playing into Ruby’s hand.

Brad put his hand on Ruby’s shoulder and opened the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He nudged her out the door and closed it behind her.

Michele would have given anything to see the look on Ruby’s face.

Anna came back into the room. “Dinner is ready if you want to eat before you go to hospital.”

Michele wanted to kiss her. It’d give her a chance to tell Brad.

“Good idea, Anna, I’m starved. And really I’m okay Brad. I’m sure my ankle is just sprained.” She put her hand on her stomach and hoped everything was okay with the baby. Maybe she should have things checked out. She didn’t want to take any chances. Even though she felt okay it was always better to be safe than sorry.

“If you’re sure.” Brad’s face showed his concern.

He was sending mixed signals. When she first saw him come in with Ruby she wondered if she’d ever be able to tell him, but now his attentiveness and consideration and the way he sent Ruby home gave her some hope.

“Just help me to the table okay?”

Brad put his arm around her, lifted her up, and carried her to the dining room.

Michele, caught off guard, fell against him and threw her arms around his neck. Brad pulled her close against him. She tightened her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.

Brad’s gaze locked on hers, and he stood like that for a moment, just holding her. God, it felt good in his arms. She wished he didn’t have to set her down. His lips looked too inviting to resist. Suddenly, he lowered his mouth to hers. Her mouth opened slightly, inviting a much deeper kiss then she intended. Her hunger didn’t include food. He responded, pulling closer. She ran her fingers through his hair. In about two seconds she was going to suggest he carry her upstairs and the heck with dinner or the hospital. He finally pulled away and set her on the chair. “We better eat before Anna gets on us,” he said.

Michele took her napkin and put it on her lap, avoiding Brad’s eyes. What just happened here? Brad’s kiss held so much promise. For a minute she thought he was going to turn around and take her upstairs without her asking. If only he had. Then she could tell him about the baby after they made love. But for some reason he set her down. Why?

“I’m going to leave now...if you don’t need anything else, okay?” Anna put the last serving bowl on the table.

Michele looked at the twinkle in Anna’s eyes. She loved that woman. “Thank you, Anna this is fine. Goodnight.”

“Smells delicious, Anna, thanks. You have a good evening.”




Michele smelled delicious and he liked the idea of having dinner with his wife for a change. What had he been thinking bring Ruby home to work? But it beat working at the office again and having another restaurant dinner. Besides, he had wanted to see Michele. If Ruby hadn’t insisted he wouldn’t have been working at all tonight. Those contracts could wait until morning. He couldn’t wait until this deal was done, then he’d take that promotion and spend more time with Michele. He missed his wife. Missed their long conversations, missed their lovemaking.

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