Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (17 page)

Read Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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When he turned around Gia was watching him with barely open eyes. “You’re even sexy when you clean.” 

Her voice was slightly slurred, like she’d been drinking, and he grinned. He tugged his shorts on and threw the rest of his stuff in the locker room. He lifted Gia into his arms and looked down at her, his heart filled with tenderness for his girl. She reached up and traced his features with her fingertips, leaving a trail of tingles on his skin. The way she looked at him, with such open affection, was utterly addictive. 

“You’re amazing.”

Part of him wanted to make her tattoo his name on her ass, but even he had to admit it might be rushing things…at least for her. He already knew that he wanted to know this captivating woman longer than the one week she belonged to him. His mind spun with ideas of bringing her back to Moscow with him and moving her into his house. While he wasn’t foolish enough to rush into marriage, he’d like to see what it was like to live with Gia, to have her presence bring life to his world.

He’d need to call his uncle and have some special arrangements made to get her paperwork done for her visa ASAP. If she decided to come with him, he didn’t want her to have the excuse of not having a travel visa for Russia. The thought of coming home to find Gia waiting for him sent a welcome sense of contentment through him. His mind tried to argue that there was no way he’d get Gia to come with him, that he barely knew her, but he didn’t care. 

The look of trust and devotion in her gaze, the way she made him feel, was something he could not live without.

She was his. 

She just didn’t know it yet.

He brushed his lips over hers. “Let’s go back to our room and get some food and some sleep. We have a big evening ahead of us and I want you well-rested for what I have planned.”

Chapter Ten

Gia looked around the enormous bedroom Catrin shard with Nico and tried to keep from staring. The room had been transformed into some kind of couture fantasy store. Right now Gia, Catrin, and Ilyena were trying on different dresses, giggling while the sales associates fawned all over them. There was also a jeweler ready to accessorize any look they picked out. From the way Catrin and Ilyena acted, this was nothing unusual.

They found Gia’s astonishment funny.

Ilyena turned slightly and cocked out her hip, looking into the full-length mirror with a fierce smile Gia wished she could copy. Gia’s poor sales assistant seemed horrified that she didn’t want to look at anything too expensive. The beautiful Russian woman had picked out a floor length emerald gown that clung to her fantastic body like glittering paint and made her pale blonde hair look almost white. While the dress was intensely sexy, it wasn’t slutty and was so perfectly made it fit the tall blonde woman like a dream.

Catrin had selected a lovely pink gown with a sweetheart neckline and had her honey blonde hair done up in curls. The bodice of the dress was tight enough to support her large breasts, but layered with a sheer material in ruffling waves of fabric. The front of the skirt had been cut short, showcasing Catrin’s lovely legs, while the back extended out into a subtle train. Gia felt a momentary flash of attraction to the other woman and hoped no one saw her blushing. 

“You look fabulous,” Catrin said to Ilyena. “Time to look for something sparkly.”

They both turned to Gia, who still stood awkwardly in her underwear. 

“Where are your clothes?” Ilyena said in surprise.

Catrin frowned. “Didn’t you see anything you liked? If they didn’t bring the appropriate outfits I can have another shop come here at a moment’s notice.”

The sales associate helping Gia made a little whimpering sound and Gia felt guilty. It wasn’t her money to spend, but she bet the woman helping her, who really had been kind, could use whatever bonus came from selling gowns worth thousands of dollars. Taking a deep breath, she tried to think of some way to salvage this situation.

“I—I feel weird spending Ivan’s money.”

Both women stared at her, then laughed until Gia crossed her arms and glared back at them. Even the other saleswomen had to hide their smiles. 

Ilyena shook her head, once again turning to look at her reflection. “You’ve never had a man who likes to spoil you?”

“Well, kind of. But nothing like this.” She rubbed her arms, chilled by the memories of some of the total losers she’d dated. More than one guy had ‘forgotten’ his wallet on a first, and last, date. “This is excessive. He doesn’t need to do this.”

“Did it ever occur to you that seeing you in beautiful clothes, wearing things Ivan provided for you, appeals to him deeply on some mysterious male level?” Ilyena tried on a necklace made of hammered gold embellished with diamonds. “I know Ivan. He likes you. He will want to see you in something amazing, and I know he will want you to be happy. So stop making this into something it isn’t, and let your Master have the right to spoil you.”

“However,” Catrin added, “If you don’t pick something expensive he will worry you think he is too poor to afford you. Men are odd creatures. If you let them take the protector and provider role every once in a while it does worlds of good for their ego.”

When Catrin put it that way, it sounded so simple. Could Gia really just go with this? 

Well, why the hell not. 

If this wasn’t a once in a lifetime experience she didn’t know what was. 

“I’m not sure what to wear. Do you think you could help me pick something out? You’re both so exquisite. I trust your judgment.”

Catrin and Ilyena turned on her with a gleam in their gaze that was almost scary. Gia took a step back, but they advanced on her so quick she found herself surrounded by their sweet perfume and smooth skin as they touched her and examined her. To her irritation they spoke in Russian while commenting about one aspect of her body or another. Embarrassment tightened her stomach, and she wished she’d never asked. 

Catrin paused and looked at Gia. “Don’t be so fearful. We’re speaking in Russian because we’re excited. Normally, we don’t have someone who lets us play dress up with them.”

With a giggle, Ilyena ran her fingers through Gia’s hair. “It’s true. I’ve known Catrin since we were ten years old and we’ve always loved dressing up beautiful women.”

Gia swallowed hard, wondering what the heck she’d gotten herself into as Catrin and Ilyena began to rapidly order around the staff.


An hour later, Gia cupped her hand over her mouth to smell her breath. They’d had a snack of meats and cheeses as well as fruit and some small tarts. They’d also split a bottle of really, really good champagne. The alcohol floating through her bloodstream relaxed her enough that she wasn’t babbling or making herself sick with worry. Instead, a fine sense of anticipation hummed through her body. She was going to see Ivan, and she had to admit, she looked fabulous.

Ilyena and Catrin were like some kind of super awesome fairy godmothers. They’d put her into an outfit she never would have considered, but now that it was on her, she felt beautiful, sexy, and yet very classy. Having close to five hundred thousand dollars in antique Indian sapphires dripping off her body certainly added to the appeal of the outfit. There was even a jeweled hairpin fastened into her elaborately braided hair. The braid itself curled over one shoulder and sparkling sapphires had been added to the band at the bottom. 

The way her hair was styled exposed her back, and for a good reason. The deep blue and silver beaded sari-inspired gown had an exquisite back. Gia may not have had great breasts, but she had to admit she’d never considered how nice her back was. The dress was actually two pieces. The embroidered top had a modest neckline, and was tied in back with a braided tassel at the top and a more intricate series of braided tassels at the middle of her back. The skirt started a few inches later, leaving a bit of her midriff exposed, but not enough so she’d be afraid to sit and have a pooch bulging past the waistband. A clever draping effect had been done to the rear portion of the skirt, and she loved the subtle weight of the train as she walked. 

With Catrin on one side and a beaming Ilyena on the other, the women entered the main foyer of the home. Her heart pounded in her throat and Gia forced herself to meet Ivan’s gaze, afraid she’d see disappointment. It was an unconventional outfit, but she was an unconventional looking woman, the result of America’s great melting pot. She’d never be a classic beauty like Catrin, or a potential supermodel like Ilyena, but Gia had to admit she looked good.

Now she could only hope Ivan approved as well.

It disturbed her how much his approval meant to her, but with the champagne flowing through her system, she didn’t dwell on that thought.

She met his gaze and his eyes went wide. It was actually comical, and she couldn’t help but grin at him. He looked stunned and as his gaze traveled up and down her body she could see the slow, proud smile curving the edges of his lips. Tonight he wore a deep grey suit that brought out the blue in his amazing eyes. As if he couldn’t wait to touch her, he strode across the foyer toward her. The men behind him chuckled, but he ignored them as he reached Gia.

Cupping Gia’s cheek, Ivan whispered something rapid fire Russian. She had no idea what he said, but the way he looked at her made everything south of her belly button contract. He made a pleased sound and brushed his knuckles down the side of her throat.

“You are exquisite. Beyond compare. I am so very proud to have you as my woman tonight.”

Her heart lurched at the bitter reminder she wasn’t really his woman, just his for these few days. The thought of leaving him hurt, and she tried to get a grip on her emotions, disturbed that he had so much control over her feelings, and very angry at herself for giving so much of her heart to him. 

He must have sensed her mood shift because his hold on her face tightened. “My words displeased you? Didn’t we have a discussion about you talking with me when you get angry?”

His voice was low, but the power in his words made her nipples hard. Still, he had a point. The memory of the intense series of orgasms he’d given her this afternoon ran through her mind and she shuddered. He smiled and brushed his thumb over her breast. 

“Good girl. Now talk to me.”

“I was thinking this week seems to be going by quickly.”

The lines around his mouth softened and something in his gaze shifted. It was almost like she could see his mood going from aggressive Dom to caring Master. She loved both sides of him, but right now, she was glad she got the caring Master. Her moods were a little fragile from being tipsy. 

“Who says it has to end?” Ivan murmured in a low voice. “I’m open to considering something more permanent after our time here is done.”

She blinked at him, not sure what to say. “That’s…quite an offer.”

Frowning at her, he then sighed. “You are not ready to discuss this. That is fine.”

Nodding, she still felt like she’d somehow hurt his feelings. Not liking the guilt bringing her down, she reached up and cupped his cheek, mirroring his hand on her face. Unlike his possessive grip, her stroke was light and caressing. He gentled beneath her fingertips. She was amazed her touch meant so much to him. Stroking his face seemed to drain the anger out of him,  

She looked into his eyes and willed him to see the truth of her words. “I’m flattered, I really am, but I’ve had a bit of champagne and not in a position to discuss anything so serious right now.” She was proud of herself for sounding so mature, but couldn’t help adding, “Think we can sneak a quickie in before we leave for whatever mystery spot you’re taking me to?”

“You are insatiable.” He grinned, all male arrogance. “I like it.”

“Only for you, Ivan. You make me crazy.”

Slipping her hand over his arm she caught a glimpse of them together as they passed the large mirrors in the foyer. For a moment she froze, unable to believe how good they looked together. In this outfit she hardly recognized herself, but Ivan was as fine as ever. What surprised her was how nice of a couple they made. He turned to see what she’d stopped for and followed her line of sight to their reflection.

“Is something wrong, Gia?”

“No, nothing is wrong.” She flushed and tried to move away.


“I was thinking we look good together.”

He put her arm back around his and whispered into her ear, “Yes, we do.”

With a lighter heart she practically floated next to Ivan, then came up short at the sight before her. An army of helicopters filled the vast mowed field next to the house. Brilliant orange and deep purples streaked the clouds overhead, turning the rustic landscape into a fairytale image. Everywhere she looked, men and women in the most beautiful clothes got into the helicopters, laughing and smiling.

There was an energy in the air that made her heart pound, and she looked up at Ivan, needing to ground herself in him. She didn’t know this world or how to act in it. He’d have to take care of her, make sure she didn’t do anything stupid or shame herself with her lack of sophistication.


He smiled down at her. “Yes?”

“Will you…will you make sure I don’t do anything to embarrass myself or you, please?”

“What are you talking about? Has someone offended you? Tell me who it is and I will deal with them immediately.”

The protective growl in his voice and change in his stance from relaxed to ready to fight made her swallow. This was a powerful and aggressive man. She had to keep that in mind when dealing with him. She swallowed hard as her heart filled with his spirit, warming with his concern until she swore their hearts beat in the same rhythm.

“I meant, I’m not sure of the etiquette of high society. I’m asking if you’ll please make sure I behave in a way that won’t embarrass you.”

His gaze warmed and he swept her up into his arms, carrying her towards one of the waiting helicopters. “Gia, be yourself. You are an amazing woman. Know your own worth. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks. To me, you are my Gia and there is nothing you could do that would bring me shame.”

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