Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux (10 page)

Read Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Online

Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux
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A woman of impeccable taste had obviously designed this room. The question was who was the woman? Ivy thought for a moment about all the other women who had been in the same room, at the same hour. She suddenly became acutely aware of her position.




Nicola checked the front door to make sure that it was locked, turned on the alarm and stopped at the coffee table to finish the glass of champagne sitting by the lamp. Looking at his watch, he realized that it was already 3:00 a.m. He had to be down at headquarters by eight the next morning, and he hadn’t slept all day. Oh, well, he thought smiling to himself as he peeled out of his sweater.

Grabbing the bottle of champagne, he headed back upstairs where Ivy awaited his return. As he approached the room, surprisingly he heard soft music. Apparently, she had already turned on his CD player. How did she know that Sade was his favorite singer?

Opening the door, he saw her standing by the window looking out over the pool. He couldn’t wait to see what she really looked like under all that long dress. Closing the door behind him, he smiled a devilish smile.

“You have a beautiful home,” she said turning around from the dream like view of the Mississippi River.

“Thank you,” Nicola said setting down the bottle of champagne by the bed. “Come here,” he demanded softy.

Ivy walked over to the bed nervously. Oh God, she thought, this is actually about to happen! She felt her heart flutter as he turned her around carefully, moved her hair off of her shoulders and gently kissed the nape of her long swanlike neck while allowing his other hand to run up and down her frame committing the curves of her body to his memory through his fingers. She opened her wet lips letting out an exasperated gasp. Hearing it, he pulled her closer and bit her ear. Closing her eyes, she felt him unzip the back of her dress and allow it fall to the carpet. He stood behind her breathing down on her shoulders, rubbing her soft arms and watching the goose bumps form on her delicate skin. Now, only her satin chemise, she stood shaking with desire and fear.

There was no warning of Nicola’s intentions and no delay in his actions. His warm hands grabbed her waist and turned her around to face him, and for the first time Ivy saw him in and out of his element. She was just about to speak when he kissed her lips and picked her up off of the ground silencing her with his passionate embrace. She allowed him to search her mouth with his hungry kiss. Breathing heavily, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he cupped her bottom and pulled her into his erection.

In one demanding swoop, he picked her up off the ground and laid her in the bed against the soft pillows and incredibly soft goose down comforter. She felt as though she was disappearing in its comfort. But no matter where she went, she was certain that he would find her.

Was he as skilled a lover as he seemed? Would he be gentle? As he stood over her, his face seemed to change. He no longer resembled the harmless man that she had enjoyed talking to downstairs in the living room. Now his eyes were hooded and lustful, his lips were wet with the taste of her mouth and his demeanor more forceful and demanding. The thought of what was to come excited her, and she rubbed her aching nipples as they hardened while he watched.

She studied him as he pealed out of his clothes beside the bed and revealed his statuesque frame, much to her delight. His body was as muscular as it felt, his chest and back was broad and sculpted; his stomach was rock hard; and his small waist and bowlegs were cut to absolute perfection. His skin was dark olive tanned and his body smelled of Ralph Lauren Black cologne. Seeing his erection fully now, it occurred to her that what she had asked for was actually about to happen. And finally she was afraid.

Nicola came to her quickly not delaying with talk or theatrics. He pulled her arms up in the air and removed her chemise. Kissing her fingertips, he made his way down to her folds of her arms. Feeling as though she was floating, she watched as he removed her underwear and parted her legs carefully. He didn’t look up for her approval. Instead he concentrated on the secret that she tried desperately to hide in between her thighs. She watched the crown of his head and rubbed his neck in total disbelief. Her back arched involuntarily as she sank deep into the comforter. Her eyes rolled, and she bit her lips trying to control the earthquake like shocks running through her body.

Feeling Ivy shiver, Nicola crawled over her and kissed her lips. “I won’t hurt you,” he said softly as he smiled at her revealing his dimples. “You know that don’t you?” he asked still fondling her.

“Yes,” she said gasping for breath. She was far too enthralled in ecstasy to smile, but she nodded approvingly.

When Nicola was sure she was confident in him, he moved back down between her thighs. Feeling his hands around her waist pushing her down on him, he moved her around exploring the petals of her flower and feeling her blossom into a twice-experienced woman.

“Oh Nicky,” Ivy whimpered.

Rubbing through Ivy’s hair and taking in the sweet smell of her perfume, Nicola watched as she submitted. Her long, voluptuous caramel body was like a muse from a Greek love story. Her full breasts were erect and sensitive to his every touch. Her shapely legs were strong yet soft and pleasing. And her back arched into perfect form. The way that she moved around nimble and flirtatious as he touched her aroused him beyond control, but the startled looks she gave him indicated he was showing her something very new. Her long hair brushed over him smelling like lilac and her brown eyes glared innocently into his as he touched her in places that made her flutter and sometimes giggle. He knew how beautiful and precious she was, and he was proud to be with her, even if it was for just one night.

Never wanting the moment to end, Ivy sat on top of Nicola kissing his neck and feeling him massage her back. Moving back and forward, she felt the tip of him accidentally slip inside of her. Startled, Nicola moved back and reached over to the nightstand where he retrieved a condom to protect her. Coming back to her after he had dressed himself properly for their encounter, he was still and silent for just a moment, rubbing her body and kissing every inch of her caramel colored temple.

“I guess that the four-play is over,” Ivy whispered as she watched him hover over her.

“If you want it to be,” Nicola said softly. This was the first time in nearly a decade that he had actually taken the time to make love to a woman instead of simply having sex, but Ivy deserved nothing less than the best that he could give. Considering that he was only the second man that she had been with in her entire life, he was going to make sure that the experience was worthwhile.

“I’m ready,” Ivy said in a whisper.

However careful he was with her, Nicola was exceedingly ready to enter her, even though he was also afraid of the effect that it would have on the both of them later. He had never wanted a woman as badly he wanted her right then. He had never desired to please a woman the way that he sought to please her. The surge of emotions was almost alarming to him.

Nicola ran his fingers over Ivy’s shapely wet lips as he watched her undulate erotically under him on his silk sheets. He relished at the contrast in their skin color and the sweet smell of her body until he could no longer fight his urge. He pulled her close and sucked on her breasts making her open her legs wide and wrapped them around his back.

Slowly and carefully, he lifted his large bow hips and pushed through her body feeling the walls of her flower shake in desperation of a new lover. Her mouth parted in both the despair of his large member and the surprise of its forceful yet wonderful entry. She was so beautiful and so warm until the moans that he tried to suppress became impossible to control.

Ivy was overtaken by his power and weak with the pressure of his long strokes that seem shatter every notion that she had ever had about him. As he circled her wet lips with his fingers, he finally slipped his index finger in her mouth and she sucked it softly, creating a tense and warm feeling throughout his body. Pulling her to him, he kissed her passionately.

She held on to his massive body as he willed her to his every desire and killed all the innocents that she once possessed. He was on top of her, behind her, around her and inside of her, pleasing her to no end. His movements dizzied her and left her weak, but still Nicola made her give more.

Nicola watched Ivy carefully making sure not to hurt her. Seeing that she was ready to reach the pinnacle of ecstasy under him as he thrust himself constantly into her, he rubbed the sweat from her forehead and kissed her gently. Feeling that she had been pleased, his thrusts became more powerful, his buttocks tightened and his pushed deep inside of her. Kissing and sucking on her breast and her full, bruised mouth, he felt himself passing the point of control and not far from a very familiar apex.

Disoriented under him, Ivy’s legs quivered as she felt a sudden surge of heat and a wave of shocks that caused her to scream aloud paralyzed with sheer pleasure. Going limp under him, she breathed heavily, heart pounding painfully and stared at him in awe as his body tensed and then thrust widely into her. Gazing into her wide brown eyes, he released himself with a surge of power so strong his vision blurred. He caught his breath with his eyes still fixed on her and kissed her softly.

Nicola was far too heavy a man to lie on top of her. Falling beside her, he threw his large arm around her, cocked one leg up and yawned. It took a moment for Ivy to get her barring. She looked over at him confused and exhausted but finally managing a smile. Their eyes met and he lifted her chin to kiss her again, thanking her for giving herself to him. She felt the warmness of his tongue inside of her mouth and was astonished that it still caused a stir inside of her. They kissed slowly basking in the comfort of his bed and their passionate embrace.

“I’m so tired,” she said nearly hoarse.

“Well, you better get some energy from somewhere, because I’m not finished with you yet,” he nudged her side and pulled her little body closer to him. “Are you happy?” He nuzzled his nose in her hair smelling the familiar lilac aroma.

Ivy spooned under him, feeling safe and happy and closed her eyes. “Very,” she said sliding under his covers. “Are you?” Her lazy eyes lifted to him hoping that she had satisfied him.

“More than I’ve ever been.” He kissed her lips gently and rubbed through her tangled hair.






Morning came quickly for Nicola. He found himself under Ivy who lay on his chest sleeping quietly in the nude under his comforter. Looking over at the clock on his nightstand, he was amazed that it was nearly 7:30. He carefully pulled her off of him and reached for his phone. Dialing Brooks, he yawned and stretched trying to drag himself to the bathroom.

“Yeah,” Brooks said pouring a cup of coffee at the precinct.

“You’re already at work?” Nicola closed the bathroom door, ran his fingers over the light switch and turned the water on in the sink.

“It is 7:30.” Brooks tasted his coffee. “Ugh, too sweet. Where are you?”

Nicola yawned again throwing a towel under the hot water. “I’m at home. Look, I won’t be coming in today. So, pass that on, and I’ll get back with you later.”

“Wait! Superman isn’t coming to work?” Brooks chuckled. “Is Ivy there?”
Nicola caught himself remembering that Ivy was not just another girl. “No, man. She left early last night. Believe me, it was totally uneventful. I’m just not feeling good. I think that food last night made me sick.” He lowered his voice to a near whisper as he lied.

“Oh,” Brooks said disappointed that there were no juicy details. “Well, I’ll pass it on. Get better. I’ll holler at you after work.”

“Alright,” Nicola said wiping his face. Hanging up, her realized that he hadn’t called into work in over three years. “I need a break,” he said aloud looking at his tired face in the mirror. He opened the bathroom door quietly, turned off the light and decided to crawl back into bed before Ivy woke up. There was no reason to ruin the morning.

Near noon, Ivy awoke from her peaceful slumber. Nicola was sitting up in bed watching television and rubbing in her hair. He had gotten up and slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms and made himself a sandwich while she was sleeping. He chomped away watching ESPN and gulping down a can of Dr. Pepper. In the middle of an intriguing thought he paused mid-bite and realized that she was watching him. He smiled, revealing his dimples, swallowed hard and pulled her from under the covers. He was happy that Ivy was finally up; he had longed for hours to talk to her.

“Good morning,” she said realizing that she was still in the nude. Pulling the sheet over her exposed breasts, she stretched.

“You’ve nearly missed it,” Nicola said offering her his sandwich. “Some?”

“No,” she said waving it away. “Well, maybe just a little,” she said recognizing that she was starving. Taking a big bite, she laughed as mustard fell on his chest.

“Damn, girl,” he said laughing. “Now, you have to kiss it off,” he said pulling at her head.

“You’re so freaky,” she licked the condiment off his chest with her tongue. “There, is that better?”

Nicola looked at Ivy for a moment as she sat before him gleefully disheveled. Her long flowing locks graced her bare shoulders and back. Her wide brown eyes stared through him causing a stir not only in his silk jammies but also in his heart. He touched her chin and then straddled her long, shapely body on top of him. He could watch her all day if she let him. Embarrassed, she finally spoke trying to ease the sexual tension.

“How many times did we make love last night?” she asked leaning forward on his chest.

“I lost count,” he said in a husky whisper. “Why, nymph? Do you need more?” He put his hand on her bare bottom to discover it was still as soft as a baby’s.

Ivy laughed and then kissed his heart shaped lips. She needn’t say a word. She could feel him coming to life under her. He traced her face with his fingers, quietly looking at her, making sure that he had committed every mole, scar, curve, inch to memory. Rolling over on top of her suddenly, she smiled as he lifted his hips.

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