Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux (44 page)

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Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux
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Chapter 24




Ivy Marie Winters, Summa Cum Laude with Honors and Distinction and Valedictorian,”
the dean of students read aloud over the microphone in front of the packed auditorium. Walking across the stage, Ivy heard screaming and shouting of her name, her sorority sisters screaming their call, flashing lights and cameras watching her every step. Taking her degree and shaking the college president hand, she let a small tear fall onto her cheek.

The day had been perfect. She gave a remarkable speech and received a standing ovation earlier. Her entire family was present and proud, and Grey had rewarded her for her wonderful success with a real pearl necklace from Tiffany’s. Trina had walked only moments before her and stood on the side waiting to give her a congratulatory hug. Emerald waited patiently with two-dozen pink tea roses, and her father gave her a debit card that was linked to a banking account filled with rewards.

As she took her picture with the president of the college, Ivy felt his arm around her waist and him whisper, “Job well done, Ms. Winters.” This was a coming out party of sorts for Ivy. During her speech, she had revealed to the world that she was an expecting mother who would not fall down to and wallow as a failed statistic, but that she would rise and lead her children into a bright new world full of limitless opportunities. Tears filled her eyes even now at how proud she was to finally acknowledge her children and forget what the world would say about it.

“I now present to you our newest graduated class of Bryton-Ritz College,” the dean said as the students stood up and threw up their caps. Ivy and Trina screamed to the top of their lungs with huge joyful teardrops staining their gowns.

“I love you,” Trina said kissing Ivy on the cheek.

“I love you, too,” Ivy said reaching inside of her gown. “Here, I have something for you.” Pulling out a gold charm bracelet with their initials on a dangling heart she gave on to Trina and put one on for herself. “To celebrate out lives together.”

That evening after a long celebration and dinner with family, Ivy hung her degree on her wall and stared at it for hours as she sat in her bed curled up with her pillow and cup of tea. She had not given up or given in to the obstacles that seemed to have crowded her life all of sudden. She had managed to also keep her fiancé despite her relationship and circumstance with Nicola. She had a job awaiting her after her honeymoon and a beautiful wedding coming up in less than two months. She had God to thank for everything, and yet she deserved nothing.

Then, he crossed Ivy’s mind and she had to stop thinking of her accomplishments and focus on the man who could be classified as her one big failure. Nicola. She wondered had he been at the graduation somewhere. Had he thought of her special day? She knew inwardly that all of this affected him. She knew inwardly that he loved her, and she loved him. But she hated the distance between them. She had tried for months to understand why he had pulled away, but there was no logical explanation. When she looked in his eyes, she still saw it. When he did things for her, she still saw it. When she closed her eyes and thought of him late at night, she still felt it. Love. So what was keeping him so far from her reach?

“Hey, lady,” Emerald said knocking on the door.

“Hey, come in,” Ivy said sitting up in bed. “What are you still doing here,” she asked yawning.

“I just wanted to tuck you in since your knight in shining armor isn’t here to do it.” Emerald sat on the bed. “I like that guy less and less.”

“Grey’s just busy. His work and school take up a lot of his time. I have to be willing to…”
“Save it, Ivy,” Emerald said tucking the covers around her bulging body. “My nephews need to hurry up.” He touched her stomach. “Wow. You are getting huge.”

“Tell me about it,” she looked at the clock. “Well, I’m going to call it a night.”

“Alright,” Emerald said rubbing her hair. “Sleep well.” Closing the door to her bedroom, he turned off her light.






“Is she asleep in there,” Trina asked as she sat curled up on the couch with a bag of potato chips.

“Yep, it’s been a long day for her,” Emerald said sitting beside her.

“Do you want a sip?” Emerald asked offering his glass of Peach Schnapps.

“No, I can’t.” Trina said looking twice at the glass.

“Are you sure? It’s your graduation night.” He sat down beside her and allowed her to put her head on his shoulder. He yawned. “When I graduated, I don’t believe I turned down a drink.”

“I found out something day before yesterday.” Trina said turning to Emerald.

“What? You’re allergic to Peach Schnapps.” He put his hand in her bag of potato chips.

“No, I’m pregnant.” Trina smiled as she rubbed her stomach. “And I’m scared as hell.”

“Damn,” Emerald said looking at his glass. “I must really be messed up, because I could have sworn that you just said that you were….”

“Pregnant? I did.” She lifted her head.

“Trina, how can you be pregnant?” Emerald sighed. “I’m lost.”

“Brooks and I celebrated our engagement a little too hard the night before he was killed, I guess.” She sighed. “You know, my whole life up until this point has been about me, but I’m not going to make the same decision that I did before. I refuse to have another abortion. It’s just that I never wanted to raise a child alone. Brooks promised me that I would never have to, and I trusted him. And even though it’s not his fault, look where I am right now.”

“You can’t feel bad that you two were planning to have a family. You can’t blame yourself for his death. That’s crazy. You have to put in God’s hands.” He placed his hands over hers. “As strong as you are, you will be fine.”

“You sound like my mom. Thanks for having more confidence in me than I have in myself.” She patted his hand.

“I want to kiss you right now,” Emerald said touching her chin.

The mood had changed suddenly without Trina even noticing. “Don’t. You don’t even know the half of it.” Trina thought of Nicola.

“Why…” he frowned. “What’s wrong with me? Does my breath stink?”

“It’s not you, Emerald.” Trina felt that she could trust Emerald and her heart ached to tell someone the secret that was keeping Nicola out of Ivy’s life and her only inches from being kicked out of her apartment. “Can you keep a hideous secret?”

Emerald looked around and whispered. “Yeah.” He smiled mischievously. “No, seriously, what is it?”

“Some years ago when Ivy and I were just sophomores in college, and she was really into Grey
and no one else
, I was brand new in my relationship with Brooks. Well, I found out that he was cheating on me with a girl from U of M. So, I got really, really drunk at one of his parties he was throwing and went to his extra bedroom to lay down. Now, I didn’t realize that there was a hard body passed out cold and in the darkness beside me until I rolled over. But I thought that it was a perfect way to get back at Brooks. I didn’t know who it was, and I didn’t care. I just assumed that it was cop, because that’s all that Brooks hung out with. Well, I climbed on top of the guy in my stupidity, and he woke up. We had our way with each other. He never said a word the entire time. I heard him grown a few times, and I felt the softness of his hair. But I never…When he got up to go to the restroom and turned on the restroom light, I realized that it was Brooks’ best friend…Nicola.” Trina watched Emerald’s eyes for outraged. When she saw there was none, she continued.

“He was so hammered that he passed back out while trying to wash his face in the restroom. I left him there on the floor, got in my car and went home in total shock. Brooks never suspected that I had been with Nicola. A month later, I found out that I was pregnant. It could have been either one of them. But I wasn’t sure. Needless to say, he didn’t even remember sleeping with me, but on my word, he took me and paid for an abortion at this clinic where this girl he had be messing off with worked. I don’t know how Grey knows, but he does. And he’s been holding it over Nicola’s head to keep him out of Ivy’s life.” She paused for a moment. “I never wanted them to hook up, because of what I did.” She began to cry. “This is all my fault, for real.”

“Shh,” Emerald said putting his fingers on her lips. “It’s okay. We all make mistakes. Maybe not always that big, but it’s understandable.”

“Promise me that you won’t tell Ivy,” she begged frantically.

“I would never do that. She would definitely kill the messenger on this one,” Emerald said understandingly. “But I still don’t understand why you won’t let me kiss you.”

“Isn’t what I told you just now enough reason?” She sat stupefied.

“No,” Emerald said softly.

“Aren’t you still married?” Trina asked thinking about Kakeline.

“Not really. I sent the divorce papers back two weeks ago. I’m good. In two more weeks, I’ll be legally a free man.” He pulled her to him.

“I don’t think that this is a good idea.” She said feeling her strength wane in his strong arms.

“Liar.” He could see how badly she wanted to be with him.

“Don’t call me a liar.” She shifted in her seat.

“So you’re not lonely?” He knew that was the million-dollar question.

“Damn right, I’m lonely.” What was he getting at?

“So what are you waiting for? You need to move on with your life. You’re so young.”

“I’m not finished grieving.” She still didn’t know how to feel about Brooks’ sudden death.

“So when will you finished? I’ll make an appointment.” He took her hand.

“Stop playing with me.” She pulled away.

“Who said I was playing?” His voice rose slightly as he moved closer to her. He could tell that she was about to give in to him, because her bottom lip quivered.

“I can see it in your eyes.” Trina rolled her eyes as a defense mechanism.


“Lust and bullshit.” She threw him off guard.

“So, you looked right over the love and admiration to see lust and bullshit?” Emerald was stunned at Trina.

“How could you be in love with me in only a few months.”

“I don’t know how; I just am.”

“Okay. I’ll let you prove it.” Trina put her hand on his shoulder. “Go ahead and kiss me right now.”

“With what understanding?” Now Emerald was confused.

“I can always detect love in a kiss. No fooling. So, yeah. Kiss me.” She puckered her lips and closed her eyes.

“Alright. Here goes.”

Emerald’s strong arms wrapped around Trina and pulled her close to him. Pleased with the warmness of her body, he grabbed Trina by the back of her head with one hand and wrapped the other around her waist. Moving her down in the couch, he laid on top of her kissing her softly and then firmly searching her mouth for all the sweet spots that lye hidden behind her sharp tongue. His passion seemed to suffocate her, and she found herself breathing heavily under him and taking in the smell of his cologne. When he let go of her, she slapped him.

“Okay, I’ve been told that I was a bad kisser, but this is a bit much.” He sat up confused still tasting her sweetness on his lips. “Really, what was that for?”

“For waiting so long to tell me.” She smiled. “Now, do it again once more so that I can be certain.”








































Chapter Twenty-Five: Surprise

Chapter 25




Well, Ms. Winters, you and the children are very healthy,”
the doctor said going over her notes with Ivy and Grey. “All that I can tell you is to pack a nice little bag and keep with you at all times, because your due date isn’t far.”

“Before we finish here, I have a question,” said Grey who sat listening and watching attentively the entire visit as he normally did.

“Yes, Mr. Henderson.” Dr. Karkera loved to entertain the concerned fathers.

“Before she goes into labor, will there be any signs to let me know that it’s time, because I will be in and out of the city on several business trips that could not be cancelled.” He looked at Ivy lovingly. “I just don’t want to leave her unattended at such a critical time.”

“And you shouldn’t,” Dr. Karkera said leaning forward in her chair. “Someone should be with her or not far from her at all times. My best advice is to have a family member or friend on speed dial until your children arrive.”

“Well, we’ll surely keep that in mind,” Grey said uncrossing his long legs and standing. “As usual, thank you for all of your help,” he said offering his hand.

“It’s always a pleasure, Mr. Henderson. How are the plans for the wedding coming?”

“Great,” Ivy said jumping in on the conversation. She loved Grey’s enthusiasm, but sometimes she felt invisible when he was around.

“I do expect an invitation.”

“You’re at the top of the list, doctor,” Grey said opening the door for Ivy. “We’ll see you in two weeks.”






“I’m hungry,” Ivy said rubbing her stomach as they walked out of the doctor’s office.

“Me, too. Let’s grab a bite downtown.”

After they were seated at their favorite lunch spot, Buckley’s located in the hard of downtown on busy Union Avenue. They order their lunch and nestled into the dimly lit booth to enjoy the smooth sounds of Nat King Cole and great food. Known for its wonderful steaks but noted for its elegant and eclectic atmosphere, Buckley’s had been a long time favorite for the couple. It was where they had their first date and their first kiss.

“So, are you ready for everything that is about to happen?” Grey asked sipping his wine.

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