Jack (4 page)

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Authors: Amanda Anderson

BOOK: Jack
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Viki drug herself into the tiny apartment where she lived.  She hated it.  She hated the scarred paneling and the burnt orange carpet with the big stain that she tried to cover with a rug that she had found at a thrift shop.  She hated the crappy couch that had a smell she couldn’t identify and felt like sitting on concrete, but mostly she hated that it was the best she could do.  No matter what she did, no matter how hard she worked, this was the best she could do.  Her mother would be so ashamed of her and how would Jen feel about Bobby living in this dump?

She felt tears dampen her eyes.  She had lived in such a pretty home growing up, such a pretty town and Jen had always had a flair for decorating so her home always looked like it had come straight out of a magazine, but this was nothing but a dump.  Viki couldn’t even afford to spruce it up any.  She had to take the cheapest crap the thrift store had.  What she would give for a matching set of towels or a plate without a chip in it, but this was all she could afford.

There were no lacy curtains fluttering at the windows, just old, bent mini blinds.  There were no candles sitting on the table or flowers or even a decorative plant.  No, all Viki had was one framed photo of Jen holding Bobby and that had been something she had taken from the apartment Jen and Bobby had lived in after they’d left Jerry.  Bobby’s room was a little better.  She had brought a few of his things along to make anyplace they lived feel like home, but it still had the nasty looking carpet and a simple mattress on the floor.

Bobby deserved better, but she didn’t.  She was just as ugly as this place and just as low class.  She would never belong in a pretty place, not ever again.  She would always belong in the dirty places of the world, in the shadows.

Viki tried to shake off the mood that had been dragging at her since she’d left the bar, but she had been up since three a.m. and it was getting to her.  She was tired and feeling useless and that was a luxury she couldn’t afford either.  She’d talked to Naughty and been reassured again that everything would be alright and that she should tell Fish to fuck himself, but she couldn’t do that.  She couldn’t risk something happening to her.  What would happen to Bobby if the club killed her?

“Aunt Viki?” 

She sighed.  He was worth it.  He was worth it all and so much more.  “It’s me Bobby.  I’m home.”

Her heart ached in her chest for the little boy who looked up at her from his simple wheelchair.  He deserved so much more.

“You were gone a long time.  I was getting scared.”

His little face held worry.  Bobby was too young to worry like that, but he knew his father was still out there and he was afraid.  She ran her hand over his honey colored hair, so much like his mother’s had been.

“We are safe here Bobby.  I promised to keep us safe, remember?”

He nodded, but still looked worried.

“What’s up little mister?”  She asked as she squatted near his chair.

“Are you working so hard because of me?  Is it my fault that you are always so tired?”

“I’m working hard for us.  I want us to find a better place and better doctors for you.  I want us to be safe and happy.  That’s all I want.”

“I miss her aunt Viki.”

Viki felt her heart constrict.  “I miss her too baby.” She wrapped her arms around his little body.  “I miss her so much, but I have you now and I will do my best to take care of you.  She loved you so much.”

Jen had been so full of life and she had loved Bobby more than any mother ever had as far as Viki was concerned.  A man, a man had ruined everything.  Jerry had been good in the beginning.  He’d had a good job, been a good father, but that had changed when he’d lost his job and started drinking.  Then he’d started slapping Jen around.  When he’d made the mistake of taking his anger out on Bobby, Jen had walked away.  Jerry had gone into a rage and vowed to find her.  He’d said no woman would walk away from him and if she tried she would be sorry.  Jen had started saving that day and it had only taken her a little more than a month to scratch together the money to leave town.  A lawyer friend had helped her and had filed the divorce papers for free.  Viki had given Jen every penny of savings she’d had in the bank and sent every prayer she knew with her and her little boy.  Their only hope had been escape and Jen had known it.

It had taken Jerry almost a year, but he had found them.  He ran them over as they crossed the street after leaving Bobby’s first day of Preschool.    Bobby had been badly injured, but Jen had died on impact.  Viki had been called and had stayed by Bobby’s side as he fought for his life.  He won his battle, but the injury to his spine had been too extensive and he lost the use of his legs.

He’d lost everything because of one jealous man.  One man who thought he should have everything he wanted just because he said so.  One man who had thought he could treat a good woman any way he chose just because he was stronger.

Viki had sold everything she’d owned to pay for Jen’s funeral and Bobby’s medical bills, she would be paying them off for years, but he was worth everything she had to go through.  He was all she had left in the world and she would do anything to see him smile.

“Are you sure he can’t find us?”  His little voice shook with fear.

She wasn’t sure, but she couldn’t tell him that.  Jerry had been arrested, but he had fought the charges.  He’d gotten out on bail and had skipped town with help from a friend.  Custody of Bobby had been awarded to Viki and she had vowed to keep him safe even if she knew the police could do little to actually help her.  Instead of staying in town where Jerry knew he could find her, she’d disappeared and had left a trail out west before doubling back and becoming someone else.  She and Bobby had changed their names and she had found a guy who made fake identification.  She and Bobby had started a new life and Sherry Dunn and Matty Parker had become ghosts.

“We are safe baby.  Your dad won’t find us here.  We are far from anywhere he would look for us.”

“Ok.”  He whispered against her chest.

“Did you have a good day today?  Have fun at school?”

“Yeah, it was ok.”  He shrugged. 

“Was Mary here to meet the bus?”  She hated that she had to ask for help from her neighbor, but she had no choice.  She just couldn’t be everywhere.

“Yeah.  She stayed with me like she’s supposed to.  She just went next door to use the bathroom ‘cause she says you buy bad toilet paper.”

Viki laughed at that.  Mary was about eighty years old and was set in her ways, but she was good to Bobby and she was good for Viki too.

“There you are honey.  I was getting worried about you.”

Viki looked up into Mary’s dark face.  Her hair was as white as cotton and kept neat as a pen.  She wore a purple house coat and bright green slippers and a knowing smile.

Viki stood and walked to the little woman who was her only friend in the world.  She hugged Mary.

“Thank you for helping me.”

“Ehh, what else does an old woman have to do?  Plus, he is just a joy to be around.  That boy doesn’t fuss about a thing!  I’ve never been around such an easy going child in all my life.  I keep telling him he needs to be more difficult, but he gives me that grin and I know he just doesn’t have a lick of mischief in him.”

“I don’t know what I would do without you.”  Viki said with a sigh.  Mary had stepped in and filled a hole that seemed to have been sucking Viki under and she had done it with a smile.

“Oh honey.  You would do what you have done so far, you’d get through it.  Just get through it.”  Mary patted Viki’s cheek.  “I made some spaghetti sweetie.  You need to eat and get some sleep and I figured you wouldn’t have time to get to the store.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”  Viki said feeling guilty for taking anything from Mary who lived on a strict budget.

“Of course I didn’t have to.  That would take out all the fun.  Trust me dear, it’s completely selfish.  I wasn’t so nice when I was younger, maybe I’m trying to gain some points with the man upstairs now that I’m getting closer to meeting him.  I ate my fill and these are just leftovers and you know I don’t like eating old food.”

That had been Mary’s way of feeding them when things had been too tight to buy much.  She’d insisted that she hated leftovers and had made too much for herself.  Viki had known it for what it was, but had been too grateful to refuse the charity.

Viki was too tired to argue tonight either.  She drug herself to the shower and scrubbed until her skin burned.  Then she pulled on a pair of old sweats and a t-shirt and ate enough spaghetti to feed an army.  She went about getting Bobby’s things ready for school the next day before she realized it was Friday and he wouldn’t have school the next day.

She looked up at Mary.  “I will be home before he wakes up in the morning.”

“Alright sweetie.  I’ll watch him.  Don’t you worry about that.”

“Thank you Mary.  Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome honey, but you need to get your shit straight before you end up like your sister.”

Mary was right.  Things had gotten too dangerous for her to ignore.  She had to do something.






Jack still couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on with the books.  Someone was stealing money, but they were putting it back too.  Inventory was being moved around only to be replaced as soon as it was missed.  None of it made any sense.  No harm done really, but who would have the balls to fuck with the club like this? 

He scrubbed his hands over his face.  He needed a shave, but he didn’t care.  He didn’t care what he looked like anymore.  The women around the club didn’t care.  He had watched pretty young girls hang all over old dried up men just because they had a cut, because they were paid to.  Jack wanted to vomit every time he watched one of those fuckers with a girl young enough to be his kid.  What kind of life was this?  These men were called Defenders, but what did they defend?  Nothing but their wallets.

He slammed the door to his office as he left
  He needed to ride, to breathe.  He had to live again.  He had joined the club to lose this feeling of worthlessness that had come from his life of standing and watching bad things happen.  He had wanted to make a difference and he knew there was nobody who really cared in the main stream of things.  He had left that life.  He knew cops were corrupt and social workers just looked the other way if they were paid enough.  He had thought the club would be different.  Defend the helpless sort of thing, but they were just as bad and he was sick of it.  He was sick of feeling like a helpless kid again and tired of not being able to do a damn thing about it.

Jack pulled into the club’s compound before the sun rose.  He needed to crash and talk to Spec.  He was thinking he needed a break.  Maybe he’d head out on a run or something to clear his head.  A few days on the road sounded about right to him.

He stalked into the darkened room and movement caught his eye, Viki.

For some reason seeing her picking up after his brothers pissed him off more than was rational.  He stomped over to her, kicking some shank that slept on the floor.  He didn’t even stop.  He grabbed Viki by the arm and spun her around.  Her haggard face sent fury raging through his blood.

“Stop it.  Stop.  I have to finish.  I have to get back home…”

Jack ignored her.  He stalked back to the woman lying on the floor and he jostled her with his foot until she groaned.  She wouldn’t open her eyes so he walked to the wall and flipped on the lights.  He heard grunts and cursing, but he didn’t give a shit.

“Stand right fucking here.  Don’t you move.”  He said to Viki.

Then he walked back to the girl.  He grabbed her arm and stood her on her feet despite her curses and slapping at his hand. 

“Get this place cleaned up.”

“Not my job sweetheart.”  She slurred.

“Then get the fuck out and don’t come back.”

Her eyes widened, but she seemed to sober up.  He walked to three others and gave them the same treatment.  The four hang around women started cleaning up the mess in the clubhouse.  They were not a pretty sight.  Jack flipped off a few of the lights and took Viki by the arm again.

“What are you doing?  I need this job!”  She dug her heels in. 

“Why?  Why do you need to do this so bad?  Besides, I thought you weren’t doing this shit anymore.  Mrs. said you were no longer the club mouse so explain to me what the fuck you are doing here.” 

“That’s none of your business, but I can’t lose my job.  I volunteered for this.  I...I...I’m paying off a debt.”

She looked panicked.  “You won’t.  Trust me.  I will fix it with Mrs., but you don’t do this shit anymore.  You need extra money you come to me.”

Tears rolled down her face as they reached the kitchen.  Her eyes bore dark bruises under them and her cheeks were sunken.  She was killing herself.  She shook her head hard.

“You can’t do this shit.  Don’t you see what it’s doing to you?”  He wiped a tear away.  “I swear nothing bad will happen if you just let me take care of whatever shit is going on with you.”

She batted his hand away.  “I don’t care what it does to me.  I need the money and I need to stay alive.”

“So you will let them fuck you?  You will be their slave?  For what?  The money can’t be that good.  Let me help you.  Nobody will hurt you, I swear it.”

“It’s not for the money…  I don’t need your help!  I don’t need anyone’s.  You can’t keep me safe… he’s...”

He gripped her arms.  There was something.  He knew it and he had to know.  For some reason he had to know.

“Tell me.  You can tell me.  Who is threatening you and with what?”

“No.”  She fought his grip.  “I can’t tell or…”  She shook her head hard.  “I can’t tell.”

His lips crashed into hers without warning and she froze.  He hated that.  He hated that she would just take whatever he did to her.  He wondered if there was anything he could do to get a reaction from her. 

In that moment he wanted that.  He didn’t care if it was anger or passion, anything as long as it was something.


He had to know she still had it in her.

“You belong to me now.  You do as I say.  You stay with me.  You don’t leave my side unless I say so.  Do I make myself clear?”

There it was.  He saw a spark and it was beautiful.


She struggled like an animal in a trap.  What the hell was it about this woman?  Any one of those sweet butts in the next room would be purring like a kitten at the opportunity to belong to him.  Why would this woman work here if she didn’t want this as the end result?

“I didn’t ask sweetheart.”  He pinched her chin and lowered his lips again.  He wasn’t really trying to claim her, just get her dander up enough so she might slip and tell him what the hell was going on.

The slap sounded loud in the quiet kitchen.  His face burned and Viki looked like she would faint.  All color washed from her already pale face and her eyes went impossibly wide.

“I..I’m ssssorry.  I just, I can’t, please.”  She stammered.

Jack found his hand wrapped around her throat.  “You.  Are.  Mine.”  He gritted out.  “Anybody touches you and I’ll kill them.  How does that sound to you?  One hand reaches for you and I will fucking kill the bastard who thinks he can disrespect me.  Do you understand what I’m offering you Viki?”

Jack couldn’t focus.  He couldn’t see anything but the red fog that covered his vision.  He saw another face though.  He saw the crack whore that had been his mother.  He saw her acidic smile as she slapped her little boy.  He felt her nails biting into his neck as she choked him.  He sputtered for breath as she laughed.  He felt the warmth of his own piss run down his leg as she spoke of selling him to her sick boyfriend and his friends.  Heard her voice in his ears as she told him how beautiful he was and how he wasn’t good for anything but being pretty as she slid her hand between his legs to cup his dick.

He felt a cold splash on his face and shook his head hard.  He looked to Viki and saw her face turning red as she gasped for breath.

“Let her go now Jack.”  Candy stood holding a pitcher in her hand.  She looked scared, but she was pissed too.

He opened his hand and let Viki fall to the floor.

“What are you doing here Candy?  Where’s Spec?”  Jack said in a voice he didn’t recognize.  The memories were flooding his mind.  The laughter was too loud in his head and the words, “you are mine” echoed in his head until he had to grit his teeth to keep from screaming.

Bile rose in his throat and he swallowed it down.  He wasn’t that helpless little boy anymore.  He wasn’t standing in the spotlight while grown men used other boys.  He wasn’t standing on the stage while those same vile men bid on him while his mother told him to turn around and take off his clothes.  He was a grown man.  He had survived his hell and he was offering to help Viki survive hers too, but he couldn’t think and she didn’t understand that he only offered her sanctuary.

Just as one man had done for him that night long ago.

Candy interrupted Jack’s thoughts of his foster father, Ziggy to answer his question.

“Working on your money problem.  We stayed here last night.” She let her eyes fall to Viki.  “Everybody ok here?”

Viki nodded slowly, but didn’t move.  She looked terrified.


“Fuck.  Yeah, I’m fine.  Just… Yeah, fine.”  He said as he ran his hands through his thick black hair.

Candy stepped toward Viki.  She was a sweet woman.  Had her share of shit at the hands of the men in her life from what Jack had gathered, but she was happy now.  She had hooked up with Spec and he had treated her like a queen, but she had spirit.  Spirit always pulled you through the rough shit.  Viki was losing that.

“Leave her Candy.  This is my problem.  Something I need to handle.”  He met Candy’s eyes.  “I’m just trying to help and I lost it a little.  I won’t hurt her again.”  This time his eyes met Viki’s.  “Never again.”

Candy licked her lips.  “I get that, but she’s not really…”

“Stop Candy.  I’m not going to hurt her.”  Jack promised.

“Yeah, well forgive me if I have my doubts right now.  Looked like you were choking the life out of her to me and you still look sort of pissed.”

“Well look what I found.  I woke up hungry and I found a juicy morsel right here for me.”  Hank was a prospect, but he didn’t see that as low status when he was too drunk to think straight.  He wasn’t a bad guy, just stupid like the others that had recently joined up.

Jack’s vision clouded again when he saw how Viki shrank from the trio of prospects standing in the doorway.  Had one of them been the one exchanging favors with her?  Threatening her?  Had they all?

“You touch her and I’ll cut your fucking throat.”  Jack gritted out.

“Calm down now Jack.”  Candy said in a slow, soothing voice.

Jack didn’t see why Candy was so cautious.  Jack could take Hank without breaking a sweat.

“You patching her then Jack?”  That was Wick’s voice.  Jack liked Wick, even if the guy was too cocky to be a prospect.  He had been in the coast guard and knew what loyalty was and honor, but he seemed to forget when a woman was involved.

Jack couldn’t focus.

“Viki, come with me now honey.”  Candy said slowly.  “Just come on with me.”

“She stays!  Get the fuck away from her.”  Jack screamed and everybody backed up.  What were they so afraid of?  He looked down and found his gun in his hand.  When had that happened?   He didn’t remember taking it out, but it felt good in his hand.  He remembered another time a gun had felt just right in his hand and his insides shook with rage.

He looked to Viki, but she wasn’t looking at him, her eyes were glued to Fish and he was looking back with a cocky grin.  Fury burned through Jack when Fish winked his bulging eye at Viki and made her flinch.  He lifted his arm, but something huge plowed into him before he could pull the trigger.

“Cut that shit out Jack.”  Choo-Choo said as he pulled the gun from his hand.  “Get a fucking grip man.”

“I’m going to kill that fucker.”  Jack struggled with Choo-Choo, but the effort was worthless.

“Ok.  Fine by me, but you tell me why first.”  Choo-Choo reasoned.  He wasn’t crazy about the new group of recruits either and one less wouldn’t make him lose any sleep at night.

The man was as big as a fucking bear.  Jack had no hope of escaping him until he was allowed to.

“Get the fuck off.”  He demanded.

“I like you man, but not that good.  Explain this shit.”

Choo-Choo’s eyes fell on Viki.  “Get her out of her, somebody get the fucking mouse gone.”

“No.  Don’t fucking touch her.”  Jack renewed his fight when Fish stepped toward Viki and she whimpered.

“That explains that then.”  Choo-Choo stood up and let go of Jack.  “Fish, I hope you don’t piss your pants.”  He turned to the other prospects who now looked serious.  “Take Fish out to the shed.  Jack wants to have a talk with him.”

The others nodded as Fish started to protest.  Viki’s eyes were huge.  Jack caught Candy shake her head as Viki opened her mouth.

“Me and you need to talk first.  Candy go get Spec and call Tommy and Gator, fuck, call Law too.  I’m not sure who else might be able to reason with him.  Mike?  Hell, just see who you can get out here and let’s figure this out.” 

Candy nodded and rushed out the back door.  Choo-Choo turned to Viki.

“Explain.  Now.”


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