Jackson [Wolfe Brothers 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (9 page)

BOOK: Jackson [Wolfe Brothers 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Jackson, along with several other Masters, was beating the hell out of him. His large fist pummeled the other man’s face. It took two of the bouncers from upstairs to actually pull Jackson off of him. The police were called and the matter was taken care of.

Jackson carried Onalee out of the dungeon downstairs up to the second floor. “I’m sorry, baby,” he said as he stripped her out of her clothes. “I’m so sorry.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” she whispered as she held the pack of ice they’d given her downstairs to her blackening eye. “How did you know?”

“Cherise, the coat-check lady, saw you. She wears a radio, and notified the man working the bar. I heard it and came running.” He removed the leash but not the collar as she stood before him naked.

“Aren’t you going to take this off, too?” she asked him as she fingered it. His hands caressed her body as if he was making sure she was safe.

“Not hardly.” His voice deepened as he explained. “I spent a year getting you to this point. I’m not going back now.”

“But I’m not…”

“You’re mine, Onalee. When I saw that asshole trying to hurt you, I wanted to kill him. I’m not letting you go. I can’t.” He tugged her closer so that his face was buried in the hair at the nape of her neck. “Please don’t ask me to.”

“Jackson?” Her eyes clenched as she tried not to get too hopeful. She’d have given anything if he was trying to tell her he loved her, but she knew that was far-fetched as well.

“Think about it,” he ordered as he led her to the bathroom. “First, I’m sure you’d enjoy a hot bath, right?” He had her sit on the toilet seat as he turned the water on. He adjusted the temperature where he thought it would do her the most good and added some Epsom salts to ease her aches. After helping her into the tub, he knelt at the edge and used a big sponge with a light, floral-scented bodywash to clean her body.

When he considered her clean, he left her to soak with the order for her to call him when she was done. Onalee watched him leave with mixed emotions. He was acting strangely, or so she thought so. Was he simply guilty because she’d been in his care and gotten hurt, or did he really want to be with her? How long would she be able to keep his interest if he did want her?

She dozed off considering the possibilities.

He was still snarling when he left the bathroom. Where the hell had that asshole come from, and why did he attack his woman? He should have fucking killed the asshole! His body was still vibrating with anger, muscles tense, the urge to kill strong. He tossed the empty bottle of beer into the trash and grabbed another. Hell, he thought, he’d need to be damned drunk to make it through the night.

The beer helped him to relax a little. When he went to check on her, she was sound asleep in the tub, about to go under the water. He managed to drain the tub and get her out, dried off, and into bed without waking her. After stripping off his clothes, he climbed into the bed and held her tightly against him. Sleep came slowly for him as he felt her breathing softly beside him. He knew, in that instant, he wanted to be with her forever.



Chapter 11


When he woke, he found himself alone with a note on the pillow on her side of the bed. She gave him some song and dance about leaving him so he could think about things. Disgusted, he dressed and headed out.

He and his sub were going to have a little talk. He fumed as he drove the back way to her house. He didn’t need any freaking time to think things through. He knew he wanted her. He’d known she was his when she first came for the job interview, from the quiet but determined way she held herself during the job interview to the dedication she showed to everything she did. He knew he wanted to be the one to give her happy tears and kiss away the sad ones. He knew he couldn’t live with just the little snippets of time he got to spend with her at work. In fact, they’d settle this shit today!

Someone was pounding on her door. Onalee put her coffee down and stiffly moved across the room to answer it. She caught him with his fist in the air as he prepared to pound on the wooden structure yet again.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he barked out as he pushed his way inside the apartment.

“I was just…” She didn’t get to finish as he shut the door and pulled her with him to the sofa.

“Are you trying to drive me crazy?”

“Jackson, I was just giving you time to think things through. I knew you were upset about last night.”

“You’re damned right I was upset, but not as fucking pissed as I was to wake up to an empty bed.” His cheeks were ruddy with color as he raged. “You’re not leaving me.”

“Take a deep breath, Jackson. You need to relax.”

“What I need is you!” He pulled her down onto his lap. “I love you, honey,” he grunted before his lips caught hers in a fiery kiss. His tongue forced its way past her lips and worked her into a lather, rubbing and stroking against hers until she was squirming in his lap. Reluctantly, he pulled his mouth from hers but kept her locked safely in his arms.

Onalee rested her head against his chest as she tried to catch her breath. “Jackson, you don’t need to feel guilty.”

“Huh?” His hand captured hers and rested it against his erection. “Do you really think that’s because I feel guilty over what happened last night?”

“I’m beginning to think anything with breasts can get that reaction from you.”

“Your ass is going to be sore if you keep this up.”

“I think you only do that because you like to whip asses.” She giggled against him as she stroked his cock though his jeans.

“Oh, that’s true enough, especially your ass. It turns such a brilliant shade of pink when I spank it. It makes my dick so hard I could cut glass with it.” His big hand cupped her butt as he rubbed her against him. “You’re evading the topic.”

“No, I don’t think you can get hard because of guilt.” Sighing, she slipped her hand down the front of his pants and fingered his erection. His hand caught hers and stopped her exploration.

“How do you feel about me, honey?”

She stared into his black eyes and wet her lips. Why was it so hard to bare her soul to him? “I love you, too, Jackson. I have for a while, but…”

One minute she was sitting in his lap, and the next she was sprawled out across the sofa with his big body holding hers down as he tried to meld his body to hers. His tongue buried itself in her mouth as he kissed her. He caught her hands and held them above her head before his mouth released hers.

“There are no buts,” he informed her. “You belong to me now.”

“I don’t know that I want to go back to the dungeon, Jackson. I’m sorry because I know you like it there.”

“I can live without it, honey. Besides, we can make our own dungeon.” His teeth nipped her lower lip. “I think I owe you something.”

“What?” She giggled against him before he flipped her up over his lap.

“A spanking, dammit! You scared the hell out of me when you were gone this morning.” With her giggling and Jackson struggling to get her pants down, neither one of them thought to go to the bed. She got the spanking she wanted almost as much as he enjoyed giving it to her.







A year later, friends and family gathered in the old church in Excelsior Springs that Jackson’s family had been attending for generations. People had packed the small church for the wedding of the last Wolfe brother.

Onalee smiled as she slowly walked down the aisle to Jackson. His family filled two of the front aisles of the church as they waited for the ceremony to begin. The piano music came to a halt as she stood beside Jackson.

They recited their vows before the group, and Jackson kissed her to the applause of the masses. The reception was being held at the Wolfe property. His parents had opened their house up for the gathering.

She hadn’t been left alone with Jackson for the last week or so. Onalee had important news, but with the wedding plans in action, she’d been kept busy. And if she wasn’t busy with that, Jackson’s family had kept her occupied. It was almost as if they were trying to keep them apart so it would drive Jackson nuts.

She snickered as Ms. Dottie cut in on Jackson’s conversation with his brothers and led him onto the makeshift dance floor. She giggled when Jackson’s eyes bugged out as Ms. Dottie copped a good feel of his butt, and she’d never seen him move so fast as when he put her hands in his to lead around the floor.

Caleb had come to the wedding as well. He had his date on the dance floor. Leigh was a beauty with black hair, brown eyes, and a submissive nature, and he couldn’t seem happier.

One of his brothers, Yuma she thought, decided to save Jackson. She watched as Jackson made his way to her through the people dancing.

“Mrs. Wolfe, have I told you how much I love you today?”

“Maybe…I can’t seem to remember. Maybe you can show me a little later.”

“If we hadn’t invited all these people, I could be showing you now.” He growled as he brought her close to him.

“They’re your family, Jackson.”

“Our family, honey.” He kissed the new collar he’d placed on her neck the same day he’d given her the engagement ring. This one was a gold necklace with a ruby heart that he’d locked into place.

“Our family then.” She took his hand and brought it to her slightly thickening waistline. “Our family just keeps getting bigger, Jack.”

His eyes flared as his hand rubbed against her belly. “What?”

“I’m pregnant. I took the test yesterday morning. I…” She didn’t get to finish as his mouth cut hers off. His lips meshed to hers, and his tongue delved inside. The kiss didn’t seem like it would ever end as she moaned against him, but the applause finally got his attention. His lips left hers as he looked up at the friends and family cheering them on.

“Go away.” He laughed as he pulled her out of the room and outside the house. “I have one request, honey.”

“What?” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she snuggled closer to him.

“Let’s not name our kids after the towns they were conceived in like my folks did. I really don’t want to have an Independence Wolfe.” Their laughter was heard as they snuck to their car and headed for their honeymoon.









I was born in Kansas City, Missouri and spent the first part of my life in Independence. Later, I moved to Georgia where I have resided ever since.

I am married with one son, five cats, four turtles, and a dog. I have been an avid reader all my life. I even got my Master’s degree in Reading.

In high school, I began to write with earnest. I so badly wanted to become a writer. After a conversation with my health occupations teacher, I lost confidence in my abilities as a writer and put it on hold for ten years or so.

After suffering a lay-off, I decided to try my hand at writing again. I have really enjoyed doing what I love so much – putting the characters I love in stories.



For all titles by Kaylee Feagans, please visit









Siren Publishing, Inc.


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