James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (21 page)

BOOK: James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Jessica sucked in a sharp breath and lifted off Boyd’s chest. “I didn’t see you. How long have you been standing there?”

“Since Boyd buried his face in your pussy.”

She glanced down at Boyd as if to ask if he’d known. He grinned. “I knew he was there. Did I forget to tell you?”

The beautiful blush across her cheeks was so sweet he wanted to hug her and never let her go.

“I can’t believe I didn’t notice.”

“See. It isn’t terrible to be watched, is it?”

Jessica leaned her head to one side. “But I didn’t know you were watching. It’s different.”

“Then let me have a turn, and Boyd can watch us. You’ll know he’s looking at every kiss, pinch and thrust.”

* * * *

Jessica, still straddled over Boyd with his cock thrust deep in her body, shuddered as Deacon outlined a voyeuristic and exhibitionistic plan she was certain she would enjoy.

“I don’t mind if either of you watch. It’s strangers that make me nervous. The idea of climbing on to a stage makes me want to faint.”

“Explain to me why.”

She looked down at the body she’d always been so convinced wasn’t worthy. “Because I’ll look like a fool in front of others.”

Deacon came toward the bed. He climbed on to it and wrapped his arms around her before asking, “Why on earth would you say that?”

Jessica decided to tell them the truth she’d hidden. It didn’t matter, since the next conversation would be about how she couldn’t be with them because of her job.

Boyd returned. “Okay then, we’ve already discussed your perfect breasts, so I won’t even comment on the idiotic word flat-chested. Is there something specific that happened to make you so upset about getting on a stage?”

She sighed. “When I was twelve, there was this woman my dad dated who apparently wanted to impress him. So she talked him into letting me enter a beauty pageant. I remember it was the first time I thought I was pretty. Until the talent portion of the show I hadn’t been expecting started. I wasn’t prepared for it. I didn’t know what to do. I totally froze onstage. I literally couldn’t move. It was horrible.”

Jessica stopped to wipe the tears from her eyes before continuing. “All I remember is lots of laughter and finger-pointing at me. The director of the show screamed at me to get off the stage if I wasn’t going to perform. He said not to bother coming back because I had the grace and charm of a water buffalo. The woman my dad was with had to come up onstage and drag me off. She yelled at me the whole way down the steps through the rest of the group still laughing at me. And then she made me feel even worse afterward. Like I’d personally ruined her life by being frightened during the competition. So I have never attempted stage work again.”

“Never?” Deacon asked.

She shook her head. “I had a class in college where a letter grade depended on my getting onstage. I took the B. Pissed me off because I lost my 4.0 average. Seriously, even the thought of getting on a stage makes me want to hyperventilate.”

They exchanged a glance. Deacon said, “I’m so sorry, sugar. I hate that you suffer with this.”

Jessica stared first at Deacon and then at Boyd. “I don’t want to embarrass you in front of all your club members. I’ll look like a fool in front of others. There is not a doubt in my mind that I will freeze like an ice maiden the second I step foot on that stage. At this point I’m certain that the only way I’m getting on a stage is if you get me drunk on my ass. I’m talking blackout, missing-time drunk.”

“We aren’t going to get you drunk, sugar. We’d never do that.”

She wiped away a tear. “I don’t see another way.”

Boyd looked at Deacon. Deacon looked at Boyd. They both nodded. “We won’t ever make you do anything to scare you like that. We can show you the stage and ensure no one is watching. And hopefully we will keep you so busy with orgasmic bliss that you won’t even realize where you are.”

“You think I should face my fear?”

Deacon shrugged. “Not so much face your fear as much as not let the fear control you. No one should live their life in fear. We will not do anything in the Stadium if and until you are ready. We aren’t trying to prep you for a career on the stage. And make no mistake, you are lovely. Not homely. Not flat-chested.”

Nothing incurred her panic and fear like the idea of climbing onto a platform. She was perfectly fine at her concierge desk, but if she had to climb onto a platform to get there she would have changed jobs long ago. She lifted her shoulders and lowered them, unconvinced that she’d be able to overcome this incapacitating fear.

“I may not be homely, but I’m certainly no beauty queen.”

“Guess we’ll have to spend the next fifty years or so ensuring you know how gorgeous you are,” Boyd said.

“Fifty years.”

“That’s just Boyd’s initial standard marriage contract length. We can make it longer if you want.”


“Of course.”

“How can I marry the both of you?”

“We’d have a wedding ceremony by law, and one of us would be the groom, and the other would be the best man. In our own private special ceremony, we can do whatever you like.”

“Who’s name would I take?”

“Whichever one you wanted. Jessica Caldwell sounds just as good as Jessica Wilder.”

She shook her head. They were making her forget her job again. “Wait. I can’t marry either of you. And not just because of my irrational stage fear.”

“Why not? We promise not to make you have sex in front of other people until you’re ready, even if it takes fifty years.”

“You’re sweet, but I still can’t do it. I came here tonight with the idea that this would be the last time.”

Boyd cocked his head to one side. “You’ll have to explain that to me. Because we need to talk you out of it immediately.”

She couldn’t help the quick smile that shaped her lips, but then she got serious. “I am career focused. I’m a workaholic.” She paused. “The thing is, my job might be in jeopardy. I can’t lose my job. Not for any reason.”

“I know for a fact that can’t be true.” Deacon looked like he was very sure of that.

She looked at him quizzically. “Well, it is. Someone, I suspect Gregory, deleted an important file right before a bigwig from corporate headquarters was due to arrive for a walk-through.”

“What happened?”

“I couldn’t find the file, but I’d made sort of an illegal copy and put it on my keychain flash drive.”

“So you
have the procedures file?”

“Yes. But it didn’t exactly show me in the best light in front of the hotel manager when I told him I had an unauthorized copy on my personal flash drive. Bottom line, I need to focus on my job. You two distract me. I don’t want to stop seeing the two of you. But I can’t let my limited time off sidetrack me.”

Deacon looked her straight in the eye. “I’m not going to apologize for that.”

“I don’t need an apology. I need to find out who’s trying to ruin my career.”

“Can’t we find out who deleted the file?” Boyd asked.

Jessica frowned. “How could you even have access to the files?”

Deacon pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. “Hey, Clay. Look something up for me. I know you have ways to access any computer from your security fortress.”

Boyd brushed a hand down her arm as if in reassurance.

“The Ryder Hotel in town.” Deacon looked at her. “What’s the name of the file that got deleted?”

She told him, and he relayed the name to Clay. “How long will it take to find out when it was deleted and who did it?”

He nodded and hung up. “Clay said to give him ten minutes. I’ll bet it won’t take him that long.”

“How are you able to do illegal searches at the hotel? Don’t you have to have a warrant or something?”

Deacon smiled. “No.”

“Why not?”

“The same reason why I know you’ll never lose your job there. It will be yours for as long as you want it.”

“And that reason is?”

Deacon moved closer. His expression soft, but intent. He grabbed her hand gently, as if he was about to impart bad news. “Sugar, we own the Ryder Hotel. We’ve owned it since it was constructed.”

Jessica’s mouth dropped opened. Then it closed. Before she could open it again, Deacon’s cell phone rang. He grinned, winked at her, and then answered.

“Yes, Clay.” Deacon listened for several minutes then said, “Thanks, Clay. And no, we don’t need any action at this time. I’ll let our lead concierge handle the fallout.” He hung up.

“What did he say?”

“The file was deleted this morning using the general manager’s, Karl something’s, computer. The time stamp on the deletion was during a time when you were engaged with two excellent witnesses on your behalf. Okay?”

She nodded. “Great. Except for the fact that now I realize I’m sleeping with my bosses.”

“Not exactly. We own it. However we are not involved in the day-to-day operations. We’re more like silent partners.”

“So that job you offered me when we first got together. Will you actually need a concierge for it someday? Or was that just a come-on to talk to me.”

“Possibly there will eventually be a job, but not for quite a while. And, yes, I just wanted to talk to you longer.”

Jessica nodded and smiled. “Aha. I’ve found you out. Okay. I’ll keep my job at the Ryder Hotel until such time I can transfer to this private property and work. Think of the perks I’d have.”

“Sugar, we’ll let you run the Ryder Hotel if you ever desire it. Or you can run the year-round operations we’ll eventually have here on the DRMC property. Or better yet, you can do both since you’re such a workaholic. You’ll probably demand it. But at the end of the day, we want you to be with us.”

Jessica wrapped her arms around Deacon’s neck. “I can do that.”

Boyd stood up. “Good. Now I want to watch some sex. Get to it, both of you.”

“You okay with Boyd watching us?”


“Will you ever believe us when we tell you that you’re beautiful, and there is no possible way you could ever embarrass us in any public venue?”

“It’s possible. I will work on it. But well into the future. Hopefully not fifty years.”

“Excellent. Then let’s have sex for Boyd. I’ve wanted you impaled on my cock for the past thirty minutes.”

“Good. I’ve wanted that exact thing, too.” Jessica kissed Deacon’s cheek.

Chapter Fourteen

Deacon climbed in bed with a beautiful and completely naked Jessica. He loved this woman. Her bravery in eventually wanting to serve their often hedonistic needs warmed his heart. They didn’t need for her to submit to being watched onstage immediately. They could certainly secure the Stadium for a private date when she was ready. And perhaps they could decorate the stage to look more like a boudoir, or perhaps a sultan’s pillowed and scarf-filled haven, so she wouldn’t be so nervous about having her feet on a cold, hard stage.

“Mr. Wilder. What a big cock you have.” Jessica said suddenly, and grabbed his dick with gentle care. The softness of her fingers stroking his shaft made the wily beast pulse in her hand.

“I love it when you touch me, Miss Troy.”

Boyd groaned from the club chair on the other side of the room. He’d put his jeans back on, but left his shirt off. “Damn, the formal titles make me hot.”

Jessica smiled and worked his cock up and down and squeezed him. On all fours over her, Deacon lowered his head to suck a nipple between his lips. She arched her back into his face and gripped his cock with a delicious pressure.

The more she pumped, the closer he got to completion. He released her nipple and leaned toward the nightstand, ready to snag a condom.

“Did I ever tell you that I was on the Pill?” Jessica asked. He stopped in mid stretch and turned his head.


“I’m on the Pill to keep me regulated and so that ‘time of the month’ isn’t so painful.”

“You don’t say.”

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