Read Janet Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

Janet (15 page)

BOOK: Janet
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Scott changed the subject. “What do you for a living?” he asked.

“Now you’re grilling me?” Tony asked incredulously.

“I’m just curious,” he said as he ate his asparagus. “Babe, this is amazing.”

“Thank you,” I said with a smile.

“I’m a sports guidance counselor,” Tony said while he averted his gaze.

“Which is...?” Scott asked.

“I advise people on sports matters,” Tony said vaguely.

“He’s a professional sports better,” I said.

“No, I’m not,” my brother said quickly.

“Give it up, Tony,” I said. “I know that’s what you do.”

“I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations,” Tony said.

“I love betting on sports,” Scott said. “But I only throw in a few thousand dollars. Nothing crazy.”

Tony nodded. “You ever win?”

“Sometimes, but I probably make back the money I lost in other matches. It’s just about the game and hanging out with my friends.”

“If you’re interesting in gambling some real money, I could get you in,” Tony said.

“An omission of guilt,” I said with a smile.

“I’m just saying,” Tony said. “I know people.”

“And Scott isn’t doing that,” I said. “People lose their life savings doing that.”

“Stupid people,” Tony said. “Sports are totally rigged. You just gotta know a guy that has the inside scoop.”

I shook my head. “You could earn your living by putting your degree to use.”

“Nah,” my brother said. “Bee, you’ve been really quiet.”

“I don’t have anything to say,” she said while she played with her mashed potatoes.

My brother stared at her. “Your hair looks nice.”

“Liar,” she said.

Tony smiled. “If you looked like shit, I’d be the first person to mention it.
But Janet looks pretty ugly tonight.”

I glared at him. “You said I was beautiful a few weeks ago.”

“A lot can change.”

I kicked him under the table.

My brother laughed. “You know I’m kidding.”

Scott placed his arm over my chair. “I think you look gorgeous tonight.”

I blushed. “I try…”

“And you succeeded.”

Tony watched us. “I like him.”

Scott smiled. “I think I’m in.”

“You were in the moment my sister told me about you,” my brother said as he ate his chicken. “It was a done deal. I trust my sister’s judgment. In fact, I was worried the opposite would happen, that she would die alone.”

“You aren’t married,” I said.

“But I’m a guy. I don’t care if I get married.”

Scott looked at my brother. “That changed when I met Janet. I’ve felt differently ever since.”

Tony nodded. “Even though you’re a Yankees fan, I like you. Welcome to the family.”

I smiled. “
You charmed yourself into my brother’s heart.”

“It looks like I did,” Scott said with a smile.

Tony stared at him. “But if you fuck with my sister, I’ll kill you.” He said it with a straight face. The anger in his eyes made me shiver.

Scott nodded. “There won’t be a problem.

My brother smiled. “Good. We got everything straightened out.” He picked up his dish and put it in the sink.

“Your brother reminds me of a serial killer,” Scott whispered.

I laughed loudly. “He’s normally not weird like this. I swear.”

“I know he’s just protective of his sister. I’m the same way with Elisa. I felt so bad for her when we were growing up. She never had a date to formal, the prom, nothing because we scared all the guys off. The first boyfriend she had hated all of us. I’m surprised he stuck around as long as he did.”

“I do feel bad for her,” I said. “That must have sucked.”

“And we didn’t really accept her husband until he proposed. If he was committed to Elisa as long as he was, with us watching his every move, we knew he really loved her. From that day on, he was another brother in our family.”

“That’s a sweet story.”

He nodded but his eyes turned dark. “He passed away a few years ago.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” he said. “She’s getting remarried.”

“Well, that’s good.”


“You like him?”

“I like him a lot, actually. He’s a good guy and a good father. I know he’ll take care of my sister. Plus, he and Ethan work together so I know he’ll always be watched like a hawk.”

I sighed. “The Benedicts…”

He laughed. “We’re a bit crazy.”

“That’s an understatement.”

Scott turned to Beatriz. “Have you been sore this week?”

She smiled at him. “I can barely walk.”

“We’ve been doing good. Now we’re up to four miles.”

“I know,” she said.

I noticed that my sister only spoke to Scott. She ignored me and my brother altogether.

“So, do you still want to go tomorrow?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said. “But not on the weekends.”

“Definitely not,” he said with a laugh. “I wouldn’t survive.” He stood up and grabbed the remaining dishes and carried them to the sink. Tony was washing them and loading them into the dishwasher. My brother could be
an ass but he was a sweetheart at the same time. Scott helped him.

I looked at my sister. “I really did mean well.”

She glared at me. “I don’t want Mom to know.”

“You know Tony. He would never tell,” I said. “And he’s a master at lying. Mom still thinks he works as an administrator for a computer programming
company even though he knows hardly anything about computers. Don’t worry about it.”

She seemed a little relieved. “Okay.”

“Are we good?”

She nodded.

“I’m glad.”

The guys moved to the couch with their beers. They turned on a college baseball
game and started yelling at the refs. I sat beside Scott and pretended to be interested. He was bonding with my brother and I didn’t want to ruin that.

Scott placed his arm around my shoulder while he watched the game. They talked about the different players and the calls. I sat there, totally confused. I started to stare at my nails, wondering what color I should paint them.

When the game was finally over, Tony still didn’t leave. I wanted my brother to go because I wanted to fool around with Scott, but at the same time I didn’t want him to leave because Scott and I would have to talk about my job…

“Well, I should get going,” Tony said.

I cringed.

We walked my brother to the door.

“Thanks for dinner, sis,” he said as he hugged me. He kissed me on the forehead then pulled away.

Scott eyed us, his expression unreadable.

Tony turned to him. “If you get so annoyed with my sister that you want to punch her in the face, send her my way. I’ll take care of her.”

Scott laughe
d. “Thank you.” He shook his hand. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”

“The guys are getting together at the sports bar this week to watch the game. I want you there.”

Scott seemed surprised. “Of course. Text me when and where.”

“I will,” my brother said. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” I said. I shut the door then turned around, facing Scott.

His face was already burning with anger. I was amazed how quickly his mood had changed. Perhaps he was pissed the whole time but he kept up the façade. He pushed his hands against the door, boxing me in. “What’s going on?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I’ve just been having some problems at work.”

“What kind of problems?” he snapped.

“Why are you so angry?”

“What did Ryan do?”

I couldn’t believe he guessed that. “He just got upset and told the whole office I was a whore. Now all the guys come to my office and ask for sex.”

He clenched his fists. “Did you report it?”



“My boss said he wouldn’t do anything.”

Scott nodded. “Did Ryan threaten you?”

“He just said I deserved it.”

The rage was evident in his eyes. He was furious. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why do I have to find out from your fucking brother?”

I took a deep breath. “Calm down, Scott.”

He slammed his fist into the door. “You should have told me the moment it happened. I take care of you, not your brother.”

“I knew how you’d react.”

“Well, I would have been less pissed if you told me in the beginning.”

“I highly doubt that.”

He glared at me. “Don’t tempt me,” he said. “You’re quitting tomorrow.”

“I will when I find another job.”

“Did you not hear me?”

“And did you not know that I need to pay bills?” I snapped.

“I’ll give you the money.”

“I don’t want your money!”

“Too fucking bad,” he snapped. “I will not let my girlfriend be harassed at work.”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“And what if they try to rape you, post things online, follow you home?” He breathed through his anger. “Do as I say.”

“I don’t follow orders.”

“You follow mine,” he hissed.

I pushed him back then opened the door. “Get out.”



He grabbed the door and slammed it shut. “You can’t get rid of me. I’m too involved now. I will not let the woman I love be spoken to that way. I refuse to let it happen.”

“I don’t give a—wait. What?”

Scott still looked angry. “Quit your job tomorrow.”

“You love me?”

“Why is that surprising?”

“We—we haven’t known each other that long.”

“So what?” he snapped. “I dated a girl for two fucking years and I never fell for her. I just wasted my time with her, hoping the emotion would emerge. It happened with you immediately. I don’t believe in time frames or waiting until enough time has passed. My parents died never knowing they’d only live to be forty. That’s it. Forty. So, I don’t give a shit if it’s only been a month. I’m fucking in love
with you. And I know you love me too.”

I felt my heart race.

“Now quit your job,” he snapped.

I stared at him. “I will when I find another one. I won’t repeat myself.”

“And I guess I’ll have to. Quit your fucking job. I have more than enough money to take care of you. It’s just sitting in my fucking bank account.”

“I don’t want your money!”

“You’re so fucking annoying!”

I pushed him. “Get out now.” I opened the door again.

He guided me to the door and pinned me against the wood, pressing my hands against my sides. The crazed look in his eyes made me feel frightened. His body pressed against mine, making me feel small and weak. Scott grabbed my neck then kissed me, his lips sealing over mine.

I tried to fight it. I turned my head but he continued to kiss me. I gave into
the desire and kissed him back, daring my tongue into his mouth passionately. Our breaths came out heavy, and the sweat formed on our bodies. He released my arms so I could move my fingers through his hair. He picked me up and pressed me against the door, kissing me while he grabbed my hips.

I grabbed his neck and moaned into his mouth. Our earlier fight had disappeared in light of the heat I felt for him. His words of love came back to me. I could
n’t believe he said them. And by the sincere look in his eyes, I knew he meant them.

Scott carried me down the hall and into my bedroom. After he shut the door with this foot, he dropped me on the bed then pulled his shirt off.

I moaned when I saw his naked chest. I grabbed my own shirt and pulled it off.

Scott’s eyes widened when he saw my bra.

I sat up and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down along with his boxers. When his cock sprang out, I moaned.


“I know I’m cocky,” he whispered. He grabbed my pants and pulled them off. When my thong was gone, he stared at my body hungrily, his arms shaking. “You are—yeah.” He leaned down and kissed my inner thigh then moved to my neck. His cock pressed against me. It was thick and heavy. I grabbed it and massaged it.

Scott moved into my hand, making quiet sighs as he kissed my body. He unclasped my bra and kissed my bare tits. “You’re so beautiful, baby. I’m going
to come just from staring.”

My nails dug into his back. “Why don’t you come inside me instead?”

“Baby…don’t talk like that.” He grabbed my neck and kissed my lips, making me melt with every kiss.

I rubbed the head of his cock with my thumb, feeling the drizzle leak.

BOOK: Janet
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