Jasper (9 page)

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Authors: Faith Gibson

BOOK: Jasper
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Right as Jasper broke the kiss, his phone rang. “No fucking way,”
he cursed. Trevor retrieved the phone from his jeans since he was closer. When
he handed it to Jasper, he said, “Not again.”  Trevor tried to sit up to give
Jasper room, but he banded an arm around his waist, keeping him prisoner. “I’m
not done with you,” he said before barking into the phone. “Jenkins!”

Trevor couldn’t get up, so he decided to torment the detective
while he was on the phone. He licked a stiff nipple before biting it.
“Motherfucker!” Jasper exclaimed. Trevor jerked his head up so he could see
Jasper’s eyes. Maybe biting him wasn’t a good idea while he was on the phone.
When Jasper grinned, Trevor let out his breath. “No, I’ll be there.” Jasper
thumbed his phone off and tossed it on the floor. “Unfuckingbelievable. We have
another body. At least this time I get to take you with me.” He kissed him hard
on the lips. “Now, about you biting me…”



Chapter Ten


might have taken Jasper longer to get to the crime scene than normal. When
Trevor bit his nipple, his mind reverted back to a darker time in his life.
When he saw the look on Trevor’s face, it had a totally different effect than
when Theron had clamped his nipples while he was tied up. Having your mate
playfully nip at you was something so much better, so much more erotic than
having a sadist inflict pain. Even though he was a Gargoyle and could withstand
a lot, some body parts were still subject to excessive discomfort. Jasper threw
his phone on the floor and practically begged Trevor to show his other tiny nub
the same courtesy. It was more of a test at first, to see if he truly did enjoy
the sharp bite from Trevor’s teeth. When the same electricity shot its way from
his nipple to his cock, he knew it was something he would never shy away from

wondered what else Trevor would do to him that would erase the negativity of
the action from his mind. After Jasper’s mouth had its wicked way with Trevor’s
dick, they replaced their clothes and headed to work. Trevor didn’t have to go
because Dante was already on his way, but Jasper wasn’t going to leave Trevor
home alone, even if his house was secure. On the ride over, Trevor had called
Dante to let him know he would take the body, but Dante was already at the
hospital anyway, dropping off his Santa toys.

they arrived, Dante’s usual frown deepened when he saw Trevor get out of
Jasper’s car. As they closed the distance, his eyebrows popped up towards his
hairline, and his frown turned into a smile. If Jasper were to guess, Dante
could smell sex on them both. “Boss, what do we have this time?” Trevor asked
before Jasper could.

still waiting to examine the body, but cause of death isn’t as clear as the
last one. According to CSU, there are no external injuries visible, so I’m
thinking broken neck. If we didn’t have a laceration the size of a claw on the
first victim, I’d not rule out poisoning. I stopped at the morgue while I was
at the hospital, and COD was definitely inflicted by a weapon the exact shape
and size of a claw. Given the fact my dear cousin is slinking around, I’m
pointing at him as the killer.”

did this note say?” Jasper asked.

It was also nailed to the man’s chest. We got lucky with this vic. That’s his
daughter over there talking to Hays. Normally she only visits on his birthday
and at Christmas. The man’s a recluse. Never leaves the house. His groceries
are bought and delivered by his housekeeper once a week. If it hadn’t been for
the holiday, he wouldn’t have been found for several more days.”

said, “
Can you
. Those are the first two words, so he’s asking a
question. If it is Theron, we need to find the bastard before he gets to the
punctuation at the end. I’m going to talk to the daughter.”

left Trevor with Dante, knowing the Goyle would want to talk to his assistant
and make sure he was okay. Not that Jasper would hurt him, but mentally okay.
Trevor had been through so much in the last few weeks that Dante might be
afraid he wasn’t thinking soundly in giving himself over to Jasper. He couldn’t
really blame him. Jasper wondered the same thing. Trevor had gone from totally
ignoring him to giving him one spectacular blowjob. He couldn’t think about
that now, though. He had to keep his mind on the dead body and talk to the
victim’s daughter.

talking to both Hays and the daughter, Jasper opened his senses to his
surroundings. If Theron was the killer, it was highly possible he was hanging
around the area while they were conducting their investigation. If he was in
the area, he would see Trevor was there with Jasper. At least he would know
Trevor was being guarded.

CSU was finished and Dante had the body loaded in the bus, Trevor offered to
take over. Jasper noticed a difference in his demeanor now that he and Dante
had had a chance to talk. If Dante ruined things for the two of them, he would
be really pissed.

closed the door once the body was securely in the back of the transport. “No, I
have this. Isabelle is making cookies with Connor and Amelia while Frey and
Abbi finish their Christmas shopping. I love that little girl, but she never
ceases talking. I will relish the quiet of the morgue for a bit.” Dante gave
Trevor a once over before he looked his way. “Jasper, I’ll see you at the

you will.” He didn’t mean for his words to sound quite as clipped, but Dante
had no say in Jasper and Trevor’s relationship. When they were in the car,
Trevor was clearly guarded. He didn’t want to start a fight, so he asked,
“Would you like to go with me to family day at the manor?”

don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean, it’s for family. You and I are just…”

just what?” Jasper took his hand off the gear shift that was still in park and
turned toward his mate. “Answer me, Trev. We’re just what?”

fisted his hands and released them before sliding them down his jeans. “Taking
it slow. We’re just taking it a day at a time.”

we are. Please look at me.” When Trevor looked his way, Jasper entwined their hands.
He knew it was probably cheating, but the mate pull was strong, and touching
him would keep Trevor’s focus on that connection, not something Dante said. “We
taking it slow, because that’s what you wanted. Forget the fact
we’re mates. You are part of the Stone Society now, whether you realize it or
not. When Dante told you the truth of Gargoyles, he brought you into the Clan.
You are his family. What you did for Matthew secured your place in Frey’s
family. Whether or not you accept the mate bond doesn’t matter. You are my
friend first, therefore you are my family.

don’t have to go tomorrow. If you decide to stay home, someone will need to
watch you. If it isn’t me, it will be someone else, and that means one of us
will miss Priscilla’s breakfast. Besides, Matt will be there, and I’m sure he’d
rather hang out with you than Connor and Amelia.” Jasper didn’t know what else
to say to convince Trevor to go. He wouldn’t make him, but he really wanted him
there by his side.

sighed and looked out the side window. Jasper released his hand and started the
car. He would give him time to think about it. They rode in silence all the way
back to Jasper’s. It wasn’t until they were in the house that Trevor said,
“Okay, I’ll go, but I don’t have anything to wear. I was expecting to lounge
around here playing video games.”

wanted to shout to the heavens; instead, he mentally did a fist pump. “We can
swing by your apartment on the way there. You know, you could always bring some
of your clothes here and leave them for occasions such as this.” He was
probably pushing it, but Jasper wanted to test the waters. Before they left for
the crime scene, Trevor would have probably said yes. Now, he wasn’t so sure.

wrapped his arms around his waist, keeping his back to Jasper. Jasper didn’t
give him space. He walked up behind his mate and wrapped his arms around him,
cocooning him. He placed soft kisses on Trevor’s cheek and temple, hoping to
transfer the feelings he had to his mate. He held Trevor for what seemed like
an eternity. He didn’t offer words of encouragement for their future. He didn’t
make promises, because he didn’t know exactly what to promise. Well, he did,
but Trevor wouldn’t believe him. Not yet.

turned around facing Jasper and slid his arms around his waist, planting his
face in Jasper’s neck. His heart was beating quickly, and Jasper could feel it in
his own chest. Something was definitely bothering Trevor, but Jasper was afraid
to find out what it was. Whatever Dante said to him caused this turmoil, and he
was ready to call him and find out what was said. Or, he could ask Trevor.
Jasper kept one hand around Trevor, anchoring to him, while the other rubbed
slow passes up and down his back.

don’t know what to do,” Trevor whispered. If Jasper wasn’t a Gargoyle, he
wouldn’t have heard the soft words.

what?” Jasper didn’t move away or push Trevor back so he could see his face
even though he wanted to. He continued running his hand over Trevor’s body in a
soothing manner.

Us. Dante said not to lead you on. Said if I was going to be with you I needed
to really be with you, not just play house. I don’t know if I can do that.”

wanted to throttle Trevor’s boss. Dante had no idea what was going on here or
how Jasper felt. He should have talked to Jasper before handing out advice.
“Dante’s intentions are good, but you and I need to handle our relationship in
a way that’s best for us. Both of us. I told you earlier, I want you in my
life. I
you in my life. If that means only as friends, and that’s
all you can give me, I’ll take it. I’m not going anywhere. If the day comes
when you finally realize what you mean to me and you decide you’re ready to
make it official, that would be the best thing that ever happened to me. Until
then, I will settle for whatever it is you can give me. There’s no one else I’d
rather hang out with. Even if you weren’t my mate, I’d still want to spend all
my free time with you. So don’t worry about what Dante said.”

looked up, his eyes misty. “That’s not fair to you. Dante told me once a
Gargoyle found his mate, he never wanted anyone else.”

true, but it doesn’t mean we have to be alone. It means whoever we’re with
won’t hold our heart, and that’s not fair to them. Take Sinclair for instance.
He has married several humans over the centuries. I don’t know how he’s gotten
away with not explaining why he doesn’t age when they do, but he doesn’t like
to be alone. I have to be honest with you; until Craig, I never had a long term
relationship. If you can call what we had a relationship.”

about Theron?”

is a sadist. He gets his rocks off by hurting people.”

he hurt you?” Trevor whispered.

he did. I was in such a lonely place in my life that I didn’t care. At first
anyway. It was more mental than physical, though. I’m a Gargoyle; physical pain
is something I can endure.” 

we’re on the subject, why don’t you go ahead and tell me about your past with



plan was being accelerated before he was ready. The last victim wasn’t supposed
to be found for a few days. He hadn’t yet chosen his next victim, but he did
have the next note ready. He’d hid in the woods behind the victim’s home and
observed the police and forensic unit. Normally he wouldn’t go back to the
scene of the crime, but he happened to be following the medical examiner. When
he was done with Phelam, Theron was going to pay a visit to Isabelle. His
father wouldn’t be happy until she was returned to the island. He blamed Theron
for her escape.

sister had been instrumental in luring Isabelle to Greece. The woman walked
right into their trap when they took her kid. He would need Kallisto’s
assistance in carrying out his current plan. Theron poured himself a drink and
dialed her number.


Kallisto. I need your help.” Even though she was adopted, they had formed a
bond over the years, and he appreciated her form of family honor. She was
almost as twisted as their father, having been raised by the Goyle.

can I do for you? I need to get Sergei away from father, so your timing is

proceeded to tell Kallisto his plan and what it entailed. “Can you get that for

course. I have to say, I’m going to enjoy watching this play out. Father’s
still pissed at me for losing the Cleopatra Disk, but when I tell him what
we’re up to, I’m pretty sure he’ll forgive me. And you for letting Isabelle
slip away.”

grunted. He didn’t need reminding about their father’s ire. “I have rented a
house on the south side of New Atlanta. I figure with the number of offspring
Montague has, Father will have us tormenting them all before it’s over.”

me the address. I will gather what you asked for and be there as soon as I can.”

disconnected the phone. He picked up a long rope before sitting down on the
sofa. Twisting the length into an intricate knot, he said, “I will get you.”

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