Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7) (13 page)

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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Jax knew she was scared of hurting him, would resist the bonding until she knew otherwise. His hunger had reached a precipice. The dam broke, the Alpha’s power burst, and he fought to retain the tendrils of energy that threatened to spiral from his body.

Guiding his glistening head toward her mouth, he swiped it over her lower lip. Her pink tongue darted out and swept over its slit, eliciting a tremor through his body.

“Suck it,” he told her, his eyes locked on hers.

Her lips opened at his request and he pressed into her wet mouth. The suction around his shaft increased and his hands went to the headboard. Clutching onto the wood, he plunged into her warmth. She hummed, the vibrations traveling from his tip to his root, and he cursed.

“Fuck, yeah.” As he continued to pump in and out of her, his wolf claimed her as his own. Resounding and unequivocal, the call for his mate registered. No male would touch her without his permission; she’d be his for all of time.

A small purr came from her throat, and he hissed as she dug her fingernails into his ass. He laughed, noting her aggression. Her tongue twirled over his head, and he fought the urge to erupt.

“Oh no, I’m not coming in your mouth. I’ve gotta be inside you.” She released a small whine as he withdrew.

“No…” she protested.

“See that’s the thing, baby. This wolf is your Alpha, not the other way around and…” He paused. Sitting back on his knees, he spread her legs wide open, and admired her slick mound, her lips swollen in arousal. “…this pussy.” He ran his crown through her slippery folds, brushing it over her blossoming clit, its shiny bulb beckoning to him. “Oh, shit, yeah. See how wet you are for me.” Pressing his cock to her entrance, he lifted her legs. “My woman. My mate.”

“Yes,” she cried.

Plunging inside Katrina, Jax grunted, sheathing himself fully. Her quivering channel pulsed around his shaft, and he sucked a deep breath, willing himself not to come.

Palming his cheeks, she pressed her fingers into his mouth. Jax sucked her, tasting, feeling, consumed with his mate. His wolf celebrated, urging the Alpha to bite her. He rocked in and out of her, all the while licking at her thumb. He’d thought he’d take her roughly, but as he descended into rhythmic thrusts, he gently spread her knees to the side. Seeking her mouth, he brought his lips to hers. With each long stroke, he kissed her, desperate to claim her. His hand found her breast, caressing her soft swell.

Together they moved in harmony, and all Jax could think about was how he’d never in his life been with someone who challenged him, met his dominance with vigor and passion. His wolf called to him to mark her. He tunneled his fingers into her hair, and she gave a small squeak as he wrapped them around her locks.

With his eyes locked on hers, his gut clenched as she willfully bared her neck to him. Although her sign of submission registered, Jax wasn’t foolish enough to interpret it as her embracing their mating. His wolf, on the other hand, feral for his mate, lost control. Jax pounded into her, accepting the consequences of his actions. Katrina Livingston may have once drawn both his lust and ire, but tonight in his arms and bed, she willingly gave herself to him.

As his fangs descended, he allowed his beast the control it sought, biting into the soft flesh of her neck. With the only shred of restraint he possessed, Jax resisted drawing blood, which he knew would initiate bonding. He heard her cry his name as he held her in place, his teeth marking her skin. Katrina convulsed underneath him in orgasm.

“Mate,” Jax grunted, stiffening as his release tore through him.

“Yours.” Katrina shuddered with ecstasy, clutching to her Alpha.

“I’ve wanted you forever,” she admitted. “I can’t lose you.”

“I’m here, baby. It’s going to be okay,” he promised. Warm tears brushed his cheek, and his heart melted. A rush of emotion coiled in his chest. “I’ll keep you safe. I swear it.”

No matter what she’d been told by the demons, he knew in his heart that she could never destroy him. Her sacrifice in keeping them apart had crushed her spirit, denied her wolf. In his arms, her energy splintered apart. Like fireworks, she’d come alive.

Jax rolled to his back, bringing her with him. Her small sob quieted and he wrapped both his arms around her, cradling her to his chest.

“Katrina, this is meant to be. Fighting it, running from it like you’ve done…it limits your strength, expends energy you need to conserve.”

“If something happens to you…” she began.

“Let me worry about that now, will you? The rush you’ve felt; maybe you are absorbing my power, but I feel stronger than ever. And just now,” Jax wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb, “my wolf is calm, content that his mate is claimed.”

“I can’t believe you marked me.” Her small fingers grazed over his chest, her voice shaky.

“I’m not going to fight nature when we have other things to fight. We need to do this together. I’m not buying this shit about you hurting me. I don’t know why those assholes told you that, but I’m telling you that I feel amazing.”

“I never knew what it would be like. Making love to you…my wolf, she claims you as her own.” Katrina pressed her lips to his chest.

“I wasn’t sure either. But that first time we met our connection was so strong. I suspected. It’s why I kept calling. Talked to your brother. I couldn’t just let you go. But when you ran and I thought you’d lied, well, hell. I know mates don’t always get along but that made me question my sanity.” Jax speared his fingers through his hair. “I’ve been Alpha a long time. I trust my instincts. And my instincts told me that you could be mine. So to have them be so far off base…and now, together like this? It makes so much sense to be with you. Look.” Jax lifted her chin with a finger, exposing her neck. “It’s unbelievable.”

“What?” she asked, her eyes lighting up.

“My mark on you, it’s ever so slight but it’s there.”

“Really?” She smiled.

“Really. And it’s beautiful…like you.” Jax brushed his lips to the top of her head. “But do be warned, little wolf.”

“Hmm…what?” Katrina’s words grew sleepy, her thigh coming up over his legs.

“I wasn’t joking earlier. You’ll learn to obey me within my pack. There is no other way.”

“I love the way you feel inside me,” she responded without acknowledging his statement.

Jax gave a small smile, aware that she’d ignored his statement. But Katrina underestimated the determination of her Alpha. She’d learn to trust him. While she’d bared her neck, he suspected that she’d test him the first chance she had. His cock twitched, as he fantasized about the erotic ways he’d teach his little wolf to embrace her submission.

Within his arms, Katrina succumbed to slumber, and he prayed to the Goddess that he could keep her safe. With dawn approaching, he’d have just enough time to assign Finn to watch over his anxious pack. As he drifted off to sleep, Quintus’ words played through his mind.
New Orleans.
Tomorrow they’d depart for the Big Easy, and search for the keys that would unlock their future. They’d finally get answers, seeking a weapon against the enemy that never rested. The demons had found her tonight; time was running out.
Tick tock. Tick tock.

Chapter Eleven

“What did you do?” Finn asked, staring at the inside of the refrigerator.

“Nothing. Not a damn thing,” Jax lied.

“I may have been your beta for all of fucking two days, but I know you. We grew up together, remember?” He reached for a carton of milk, opened and sniffed it.

“I haven’t known him for as long as you, but something is up,” Jake commented, smearing cream cheese on his bagel. He took a bite and smiled. “Only in New York.”

“What the hell is with you two anyway? I come out here to get some coffee and you’ve taken over my house. Why don’t you tell me how you got home?”

“Nice, by the way.” Jake pointed his pastry at the Alpha. “Whatever…just disappear. And letting Quintus bite Kat? Don’t even get me started.”

“I wouldn’t go there if I were you,” Finn warned.

“Oh I’m goin’ there. He let that vamp bite her right there in front of everyone.” He swallowed, and waved his butter knife in the air as he spoke.

“I’m in a moderately good mood this morning, Jake. Let’s not ruin it.” Jax smiled and held his nose to his latte, inhaling its delicious aroma. He opened the lid and peered inside. “Don’t you love how they make these cool little hearts?”

“He did not just say that.” Finn rolled his eyes and snatched a bagel out of the bag. He threw it onto the black and white speckled granite countertop.

“Hearts? No, no I did not notice. You’re joking, right?” Jake shoved the round dough into his mouth, continuing to talk as he chewed. “Please tell me he’s joking.”

“What?” Finn rummaged through a drawer and slammed it shut. Scanning the kitchen, he spied a serrated knife from the wooden block and retrieved it. “We got back fine, by the way. I can see you cared so much about what happened.”

“These things are after Katrina, not the two of you. Besides, you’re no worse for wear. You even had time to bring by breakfast, which was very thoughtful, by the way,” Jax commented.

“You’re welcome.” Finn sawed through the bread.

“You’re a tough guy, and him,” Jax’s eyes darted over to Jake and then fell back onto his drink, “he’s preparing for his own time.”

“Preparing for his own time?” Jake asked. “What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Have you been drinking?”

“No, my friend. Just observant.” Jax smiled as he took a long sip of his coffee. “Hmm, I missed these.”

“What’s wrong with him?” Jake glanced to Finn.

“Did you know that Alphas sometimes run in families?” Jax reached for his iPad that he’d set on the counter, and joined Jake at the kitchen table. He gazed out the floor to ceiling window which looked out onto Central Park, and smiled. He loved his city more than ever, and it’d be here he’d rule with his mate.

“No shit,” Jake replied, his answer laden with sarcasm.

“But sometimes, it doesn’t. Sometimes an Alpha is just born. He’s made.” Jax slid his fingers across the glass, opening his email, then paused. “I cannot bring you the answers you seek. I can only guide you.”

“Look, I don’t even know what that means. All I’m sayin’ is that you let Quintus bite…”

“Enough.” Jax waved a dismissive hand in the air.

“She must not really be your mate, because damn, if she didn’t challenge you right there,” Finn noted.

“Oh, she’s my mate.” Jax laughed. She’d kill him, but she was indeed his. Her true submission would be sweet when it came but it would not happen easily.

“She sure as hell didn’t act like it last night. Who the hell thinks she can go up against someone like Quint?”

“Someone who’s desperate, that’s who.” Jake nodded at Jax as if to give him support. “Someone who was trying to save me. She’s brave.”

“See there, he also has instinct,” Jax noted with a smile.

“Instinct? I think the both of you have lost it over that she-wolf.” Finn attempted to stuff the bagel into the toaster, but it wouldn’t fit. “Fuck.”

“Katrina is tough. As wolf, she’s one of the strongest I’ve seen. I’m talking ‘Gillian strong’. She’s pretty badass.” Jake shrugged and gave a nod.

“Her father was an Alpha. Her brothers.” Jax blew out a breath and looked over to Finn. “And her mate as well. There’s something extraordinary about her.”

“By extraordinary, do you mean crazy? Because she’s kind of crazy for challenging an Alpha. That’s special all right. The pack is going to have a field day if you don’t get her under control.” Finn managed to insert the bagel into the slot. His finger sizzled and he jumped. “Shit. That’s fucking hot.”

“Yes, genius. It’s a toaster,” Jake jibed.

“Fuck off.”

“Cold water,” Jax suggested.

“Ice,” Jake told him.

“Cold water,” Jax repeated. “Or shift.”

“He’s going to shift over a boo-boo on his little finger?” Jake gave a small chuckle.

“You’re both assholes.” Finn toggled on the spigot and shoved his finger under the stream. “It’s cold water, by the way.”

“Whatever.” Jake reached for his orange juice and took a swig.

“The Alpha is always right.” Jax laughed and focused back on his screen. “Tell me about last night.”

“Nothing happened. You three vaped out of the basement and the earthquake stopped. Whatever was on its way in must’ve sensed you were gone. After that, we left the same way we came in. The place was a disaster, but we got home, that’s all that counts.” Jake leaned back in his chair and stared out onto the city. “Nice place, by the way.”

“Thanks. It’s home. Speaking of which…today we’re going to New Orleans.”

“What about the pack?” Finn asked.

“You’re in charge while I’m gone. I should only be a few days.”

“What about Katrina?” Finn wiped his hands dry on a towel.

“She’s going with us.” Jax trained his vision on Jake, who met his hard stare. “Ilsbeth. We’re going to find her. I don’t know exactly what happened between her and Quint, but she’s wrapped up in this shit storm.”

“There was a time,” Jake reflected, “she wasn’t all that bad. But what she did to Dimitri, to his wolf? When I think back on it, I just don’t get it. I know she wanted D, but there are rules we all play by. The witches? The vamps? They all know the score with us wolves. We can’t commit to others who aren’t our breed.”

“Friend em’. Fuck em’ at your own risk, but emotions? It’s trouble,” Finn added.

“It’s none of my concern why she did what she did. I just need to know how she knew about the demons. So we’re going back to New Orleans.” Jax’s voice grew contemplative. Returning to the city would bring up memories of Nick’s death, but he had no choice.

“Hey Jax, you know Nick, he, uh…that night.” Jake paused and rubbed his chin. “Chaz, he’d hurt your sister…would have killed her. He’s a hero. He died protecting her.”

“That night you almost died too, my friend,” Jax noted. “I took Nick’s death hard. But I can’t lose control of my emotions again. You both know that the pack, the energy of an Alpha, it affects everyone. When I was missing, I’m sure all hell broke loose. I took no pleasure killing Arlo.”

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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